i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com w w w . i i fi i r . o r g journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijrefrig Two-phase flow patterns in U-bends and their contiguous straight tubes for different orientations, tube and bend diameters Ricardo J. Da Silva Lima a,b,*, John R. Thome a a Laboratoire de Transfert de Chaleur et de Masse (LTCM), Institut de Génie Mécanique (IGM), Sciences et Techniques de l’Ingénieur (STI), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland b École d’Ingénieurs et d’Architectes de Fribourg (EIA-FR), Bd de Pérolles 80, CP 32, CH-1705 Fribourg, Switzerland article info abstract Article history: In two-phase systems there are many singularities in piping systems, one of which in Received 3 August 2011 particular are U-bends (also called 180 return bends or U-tubes) found very often in air Received in revised form conditioning coils, refrigerant systems, etc. Contrary to the literature concerning two- 10 January 2012 phase flow patterns in straight tubes, where many studies are available, only a limited Accepted 7 February 2012 number of studies concerning bent tubes can be found. In this study, observations of two- Available online 3 April 2012 phase flows in U-bends and their contiguous straight tubes were made with R134a at 5 C for three different orientations (horizontal flow, vertical upflow and vertical downflow). Keywords: Five different glass test sections with three different internal diameters (13, 11 and 8 mm) Refrigerant and five different bend diameters (67, 38, 55, 32, 25 mm) were used. The experiments were Two-phase flow made for three mass fluxes (150, 300 and 500 kg s1 m2) and covered vapor qualities Experimentation ranging from 0.05 to 0.95. A total of 342 flow pattern observations were made during this Imaging experimental campaign. Analysis of the videos showed that, for the present range of U-tube experimental conditions, the centrifugal force was dominant over that of the gravity. In the Horizontal tube U-bend, the flow patterns are qualitatively similar to those observed in the straight tube Vertical tube sections before the bends. Upstream of the U-bend, in the straight tubes the flow pattern are not modified. Downstream of the U-bend the flow patterns are generally reestablished shortly, except for vertical upflow orientations. ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. Configurations de l’écoulement diphasique dans les coudes un U et les tubes droits contigus pour différentes orientations, et pour plusieurs diamètres de tuyaux et de coudes Mots clés : Frigorigène ; Écoulement diphasique ; Expérimentation ; Imagerie ; Tube en U ; Tube horizontal ; Tube vertical * Corresponding author. École d’Ingénieurs et d’Architectes de Fribourg (EIA-FR), Bd de Pérolles 80, CP 32, CH-1705 Fribourg, Switzerland. Tel.: þ 41 26 429 66 54; fax: þ 41 26 429 66 00. E-mail addresses: rs_lima@hotmail.com (R.J. Da Silva Lima), john.thome@epfl.ch (J.R. Thome). 0140-7007/$ e see front matter ª 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2012.02.002 1440 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Nomenclature Latin D d G h L _ m P Q_ R T x Bend diameter, m Internal diameter, m Mass flux, kg s1 m2 Enthalpy, J kg1 Length, m Mass flow rate, kg s1 Pressure, Pa Heat power, W Bend radius, m Temperature, K or C Vapor quality, e Subscripts in Inlet L Liquid out Outlet 1. Introduction In two-phase systems, besides the straight tubes, there are also many singularities, in particular U-bends (also called 180 return bends or U-tubes). However, contrary to the literature concerning two-phase flow patterns in straight tubes, where many studies are available, only a limited number of studies concerning bent tubes can be found. The number of studies is even smaller if one considers refrigerant two-phase flows. The first study on pressure drop in bent tubes with singlephase flows was made in the 18th century by Du Buat (1786), while the complexity of the flows inside bent tubes was only discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, experimentally by Eustice (1910, 1911) and then analytically by Dean (1927, 1928a, 1928b). The complexity of flows inside bent tubes is due to their intrinsic characteristic, an additional force caused by the curvature: the centrifugal force. In singlephase flow, this force is directed from the instantaneous centre of curvature to the outer wall of the bend, and combined with the presence of a boundary layer at the wall, produces a secondary flow ideally organized into two symmetrical vortices. The fluid in the core moves outwards and in the region near the wall inwards. The secondary flow is superimposed on the main stream along the tube axis, resulting in a helical shape to the streamlines. This complexity is further increased with two-phase flows. Because of the density difference between the two phases, the heavier phase tends to go towards the outer wall, modifying the two-phase flow pattern in the bend. Thus, the flow may be different, not only in the bend, but also in the straight tube sections up- and downstream of the bend. Another level of complexity can be added if one considers different orientations, in which case the gravitational, viscous and centrifugal forces may be combined in many different manners depending on their orientation. Flow structure, pressure drop and heat transfer in U-bends as well as before and after U-bends are an old unresolved sat V Saturation Vapor Abbreviations ANR Annular flow pattern BBY Bubbly flow pattern DYT Dryout flow pattern EIA-FR École d’Ingénieurs et d’Architectes de Fribourg EPFL École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne IGM Institut de Génie Mécanique IMT Intermittent flow pattern LTCM Laboratoire de Transfert de Chaleur et de Masse MST Mist flow pattern SLG Slug flow pattern STD Stratified flow pattern STI Sciences et Techniques de l’Ingénieur SST Slug-stratified flow pattern SWT Slug-stratified-wavy flow pattern TS Test section design problem in the heat transfer industry, especially in coils which have a multitude of U-bends. These are thus crucial aspects for optimizing heat exchanger design. The objective of the present study is to investigate the effects of U-bends on two-phase flows before, in and after the U-bends, and in particular the influence of the orientation of the U-bend and the flow directions. This is part of a much larger study in which the two-phase pressure drops were measured for five different U-bends for R134a and R410A in highly instrumented copper U-bends, results which will be presented in the near future. 2. Experimental program 2.1. Test facility The experimental test facility used in this project is the LTCM two-phase intube refrigerant test facility in a similar configuration as used by Silva Lima et al. (2009). This test facility was previously used for various studies of refrigerants flowing inside straight tubes concerning flow pattern observations (Kattan et al., 1998a; Zürcher et al., 2002); dynamic void fractions measurements (Ursenbacher et al., 2004; Wojtan et al., 2004, 2005c); heat transfer coefficient measurements in circular plain tubes (Kattan et al., 1998b; Zürcher et al., 1998b, 1999; Wojtan et al., 2005b; Silva Lima et al., 2009), in circular microfin tubes (Zürcher et al., 1998a) and flat channels (Moreno Quibén et al., 2009b); pressure drops measurements in circular plain (Moreno Quibén and Thome, 2007a, 2007b) and flat channels (Moreno Quibén et al., 2009a). Recently, this test section was used by Silva Lima and Thome (2010) to measure peripheral and axial pressure distributions as well as pressure drops in U-bend test sections and contiguous straight tubes. The test facility consists of three circuits: refrigerant, hot water and a cold water-glycol mixture. For the sake of simplicity, only the refrigerant circuit is described here. From i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 1441 heavily insulated to avoid any heat exchange with the surroundings. The counter-current evaporator, depicted in Fig. 2, is a tube in tube heat exchanger with the refrigerant flowing in the center tube and the hot water flowing in the annulus of the double pipe system. More details can be found in Silva Lima and Thome (2010); Silva Lima (2011). 2.2. Fig. 1 e Simplified schematic of the refrigerant circuit. the last configuration (Silva Lima et al., 2009), this test facility was modified to allow the connection of different U-bend test sections. Moreover, a new frame was built (with a special tilting mechanism) to support the U-bend test section in several orientations and respective instrumentation. The test facility and test sections are described in detail in Silva Lima and Thome (2010) and Silva Lima (2011). A simplified schematic of the refrigerant circuit is depicted in Fig. 1. A magnetically driven gear pump (oil free) is used to circulate the refrigerant fluid in the test loop. After the pump, the fluid passes through a Coriolis mass flow meter and then goes into a series of three horizontal electrical pre-heaters. Then, the refrigerant enters the counter-current heat exchanger (with hot water heating) where it is partially evaporated and goes to the U-bend test section before going back to the condenser. The electrical pre-heaters and counter-current heat exchanger are used to set the inlet vapor quality of the refrigerant. The operating pressure (saturation temperature) is controlled by the amount of refrigerant in the facility for which the circuit is equipped with a vaporeliquid reservoir. All the tube-to-tube connections have a smooth interface in order not to disturb the flow patterns. All the pipes are Test section Fig. 3 depicts a schematic diagram of the U-bend test section. From the flexible tube (that connects the test facility to the U-bend test section) the refrigerant enters the U-bend test section through a flow stabilizer and goes through the U-bend measurement section. From the U-bend measurement section the refrigerant enters the visualization test section and flows to the outlet U-bend section were it exits the U-bend test section and goes to the flexible tube, and then back to the test facility (condenser). The visualization test section was mounted at the outlet of the measurement section in order to prevent measurement perturbations. For security reasons (in case of rupture of the glass visualization test section) the saturation temperature of the R134a was limited to 5 C and the visualization test section was enclosed in an aluminum framed chamber (with MAKROLON transparent panels) equipped with an exhaust fan. Details of the measurement test section, instrumentation and data reduction can be found in Silva Lima and Thome (2010) and Silva Lima (2011). The visualization test sections, depicted in Fig. 4, are a glass tubes manually bent with the help of a die (to ensure geometrical homogeneity) into a U-tube. Table 1 gives the dimensions of the five visualization sections, where d is the internal diameter, D is the bend diameter (centerline to centerline) and L the straight lengths before and after the U-bend. The flow pattern images were obtained with a fast acquisition camera (PHOTRON FASTCAM ). The camera was fixed on the top of the tube while a uniform lighting, provided by a LED light (20 20 cm2) was placed behind the glass tube. For the vertical orientations, refer to Fig. 5, the liquid to vapor interface was perpendicular to the LED light and thus, the video Fig. 2 e Counter-current heat exchanger before the U-bend test section. 1442 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Fig. 3 e U-bend test section schematic. Fig. 4 e Flow visualization sections. camera could directly capture the images. For the horizontal orientation, the liquid to vapor interface was parallel to the field of view of the camera, and thus no image could be captured. Therefore, for the horizontal orientation an arrangement of mirrors was made to allow the visualization of the liquid to vapor interface. The mirror system is set up differently depending on the pffiffiffi value of the curvature ratio D/d. If D=d > 1 þ 2 2, then the space between the two straight tubes was large enough to allow for two mirrors (each one reflecting one straight tube image) to be placed between the inlet and outlet straight pffiffiffi tubes. In the other case, where D=d < 1 þ 2 2, only one mirror is set for the outlet straight tube. 2.3. Instrumentation & data acquisition system Details on the instrumentation and data acquisition system can be found in Silva Lima and Thome (2010) and Silva Lima (2011). Table 1 e Flow visualization section dimensions. TS (e) 1 2 3 4 5 d (mm) 2R (mm) 2R d1 (e) L L d1 13 67 38 55 32 25 5.15 2.92 5 2.91 3.13 610 655 550 550 400 47 50 50 50 50 11 8 2.4. Experimental conditions The experimental conditions as well as their respective uncertainties are summarized in Table 2. More details on the calculation of the uncertainties can be found in Silva Lima and Thome (2010) and Silva Lima (2011). 2.5. Data reduction The main elements to be considered here are the physical properties and the vapor quality at the inlet of the U-bend visualization test section. Anywhere from the inlet of the flow boiling heat exchanger down to the exit of the U-bend measurement test section and inlet of the U-bend visualization test section, the local saturation temperatures and any other physical properties of the refrigerant are always based on an absolute pressure measurement. The physical properties of the fluid are tabulated in small pressure intervals (equivalent to 0.5 C). This small interval justifies a first order interpolation between two data (two pressures) rather than an nth order polynomial interpolation over a wide range of saturation pressures, which would produce a much higher interpolation error. Thus, the saturation temperature at location j is expressed by: Tsat;j ¼ aj þ bj Pj (1) where a and b are the first order polynomial coefficients. The same modus operandi is used for all the required physical i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 1443 Fig. 5 e Visualization system with camera for vertical and horizontal orientations. properties, substituting Tsat by the required physical property. The physical properties of the liquid water follow the same method, but all are based on temperature measurements instead of pressure measurements. The vapor quality calculation is based on an energy balance taking into consideration the local conditions (so that the flashing due to the pressure drop is also accounted for). In the general case for a considered element, this energy balance can be expressed as: _ in hV;in þ Q_ ¼ mð1 _ xout ÞhL;out þ mx _ out hV;out _ xin ÞhL;in þ mx mð1 3. Flow pattern observations This section focuses on the flow pattern observations made during the experimental campaign. Because flow visualizations were made for all the experimental conditions reported in this study (342 videos), it is not possible to show them all in the scope of this article. Instead, only selected images are shown to illustrate the physical phenomena occurring in the (2) which re-arranged, leads to: xout ¼ xin Q_ hLV;in Dout hL in þ _ LV;out hLV;out hLV;out mh (3) where hL and hLV are the liquid and latent heat enthalpies, Q_ _ the refrigerant mass flow rate. This the transferred heat and m is applied sequentially from the outlet of the condenser down to the inlet of the visualization test section. A summary of the experimental conditions as well as their respective uncertainties can be found in Table 2. Table 2 e Range of experimental conditions and respective mean uncertainties. Parameter Fluid Tsat [ C] G [kg s1 m2] x [e] d [mm] D [mm] Values Mean uncertainty R134a 5 150, 300 and 500 0.05 to 0.95 8, 11 and 13 25, 32, 55, 38, 67 e 0.1 3 0.01 0.05 0.5 Fig. 6 e Flow pattern map of Wojtan et al. (2005a) for R134a at 5 C flowing at 310 kg sL1 mL2 inside the visualization section with d [ 13 mm (and D [ 55 mm). The dryout and mist boundaries are generated in the counter-flow heat exchanger. The flow patterns names were coded as: STW: stratified-wavy, SSW: slug-stratified-wavy, MST: mist flow, DYT: dryout, SLG: slug, IMT: intermittent and ANR: annular. 1444 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 U-bends and in the inlet and outlet straight tubes near the Ubend. Generally, the images were chosen at three instants: when a wave approaches the U-bend, when it leaves the Ubend and when it leaves the field of view of the test section. Also, the indicated saturation temperatures (5 C) correspond to the saturation temperature at the inlet of the U-bend test section. 3.1. Generalities Fig. 6 depicts the flow pattern map of Wojtan et al. (2005a) for the experimental conditions obtained with R134a at 5 C flowing at 310 kg s1 m2 inside the 13 mm internal diameter tube (bend diameter of 66 mm and horizontal configuration). All the flow patterns are represented, including the dryout and mist regimes. Note that the test section is adiabatic but the dryout and mist regimes, for which a heat flux is required, are generated in the heat exchanger test section. At low vapor quality the flow pattern is slug (SLG). As the vapor quality increases the process path enters the intermittent (IMT ) regime. At a vapor quality of about 0.3, the process path crosses the intermittent to annular (ANR) boundary. The vapor quality is going to increase until the dryout inception is reached at the dryout (DYT ) boundary. In this regime the liquid film intermittently wets the perimeter of the tube. As the vapor quality increases the liquid film reaches the dryout completion and the process path enters the mist (MST ) regime. Fig. 7 depicts the expected number of occurrences of each flow pattern in the straight tubes as predicted by the flow pattern map of Wojtan et al. (2005a, 2005b) for all the experiments. The dryout and mist regimes are generated in the heat exchanger test section. For the lower mass flux of 150 kg s1 m2, Fig. 7(a), the following flow patterns were predicted to occur: stratified-wavy, slug-stratified-wavy, annular and dryout. For the medium mass flux of 300 kg s1 m2, Fig. 7(b), the following flow patterns were predicted to occur: slug, intermittent, annular, dryout and mist. For the higher mass flux of 500 kg s1 m2, Fig. 7(c), the a b c d Fig. 7 e Flow pattern distribution at the inlet of the U-bend visualization test section covering all the experimental database for: (a) G [ 150 kg sL1 mL2, (b) G [ 300 kg sL1 mL2, (c) G [ 500 kg sL1 mL2 and (d) for all mass velocities. The flow pattern regimes were predicted by the flow pattern map of Wojtan et al. (2005a). The dryout and mist boundaries are generated in the counter-flow heat exchanger. The flow patterns names were coded as: STW: stratified-wavy, SSW: slug-stratified-wavy, MST: mist flow, DYT: dryout, SLG: slug, IMT: intermittent and ANR: annular. i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 following flow patterns were predicted to be present: slug, intermittent and annular. It can be seen that for this mass flux the expected number of occurrences of intermittent flow is higher than of annular flow, which is due to the capabilities of the facility. For these conditions, due to the higher pressure drop, the experimental range of vapor quality was limited to a maximum value of 0.5 by the pump. Qualitatively, the predicted flow patterns were found to match very well with the experimental observations before the U-bend. 3.2. Horizontal flows Regarding the horizontal U-bend flow observations, the flow patterns observed were: stratified-wavy, slug-stratified-wavy, intermittent, annular and dryout and mist. They will be discussed below at the three mass fluxes tested. 3.2.1. Low mass flux, 150 kg s1 m2 Fig. 8 depicts the flow with a wave approaching the U-bend, leaving the U-bend and leaving the visualization test section. At this low mass flux and low vapor qualities the flow regime is stratified-wavy. With no wave at the U-bend it can be seen that the liquid tends to be pushed against the outer wall of the U-bend, forming a liquid layer that is oriented perpendicular to the stratified layer at the inlet. When the wave passes through the U-bend the liquid layer thickness on the outer wall of the U-bend increases. At the outlet of the U-bend the liquid stratifies again on the bottom of the tube. Note that at the U-bend, depending of the height of the wave, a sort of annular flow is generated with the liquid moving around the periphery of the tube, up to the top of the tube. This particular flow pattern differs from the usual straight pipe annular flow because in this case the liquid is moving with a helical trajectory around the periphery, as opposed to straight tube annular flow, where the liquid moves parallel to the axis of the straight tube. This particular flow persists until the outlet of the U-bend. At the outlet of the U-bend, the liquid film falls towards the bottom of the perimeter, until the flow is stratified-wavy again, which occurs approximately at 2d (internal diameters) downstream from the U-bend. The wave then tends to oscillate between the inner and outer side of the straight tube. With large waves, this distance can increase up to the limits of the view in the frame. As the vapor quality increases (not shown here), the liquid height decreases and the wetted fraction of the perimeter increases. The perturbation caused by the U-bend seems to propagate further along the downstream straight tube. For vapor qualities of 0.29 (not shown here) it was observed that the top of the tube is wetted downstream to 4d, while for 0.36 (not shown here) that distance is about 5d. At a vapor quality of 0.48 the flow becomes annular as illustrated in Fig. 9. On the second half of the U-bend, liquid droplets detach from the interfacial waves which then hit either the outer side of the U-bend or the outer side of the outlet straight tube. At even higher vapor qualities, for example at 0.62 (not shown here), the shape of the interfacial waves is modified at the inlet of the U-bend. These phenomena, occurring in the annular flow subsist for higher vapor qualities, until dryout occurs. For the smaller bend diameter the phenomena described above are intensified. For example, the liquid thickness on the outer side of the bend is increased, even with no occurrence of waves. 3.2.2. Fig. 8 e Flow pattern images for the horizontal configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.12 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 130 ms and D32 t [ 80 ms. The U-bend shows the top view while the mirrors inside show the two side views. 1445 Medium mass flux, 300 kg s1 m2 At a medium mass flux the phenomena observed are similar to what was described for the lower mass flux, except that the phenomena are intensified. At this mass flux, before the annular regime is reached, the perimeter is completely wetted but large swarms of droplets travel together with the liquid film. When these swarms of droplets reach the U-bend, Fig. 10, they are driven against the outer wall of the U-bend. This tends to pack these droplets together and form a consistent liquid layer. As the vapor quality increases, the flow becomes annular before reaching the dryout. For annular flow the same phenomena as for the lower mass flux were observed. For example, the modification of the shape of the interfacial waves at the approach of the U-bend can be seen in Fig. 11. At dryout inception (generated in the counter-current heat exchanger) the liquid intermittently wets the wall of the tube, until it dries out. Fig. 12 shows the path described by this wetting liquid film. The thin liquid film starts by wetting the bottom of the straight tube. When it arrives close to the U-bend, the liquid film is pushed against the inner wall of 1446 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Fig. 9 e Flow pattern images for the horizontal configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.48 t [ 2 ms. inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are DiD1 i the U-bend. As the liquid film thickness increases, the wetted angle increases and the liquid film starts to reach the top of the tube. Again, close to the U-bend the thin liquid film is pushed against the inner wall of the U-bend. 3.2.3. High mass flux, 500 kg s1 m2 At high mass flux the flow observations are very similar to what was described for the medium mass flux. For this reason no additional descriptions are given here. i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 1447 not affect the flow pattern, except at the outlet of the U-bend and respective outlet straight tube (refer to Figs. 13 and 14). At these locations, the liquid film on the top of the tube persists further in the outlet straight tube (i.e. about 2e3d ). A further increase of the vapor quality (not show here) leads to an increase of the wetted perimeter on both inlet and outlet straight tubes as well as on the U-bend. Furthermore, the wetted length on top of the outlet tube is also increased. The flow regime tends to become annular. No significant change in the flow pattern occurs at the U-bend. At the outlet of the U-bend and along the straight outlet tube, a thicker liquid film persists on the top of the tube. The thickness of this liquid film is similar to that of the liquid stratified at the bottom of the tube. The difference in thickness fades out along the outlet straight tube. In the annular flow regime and at high vapor quality, where the high vapor velocity increases shear on the liquid film, Fig. 15 shows some liquid droplets detaching from the liquid film and splashing against the outer wall of the U-bend. Also, the shape of the interfacial waves at the inlet of the U-bend is modified. These phenomena were already observed for horizontal flow. 3.3.2. Fig. 10 e Flow pattern images for the horizontal configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.25 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 50 ms and D32 t [ 40 ms. 3.3. Vertical downflows As for horizontal flows, for vertical downflows the flow patterns observed were: stratified-wavy, slug-stratified-wavy, intermittent, annular, dryout and mist. 3.3.1. Low mass flux, 150 kg s1 m2 At low mass flux and low vapor quality the flow pattern is stratified-wavy as shown in Figs. 13 and 14. From the inlet straight tube the refrigerant enters the U-bend with no significant change in flow pattern. The liquid layer stratified at the bottom of the tube is splashed against the outer wall of the outlet sector of the U-bend. The remaining liquid falls down much in a manner of a freely falling liquid. With the occurrence of small intermittent waves, the outer side of the inlet sector of the U-bend is intermittently wetted. At the outlet of the U-bend, a thin liquid layer remains at the top of the tube while a thicker layer stratifies at the bottom. On the straight outlet tube, the thin liquid layer persists over a very short length (i.e. about one internal diameter d) while it falls down to the bottom from the top. Small waves are generated on the bottom liquid layer. This layer seems to spread peripherally, increasing the fraction of wetted perimeter (in comparison to the inlet straight tube). Under these conditions of low mass flux and low vapor quality, decreasing the bend diameter D from 55 to 32 mm did Medium mass flux, 300 kg s1 m2 For a medium mass flux and a low vapor quality the flow pattern is slug flow in Figs. 16 and 17. The top of the tube is intermittently wetted by slugs (high amplitude waves in this case) and by droplets that detach from the crests of these waves. At the U-bend most of the liquid is splashed against the outer wall of the U-bend. At the outlet of the U-bend and along the outlet straight tube a liquid film persists on the top of the tube over out several internal diameters. The comparison between the two bend diameters (refer to Figs. 16 and 17) does not allow one to comment about the increase of length of the liquid film on the top of the tube due to the reduction of the bend diameter. Indeed, for the lower bend diameter, depicted in Fig. 17 the image is not clear due to some condensation on the external surface of the glass tube. Taking into consideration what was observed for the lower mass flux, it can be inferred that for this condition the smaller internal diameter could have the same effect, that is, increasing the downstream length of the liquid film on the top of the tube. At this mass flux, the liquid detachment in the U-bend with droplets moving from the inner wall to the outer wall of the U-bend is intensified. Also at this mass flux and for waves or slugs entering the U-bend, a small hydraulic jump can be observed at the outlet of the U-bend. This hydraulic jump generates waves with crests from which droplets are detached. A further increase of vapor quality makes the flow become intermittent and then annular (not shown here). As for the lower mass flux, no significant change occurs. In annular flow and at the approach of the U-bend the interfacial waves start bending, with the top of the wave bending backwards. At a given point, the liquid at the bottom of the wave seems to detach and splash against the outer wall of the U-bend, while the interfacial wave seems to fade out. 3.3.3. High mass flux 500 kg s1 m2 At a high mass flux, the observations are very similar to those made for the medium mass flux. Thus, no additional descriptions are given here. 1448 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Fig. 11 e Flow pattern images for the horizontal configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.72 t [ 2 ms. inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are DiD1 i 3.4. Vertical upflows As for the previous U-bend orientations, the flow patterns observed were: stratified-wavy, slug-stratified-wavy, intermittent, annular, dryout and mist. 3.4.1. Low mass flux, 150 kg s1 m2 At a low mass flux and a low vapor quality the flow pattern is stratified-wavy flow as shown in Fig. 18 before the U-bend. From the inlet straight tube the refrigerant enters the U-bend with no significant change in flow pattern. The liquid thickness of the stratified layer remains quasi-constant until almost half the way up the U-bend. From there, the liquid detaches and a sort of annular flow is generated. This sort of annular flow persists along the outlet straight tube up to 5d. At the bottom of the outlet straight tube the height of the liquid increases with the distance from the U-bend. If a large wave enters the U-bend, the stratified liquid at the bottom persists all the way up to the outlet of the U-bend so that at the outlet of the U-bend most of the liquid is at the top of the tube. Then, the liquid falls from the top down to the bottom, generating a wave. For this case, the top of the tube will remain wetted for more than 10d downstream of the U-bend. With the increase of the vapor quality (not shown here), the height of the liquid at the bottom decreases, but the wetted perimeter increases. A sort of annular flow is generated almost at the inlet of the U-bend. This sort of annular flow persists until about 7d downstream of the Ubend. At the outlet of the U-bend and all along the outlet straight tube, while the liquid film is moving downwards to the bottom of the tube, droplets detach either from the falling liquid film or from the crests of the waves generated by the impact of the liquid film at the bottom of the tube. These droplets are entrained in the vapor over a certain distance until they eventually impact into the liquid stratified at the bottom. At a vapor quality of 0.53 in Fig. 19, the flow pattern is annular. As for horizontal and downflow regimes, close to the bend the shape of the interfacial waves is modified. In the second half of the U-bend, droplets detach from the inner side of the U-bend and splash against the outer side, that is, against the top of the outlet of the U-bend. This effect persists for higher vapor qualities. For the smaller bend diameter the physical phenomena are similar (not shown here). At low vapor quality the distance over which the liquid persists as stratified at the outer side of i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Fig. 12 e Flow pattern images for the horizontal configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.93 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 40 ms, D32 t [ 100 ms, D43 t [ 160 ms and D54 t [ 260 ms. 1449 Fig. 13 e Flow pattern images for the vertical downflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.15 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 163 ms and D32 t [ 84 ms. U-bend is increased, compared to the larger internal diameter. In this case it reaches half way up the U-bend. At high vapor qualities, the detachment of liquid droplets from the inner side of the U-bend is also increased. 3.4.2. Medium mass flux, 300 kg s1 m2 At low vapor quality the flow regime is slug-stratified-wavy as shown in Fig. 20 before reaching the U-bend. When the flow is stratified or wavy the phenomena are similar to those seen for the lower mass flux. Only the distance over which the top of the outlet straight tube is wetted is longer, reaching about 7d. when large waves occur at the inlet of the U-bend, they will flow around the U-bend and continue their way through the outlet straight tube. In this case the top of the tube remains wetted for distances longer than the frame of view of the camera as shown in Fig. 20. As for the horizontal configuration, at higher vapor qualities in Fig. 21 before the flow regime reaches annular flow, a large swarm of droplets enter the U-bend, they impact together on the outer wall of the U-bend to form a liquid layer. When this liquid layer reaches the outlet of the U-bend it starts falling down and droplets are released again. As the vapor quality increases, the flow regime reaches annular flow (not shown here), and what was observed for this flow pattern of the lower mass flux remains valid here. Fig. 14 e Flow pattern images for the vertical downflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.15 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 32 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 137 ms and D21 t [ 78 ms. 1450 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Fig. 15 e Flow pattern images for the vertical downflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm. 3.4.3. High mass flux, 500 kg s1 m2 At the high mass flux, the observations are very similar to those made for the medium mass flux. Thus, no additional descriptions are given here. Fig. 16 e Flow pattern images for R134a for the vertical downflow configuration with 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.11 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 56 ms and D32 t [ 28 ms. Fig. 17 e Flow pattern images for the vertical downflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.11 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 32 mm. Time intervals are D21 [ 89 ms and D21 [ 37 ms. Fig. 18 e Flow pattern images for the vertical upflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.18 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 32 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 130 ms and D21 t [ 154 ms. i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 1451 Fig. 19 e Flow pattern images for the vertical upflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 150 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.53 t [ 2 ms. inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 32 mm. Time intervals are DiD1 i 4. Discussion 4.1. Observations The flow pattern observations provide a view of the perturbations generated in the U-bend, which appear to be driven by the centrifugal force. The centrifugal force overcomes the gravity force, independent of the orientation of the U-bend. For this reason all the phenomena that are observed for horizontal flow are also observed for vertical downflow and vertical upflow. The intensity of the phenomena varies, but the phenomena observed are qualitatively the same. For flow regimes of the stratified type, the liquid is systematically pushed against the outer side of the U-bend by the centrifugal force. This behavior is also visible for large swarms of droplets, which are pushed by the centrifugal force against the outer side of the U-bend, patching together to form a liquid layer. Nevertheless, at the outlet of the U-bend the gravity force takes control again and forces the liquid to stratify at the bottom of the tube. For the annular flow regime, the shape of the interfacial waves is modified at the proximity of the U-bend. For example, for vertical flows the tip of the interfacial wave on the inner side bends towards the U-bend. In the U-bend, driven by the centrifugal force, droplets detach from the interfacial wave and are pushed against the outer wall of the U-bend. The interfacial wave fades out as the droplets detach. At dryout inception vapor qualities, however, the liquid thin film is pushed not against the outer side, but against the inner side of the U-bend. Indeed, the flow is mainly constituted of vapor and it behaves as a pseudo single-phase flow. As for single-phase flows in bent tubes, two counter rotating vortices are generated in the U-bend. These vortices turn from the outer to inner side. For example, for horizontal flows the bottom vortice pushes the bottom liquid film towards the inner side of the U-bend. Exception for several particular cases referred to earlier, the flow patterns observed in the U-bends are qualitatively similar to those that can be observed in the straight tubes, i.e. annular in the straight tube remains annular in the U-bend. Nevertheless, minor variations occur, which are generated by variations of the velocity profile. These will have an impact on the void fraction in and after the U-bend and naturally, on the pressure drop and heat transfer. 1452 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 Fig. 20 e Flow pattern images for the vertical upflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.10 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 55 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 60 ms and D21 t [ 31 ms. 4.2. Comparison to existing studies For the horizontal configuration, none of the flow pattern observations made in this study corroborate the flow pattern observations made in the horizontal configuration with airewater mixtures of Chen et al. (2002), Wang et al. (2003, 2004). They identified several regions related to the variation of the flow motion which were not observed in this study. For vertical upflow, similarly to what was observed in this study for stratified and wavy type flows, Usui et al. (1980) observed the liquid to be maintained at the outer face of the tube in the U-bend and downstream of the U-bend, before falling down to the bottom of the tube. Droplets entrained in the vapor core were also observed to impinge the outer wall as reported by Wang and Mayinger (1995). For the annular regime, the flow was observed to be stable, similarly to what was reported by Usui et al. (1980). On the other hand, Usui et al. reported film inversion for high proportions of gas in relation to liquid flow, which suggests liquid film break up of the annular flow in the U-bend. None of these was observed, except film inversion for the dryout regime, during the intermittent re-wetting of the tube. Also, no flow reversal or flooding were observed for slug flow in the U-bend, as reported by Usui et al. (1980) and Wang et al. (2005). Flow reversal and flooding seem to occur only for very specific liquid to vapor velocity ratios, which were not those of this study. Fig. 21 e Flow pattern images for the vertical upflow configuration with R134a at 5 C flowing at 300 kg sL1 mL2 and x [ 0.18 inside the visualization section with d [ 11 mm, D [ 32 mm. Time intervals are D21 t [ 40 ms and D21 t [ 25 ms. For vertical downflow, many of the observations made by other authors were also verified. For stratified type flows the liquid was observed to hit the outer wall of the U-bend, similarly to what was reported by Traviss and Rohsenow (1973) and Usui et al. (1981). Some of that liquid also flows along the sides of the tube, creating a surge of liquid surface at the outlet of the U-bend, as reported by Usui et al.. Of course, each of these phenomena occur at different velocities, the first at medium to high velocities, and the last one at low velocities. For slug or wavy flows no flow reversal was observed, similarly to what was reported by Usui et al.. For annular flow, Usui et al. reported the same observations as for downflow, which was also verified in this study. Additionally, droplets entrained in the vapor core were also observed to impinge the outer wall as reported by Traviss and Rohsenow (1973). On the other hand, for annular flow Travis and Rohsenow reported the migration of the liquid film and vapor to the outer side and inner side of the U-bend, respectively. This suggests liquid film break up, which was never observed here, except film inversion for the dryout flow pattern, during the intermittent re-wetting of the tube. 5. Conclusions The large visual database of flow patterns in U-bends has been obtained and presented. The flow pattern database, with 342 visualizations, covers five test sections with three internal i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f r e f r i g e r a t i o n 3 5 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 1 4 3 9 e1 4 5 4 diameters (8, 11 and 13 mm), five bend diameters (25, 32, 38.1, 55 and 66 mm), three orientations (horizontal flow, vertical upflow and vertical downflow), one fluid (R134a), one saturation temperature (5 C) and three mass fluxes (150, 300 and 500 kg s1 m2). The flow pattern visualizations show the impact of the U-bend on the flow pattern. Locally it can modify the inlet flow pattern depending on the flow conditions and U-bend orientation. The recovery distance downstream of the U-bend varies with experimental conditions, the U-bend’s orientation and flow direction. Horizontal flows and vertical downflows recover after a short distance downstream of the U-bend, while vertical upflows recover over a larger distance. All the observations show that the centrifugal force is dominant over the gravity. Thus, the flow pattern modifications in the U-bend are similar for all orientations. In the U-bend, the flow patterns are qualitatively similar to those observed in the straight tube sections before the bends. Annular flows are not greatly modified by the U-bend, only their interfacial waves are affected and the droplets entrained in the vapor core are impacted against the outer wall of the U-bend. Slug and intermittent flows keep their geometrical characteristics, but the liquid phase is pushed by the centrifugal force to the outer side of the U-bend. Similar comments can be made for stratified-wavy flows, although these may suffer perturbations in the low vapor quality range, specially for vertical orientations. At the outlet of the U-bend, the inlet flow patterns are quickly recovered, except for stratified-wavy flows in the vertical upflow configuration. From these observations, if one was to try to develop a flow pattern map for U-bends, it would have to be not only a function of all traditional experimental parameters, but additionally, of the angular position in the U-bend (i.e. at 74 the flow pattern has different characteristics than at 38 ). The flow pattern observations made in this study verify many of those reported previously in the literature. The main differences are due to the experimental conditions (velocity ratios) and physical properties of the fluids. An important step as been made with this study, which clearly shows the effects of the U-bend on refrigerant twophase flow patterns over a wide range of experimental conditions, including different test sections and orientations. Furthermore, the observations show that the straight tube flow patterns are generally reestablished shortly after the U-bends, such that straight tube flow patterns maps may also then be applicable, an important point for flow pattern based models. Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the sponsorship of this work by ASHRAE contract RP-1444 (contract from 2007 to 2011). references Chen, I.Y., Yang, Y.W., Wang, C.C., 2002. Influence horizontal return bend on the two-phase flow pattern in a 6.9 mm diameter tube. Can. J. Chem. Eng. 80, 478e484. 1453 Dean, W.R., 1927. Note on motion fluid in curved in pipes. The London, Edinburgh Dublin Philosophical Mag. J. Sci. 4, 208e223. Dean, W.R., 1928a. Fluid motion in a curved channel. Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. 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