ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics Water is vital to life and development in all parts of the world. In Third World countries where the agricultural sector plays a key role 1.1 | Introduction to Hydrology Hydrology INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Define Hydrology and understand its application in engineering • Differentiate Hydrology from Hydraulics in their economic growth, the management of water resources is an item of high priority in their developmental activities. The basic inputs in the evaluation of water resources are from hydrological parameters and the subject of hydrology forms the core in the evaluation and development of water resources. In the civil engineering curriculum, this subject occupies an important position. What is hydrology? • Hydrology means the science of water. It is the science that deals with the occurrence, circulation and distribution of water of the earth and earths atmosphere. • Scientific Hydrology the study which is concerned with the academic aspects. • Engineering or Applied Hydrology a study concerned with engineering applications. In a general sense engineering hydrology deals with (i) estimation of water resources, (ii) the study of processes such as precipitation, runoff, evapotranspiration and their interaction and (iii) the study of problems such as fl oods and droughts, and strategies to combat them. Hydrology in engineering Hydrology finds its greatest application in the design and operation of water-resources engineering projects, such as those for (i) irrigation, (ii) water supply, (iii) flood control, (iv) water power, and (v) navigation. In all these projects hydrological investigations for the proper assessment of the following factors are necessary: 1. The capacity of storage structures such as reservoirs. 2. The magnitude of flood flows to enable safe disposal of the excess flow. 3. The minimum flow and quantity of flow available at various seasons. 4. The interaction of the flood wave and hydraulic structures, such as levees, reservoirs, barrages and bridges. The hydrological study of a project should necessarily precede structural and other detailed design studies. It involves the collection of relevant data and analysis of the data by applying the principles and theories of hydrology to seek solutions to practical problems Hydraulics • HYDRAULICS is defi ned as the study of the mechanical behavior of water in physical systems. In engineering terms, hydraulics is the analysis of how surface, and/or subsurface fl ows move from one point to the next. Hydraulic analysis is used to evaluate fl ow in rivers, streams, storm drain networks, water aqueducts, waterlines, sewers, etc. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics Earth's water is always in movement, and the natural water cycle, 1.2 | Hydrologic Cycle and the Human Impact Hydrologic cycle INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the Hydrologic Cycle and identify its different components • Apply Water Budget Equation and Balance in solving hydrological problems also known as the hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement of water on, above, and below the surface of the Earth. Water is always changing states between liquid, vapor, and ice, with these processes happening in the blink of an eye and over millions of years. Where does all the Earth's water come from? Ancient, primordial Earth was an incandescent globe made of magma, but all magmas contain water. Water set free by magma began to cool down the Earth's atmosphere, and eventually the environment became cool enough so water could stay on the surface as a liquid. Volcanic activity kept and still keeps introducing water into the atmosphere, thus increasing the surface-water and groundwater volume of the Earth. Each path of the hydrologic cycle involves one or more of the following aspects: (i) transportation of water, (ii) temporary storage and (iii) change of state. Note: Our information only covers the natural water cycle, which does not take human activities into account. In today's world, humans have a major impact on many components of the water cycle. back to the atmosphere even while falling. Another part may be intercepted by vegetation, structures and other such surface modifications from which it may be either evaporated back to atmosphere or move down to the ground surface. A portion of the water that reaches the ground enters the earths surface through infiltration, enhance the moisture content of the soil and reach the groundwater body. Vegetation sends a portion of the water from under the ground surface back to the atmosphere through the process of transpiration. The precipitation reaching the ground surface after meeting the needs of infiltration and evaporation moves down the natural slope over the surface and through a network of gullies, streams and A convenient starting point to describe the cycle is in the rivers to reach the ocean. The groundwater may come to oceans. Water in the oceans evaporate due to the heat the surface through springs and other outlets after energy provided by solar radiation. The water vapor moves spending a considerably longer time than the surface flow. upwards and forms clouds. While much of the clouds The portion of the precipitation which by a variety of paths condense and fall back to the oceans as rain, a part of the above and below the surface of the earth reaches the clouds is driven to the land areas by winds. There they stream channel is called runoff. Once it enters a stream condense and precipitate onto the land mass as rain, snow, channel, runoff becomes stream flow. hail, sleet, etc. A part of the precipitation may evaporate components of the water cycle: transportation & storage The main components of the hydrologic cycle can be broadly It is important to note that the total water resources of the earth classified as transportation ( flow) components and storage are constant and the sun is the source of energy for the components as below: hydrologic cycle. A recognition of the various processes such TRANSPORTATION COMPONENTS STORAGE COMPONENTS Precipitation Evaporation Transpiration Infiltration Runoff Storage on the land surface (Depression storage, ponds, lakes, reservoirs, etc) Soil moisture storage Groundwater storage Atmosphere Schematically the interdependency of the transportation components can be represented as in the figure on the right. The quantities of water going through various individual paths of the hydrological cycle in a given system can be described by the continuity principle known as water budget equation or hydrologic equation. as evaporation, precipitation and groundwater flow helps one to study the science of hydrology in a systematic way. Also, one realizes that man can interfere with virtually any part of the hydrologic cycle, e.g. through artificial rain, evaporation suppression, change of vegetal cover and land use, extraction • EVAPORATION. Evaporation is the process by which water • PRECIPITATION. Precipitation is water released from clouds changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. Evaporation is the in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. It is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back primary connection in the water cycle that provides for the into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor. Studies have delivery of atmospheric water to the Earth. Most precipitation shown that the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers provide nearly falls as rain. 90 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere via evaporation, • SURFACE RUNOFF. Surface runoff is nothing more than with the remaining 10 percent being contributed by plant water “running off” the land surface. Surface runoff is affected transpiration. by both meteorological factors and the physical geology and • CONDENSATION. Condensation is the process in which topography of the land. Only about a third of the water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. precipitation that falls over land runs off into streams and Condensation is crucial to the water cycle because it is rivers and is returned to the oceans. The other two-thirds is responsible for the formation of clouds. These clouds may evaporated, transpired, or soaks (infi ltrates) into groundwater. produce precipitation, which is the primary route for water to Surface runoff can also be diverted by humans for their own return to the Earth's surface within the water cycle. uses. • TRANSPIRATION. • GROUNDWATER STORAGE. The upper layer of the soil is Transpiration is essentially the unsaturated zone, where water is present in varying evaporation of water from amounts that change over time, but does not saturate the soil. plant leaves. Studies have Below this layer is the saturated zone, where all of the pores, revealed that transpiration cracks, and spaces between rock particles are saturated with accounts for about 10 water. The term groundwater is used to describe this area. percent of the moisture in Another term for groundwater is "aquifer," although this term the atmosphere, with is usually used to describe water-bearing formations capable oceans, seas, and other of yielding enough water to supply peoples' uses. bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams) providing nearly 90 percent, and a tiny amount coming from sublimation (ice changing into water vapor without fi rst becoming liquid). move vertically and horizontally through the soil and subsurface material. Some of the water may infi ltrate deeper, recharging groundwater aquifers. • PERCOLATION. Percolation is the movement of water through the soil and porous or fractured rock. • SUBLIMATION. Sublimation is the conversion between the solid and the gaseous phases of matter, with no intermediate liquid stage. For those of us interested in the water cycle, sublimation is most often used to describe the process of snow and ice changing into water vapor in the air without fi rst melting into water. The opposite of sublimation is "deposition", where water vapor changes directly into ice— such a snowfl akes and frost. • GROUNDWATER FLOW. Water moves underground downward and sideways, in great quantities, due to gravity and pressure. Eventually it emerges back to the land surface, into rivers, and into the oceans to keep the water cycle going. People have been using groundwater for thousands of years and continue to use it today, largely for drinking water and irrigation. • INFILTRATION. Infi ltration is the process by which water on the ground surface enters the soil. Some water that infi ltrates will remain in the shallow soil layer, where it will gradually Where and how much water is there on earth? This image shows blue spheres representing relative amounts of Earth's water in comparison to the size of the Earth. These images attempt to show three dimensions, so each sphere represents "volume." They show that in comparison to the volume of the globe, the amount of water on the planet is very small. The largest sphere represents all of Earth's water. Its diameter is about 860 miles (the distance from Salt Lake City, Utah, to Topeka, Kansas) and has a volume of about 332,500,000 cubic miles (mi3) (1,386,000,000 cubic kilometers (km3)). This sphere includes all of the water in the oceans, ice caps, lakes, rivers, groundwater, atmospheric water, and even the water in you, your dog, and your tomato plant. The blue sphere over Kentucky represents the world's liquid fresh water (groundwater, lakes, swamp water, and rivers). Do you notice the "tiny" bubble over Atlanta, Georgia? That one represents fresh water in all the lakes and rivers on the planet. Water budget equation In applying this continuity equation [Eq. (1.1)] to the paths of the hydrologic cycle involving change of state, the volumes considered are the equivalent volumes of water at a reference temperature. In hydrologic calculations, the volumes are often expressed as average depths over the catchment area. Thus, For a given problem area, say a catchment, in an interval of time Dt, the continuity equation for water in its various phases is written as Mass inflow mass outflow = change in mass storage If the density of the inflow, outflow, and storage volumes are the same 107 ) = 1 m = 100 is 10⁷ m³ , it corresponds to a depth of ( 10 × 106 cm. Rainfall, evaporation and often runoff volumes are expressed in units of depth over the catchment. While realizing that all the terms in a hydrological water budget may not be known to the same degree of accuracy, an Vi - V0 = ΔS where: for example, if the annual stream flow from a 10 km² catchment (1.1) expression for the water budget of a catchment for a time interval Dt is written as Vi = inflow volume of water into the P - R - G - E - T = ΔS problem area during the time period V₀ = outflow volume of water from the problem area during the time period ΔS = change in the storage of the water volume over and under the given area during the given period where: (1.2-a) P = precipitation R = surface runoff G = net groundwater flow out of the catchment E = evaporation The storage S consists of three components as S = Ss + Ssm + Sg where: Ss = surface water storage Ssm = water in storage as soil moisture Sg = water in storage as groundwater Thus in Eq. (1.2-a) S = ΔSs + ΔSsm + ΔSg All terms in Eq. (1.2-a) have the dimensions of volume. Note that all these terms can be expressed as depth over the catchment area (e.g. in centimeters), and in fact this is a very common unit. In terms of rainfall-runoff relationship, Eq. (1.2-a) can be represented as R=P-L where: (1.2-b) L = Losses = water not available to runoff due to infiltration (causing addition to soil moisture and groundwater storage), evaporation, transpiration and surface storage. World water Balance considered are the equivalent volumes of water at a reference temperature. In hydrologic calculations, the volumes are often expressed as average depths over the catchment area. Thus, for example, if the annual stream flow from a 10 km² catchment For a given problem area, say a catchment, in an interval of time Dt, the continuity equation for water in its various phases is written as 107 ) = 1 m = 100 is 10⁷ m³ , it corresponds to a depth of ( 10 × 106 cm. Rainfall, evaporation and often runoff volumes are expressed in units of depth over the catchment. Mass inflow mass outflow = change in mass storage While realizing that all the terms in a hydrological water If the density of the inflow, outflow, and storage volumes are expression for the water budget of a catchment for a time the same interval Dt is written as Vi - V0 = ΔS where: budget may not be known to the same degree of accuracy, an (1.1) Vi = inflow volume of water into the problem area during the time period V₀ = outflow volume of water from the problem area during the time period ΔS = change in the storage of the water volume over and under the given area during the given period In applying this continuity equation [Eq. (1.1)] to the paths of the hydrologic cycle involving change of state, the volumes P - R - G - E - T = ΔS where: (1.2-a) P = precipitation R = surface runoff G = net groundwater flow out of the catchment E = evaporation T = transpiration ΔS = change in storage • RESIDENCE TIME. The average duration of a particle of water to pass through a phase of the hydrologic cycle is known as the residence time of that phase. It could be calculated by dividing the volume of water in the phase by the average fl ow rate in that phase. For example, by assuming that all the surface runoff to the oceans comes from the rivers, the volume of water in the rivers of the world = 0.00212 M km³, the average fl ow rate of water in global rivers = 44700 km³/year. Hence residence time of global rivers, Tr = 2120/44700 = 0.0474 year = 17.3 days. 1.2 | Hydrologic Cycle and the Human Impact human impact INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Identify and examine human activities that impact the Hydrologic Cycle Human activities that impact the hydrological cycle • DEFORESTATION. Forests transport large quantities of water into the atmosphere via plant transpiration. This replenishes the clouds and instigates rain that maintains the forests. When deforestation occurs, precious rain is lost from the area, fl owing away as river water and causing permanent drying. • URBANIZATION. Impervious surfaces associated with urbanization alter the natural amount of water that takes each route. The consequences of this change are a decrease in the volume of water that percolates into the ground, and a resulting increase in volume and decrease in quality of surface water. • REFORESTATION AND AFFORESTATION. Tree growth can consume more water than other shorter vegetation. According to the mass balance principle, if more water is used by trees, less water will fl ow into rivers and lakes or recharge the groundwater that people can directly use. • IRRIGATION. Irrigation is the artifi cial watering of land that • CLOUD SEEDING. Cloud seeding is a weather modifi cation, does not get enough water through rainfall. ... Unfortunately it where you change the amount or type of precipitation that removes water from rivers and can cause surface run-off and falls from clouds through the usage of harmful substances. leaching. The problem with irrigation is that it removes water During this process, the substances that fall from the clouds from its natural source and often causes leaching and run-off are dispersed into the air, causing cloud condensation which where it is used. further affects climate conditions. • AGRICULTURE. Causes reduced vegetation cover and soil compaction from machinery use can reduce the amount of water that drains into the soil and therefore increase run off. this can increase soil erosion and the need for irrigation. • INDUSTRY. Industries cause enormous water pollution: By directly discharging their untreated effl uents into water bodies like rivers and lakes. By letting their polluting effl uents fl ow onto land so that they get absorbed into the soil and pollute underground water. • TRANSPORT. Air pollution caused by transportation have a direct effect on water pollution. When particles like sulfur dioxide get high into the air they can combine with rain to produce acid rain. Acid rain can turn lakes acidic, killing fi shes and other animals. • DAMS. Dams change the timing, amount and chemical composition of a river's fl ow, leading to dramatic changes to groundwater-storing fl oodplains and wetlands. Such changes can lead to the destruction of forests, which among other things help regulate local climate. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics WATERSHED 1.3 | Philippine Watersheds philippine watersheds INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the different definitions of watershed according to Philippine legislature • Discuss the important properties of watershed and its significance in hydrologic analyses • Identify the stream order using Horton’s Law • Draw a watershed’s boundaries • “A body of land bounded above by a ridge or water divide and below by the level at which water drains from it.” (Bruce, 2017) • A high area of land where rain collects, some of it flowing down to supply rivers, lakes, etc., at lower levels. • An area of land on a slope which drains its water into a stream and its tributaries. • It is also called as catchment area or drainage basin. Philippine watersheds • According to the River Basin COntrol Office (RBCO), the philippines has 142 critical watersheds. • The watershed referred to under the IRR of RA 7942 is “critical watershed,” which means a drainage area of a river system, lake or water reservoir supporting existing and proposed hydroelectric power, domestic water supply, geothermal power and irrigation works that need immediate rehabilitation and protection to minimize soil erosion, improve water yield and prevent possible flooding. • PD 705 defi nes watershed as “a land area drained by a stream or fi xed body of water and its tributaries having a common outlet for surface run-off.” Moreover, the same law defi nes watershed reservation as “a forest land reservation established to protect or improve the conditions of the water yield thereof or reduce sedimentation.” Watershed Delineation All watershed delineation means is that you’re drawing line on a map to identify a watershed’s boundaries. These are typically drawn on topographic maps using information from contour lines. Contour lines are lines of equal elevation, so any point along a given contour line is the same elevation. INFORMATION SOURCES: NAMRIA - National Mapping Resource Information Agency DENR - Department of Environment and Natural Resources Local Government DIGITAL ELEVATION MODELS (DEM’s) DEM’s store topographic data in the form of grid cells. Typically, these grid cells have a resolution of 30 meters and elevation intervals of 1 meter. Using a DEM within a Geographic Information System (GIS), digital terrain analysis (DTA) such as calculating slopes, fl ow lengths, and delineation of watershed boundaries and stream networks can be performed. Delineation STEps STEP 1: Mark the outlet. This is generally our point of interest for designing a structure or monitoring location. STEP 2: Mark the high points adjacent to the water body. STEP 3: Connect the marks. Always cross a contour line at right angles (perpendicular). watershed geomorphology: Principal watershed characteristics WATERSHED GEOMORPHOLOGY refers to the physical characteristics of the watershed. Certain physical properties signifi cantly affect the characteristics of runoff and as such are of great interest in hydrologic analyses. • DRAINAGE AREA. The drainage area (A) is the probably the single • WATERSHED SLOPE. Flood magnitudes refl ect the momentum of the most important watershed characteristic for hydrologic design. It runoff. Slope is an important factor in the momentum. Both watershed refl ects the volume of water that can be generated from rainfall. It is and channel slope may be of interest. Watershed slope refl ects the common in hydrologic design to assume a constant depth of rainfall rate of change of elevation with respect to distance along the principal occurring uniformly over the watershed. Under this assumption, the fl ow path. Typically, the principal fl ow path is delineated, and the volume of water available for runoff would be the product of rainfall watershed slope (S) is computed as the difference in elevation (∆E) depth and the drainage area. Thus the drainage area is required as between the end points of the principalfl ow path divided by the input to models ranging from simple linear prediction equations to hydrologic length of the fl ow path (L): complex computer models. • WATERSHED LENGTH. The length (L) of a watershed is the second watershed characteristic of interest. While the length increases as the drainage increases, the length of a watershed is important in hydrologic computations. Watershed length is usually defi ned as the distance measured along the main channel from the watershed outlet to the basin divide. Since the channel does not extend to the basin divide, it is necessary to extend a line from the end of the channel to the basin divide following a path where the greatest volume of water would travel. The straight-line distance from the outlet point on the watershed divide is not usually used to compute L because the travel distance of fl oodwaters is conceptually the length of interest. Thus, the length is measured along the principal fl ow path. Since it will be used for hydrologic calculations, this length is more appropriately labeled the hydrologic length. S = ∆E / L • WATERSHED SHAPE. Basin shape is not usually used directly in hydrologic design methods; however, parameters that refl ect basin shape are used occasionally and have a conceptual basis. Watersheds have an infi nite variety of shapes, and the shape supposedly refl ects the way that runoff will “bunch up” at the outlet. A circular watershed would result in runoff from various parts of the watershed reaching the outlet at the same time. An elliptical watershed having the outlet at one end of the major axis and having the same area as the circular watershed would cause the runoff to be spread out over time, thus producing a smaller fl ood peak than that of the circular watershed. • LAND USE AND SOIL CHARACTERISTICS. Land use and soil characteristics affect both the volume and timing of runoff. During a rainstorm, fl ow from an impervious, steeply sloped, and smooth, surface make a little retardation and no loss to the fl ow. In comparison, fl ow along a pervious grassy hill of the same size will produce retardation and signifi cant loss to the fl ow due to infi ltration. A lot of information about land use has been gathered over the years and is available from maps or as GIS data sets. In some cases, a fi eld survey is necessary to determine the various land uses within a watershed. Many hydrological analyses deal with assessing the effect of land use changes on runoff. For example, the development of a new residential neighborhood is likely to have signifi cant impact on runoff characteristics. Surface roughness, soil characteristics such as texture, soil structure, soil moisture and hydrologic soil groups also affect the runoff in various ways. For example; Soil properties affect the infi ltration capacity. Soil particles are usually classifi ed as clay (d<0.002 mm), silt (0.002<d<0.02), or sand (d>0.02 mm). A particular soil is a combination of clay, silt, and sand. Generally, soils with a signifi cant portion of small particles have low infi ltration capacity, whereas sandy soils have high infi ltration capacity. Channel geomorphology: • CHANNEL LENGTH. The distance measured along the main channel from the watershed outlet to the end of the channel, which is denoted as Lc. • CHANNEL SLOPE. (Sc = ΔEc / Lc), where ΔEc is the difference in elevation between the points defining the upper and lower ends of the channel and Lc is the length of the channel between the same two points. If the channel slope is not uniform, a weighted slope may provide and index that better reflects the effect of slope on the hydrologic response of the watershed. • DRAINAGE DENSITY. (D = Lt / A).The drainage density, D, is the ratio of the total length of streams (Lt) with in a watershed to the total area of the watershed; thus D has units of the reciprocal of length (1/L). A high value of the drainage density would indicate a relatively high density of streams and thus a rapid storm response. Values typically ranges from 1.5 to 6 mi/mi2. • HORTON’S LAWS. Horton (from Horton’s infi ltration equation fame) developed a set of “laws” that are indicators of the geomorphological characteristics of watershed. The stream order is a measure of the degree of stream branching within a watershed. Each length of stream is indicated by its order (for example, fi rst-order, second-order, etc.). A fi rst-order stream is an unbranched tributary, a second-order stream is a tributary formed by two or more fi rst-order streams. A third-order stream is a tributary formed by two or more second-order streams and so on. In general, an nth order stream is a tributary formed by two or more streams of order (n-1) and streams of lower order. For a watershed, the principal order is defined as the order of the principal channel. The figure below gives an example of stream ordering. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics Meteorology METEOROLOGY is the science of the atmosphere. With t h e i n c re a s i n g t e n d e n c y t o w a rd s p e c i a l i z a t i o n characteristic of our time, the subject matter under the general heading of meteorology may be referred to various subdivisions, or branches, depending partly on the theoretical approach and partly on the application of meteorology to human activities. PHYSICAL METEOROLOGY deals with processes of a purely physical nature, such as radiation, heat, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, ice accretion, and optical, acoustical and electrical phenomena. CLIMATOLOGY or STATISTICAL METEOROLOGY determines the statistical relations, mean values, normals, frequencies, variations, distributions, etc., of the meteorological elements. H Y D R O M E T E O R O LO GY i s c o n c e r n e d w i t h meteorological problems relating to water supply, fl ood control, irrigation, etc. The hydrologic characteristics of a region are determined Hydrologic problems in which meteorology plays an largely by its climate and its geological structure. Among important role include determination of probable the climatic factors that establish the hydrologic features of maximum precipitation for spillway design, forecasts of a region are the amount and distribution of precipitation; precipitation for reservoir operations, and determination of the occurrence of snow and ice; the effects of wind, probable maximum winds over water surfaces for temperature and humidity on evaporation and snowmelt. evaluating resulting waves in connection with the design of dams and levees. Weather vs climate The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time, and climate is how the atmosphere "behaves" over relatively long periods of time. What Weather Means What Climate Means Weather is basically the way the atmosphere is behaving, mainly Climate is the description of the long-term pattern of weather in a particular area. Some scientists defi ne climate as the average weather for a particular region and time period, usually taken over 30-years. It's really an average pattern of weather for a particular region. with respect to its effects upon life and human activities. The difference between weather and climate is that weather consists of the short-term (minutes to months) changes in the atmosphere. Most people think of weather in terms of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, brightness, visibility, wind, and atmospheric pressure, as in high and low pressure. In most places, weather can change from minute-to-minute, hour-to-hour, day-today, and season-to-season. There are really a lot of components to weather. Weather includes sunshine, rain, cloud cover, winds, hail, snow, sleet, freezing rain, flooding, blizzards, ice storms, thunderstorms, steady rains from a cold front or warm front, excessive heat, heat waves and more. When scientists talk about climate, they're looking at averages of precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind velocity, phenomena such as fog, frost, and hail storms, and other measures of the weather that occur over a long period in a particular place. For example, after looking at rain gauge data, lake and reservoir levels, and satellite data, scientists can tell if during a summer, an area was drier than average. If it continues to be drier than normal over the course of many summers, than it would likely indicate a change in the climate. the heat engine 1.4 | The Atmosphere If our planet were just a polished rock, with no air or oceans, the sun would heat up the surface to very high temperatures on the lit side, while the dark side’s surface would fall to very low temperatures. Fortunately, the The atmosphere INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the composition, characteristics and structure of the atmosphere • Define atmospheric stability atmosphere, a gaseous blanket that traps heat and lets it go slowly, keeps the earth at a reasonable temperature, but also turns the planet into a genuine, although not very efficient, heat engine. The earth as a whole receives incoming solar radiation and emits it back as terrestrial radiation. The globally averaged net radiation is zero in the long‐ term mean. However, the net solar radiation drops off by about a factor of four between the equator and the poles. The poles emit more radiation than they receive from the sun, while the tropics receive more radiation than they emit back (see fig. 1.1) This difference causes the atmosphere to heat up more at the equator than at the poles. It sets up an atmospheric conveyor belt that transports the warm moist tropical air from its heat source to a colder drier polar heat sink. The work done by the atmospheric heat engine maintains the kinetic energy of the general circulation against frictional dissipation, just as in a Carnot cycle. The efficiency of this heat engine is rather small and can be calculated using the following equation: where η is the thermal efficiency and Tn the temperatures of composition The atmosphere (below 100 km) is roughly 78 % nitrogen and 21 % oxygen, by volume. Argon makes the remaining 1 %. Other constituents are only present as traces and include, in decreasing order of amount: Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, Neon, Helium, Krypton, Hydrogen, Ozone. Oxygen is a colorless, odourless, and tasteless element. It is mostly seen as an inert diatomic gas at standard atmospheric temperature and pressure. Nitrogen has the same characteristics. Although scarce compared to nitrogen and the source (H) and sink (C). oxygen, water vapour, carbon dioxide, and ozone play an Assuming the polar temperature to be ‐30 oC (243 K) and the they absorb radiation and trap heat. tropical temperature to be 30 oC (303 K), then ΔT is 60 K, and ΔT/TH would give about 20 %. In actual fact, and all considered, important role in the thermal structure of the atmosphere as In addition to gaseous substances, the lower levels of the the efficiency is really only about 1 %. atmosphere contain quantities of solid particles. These The earth being made of oceans and mountains, as well as important in the process of condensation (gas to a liquid) and being a rotating body, the simple assumption of a direct thermal circulation transporting heat towards the poles straight from the tropics is a gross oversimplification. In reality, energy is transported in the atmosphere in many ways and at different scales. This transfer of energy is responsible for the occurrence of weather particles can reduce the visibility through the air, and are also sublimation (gas to a solid). If no solid particles were in the air, it would be very difficult for cloud droplets to form and thus for weather to occur. thermal structure The vertical distribution of temperature for the standard atmosphere is shown in fig. 1.2. This profile is representative of typical conditions in the middle latitudes. Day to day or latitudinal variations will show a different profile, but the main characteristics will remain. The profile is divided into four distinct layers roughly located at the heights listed below: • Troposphere (0 to 10 km) • Stratosphere (10 to 50 km) • Mesosphere (50 to 80 km) • Thermosphere (80 to 100 km) The troposphere accounts for more than 80 % of the mass of virtually all water vapour, clouds, and precipitation in the earth’s atmosphere. In the troposphere, the temperature decreases with increasing height, but temperature inversions (temperature increasing with increasing height) are possible near the surface. The layer above, of constant or increasing temperature, is The mesosphere and thermosphere are so high up and called the stratosphere. Its vertical temperature profile so devoid of air and water, that their effect on the weather makes it very stable and dampens vertical motion. This is practically non‐existent. Consequently, this course will particular profile is due to the presence of ozone only cover tropospheric phenomena absorbing ultraviolet rays. Very little mixing occurs between the troposphere and the stratosphere. Due to the extreme stability of the stratosphere, particles that are emitted directly into it (from volcanic eruptions, nuclear explosions, etc.) will remain there for a long time. Even the strongest thunderstorms will only penetrate the stratosphere to a few kilometres before their updrafts are capped. The stratosphere therefore acts as a reservoir for certain types of atmospheric pollution. The transition between the two layers, called the tropopause, is marked by abrupt changes in water vapour and ozone concentration. Water vapour decreases and ozone increases as one moves closer to the stratosphere. The average height of the tropopause (or depth of the troposphere) is about 11 kilometres. It can vary considerably, however, and be of the order of 17 kilometres over the equator and about 8 kilometres over the poles. The tropopause is generally higher in the summer than in the winter. THE TROPOSPHERE The troposphere is characterized by rather strong vertical mixing and is where most weather phenomena take place. It is further divided into two layers: the planetary boundary layer and the free atmosphere. The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is defined as the part of the atmosphere that is strongly and directly influenced by the presence of the surface of the earth. It responds to surface forcings (solar heating, friction, evapotranspiration, etc.) with a timescale of about an hour or less. The PBL is an important part of the atmosphere, because it is where almost all human activities take place, where most heating gets into the atmosphere and where the ground affects weather the most. The daytime boundary layer is usually very turbulent, due to ground level heating and winds. It can reach depths of about 1500 m. At night‐time, surface cooling dampens the turbulent activity of the boundary layer and its depth can reduce to a few hundred metres. The characteristics of the PBL greatly influence the behaviour of atmospheric dispersion. Sunny summer afternoon conditions will generally lead to a well‐mixed and deep PBL. This will lead to the rapid and extensive dilution of any pollutants released at the surface. On the other hand, early morning, clear winter conditions will often result in a very shallow boundary layer, resulting in relatively high pollutant concentrations. The free atmosphere is right above the boundary layer and is not directly influence by local surface forcings. Although air does flow between the boundary layer and the free atmosphere, at night‐time or under special circumstances the exchange can be very limited. Table 1.1 shows the main differences between the two layers. general characteristics • The lower atmosphere contains varying amounts of water vapor, which determine its humidity. • Condensation and sublimation within the atmosphere cause clouds or fog, and the resulting liquid water droplets or ice crystals may precipitate to the ground as rain, sleet, snow, hail, dew, or frost. • Because of the pull of gravity the density of the atmosphere and the pressure exerted by air molecules are greatest near the earth's surface. variable that influence the atmosphere 1. TEMPERATURE 2. PRESSURE 3. HUMIDITY 4. CLOUDINESS 5. WINDS ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY • Stability refers to a condition of equilibrium. • When the atmosphere is stable, a parcel of air will want to return to its original position after being raised or lowered. • Vertical motions are inhibited. • Atmospheric stability is a measure of the atmosphere's tendency to encourage or deter vertical motion, and vertical motion is directly correlated to different types of weather systems and their severity. • The atmosphere is absolutely stable when the environmental lapse rate is less than the moist adiabatic lapse rate. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics Cloud physics is the study of the physical processes that lead to 1.5 | Introduction to Cloud Physics cloud physics INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe how clouds are formed and distributed • Identify the different types of clouds the formation, growth and precipitation of atmospheric clouds. Clouds consist of microscopic droplets of liquid water (warm clouds), tiny crystals of ice (cold clouds), or both (mixed phase clouds). Cloud droplets initially form by the condensation of water vapor onto condensation nuclei when the super saturation of air exceeds a critical value according to Köhler theory. cloud formation Terrestrial clouds can be found throughout most of the homosphere, which includes the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. Within these layers of the atmosphere, air can become saturated as a result of being cooled to its dew point or by having moisture added from an adjacent source. In the latter case, saturation occurs when the dew point is raised to the ambient air temperature. extratropical cyclones tend to generate mostly cirriform and stratiform clouds over a wide area unless the approaching warm airmass is unstable, in which case cumulus congestus or cumulonimbus clouds are usually embedded in the main precipitating cloud layer. Cold fronts are usually faster moving and generate a narrower line of clouds, which are mostly stratocumuliform, cumuliform, or cumulonimbiform depending on the stability of the warm airmass just ahead of the front. Another agent is the convective upward motion of air caused by daytime solar heating at surface level. Airmass instability ADIABATIC COOLING allows for the formation of cumuliform clouds that can produce Adiabatic cooling occurs when one or more of three possible occasions, convective lift can be powerful enough to penetrate lifting agents – cyclonic/frontal, convective, or orographic – the tropopause and push the cloud top into the stratosphere. cause a parcel of air containing invisible water vapor to rise and cool to its dew point, the temperature at which the air becomes saturated. The main mechanism behind this process is adiabatic cooling. As the air is cooled to its dew point and becomes saturated, water vapor normally condenses to form cloud drops. This condensation normally occurs on cloud condensation nuclei such as salt or dust particles that are small enough to be held aloft by normal circulation of the air. Frontal and cyclonic lift occur when stable air is forced aloft at weather fronts and around centers of low pressure by a process called convergence. Warm fronts associated with showers if the air is sufficiently moist. On moderately rare A third source of lift is wind circulation forcing air over a physical barrier such as a mountain (orographic lift). If the air is generally stable, nothing more than lenticular cap clouds form. However, if the air becomes sufficiently moist and unstable, orographic showers or thunderstorms may appear. NON-ADIABATIC COOLING ADDING MOISTURE TO THE AIR Along with adiabatic cooling that requires a lifting agent, three Several main sources of water vapor can be added to the air as major non-adiabatic mechanisms exist for lowering the a way of achieving saturation without any cooling process: temperature of the air to its dew point. Conductive, radiational, water or moist ground, precipitation or virga, and transpiration and evaporative cooling require no lifting mechanism and can from plants cause condensation at surface level resulting in the formation of fog. cloud DISTRIBUTION CONVERGENCE ALONG LOW-PRESSURE ZONES stability characteristics of the various air masses that are in conflict. Although the local distribution of clouds can be significantly influenced by topography, the global prevalence of cloud cover in the troposphere tends to vary more by latitude. It is most prevalent in and along low pressure zones of surface tropospheric convergence which encircle the Earth close to the equator and near the 50th parallels of latitude in the northern and southern hemispheres. The adiabatic cooling processes that lead to the creation of clouds by way of lifting agents are all associated with convergence; a process that involves the horizontal inflow and accumulation of air at a given location, as well as the rate at which this happens. Near the equator, increased cloudiness is due to the presence of the lowpressure Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) where very warm and unstable air promotes mostly cumuliform and cumulonimbiform clouds. Clouds of virtually any type can form along the mid-latitude convergence zones depending on the stability and moisture content of the air. These extratropical convergence zones are occupied by the polar fronts where air masses of polar origin meet and clash with those of tropical or subtropical origin. This leads to the formation of weathermaking extratropical cyclones composed of cloud systems that may be stable or unstable to varying degrees according to the DIVERGENCE ALONG HIGH PRESSURE ZONES Divergence is the opposite of convergence. In the Earth's troposphere, it involves the horizontal outflow of air from the upper part of a rising column of air, or from the lower part of a subsiding column often associated with an area or ridge of high pressure. Cloudiness tends to be least prevalent near the poles and in the subtropics close to the 30th parallels, north and south. The latter are sometimes referred to as the horse latitudes. The presence of a large-scale high-pressure subtropical ridge on each side of the equator reduces cloudiness at these low latitudes. Similar patterns also occur at higher latitudes in both hemispheres. TYPES OF CLOUDS HIGH CLOUDS 1. CIRRUS. Detached clouds in the form of white, delicate fi laments, mostly white patches or narrow bands. They may have a fi brous (hair -like) and/or silky sheen appearance. Cirrus clouds are always composed of ice crystals, and their transparent character depends upon the degree of separation of the crystals. As a rule when these clouds cross the sun's disk they hardly diminish its brightness. Before sunrise and after sunset, cirrus is often colored bright yellow or red. These clouds are lit up long before other clouds and fade out much later. 2. CIRROSTRATUS. Transparent, whitish veil clouds with a fi brous (hair -like) or smooth appearance. A sheet of cirrostratus which is very extensive, nearly always ends by covering the whole sky. A milky veil of fog (or thin Stratus) is distinguished from a veil of Cirrostratus of a similar appearance by the halo phenomena which the sun or the moon nearly always produces in a layer of cirrostratus. 3. CIRROCUMULUS. Thin, white patch, sheet, or layered of clouds without shading. They are composed of very small elements in the form of more or less regularly arranged grains or ripples. In general Cirrocumulus represents a degraded state of cirrus and cirrostratus both of which may change into it and is an uncommon cloud. There will be a connection with cirrus or cirrostratus and will show some characteristics of ice crystal clouds. MID CLOUDS 1. ALTOSTRATUS. Gray or bluish cloud sheets or layers of striated or fi brous clouds that totally or partially covers the sky. They are thin enough to regularly reveal the sun as if seen through ground glass. Altostratus clouds do not produce a halo phenomenon nor are the shadows of objects on the ground visible. Sometime virga is seen hanging from Altostratus, and at times may even reach the ground causing very light precipitation. 2. ALTOCUMULUS. White and/or gray patch, sheet or layered clouds, generally composed of laminae (plates), rounded masses or rolls. They may be partly fi brous or diffuse. When the edge or a thin semitransparent patch of altocumulus passes in front of the sun or moon a corona appears. This colored ring has red on the outside and blue inside and occurs within a few degrees of the sun or moon. The most common mid cloud, more than one layer of Altocumulus often appears at different levels at the same time. Many times Altocumulus will appear with other cloud types. 3. NIMBOSTRATUS. The continuous rain cloud. Resulting from thickening Altostratus, This is a dark gray cloud layer diffused by falling rain or snow. It is thick enough throughout to blot out the sun. The cloud base lowers into the low level of clouds as precipitation continues. Also, low, ragged clouds frequently occur beneath this cloud which sometimes merges with its base. LOW CLOUDS 1. CUMULUS. Detached, generally dense clouds and with sharp outlines that develop vertically in the form of rising mounds, domes or towers with bulging upper parts often resembling a caulifl ower. The sunlit parts of these clouds are mostly brilliant white while their bases are relatively dark and horizontal. Over land cumulus develops on days of clear skies, and is due diurnal convection; it appears in the morning, grows, and then more or less dissolves again toward evening. 2. STRATUS. A generally gray cloud layer with a uniform base which may, if thick enough, produce drizzle, ice prisms, or snow grains. When the sun is visible through this cloud, its outline is clearly discernible.Often when a layer of Stratus breaks up and dissipates blue sky is seen. 3. CUMULONIMBUS. The thunderstorm cloud, this is a heavy and dense cloud in the form of a mountain or huge tower. The upper portion is usually smoothed, fi brous or striated and nearly always fl attened in the shape of an anvil or vast plume. Under the base of this cloud which is often very dark, there are often low ragged clouds that may or may not merge with the base. They produce precipitation, which sometimes is in the form of virga. Cumulonimbus clouds also produce hail and tornadoes. 4. STRATOCUMULUS. Gray or whitish patch, sheet, or layered clouds which almost always have dark tessellations (honeycomb appearance), rounded masses or rolls. Except for virga they are nonfi brous and may or may not be merged. They also have regularly arranged small elements with an apparent width of more than fi ve degrees (three fi ngers - at arm's length). ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics The main source of energy at the Earth’s surface is radiant energy 1.6 | Solar Radiation from the Sun, termed solar radiation or insolation. It is the solar radiation impinging on the Earth that fuels the heat engine driving the hydrological cycle. solar radiation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the sources of radiation • Discuss the earth’s energy balance radiation sources All matter radiates energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. The amount of energy and the wavelengths emitted are dependent on the temperature of the matter. The hotter a substance is, the greater the amount of emitted energy, and the shorter the wavelength of the emission. When it comes to fuelling the atmospheric heat engine, the only source of energy that counts is the sun. The sun, a huge nuclear reactor, emits electromagnetic radiation in all direction, and the earth intercepts a small fraction of it. Radiation emitted by the sun is referred to as short wave radiation. It ranges from ultraviolet (0.12 µm) to near infrared (4 µm) and includes visible light (0.34 to 0.7 µm). The earth, on the other hand, being many times colder than the sun, emits long wave radiation (i.e. infrared or IR). Except for the effect of distance, radiation from the sun reaches the outer limit of the atmosphere undepleted. Electromagnetic radiation is not heat. Only if a substance absorbs the radiation will it heat up and raise its temperature. For a substance or a body to remain at constant temperature, the heat absorbed must balance the heat emitted. As we will see in the next section, the earth and its atmosphere radiate back as much as they take in earth’s energy budget Gases are selective in the wavelengths that they absorb and permit certain bands of wavelengths to pass through unhindered in what are called windows. Other bands of wavelengths are absorbed and cause the temperature of the substance to rise. Air molecules, haze, dust, cloud particles scatter and absorb radiation so that only a part of the energy actually reaches the earth’s surface, either directly or indirectly (see fig. 2.1). Ozone is concentrated in a layer called the ozonosphere extending from about 10 km up to 50 km. It absorbs most of the solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation. If this ultraviolet radiation were to reach the surface it would kill all life on earth. The absorption of ultraviolet radiation by ozone raises the The remainder is absorbed by the earth, which heats up and radiates back in longer, infrared (IR) wavelengths. temperature of the high atmosphere to near zero Celsius. As Some of the outgoing IR radiation from the earth’s surface is the radiation penetrates further into the ozonosphere, absorbed by the carbon dioxide and water vapour of the absorption gradually depletes the ultraviolet rays and the atmosphere. The amount of heating that this creates decreases temperature of the atmosphere steadily falls to a minimum at a with altitude as the radiation is depleted. Cloud, if present, height that averages around 11 km (the tropopause). The absorbs a great deal of terrestrial radiation and radiates it both remainder of the solar radiation continues through the back to earth and out to space. Some of the terrestrial radiation atmosphere with only a small amount of it being absorbed by passes directly out to space through windows, and the other atmospheric constituents. Some of it is reflected back to atmosphere itself radiates out to space. The outgoing radiation space from the atmosphere, cloud tops, or the earth’s surface. balances the incoming radiation from the sun, so that the earth’s average temperature remains nearly constant. Because the atmosphere is transparent to solar radiation this effect, the mean global surface temperature would be (except for UVs) but absorbs long wave radiation from the about 30 degrees colder than the current average earth, the earth’s surface has a higher temperature on temperature (~15 degrees). The addition of so‐called average than it would have if there were no atmosphere. greenhouse gases into the atmosphere would likely Although a bit of a misnomer, this heating mechanism is change this balance and could produce a rise in the called the greenhouse effect. It is estimated that, without average temperature of the earth. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics A spatial imbalance between radiative inputs and outputs exists for the earth-ocean-atmosphere system. The earth loses energy at all latitudes 1.7 | General Circulation due to outgoing infrared (IR) radiation. Near the tropics, more solar radiation enters than IR leaves, hence there is a net input of radiative energy. Near Earth’s poles, incoming solar radiation is too weak to general circulation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the general and thermal circulations totally offset the IR cooling, allowing a net loss of energy. The result is differential heating, creating warm equatorial air and cold polar air (Fig. 11.1a). A spatial imbalance between radiative inputs and outputs exists for the earth-ocean-atmosphere system. The earth loses energy at all latitudes due to outgoing infrared (IR) radiation. Near the tropics, more solar radiation enters than IR leaves, hence there is a net input of radiative energy. Near Earth’s poles, incoming solar radiation is too weak to totally offset the IR cooling, allowing a net loss of energy. The result is differential heating, creating warm equatorial air and cold polar air (Fig. 11.1a). A spatial imbalance between radiative inputs and outputs exists for the earth-ocean-atmosphere system. The earth loses energy at all latitudes due to outgoing infrared (IR) radiation. Near the tropics, more solar radiation enters than IR leaves, hence there is a net input of radiative energy. Near Earth’s poles, incoming solar radiation is too weak to totally offset the IR cooling, allowing a net loss of energy. The result is differential heating, creating warm equatorial air and cold polar air (Fig. 11.1a). Consider a hypothetical rotating planet with no contrast between continents and oceans. The climatological average (average over 30 years; see the Climate chapter) winds in such a simplified planet would have characteristics as sketched in Figs. 11.3. Actual winds on any day could differ from this climatological average due to transient weather systems that perturb the average flow. Also, monthlyaverage conditions tend to shift toward the summer hemisphere (e.g., the circulation bands shift northward during April through September). NEAR THE SURFACE Near-surface average winds are sketched in Fig. 11.3a. At low latitudes are broad bands of persistent easterly winds (U ≈ –7 m s –1 ) called trade winds, named because the easterlies allowed sailing ships to conduct transoceanic trade in the old days. These trade winds also blow toward the equator from both hemispheres, and the equatorial belt of convergence is called the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). On average, the air at the ITCZ is hot and humid, with low pressure, strong upward air motion, heavy convective (thunderstorm) precipitation, and light to calm winds except in thunderstorms. This equatorial trough (low-pressure belt) was called the doldrums by sailors whose sailing ships were becalmed there for many days. At 30° latitude are belts of high surface pressure called subtropical highs (Fig. 11.3a). In these belts are hot, dry, cloudfree air descending from higher in the troposphere. Surface winds in these belts are also calm on average. In the old days, becalmed sailing ships would often run short of drinking water, causing horses on board to die and be thrown overboard. Hence, sailors called these miserable places the horse latitudes. On land, many of the world’s deserts are near these latitudes. In mid-latitudes are transient centers of low pressure (midlatitude cyclones, L) and high pressure (anticyclones, H). Winds around lows converge (come together) and circulate cyclonically — counterclockwise in the N. Hemisphere, and clockwise in the S. Hemisphere. Winds around highs diverge (spread out) and rotate anticyclonically — clockwise in the N. Hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the S. Hemisphere. The cyclones are regions of bad weather (clouds, rain, high humidity, strong winds) and fronts. The anticyclones are regions of good weather (clear skies or fair-weather clouds, no precipitation, dry air, and light winds). The high- and low-pressure centers move on average from west to east, due to easterly inertia from the trade winds being carried east, driven by large-scale winds from the west. Although these upward in the thunderstorm convection. Diverging from this belt westerlies dominate the general circulation at mid-latitudes, the are winds that blow toward the north in the N. Hemisphere, and surface winds are quite variable in time and space due to the sum toward the south in the S. Hemisphere. As these winds move away of the westerlies plus the transient circulations around the highs from the equator, they turn to have an increasingly westerly and lows. component as they approach 30° latitude. Near 60° latitude are belts of low surface pressure called subpolar Near 30° latitude in each hemisphere is a persistent belt of strong lows. Along these belts are light to calm winds, upward air motion, westerly winds at the tropopause called the subtropical jet. This jet clouds, cool temperatures, and precipitation (as snow in winter). meanders north and south a bit. Pressure here is very high, but not Near each pole is a climatological region of high pressure called a as high as over the equator. polar high. In these regions are often clear skies, cold dry In mid-latitudes at the tropopause is another belt of strong westerly descending air, light winds, and little snowfall. Between each polar winds called the polar jet. The centerline of the polar jet meanders high (at 90°) and the subpolar low (at 60°) is a belt of weak easterly north and south, resulting in a wave-like shape called a Rossby winds, called the polar easterlies wave (or planetary wave), as sketched in Fig. 11.1c. The equatorward portions of the wave are known as low-pressure troughs, and poleward portions are known as high-pressure ridges. UPPER-TROPOSPHERE The stratosphere is strongly statically stable, and acts like a lid to the troposphere. Thus, vertical circulations associated with our weather are mostly trapped within the troposphere. These vertical circulations couple the average near-surface winds with the average upper-tropospheric (near the tropopause) winds described here (Fig. 11.3b). In the tropics is a belt of very strong equatorial high pressure along the tops of the ITCZ thunderstorms. Air in this belt blows from the These ridges and troughs are very transient, and generally shift from west to east relative to the ground. Near 60° at the tropopause is a belt of low to medium pressure. At each pole is a low-pressure center near the tropopause, with winds at high latitudes generally blowing from the west causing a cyclonic circulation around the polar low. Thus, contrary to near-surface conditions, the near-tropopause average winds blow from the west at all latitudes (except near the equator). VERTICAL CIRCULATIONS circulation is during February and March, and the ITCZ is centered at Vertical circulations of warm rising air in the tropics and descending air in the subtropics are called Hadley cells or Hadley circulations (Fig. 11.4). At the bottom of the Hadley cell are the trade winds. At the top, near the roughly 6°S, but varies with longitude. The major Hadley cell transports significant heat away from the tropics, and also from the summer to the winter hemisphere. tropopause, are divergent winds. The updraft portion of the Hadley During the transition months (April-May and October-November) circulation often contains thunderstorms and heavy precipitation at the between summer and winter, the Hadley circulation has nearly symmetric ITCZ. This vigorous convection in the troposphere causes a high Hadley cells in both hemispheres (Fig. 11.4b). During this transition, the tropopause (15 - 18 km altitude) and a belt of heavy rain in the tropics. intensities of the Hadley circulations are weak. The summer- and winter-hemisphere Hadley cells are strongly When averaged over the whole year, the strong but reversing major asymmetric (Fig. 11.4). The major Hadley circulation (denoted with Hadley circulation partially cancels itself, resulting in an annual average subscript “M”) crosses the equator, with rising air in the summer circulation that is somewhat weak and looks like Fig. 11.4b. This weak hemisphere and descending air in the winter hemisphere. The updraft is annual average is deceiving, and does not reflect the true movement of often between 0° and 15° latitudes in the summer hemisphere, and has heat, moisture, and momentum by the winds. Hence, climate experts average core vertical velocities of 6 mm s prefer to look at months JJA and DJF separately to give seasonal –1 . The broader downdraft is often found between 10° and 30° latitudes in the winter hemisphere, with average velocity of about –4 mm s –1 in downdraft centers. Connecting the up- and downdrafts are meridional wind components of averages. In the winter hemisphere, one or more jet streams circle the earth at mid- 3 m s –1 at the cell top & bottom. latitudes while meandering north and south as Rossby waves (Fig. 11.1c). The major Hadley cell changes direction and shifts position between circulation called a Ferrel cell. At high latitudes is a modest polar cell. summer and winter. During June-July-August-September, the average solar declination angle is 15°N, and the updraft is in the Northern Hemisphere (Fig. 11.4a). Out of these four months, the most well-defined circulation occurs in August and September. At this time, the ITCZ is centered at about 9°N, but varies with longitude. During December-January-February-March, the average solar declination angle is 14.9°S, and the major updraft is in the Southern Hemisphere (Fig. 11.4c). Out of these four months, the strongest When averaged around latitude bands, the net effect is a weak vertical In the summer hemisphere, all the circulations are weaker. There are minor Hadley and Ferrel cells (Fig. 11.4). Summer-hemisphere circulations are weaker because the temperature contrast between the tropics and poles are weaker. MONSOONAL CIRCULATIONS Monsoon circulations are continental-scale circulations driven by continent-ocean temperature contrasts, as sketched in Figs. 11.5. In summer, high-pressure centers (anticyclones) are over the relatively warm oceans, and low-pressure centers (cyclones) are over the hotter continents. In winter, lowpressure centers are over the cool oceans, and high-pressure centers are over the colder continents. These monsoon circulations represent average conditions over a season. The actual weather on any given day can be variable, and can deviate from these seasonal averages. Our Earth has a complex arrangement of continents and oceans. As a result, seasonally-varying monsoonal circulations are superimposed on the seasonally-varying planetary-scale circulation to yield a complex and varying global-circulation pattern. THERMAL CIRCULATIONS THERMAL CIRCULATION a circulation generated by pressure At sunset, the land surface stops receiving radiation from the Sun gradients produced by differential heating. They tend to be shallow (Figure 7-5). As night continues the land surface begins losing heat and do not extend up through the depth of the troposphere. energy at a much faster rate than the water surface. After a few Examples of thermal circulations are: sea breeze, land breeze, hours, air temperature and pressure contrasts begin to develop monsoons, mountain and valley breezes. between the land and ocean surfaces. The land surface being Sea and land breezes are types of thermal circulation systems that develop at the interface of land and ocean. At this interface, the dissimilar heating and cooling characteristics of land and water initiate the development of an atmospheric pressure gradient which causes the air in these areas to fl ow. During the daytime land heats up much faster than water as it receives solar radiation from the Sun (Figure 7-4). The warmer air over the land then begins to expand and rise forming a low. At the same time, the air over the ocean becomes a cool high because of water's slower rate of heating. Air begins to flow as soon as there is a significant difference in air temperature and pressure across the land to sea gradient. The development of this pressure gradient causes the heavier cooler air over the ocean to move toward the land and to replace the air rising in the thermal low. This localized air flow system is called a sea breeze. Sea breeze usually begins in midmorning and reaches its maximum strength in the later afternoon when the greatest temperature and pressure contrasts exist. It dies down at sunset when air temperature and pressure once again become similar across the two surfaces. cooler than the water becomes a thermal high pressure area. The ocean becomes a warm thermal low. Wind flow now moves from the land to the open ocean. This type of localized air flow is called a land breeze. Mountain and valley breezes are common in regions with great topographic relief (Figure 7-6 and 7-7). A valley breeze develops during the day as the Sun heats the land surface and air at the valley bottom and sides (Figure 7-6). As the air heats it becomes less dense and buoyant and begins to fl ow gently up the valley sides. Vertical ascent of the air rising along the sides of the mountain is usually limited by the presence of a temperature inversion layer. When the ascending air currents encounter the inversion they are forced to move horizontally and then back down to the valley fl oor. This creates a self-contained circulation system. If conditions are right, the rising air can condense and form into cumulus-type clouds. During the night, the air along the mountain slopes begins to cool quickly because of longwave radiation loss (Figure 7-7). As the air cools, it becomes more dense and begins to flow downslope causing a mountain breeze. Convergence of the draining air occurs at the valley floor and forces the air to move vertically upward. The upward movement is usually limited by the presence of a temperature inversion which forces the air to begin moving horizontally. This horizontal movement completes the circulation cell system. In narrowing terrain, mountain winds can accelerate in speed because of the venturi effect. Such winds can attain speeds as high has 150 kilometers per hour. Monsoons are regional scale wind systems that predictably change cooling rapidly as longwave radiation is emitted to space. The direction with the passing of the seasons. Like land/sea breezes, ocean surface retains its heat energy longer because of water's these wind systems are created by the temperature contrasts that high specific heat and subsurface mixing. The winter monsoons exist between the surfaces of land and ocean. However, monsoons bring clear dry weather and winds that flow from land to sea. are different from land/sea breezes both spatially and temporally. Monsoons occur over distances of thousands of kilometers, and their two dominant patterns of wind fl ow act over an annual time scale. During the summer, monsoon winds blow from the cooler ocean surfaces onto the warmer continents. In the summer, the continents become much warmer than the oceans because of a number of factors. These factors include: • Specific heat differences between land and water. • Greater evaporation over water surfaces. • Subsurface mixing in ocean basins which redistributes heat energy through a deeper layer. Precipitation is normally associated with the summer monsoons. Onshore winds blowing inland from the warm ocean are very high in humidity, and slight cooling of these air masses causes condensation and rain. In some cases, this precipitation can be greatly intensified by orographic uplift. Some highland areas in Asia receive more than 10 meters of rain during the summer months. In the winter, the wind patterns reverse as the ocean surfaces are now warmer. With little solar energy available, the continents begin ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 1 | Introduction to Hydrology & Weather Basics general distribution 1.8 | Temperature and Humidity If the Earth was a homogeneous body without the present land/ temperature this being composed of a mosaic of land and water. This mosaic INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the general distribution and variances of temperature on earth • Apply statistical treatment on temperature measurements ocean distribution, its temperature distribution would be strictly latitudinal ( Figure 7m-1). However, the Earth is more complex than causes latitudinal zonation of temperature to be disrupted spatially. The following two factors are important in influencing the distribution of temperature on the Earth's surface: Mainly because of specific heat, land surfaces behave quite • The latitude of the location determines how much solar differently from water surfaces. In general, the surface of radiation is received. Latitude influences the angle of any extensive deep body of water heats more slowly and incidence and duration of daylength. cools more slowly than the surface of a large land body. • Surface properties - surfaces with high albedo absorb less incident radiation. In general, land absorbs less insolation that water because of its lighter color. Also, even if two surfaces have the same albedo, a surface's specific heat determines the amount of heat energy required for a specific rise in temperature per unit mass. The specific heat of water is some five times greater than that of rock and the land surface (see Table 7m-1 below). As a result, water requires the input of large amounts of energy to cause a rise in its temperature. Other factors influencing the way land and water surfaces heat and cool include: • Solar radiation warms an extensive layer in water, o n land just the immediate surface is heated. • Water is easily mixed by the process of convection. • Evaporation of water removes energy from water's surface. AIR TEMPERATURE AIR TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE VARIATION DIURNAL VARIATION is the change in temperature from SEASONAL VARIATION is the change in temperature due day to night brought about by the daily rotation of the to seasonal variation of the angle of incident solar radiation Earth. The Earth receives heat during the day by solar between hemispheres brought about by the tilting of the radiation and warms up. During the night, the Earth loses Earth‟s axis during its orbit around the sun. The Northern energy and cools down even until sunrise. Hemisphere is warmer in June, July, and August because it receives more solar energy than does the Southern Hemisphere. During December, January, and February, the opposite is true; the Southern Hemisphere receives more solar energy and is warmer. VARIATION WITH LATITUDE is the change in temperature temperature changes since it contains some water and also due to the variation in the angle of incident solar radiation insulates against heat transfer between the ground and the in contact with the geographical surface profi le of the atmosphere. Earth. Since the Earth is essentially spherical, the sun is more nearly overhead in equatorial regions than at higher latitudes. Equatorial regions, therefore, receive the most radiant energy and are warmest. VARIATION WITH ALTITUDE. Temperature varies as one move vertically upward from the Earth‟s surface. Temperature normally decreases with increasing altitude throughout the troposphere. This decrease of temperature with altitude is defined as lapse rate. An increase in temperature with altitude is defined as an inversion, i.e., lapse rate is inverted. An inversion often develops near the ground on clear, cool nights when wind is light. The ground radiates and cools much faster than the overlying air. Air in contact with the ground becomes cold while the temperature a few hundred feet above changes very little. Thus, temperature VARIATION WITH TOPOGRAPHY is the change in increases with height. Inversions may also occur at any temperature not related to movement or shape of the altitude when conditions are favorable. Inversions are earth are temperature variations induced by water and common in the stratosphere. terrain. Water absorbs and radiates energy with less temperature change than does land. Large, deep water bodies tend to minimize temperature changes, while continents favor large changes. Wet soil such as in swamps and marshes is almost as effective as water in suppressing temperature changes. Thick vegetation tends to control TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT Temperature is measured with thermometers that may be mean of the daily minimum and maximum readings). The calibrated to a variety of temperature scales: world‟s average surface air temperature is about 15ºC. • Celsius scale – measure temperature using the Celsius scale • Kelvin scale – measure thermodynamics temperature • Rankine scale – a shifted Fahrenheit scale, used when working in thermodynamic related disciplines such as combustion. A thermometer is an instrument that operates on the principle of thermal expansion of the material used, e.g. liquids like mercury and alcohol, metallic materials, etc. The global temperature records and measurements are typically acquired using the satellite or ground instrumental temperature measurements, the usually compiled using a database or c The true daily mean, obtained from a thermograph, is approximated by the mean of 24 hourly readings (which is not the same as the general distribution 1.8 | Temperature and Humidity The most humid cities on earth are generally located closer to the humidity Singapore have very high humidity all year round because of their equator, near coastal regions. Cities in South and Southeast Asia are among the most humid. Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Jakarta, and proximity to water bodies and the equator and often overcast weather. Some places experience extreme humidity during their rainy seasons combined with warmth giving the feel of a lukewarm sauna, such as Kolkata, Chennai and Cochin in India, and Lahore in Pakistan. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the general distribution and types of humidity on earth • Identify the devices that measures humidity types of humidity ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY is is the total mass of water vapor present in a given volume or mass of air. It does not take temperature into RELATIVE HUMIDITY of an air-water mixture is defi ned as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor (pH2 0) in the mixture to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water (p* ) over a fl at surface of pure H0 2 water at a given temperature: consideration. Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from RH = near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic metre when the air is saturated at 30 °C (86 °F). Absolute humidity is the mass of the water vapor (mH20), divided by the volume of the air and water vapor mixture (Vnet), which can be expressed as: pH2 0 p* H2 0 Relative humidity is normally expressed as a percentage; a higher percentage means that the air-water mixture is more humid. Relative humidity is an important metric used in weather forecasts AH = mH2 0 Vnet . and reports, as it is an indicator of the likelihood of precipitation, dew, or fog. In hot summer weather, a rise in relative humidity increases the apparent temperature to humans (and other animals) The absolute humidity changes as air temperature or pressure by hindering the evaporation of perspiration from the skin. For changes, if the volume is not fixed. This makes it unsuitable for example, according to the Heat Index, a relative humidity of 75% at chemical engineering calculations, e.g. in drying, where air temperature of 80.0 °F (26.7 °C) would feel like 83.6 °F ±1.3 °F temperature can vary considerably. As a result, absolute humidity in (28.7 °C ±0.7 °C). chemical engineering may refer to mass of water vapor per unit mass of dry air, also known as the humidity ratio or mass mixing ratio (see "specific humidity" below), which is better suited for heat and mass balance calculations. Mass of water per unit volume as in the equation above is also defined as volumetric humidity. Because of the potential confusion, British Standard BS 1339 suggests avoiding the term "absolute humidity". Units should always be carefully checked. Many humidity charts are given in g/kg or kg/kg, but any mass units may be used. SPECIFIC HUMIDITY or moisture content is the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the total mass of the air parcel. Specifi c humidity is approximately equal to the mixing ratio, which is defi ned as the ratio of the mass of water vapor in an air parcel to the mass of dry air for the same parcel. As temperature decreases, the amount of water vapor needed to reach saturation also decreases. As the temperature of a parcel of air becomes lower it will eventually reach the point of saturation without adding or losing water mass. measurement A device used to measure humidity is called a psychrometer or hygrometer. A humidistat is a humidity-triggered switch, often used to control a dehumidifier. There are various devices used to measure and regulate humidity. Calibration standards for the most accurate measurement include the gravimetric hygrometer, chilled mirror hygrometer, and electrolytic hygrometer. The gravimetric method, while the most accurate, is very cumbersome. For fast and very accurate measurement the chilled mirror method is effective. For process online measurements, the most commonly used sensors nowadays are based on capacitance measurements to measure relative humidity, frequently with internal conversions to display absolute humidity as well. These are cheap, simple, generally accurate and relatively robust. All humidity sensors face problems in measuring dust-laden gas, such as exhaust streams from dryers. Humidity is also measured on a global scale using remotely placed satellites. These satellites are able to detect the concentration of water in the troposphere at altitudes between 4 and 12 kilometres. Satellites that can measure water vapor have sensors that are sensitive to infrared radiation. Water vapor specifically absorbs and re-radiates radiation in this spectral band. Satellite water vapor imagery plays an important role in monitoring climate conditions (like the formation of thunderstorms) and in the development of weather forecasts. types of humidity ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY is is the total mass of water vapor present in a given volume or mass of air. It does not take temperature into RELATIVE HUMIDITY of an air-water mixture is defi ned as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor (pH2 0) in the mixture to the equilibrium vapor pressure of water (p* ) over a fl at surface of pure H0 2 water at a given temperature: consideration. Absolute humidity in the atmosphere ranges from RH = near zero to roughly 30 grams per cubic metre when the air is saturated at 30 °C (86 °F). Absolute humidity is the mass of the water vapor (mH20), divided by the volume of the air and water vapor mixture (Vnet), which can be expressed as: pH2 0 p* H2 0 Relative humidity is normally expressed as a percentage; a higher percentage means that the air-water mixture is more humid. Relative humidity is an important metric used in weather forecasts AH = mH2 0 Vnet . and reports, as it is an indicator of the likelihood of precipitation, dew, or fog. In hot summer weather, a rise in relative humidity increases the apparent temperature to humans (and other animals) The absolute humidity changes as air temperature or pressure by hindering the evaporation of perspiration from the skin. For changes, if the volume is not fixed. This makes it unsuitable for example, according to the Heat Index, a relative humidity of 75% at chemical engineering calculations, e.g. in drying, where air temperature of 80.0 °F (26.7 °C) would feel like 83.6 °F ±1.3 °F temperature can vary considerably. As a result, absolute humidity in (28.7 °C ±0.7 °C). chemical engineering may refer to mass of water vapor per unit mass of dry air, also known as the humidity ratio or mass mixing ratio (see "specific humidity" below), which is better suited for heat and mass balance calculations. Mass of water per unit volume as in the equation above is also defined as volumetric humidity. Because of the potential confusion, British Standard BS 1339 suggests avoiding the term "absolute humidity". Units should always be carefully checked. Many humidity charts are given in g/kg or kg/kg, but any mass units may be used. SPECIFIC HUMIDITY or moisture content is the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the total mass of the air parcel. Specifi c humidity is approximately equal to the mixing ratio, which is defi ned as the ratio of the mass of water vapor in an air parcel to the mass of dry air for the same parcel. As temperature decreases, the amount of water vapor needed to reach saturation also decreases. As the temperature of a parcel of air becomes lower it will eventually reach the point of saturation without adding or losing water mass. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 2 | Precipitation The term precipitation denotes all forms of water that reach the earth from the atmosphere. The usual forms are rainfall, snowfall, hail, frost and dew. Of 2.1 | Occurrence formation of precipitation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss how precipitation is formed. all these, only the first two contribute significant amounts of water. Rainfall being the predominant form of precipitation causing stream flow, especially the flood flow in a majority of rivers in India, unless otherwise stated the term rainfall is used in this book synonymously with precipitation. The magnitude of precipitation varies with time and space. Differences in the magnitude of rainfall in various parts of a country at a given time and variations of rainfall at a place in various seasons of the year are obvious and need no elaboration. It is this variation that is responsible for many hydrological problems, such as floods and droughts. The study of precipitation forms a major portion of the subject of Hydrometeorology. For precipitation to form: (i) the atmosphere must have moisture, (ii) there must be sufficient nuclei present to aid condensation, (iii) weather conditions must be good for condensation of water vapor to take place, and (iv) the products of condensation must reach the earth. Under proper weather conditions, the water vapor condenses over nuclei to form tiny water droplets of sizes less than 0.1 mm in diameter. The nuclei are usually salt particles or products of combustion and are normally available in plenty. Wind speed facilitates the movement of clouds while its turbulence retains the water droplets in suspension. Water droplets in a cloud are somewhat similar to the particles in a colloidal suspension. Precipitation results when water droplets come together and coalesce to form larger drops that can drop down. A considerable part of this precipitation gets evaporated back to the atmosphere. The net precipitation at a place and its form depend upon a number of meteorological factors, such as the weather elements like wind, temperature, humidity and pressure in the volume region enclosing the clouds and the ground surface at the given place. 1. RAIN is the principal form of precipitation in India. The term rainfall is used to describe precipitations in the form of water drops of sizes larger 2.1 | Occurrence forms of precipitation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the different forms of precipitation. • Identify the forms of precipitation that Philippines experiences. than 0.5 mm. The maximum size of a raindrop is about 6 mm. Any drop larger in size than this tends to break up into drops of smaller sizes during its fall from the clouds. On the basis of its intensity, rainfall is classifi ed as: 2. SNOW is another important form of precipitation. Snow consists of ice crystals which usually combine to form fl akes. When fresh, snow has an initial density varying from 0.06 to 0.15 g/cm3 and it is usual to assume an average density of 0.1 g/ cm3 . 3. DRIZZLE is a fi ne sprinkle of numerous water droplets of size less than 0.5 mm and intensity less than 1 mm/h is known as drizzle. In this the drops are so small that they appear to fl oat in the air. 4. GLAZE. When rain or drizzle comes in contact with cold ground at around 0º C, the water drops freeze to form an ice coating called glaze or freezing rain. 5. SLEET is frozen raindrops of transparent grains which form when rain falls through air at subfreezing temperature. 6. HAIL is a showery precipitation in the form of irregular pellets or lumps of ice of size more than 8 mm. Hails occur in violent thunderstorms in which vertical currents are very strong. RAINS • Overcast sky with continuous or steady precipitation that may last 2.1 | Occurrence several hours. • Has a water droplets of 0.5 mm or greater in size but if widely scattered classification of rain & rainshower (philippines) INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the different classification of rain and rainshower • Interpret weather forecast given by PAGASA. the drops may be smaller. • Associated with meso-scale (synoptic) system or macro-scale (large scale) system like TC's, Easterly Waves, Monsoons, Fronts and ITCZ. RAINSHOWERS • Precipitation of short duration but usually of greater intensity from convective clouds(primarily cumulus or cumulonimbus) • Characterized by sudden start and sudden end of precipitation, rapid change in intensity. For the formation of clouds and subsequent precipitation, it is necessary that the moist air masses cool to form condensation. This is normally 2.1 | Occurrence weather systems INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the different weather systems associated with precipitation. • Determine the classification of a tropical cyclone. accomplished by adiabatic cooling of moist air through a process of being lifted to higher altitudes. Some of the terms and processes connected with the weather systems associated with precipitation are given below. 1. FRONT. A front is the interface between two distinct air masses. Under certain favorable conditions when a warm air mass and cold air mass meet, the warmer air mass is lifted over the colder one with the formation of a front. The ascending warmer air cools adiabatically with the consequent formation of clouds and precipitation. 2. CYCLONE. A cyclone is a large low pressure region with circular wind motion. Two types of cyclones are recognized: tropical cyclones and extratropical cyclones. CLASSIFICATION OF TROPICAL CYCLONES (PAGASA) Tropical cyclones derive their energy from the latent heat of condensation which made them exist only over the oceans and die out • TROPICAL CYCLONE. A tropical cyclone, also called cyclone in rapidly on land. One of its distinguishing features is its having a central India, hurricane in USA and typhoon in South-East Asia, is a wind sea-level pressure of 900 mb or lower and surface winds often system with an intensely strong depression with MSL pressures exceeding 100 knots. They reach their greatest intensity while located sometimes below 915 mbars The normal areal extent of a cyclone is about 100-200 km in diameter. The isobars are closely spaced and the winds are anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere. The centre of the storm, called the eye, which may extend to about 1050 km in diameter, will be relatively quiet. However, right outside the eye, very strong winds/reaching to as much as 200 kmph exist. The wind speed gradually decreases over warm tropical waters and they begin to weaken as they move inland. The intensity of tropical cyclones vary, thus , we can classify them based upon their degree of intensity. The classification of tropical cyclones according to the strength of the associated windsas adopted by PAGASA as of 01 May 2015 are as follows: towards the outer edge. The rainfall will normally be heavy in the TROPICAL DEPRESSION (TD) - a tropical cyclone with maximum entire area occupied by the cyclone. sustained winds of up to 61 kilometers per hour (kph) or less than 33 nautical miles per hour (knots) . • EXTRATROPICAL CYCLONE. These are cyclones formed in locations outside the tropical zone. Associated with a frontal system, they possess a strong counter-clockwise wind circulation in the northern hemisphere. The magnitude of precipitation and wind velocities are relatively lower than those of a tropical cyclone. However, the duration of precipitation is usually longer and the areal extent also is larger. 3. ANTICLONES. These are regions of high pressure, usually of large TROPICAL STORM (TS) - a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 62 to 88 kph or 34 - 47 knots. SEVERE TROPICAL STORM (STS) , a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 89 to 117 kph or 48 - 63 knots. TYPHOON (TY) - a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed of 118 to 220 kph or 64 - 120 knots. areal extent. The weather is usually calm at the centre. Anticyclones SUPER TYPHOON (STY) - a tropical cyclone with maximum wind speed cause clockwise wind circulations in the northern hemisphere. Winds exceeding 220 kph or more than 120 knots. are of moderate speed, and at the outer edges, cloudy and precipitation conditions exist. 1. CONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION is typical of the tropics and is brought about by heating of the air at the interface with the ground. This heated 2.1 | Occurrence types of precipitation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the different types of precipitation. air expands with a resultant reduction in weight. During this period, increasing quantities of water vapor are taken up; the warm moistureladen air becomes unstable; and pronounced vertical currents are developed. Dynamic cooling takes place, causing condensation and precipitation. Convective precipitation may be in the form of light showers or storms of extremely high intensity. 2. OROGRAPHIC PRECIPITATION results results from the mechanical lifting of moist horizontal air currents over natural barriers such as mountain ranges. Factors that are important in this process include land elevation, local slope, orientation of land slope, and distance from the moisture source. 4. ARTIFICIALLY INDUCED. Rainmaking is the act of attempting to artifi cially induce or increase precipitation, usually to stave off drought. According to the clouds' different physical properties, this can be done using airplanes or rockets to sow to the clouds with catalysts such as dry ice, silver iodide and salt powder, to 3. CYCLONIC PRECIPITATION is associated with the movement of air masses from high-pressure regions to low-pressure regions. These pressure differences are created by the unequal heating of the earth‟s surface. It may be classified as frontal or non-frontal. If the air masses are moving so that warm air replaces colder air, the front is known as warm front; if, on the other hand, cold air displaces warm air, the front is cold. If the front is not in motion, it is said to be a stationary front. make clouds rain or increase precipitation, to remove or lessen farmland drought, to increase reservoir irrigation water or water supply capacity, or to increase water levels for power generation ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 2 | Precipitation Precipitation is expressed in terms of the depth to which rainfall water would stand on an area if all the rain were collected on it. Thus 1 cm of rainfall over 2.2 | Measurement measurement of precipitation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe how precipitation is measured. • Identify and describe instruments used in measuring rain. • Solve for the optimum number of raingauge station in a given area. a catchment area of l km 2 represents a volume of water equal to 10 4 m3 . In the case of snowfall, an equivalent depth of water is used as the depth of precipitation. The precipitation is collected and measured in a raingauge. Terms such as pluviometer, ombrometer and hyetometer are also sometimes used to designate a raingauge. A raingauge essentially consists of a cylindrical-vessel assembly kept in the open to collect rain. The rainfall catch of the raingauge is affected by its exposure conditions. To enable the catch of raingauge to accurately represent the rainfall in the area surrounding the raingauge standard settings are adopted. For siting a raingauge the following considerations are important: • The ground must be level and in the open and the instrument must present a horizontal catch surface. • The gauge must be set as near the ground as possible to reduce wind effects but it must be sufficiently high to prevent splashing, flooding, etc. • The instrument must be surrounded by an open fenced area of at least 5.5 m ´ 5.5 m. No object should be nearer to the instrument than 30 m or twice the height of the obstruction. raingauges Raingauges can be broadly classified into two categories as (i) nonrecording raingauges and (ii) recording gauges. NONRECORDING GAUGE • 8-INCH RAINGAUGE. The inside diameter of the collector is exactly 8 inches above a funnel that conducts rain into a cylindrical measuring tube or receiver. The volume of the collector is 10 times the volume of the measuring tube. Therefore the actual depth of rainfall is increased ten times on being collected in the smaller measuring tube. To measure the amount of rainfall accumulated in the measuring tube, (a) a thin measuring stick with the magnifi ed scale printed on its face is used. The precisely dimensioned (b) measuring tube has a capacity representative of only 2 inches (50.8 millimeters) on fl at level ground. Rainfall exceeding this amount spills into the (d) overfl ow can but can be easily measured by pouring it into the measuring tube for total rainfall. RECORDING GAUGE • TIPPING-BUCKET RAINGAUGE is a type of rainfall recording instrument. It is an upright cylinder that has funnel-shaped collector. The precipitation collected by the collector empties into one side of a "tipping bucket", an inverted triangular contraption partitioned transversely at its center, and is pivoted about a horizontal axis. Once one compartment is fi lled with rain, it tips, spilling out the water and placing the other half of the bucket under the funnel. The tipping activates a mercury switch causing an electrical current to move the pen in the recorder. Each tipping is equal to one-half millimeter of rainfall. • WEIGHING-BUCKET TYPE. In this raingauge the catch from the funnel empties into a bucket mounted on a weighing scale. The weight of the bucket and its contents are recorded on a clock-work-driven chart. The clockwork mechanism has the capacity to run for as long as one week. This instrument gives a plot of the accumulated rainfall against the elapsed time, i.e. the mass curve of rainfall. In some instruments of this type the recording unit is so constructed that the pen reverses its direction at every preset value, say 7.5 cm (3 in.) so that a continuous plot of storm is obtained. • NATURAL-SYPHON TYPE. This type of recording • TELEMETERING RAINGAUGES. These raingauges are raingauge is also known as fl oat-type gauge. Here the of the recording type and contain electronic units to rainfall collected by a funnel-shaped collector is led into transmit the data on rainfall to a base station both at a fl oat chamber causing a fl oat to rise. As the fl oat rises, regular intervals and on interrogation. The tipping- a pen attached to the fl oat through a lever system bucket type raingauge, being ideally suited, is usually records the elevation of the fl oat on a rotating drum adopted for this purpose. Any of the other types of driven by a clockwork mechanism. A syphon recording raingauges can also be used equally arrangement empties the fl oat chamber when the fl oat effectively. Telemetering gauges are of utmost use in has reached a pre-set maximum level. gathering rainfall data from mountainous and generally inaccessible places. A typical chart from this type of raingauge is shown in Fig. 2.6. This chart shows a rainfall of 53.8 mm in 30 h. The vertical lines in the pen-trace correspond to the sudden emptying of the fl oat chamber by syphon action which resets the pen to zero level. It is obvious that the natural syphon-type recording raingauge gives a plot of the mass curve of rainfall. radar measurement of rainfall The meteorological radar is a powerful instrument for measuring details of heavy flood-producing rains, a 10-cm radar is used while the areal extent, location and movement of rain storms. Further, the for light rain and snow a 5-cm radar is used. The hydrological range amounts of rainfall over large areas can be determined through the of the radar is about 200 km. Thus a radar can be considered to be radar with a good degree of accuracy. a remote-sensing super gauge covering an areal extent of as much The radar emits a regular succession of pulses of electromagnetic radiation in a narrow beam. When raindrops intercept a radar beam, it has been shown that Pr = space. Present-day developments in the field include (i) On-line processing of radar data on a computer and (ii) Doppler-type radars for measuring the velocity and distribution of raindrops. CZ r2 (2.1) where Pr = average echopower, Z = radar-echo factor, r = distance to target volume and C = a constant. Generally the factor Z is related to the intensity of rainfall as Z = al b as 100,000 km2 . Radar measurement is continuous in time and (2.2) where a and b are coefficients and I = intensity of rainfall in mm/h. The values a and b for a given radar station have to be determined by calibration with the help of recording gauges. At typical equation for Z is Z = 200I 1.60 Meteorological radars operate with wavelengths ranging from 3 to 10 cm, the common values being 5 and 10 cm. For observing raingauge network Since the catching area of a raingauge is very small compared to the areal extent of a storm, it is obvious that to get a representative picture of a storm over a catchment the number of raingauges should be as large as possible, i.e. the catchment area per gauge should be small. On the other hand, economic considerations to a large extent and other considerations, such as topography, accessibility, etc. to some extent restrict the number of gauges to be maintained. Hence one aims at an optimum density of gauges from which reasonably accurate information about the storms can be obtained. Towards this the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) recommends the following densities. • In flat regions of temperate, Mediterranean and tropical zones: Ideal 1 station for 600900 km2 Acceptable 1 station for 9003000 km2 • In mountainous regions of temperate, Mediterranean and topical zones: Ideal 1 station for 100250 km2 Acceptable 1 station for 251000 km2 • In arid and polar zones: 1 station for 150010,000 km2 depending on the feasibility. Ten per cent of raingauge stations should be equipped with selfrecording gauges to know the intensities of rainfall. adequacy of raingauge statations If there are already some raingauge stations in a catchment, the In calculating N from Eq.(2.3) it is usual to take ε = 10%. It is seen optimal number of stations that should exist to have an assigned that if the value of ε is small, the number of raingauge stations will percentage of error in the estimation of mean rainfall is obtained by be more. According to WMO recommendations, at least 10% of the statistical analysis as total raingauges should be of self-recording type. N=( Cv ε )2 (2.3) where N = optimal number of stations, ε = allowable degree of error in the estimate of the mean rainfall and Cv = coefficient of variation of the rainfall values at the existing m stations (in per cent). If there are m stations in the catchment each recording rainfall values P1, P2, . . . , Pi, . . . , Pm in a known time, the coefficient of variation Cv is calculated as: Cv = 100 × σm−1 P̄ m where σm−1 = [ ∑1 (Pi − P̄)2 m−1 = standard deviation Pi = precipitation magnitude in the i th station 1 m P̄ = ( Pi) = mean precipitation m ∑ 1 ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 2 | Precipitation Before using the rainfall records of a station, it is necessary to first 2.3 | Precipitation Data Analysis preparation of data INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Estimate missing data from rainfall measurements. • Discuss the test for consistency of rainfall data. check the data for continuity and consistency. The continuity of a record may be broken with missing data due to many reasons such as damage or fault in a raingauge during a period. The missing data can be estimated by using the data of the neighbouring stations. In these calculations the normal rainfall is used as a standard of comparison. The normal rainfall is the average value of rainfall at a particular date, month or year over a specified 30-year period. The 30-year normals are recomputed every decade. Thus the term normal annual percipitation at station A means the average annual precipitation at A based on a specified 30-years of record. estimation of missing data test for consistency of record If the conditions relevant to the recording of a raingauge station precipitation values at station X beyond the period of change of have undergone a significant change during the period of record, regime (point 63 in Fig. 2.7) is corrected by using the relation inconsistency would arise in the rainfall data of that station. This Pcx = Px inconsistency would be felt from the time the significant change took place. Some of the common causes for inconsistency of record are: (i) shifting of a raingauge station to a new location, (ii) the neighbourhood of the station undergoing a marked change, (iii) change in the ecosystem due to calamities, such as forest fires, land slides, and (iv) occurrence of observational error from a certain date. The checking for inconsistency of a record is done by the double-mass curve technique. This technique is based on the principle that when each recorded data comes from the same parent population, they are consistent. A group of 5 to 10 base stations in the neighbourhood of the problem station X is selected. The data of the annual (or monthly or seasonal mean) rainfall of the station X and also the average rainfall of the group of base stations covering a long period is arranged in the reverse chronological order (i.e. the latest record as the first entry and the oldest record as the last entry in the list). The accumulated precipitation of the station X (i.e. ΣPx ) and the accumulated values of the average of the group of base stations (i.e. ΣPav ) are calculated starting from the latest record. Values of ΣPx are plotted against ΣPav for various consecutive time periods (Fig. 2.7). A decided break in the slope of the resulting plot indicates a change in the precipitation regime of station X. The where Me Ma (2.6) Pcx = corrected precipitation at any time period t1at station X Px = original recorded precipitation at any time period t1 at station X Mc = corrected slope of the double-mass curve Ma = original slope of the double-mass curve In this way the older records are brought to the new regime of the station. It is apparent that the more homogeneous the base station records are, the more accurate will be the corrected values at station X. A change in the slope is normally taken as significant only where it persists for more than five years. The double-mass curve is also helpful in checking systematic arithmetical errors in transferring rainfall data from one record to another. 2.3 | Precipitation Data Analysis Presentation of rainfall data INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Understand the different ways of presenting rainfall data. mass curve of rainfall The mass curve of rainfall is a plot of the accumulated precipitation against time, plotted in chronological order. Records of float type and weighing bucket type gauges are of this form. A typical mass curve of rainfall at a station during a storm is shown in Fig. 2.9. Mass curves of rainfall are very useful in extracting the information on the duration and magnitude of a storm. Also, intensities at various time intervals in a storm can be obtained by the slope of the curve. For nonrecording raingauges, mass curves are prepared from a knowledge of the approximate beginning and end of a storm and by using the mass curves of adjacent recording gauge stations as a guide. hyetograph A hyetograph is a plot of the intensity of rainfall against the time precipitation received in the period. The time interval used interval. The hyetograph is derived from the mass curve and is depends on the purpose, in urban-drainage problems small usually represented as a bar chart (Fig. 2.10). It is a very convenient durations are used while in flood-flow computations in larger way of representing the characteristics of a storm and is particularly catchments the intervals are of about 6 h. important in the development of design storms to predict extreme floods. The area under a hyetograph represents the total Point rainfall Point rainfall, also known as station rainfall refers to the rainfall data of a station. Depending upon the need, data can be listed as daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal or annual values for various periods. Graphically these data are represented as plots of magnitude vs chronological time in the form of a bar diagram. Such a plot, however, is not convenient for discerning a trend in the rainfall as there will be considerable variations in the rainfall values leading to rapid changes in the plot. The trend is often discerned by the method of moving averages, also known as moving means. MOVING AVERAGE. Moving average is a technique for smoothening out the high frequency fl uctuations of a time series and to enable the trend, if any, to be noticed. The basic principle is that a window of time range m years is selected. Starting from the fi rst set of m years of data, the average of the data for m years is calculated and placed in the middle year of the range m. The window is next moved sequentially one time unit (year) at a time and the mean of the m terms in the window is determined at each window location. The value of m can be 3 or more years; usually an odd value. Generally, the larger the size of the range m, the greater is the smoothening. There are many ways of averaging (and consequently the plotting position of the mean) and the method described above is called Central Simple Moving Average. Example 2.4 describes the application of the method of moving averages. As indicated earlier, raingauges represent only point sampling of the a real distribution of a storm. In practice, however, hydrological 2.3 | Precipitation Data Analysis analysis requires a knowledge of the rainfall over an area, such as Mean precipitation over and area To convert the point rainfall values at various stations into an INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Compute the average value of rainfall over a catchment area. over a catchment. average value over a catchment the following three methods are in use: (i) Arithmetical-mean method, (ii) Thiessen-polygon method, and (iii) Isohyetal method. Arithmetical-mean method Thiessen-mean method Isohyetal method The areal distribution characteristics of a storm of given duration is reflected in its depth-area relationship. A few aspects of the 2.3 | Precipitation Data Analysis depth-area duration relationships INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES interdependency of depth, area and duration of storms are discussed below. depth-area relation For a rainfall of a given duration, the average depth decreases with the area in an exponential fashion given by • Describe the relationship between land area and rainfall depth. P̄ = P0 exp (−K A n) where P̄ = average depth in cm over an area A km2, P0 = highest amount of rainfall in cm at the storm centre and K and n are constants for a given region. Since it is very unlikely that the storm centre coincides over a raingauge station, the exact determination of P0 is not possible. Hence in the analysis of large area storms the highest station rainfall is taken as the average depth over an area of 25 km2. maximum depth-area-duration curves In many hydraulic-engineering applications such as those concerned with floods, the probability of occurrence of a particular 2.3 | Precipitation Data Analysis frequency of point rainfall INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Compute the probability of rainfall. extreme rainfall, e.g. a 24-h maximum rainfall, will be of importance. Such information is obtained by the frequency analysis of the point-rainfall data. The rainfall at a place is a random hydrologic process and a sequence of rainfall data at a place when arranged in chronological order constitute a time series. One of the commonly used data series is the annual series composed of annual values such as annual rainfall. If the extreme values of a specified event occurring in each year is listed, it also constitutes an annual series. Thus for example, one may list the maximum 24-h rainfall occurring in a year at a station to prepare an annual series of 24-h maximum rainfall values. The probability of occurrence of an event in this series is studied by frequency analysis of this annual data series. A brief description of the terminology and a simple method of predicting the frequency of an event is described in this section and for details the reader is referred to standard works on probability and statistical methods. The analysis of annual series, even though described with rainfall as a reference is equally applicable to any other random hydrological process, e.g. stream flow. First, it is necessary to correctly understand the terminology used in a. The probability of an event of exceedence probability P frequency analysis. The probability of occurrence of an event of a occurring 2 times in n successive years is random variable (e.g. rainfall) whose magnitude is equal to or in P2,n = excess of a specified magnitude X is denoted by P. The recurrence interval (also known as return period) is defined as T = 1/P b. The probability of the event not occurring at all in n successive years is (2.11) This represents the average interval between the occurrence of a rainfall of magnitude equal to or greater than X. Thus if it is stated that the return period of rainfall of 20 cm in 24 h is 10 years at a certain station A, it implies that on an average rainfall magnitudes equal to or greater than 20 cm in 24 h occur once in 10 years, i.e. in a long period of say 100 years, 10 such events can be expected. However, it does not mean that every 10 years one such event is likely, i.e. periodicity is not implied. The probability of a rainfall of 20 cm in 24 h occurring in anyone year at station A is 1/ T = 1/10 = 0.l. If the probability of an event occurring is P, the probability of the event not occurring in a given year is q = (1P). The binomial distribution can be used to find the probability of occurrence of the event r times in n successive years. Thus Pr,n =n Cr Pr q n−r = n! P r q n−r (n − r)!r! (2.12) where P r, n = probability of a random hydrologic event (rainfall) of given magnitude and exceedence probability P occurring r times in n successive years. Thus, for example, n! P 2q n−2 (n − 2)!2! P0,n = q n = (1 − P)n c. The probability of the event occurring at least once in n successive years P1 = 1 − q n = 1 − (1 − P)n (2.13) plotting position In the design of major hydraulic structures such as spillways 2.3 | Precipitation Data Analysis probable maximum precipitation (pmp) in large dams, the hydrologist and hydraulic engineer would like to keep the failure probability as low as possible, i.e. virtually zero. This is because the failure of such a major structure will cause very heavy damages to life, property, economy and national morale. In the design and analysis of such structures, the maximum possible precipitation that can reasonably be expected at a given location is used. This stems from the recognition that there is a physical upper limit to the amount of precipitation that can fall over INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the maximum amount of precipitation over a specified area in a given time. a specified area in a given time. world’s greatest observed rainfall ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 3 | Evaporation, Transpiration, Interception, and Depression Storage 3.1 | Evaporation From Free Surface Measurement evaporation In Engineering Hydrology runoff due to a storm event is often the major subject of study. All abstractions from precipitation, viz. those due to evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, surface detention and storage, are considered as losses in the production of runoff. Evaporation is the process in which a liquid changes to the gaseous state at the free surface, below the boiling point through the transfer of heat energy. Consider a body of water in a pond. The molecules of water are in constant motion with a wide range of instantaneous velocities. An addition of heat causes this range and INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the evaporation process and the factors affecting it. • Identify devices used in measuring evaporation. • Use the different methods in estimating evaporation. average speed to increase. When some molecules possess suffi cient kinetic energy, they may cross over the water surface. Similarly, the atmosphere in the immediate neighborhood of the water surface contains water molecules within the water vapor in motion and some of them may penetrate the water surface. The net escape of water molecules from the liquid state to the gaseous state constitutes evaporation. Evaporation is a cooling process in that the latent heat of vaporization (at about 585 cal/g of evaporated water) must be provided by the water body. The rate of evaporation is dependent on (i) the vapor pressures at the water surface and air above, (ii) air and water temperatures, (iii) wind speed, (iv) atmospheric pressure, (v) quality of water, and (vi) size of the water body. evaporation process • VAPOR PRESSURE. The rate of evaporation is proportional to the beyond which any further increase in the wind speed has no difference between the saturation vapour pressure at the water infl uence on the evaporation rate. This critical windspeed value is temperature, e w and the actual vapour pressure in the air, ea . a function of the size of the water surface. For large water bodies Thus highspeed turbulent winds are needed to cause maximum rate of EL = C(ew − ea) (3.1) where EL = rate of evaporation (mm/day) and C = a constant; ew and ea are in mm of mercury. Equation (3.1) is known as Daltons law of evaporation after John Dalton (1802) who fi rst recognized this law. Evaporation continues till ew = ea . If ew > ea condensation takes place. • TEMPERATURE. Other factors remaining the same, the rate of evaporation increases with an increase in the water temperature. Regarding air temperature, although there is a general increase in the evaporation rate with increasing temperature, a high correlation between evaporation rate and air temperature does not exist. Thus for the same mean monthly temperature it is possible to have evaporation to different degrees in a lake in different months. • WIND. Wind aids in removing the evaporated water vapour from the zone of evaporation and consequently creates greater scope for evaporation. However, if the wind velocity is large enough to remove all the evaporated water vapour, any further increase in wind velocity does not infl uence the evaporation. Thus the rate of evaporation increases with the wind speed up to a critical speed evaporation. • ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Other factors remaining same, a decrease in the barometric pressure, as in high altitudes, increases evaporation. • SOLUBLE SALTS. When When a solute is dissolved in water, the vapor pressure of the solution is less than that of pure water and hence causes reduction in the rate of evaporation. The percent reduction in evaporation approximately corresponds to the percentage increase in the specifi c gravity. Thus, for example, under identical conditions evaporation from sea water is about 2-3% less than that from fresh water. • HEAT STORAGE IN WATER BODIES. Deep water bodies have more heat storage than shallow ones. A deep lake may store radiation energy received in summer and release it in winter causing less evaporation in summer and more evaporation in winter compared to a shallow lake exposed to a similar situation. However, the effect of heat storage is essentially to change the seasonal evaporation rates and the annual evaporation rate is seldom affected. evaporimeters Estimation of evaporation is of utmost importance in many • CLASS A EVAPORATION PAN. It is a standard pan of 1210 mm hydrologic problems associated with planning and operation of diameter and 255 mm depth used by the US Weather Bureau and reservoirs and irrigation systems. In arid zones, this estimation is is known as Class A Land Pan. The depth of water is maintained particularly important to conserve the scarce water resources. between 18 cm and 20 cm (Fig. 3.1). The pan is normally made of However, the exact measurement of evaporation from a large body unpainted galvanised iron sheet. Monel metal is used where of water is indeed one of the most difficult tasks. corrosion is a problem. The pan is placed on a wooden platform The amount of water evaporated from a water surface is estimated by the following methods: (i) using evaporimeter data, (ii) empirical evaporation equations, and (iii) analytical methods. Evaporimeters are water-containing pans which are exposed to the atmosphere and the loss of water by evaporation measured in them at regular intervals. Meteorological data, such as humidity, wind movement, air and water temperatures and precipitation are also noted along with evaporation measurement. of 15 cm height above the ground to allow free circulation of air below the pan. Evaporation measurements are made by measuring the depth of water with a hook gauge in a stilling well. • ISI STANDARD PAN. This pan evaporimeter specifi ed by IS: • COLORADO SUNKEN PAN. This pan, 920 mm square and 460 5973-1970, also known as modified Class A Pan, consists of a mm deep is made up of unpainted galvanized iron sheet and pan 1220 mm in diameter with 255 mm of depth. The pan is buried into the ground within 100 mm of the top (Fig. 3.3). The made of copper sheet of 0.9 mm thickness, tinned inside and chief advantage of the sunken pan is that radiation and painted white outside (Fig. 3.2). A fi xed point gauge indicates the aerodynamic characteristics are similar to those of a lake. level of water. A calibrated cylindrical measure is used to add or However, it has the following disadvantages: (i) diffi cult to detect remove water maintaining the water level in the pan to a fi xed leaks, (ii) extra care is needed to keep the surrounding area free mark. The top of the pan is covered fully with a hexagonal wire from tall grass, dust, etc., and (iii) expensive to install. netting of galvanized iron to protect the water in the pan from birds. Further, the presence of a wire mesh makes the water temperature more uniform during day and night. The evaporation from this pan is found to be less by about 14% compared to that from unscreened pan. The pan is placed over a square wooden platform of 1225 mm width and 100 mm height to enable circulation of air underneath the pan. • US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY FLOATING PAN. With a view to In view of the above, the evaporation observed from a pan simulate the characteristics of a large body of water, this square has to be corrected to get the evaporation from a lake under pan (900 mm side and 450 mm depth) supported by drum fl oats similar climatic and exposure conditions. Thus a coefficient is in the middle of a raft (4.25 m ´ 4.87 m) is set afl oat in a lake. The introduced as water level in the pan is kept at the same level as the lake leaving a rim of 75 mm. Diagonal baffl es provided in the pan reduce the surging in the pan due to wave action. Its high cost of installation and maintenance together with the diffi culty involved in performing measurements are its main disadvantages. Lake evaporation = CP x pan evaporation in which CP = pan coefficient. The values of CP in use for different pans are given in Table 3.l. • PAN COEFFICIENT CP . Evaporation pans are not exact models of large reservoirs and have the following principal drawbacks: 1. They differ in the heat-storing capacity and heat transfer from the sides and bottom. The sunken pan and floating pan aim to reduce this deficiency. As a result of this factor the evaporation from a pan depends to a certain extent on its size. While a pan of 3 m diameter is known to give a value which is about the same as from a neighboring large lake, a pan of size 1.0 m diameter indicates about 20% excess evaporation than that of the 3 m diameter pan. 2. The height of the rim in an evaporation pan affects the wind action over the surface. Also, it casts a shadow of variable magnitude over the water surface. 3. The heat-transfer characteristics of the pan material is different from that of the reservoir. • EVAPORATION STATIONS. It is usual to instal evaporation pans in such locations where other meteorological data are also simultaneously collected. The WMO recommends the minimum network of evaporimeter stations as below: 1. Arid zonesOne station for every 30,000 km2 , 2. Humid temperate climatesOne station for every 50,000 km2 , and 3. Cold regionsOne station for every 100,000 km2 . empirical evaporation equations A large number of empirical equations are available to estimate • ROHWER’S FORMULA (1931). Rohwer’s formula considers a lake evaporation using commonly available meteorological data. correction for the effect of pressure in addition to the wind-speed Most formulae are based on the Daltontype equation and can be effect and is given by expressed in the general form EL = 0.771(1.465 − 0.000732pa)(0.44 + 0.0733u0)(ew − ea) EL = K f (u)(ew − ea) (3.2) (3.4) in which EL , ew , and ea are as defi ned earlier in Eq. (3.2), pa = mean barometric reading in mm of mercury, u0 = mean wind where EL = lake evaporation in mm/day, ew = saturated vapor velocity in km/h at ground level, which can be taken to be the actual vapor pressure of over-lying air at a specified height in mm In using the empirical equations, the saturated vapor pressure at a pressure at the water surface temperature in mm of mercury, ea = of mercury, f (u) = wind-speed correction function and K = a coefficient. The term ea is measured at the same height at which wind speed is measured. Two commonly used empirical evaporation formulae are: EL = KM (ew − ea)(1 + 16 given temperature (ew ) is found from a table of ew vs temperature in °C. Often, the wind-velocity data would be available at an elevation other than that needed in the particular equation. However, it is known that in the lower part of the atmosphere, up to a height of about 500 m above the ground level, the wind velocity can be • MEYER’S FORMULA (1915) u9 velocity at 0.6 m height above ground. ) (3.3) in which EL , ew , ea are as defi ned in Eq. (3.2), u9 = monthly mean wind velocity in km/ h at about 9 m above ground and KM = coeffi cient accounting for various other factors with a value of 0.36 for large deep waters and 0.50 for small, shallow waters. assumed to follow the 1/7 power law as uh = Ch 1/7 (3.5) where uh = wind velocity at a height h above the ground and C = constant. This equation can be used to determine the velocity at any desired level if uh is known. analytical methods of evaporation estimation WATER BUDGET METHOD analytical methods of evaporation estimation ENERGY-BUDGET METHOD ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 3 | Evaporation, Transpiration, Interception, and Depression Storage TRANSPIRATION 3.2 | Transpiration and Evaporation evapotranspiration • The process by which water leaves the body of a living plant and reaches the atmosphere as water vapour. The water is taken up by the plant-root system and escapes through the leaves. • The important factors affecting transpiration are: atmospheric vapour pressure, temperature, wind, light intensity and characteristics of the plant, such as the root and leaf systems. For a given plant, factors that affect the free-water evaporation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Differentiate transpiration from evaporation. also affect transpiration. • For a given plant, factors that affect the free-water evaporation also affect transpiration. However, a major difference exists between transpiration and evaporation. Transpiration is • Identify the factors affecting transpiration. essentially confined to daylight hours and the rate of • Discuss the significance of evapotranspiration in hydrology. Evaporation, on the other hand, continues all through the day • Identify devices used in measuring evapotranspiration in the field. transpiration depends upon the growth periods of the plant. and night although the rates are different. evapotranspiration • While transpiration takes place, the land area in which plants stand also lose moisture by the evaporation of water from soil and water bodies. In hydrology and irrigation practice, it is found that evaporation and transpiration processes can be considered advantageously under one head as evapotranspiration. • The term consumptive use is also used to denote this loss by evapotranspiration. • For a given set of atmospheric conditions, evapotranspiration obviously depends on the availability of water. If sufficient moisture is always available to completely meet the needs of v e g e t at i o n f u l l y c o v e r i n g t h e a rea , t h e re s u l t i n g evapotranspiration is called potential evapotranspiration (PET). Potential evapotranspiration no longer critically depends on the soil and plant factors but depends essentially on the climatic factors. • The real evapotranspiration occurring in a specific situation is called actual evapotranspiration (AET). • Field capacity is the maximum quantity of water that the soil can retain against the force of gravity. Any higher moisture input to a soil at field capacity simply drains away. outflow, E act = actual evapotranspiration (AET) and ΔS = change in the moisture storage. This water budgeting can be used to • Permanent wilting point is the moisture content of a soil at which the moisture is no longer available in sufficient quantity to sustain the plants. At this stage, even though the soil contains some moisture, it will be so held by the soil grains that the roots of the plants are not able to extract it in sufficient quantities to sustain the plants and consequently the plants wilt. calculate E act by knowing or estimating other elements of Eq. (3.12). Generally, the sum of Rs and Go can be taken as the stream flow at the basin outlet without much error. • Except in a few specialized studies, all applied studies in hydrology use PET (not AET) as a basic parameter in various estimations related to water utilizations connected with • The field capacity and permanent wilting point depend upon the soil characteristics. The difference between these two moisture contents is called available water, the moisture available for plant growth. • If the water supply to the plant is adequate, soil moisture will be at the field capacity and AET will be equal to PET. • If the water supply is less than PET, the soil dries out and the ratio AET/PET would then be less than unity. • The decrease of the ratio AET/PET with available moisture depends upon the type of soil and rate of drying. Generally, for clayey soils, AET/PET = 1.0 for nearly 50% drop in the available moisture. As can be expected, when the soil moisture reaches the permanent wilting point, the AET reduces to zero (Fig. 3.5). For a catchment in a given period of time, the hydrologic budget can be written as P − Rs − Go − Eact = ΔS where P = precipitation, Rs = surface runoff, Go = subsurface (3.12) evapotranspiration process. It is generally agreed that PET is a good approximation for lake evaporation. As such, where pan evaporation data is not available, PET can be used to estimate lake evaporation. measurement of evapotranspiration The measurement of evapotranspiration for a given vegetation type • FIELD PLOTS. In special plots all the elements of the water can be carried out in two ways: either by using lysimeters or by the budget in a known interval of time are measured and the use of field plots. evapotranspiration determined as • LYSIMETERS. A lysimeter is a special watertight tank containing a block of soil and set in a fi eld of growing plants. The plants grown in the lysimeter are the same as in the surrounding fi eld. Evapotranspiration is estimated in terms of the amount of water required to maintain constant moisture conditions within the tank measured either volumetric ally or gravimetrically through an arrangement made in the lysimeter. Lysimeters should be designed to accurately reproduce the soil conditions, moisture content, type and size of the vegetation of the surrounding area. They should be so buried that the soil is at the same level inside and outside the container. Lysimeter studies are timeconsuming expensive. and Evapotranspiration = [precipitation + irrigation input runoff increase in soil storage groundwater loss] Measurements are usually confi ned to precipitation, irrigation input, surface runoff and soil moisture. Groundwater loss due to deep percolation is diffi cult to measure and can be minimised by keeping the moisture condition of the plot at the fi eld capacity. This method provides fairly reliable results. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 3 | Evaporation, Transpiration, Interception, and Depression Storage • Interception is the removal of water that wets and adheres to plant foliage, buildings, and other objects above ground surface. This water is subsequently 3.3 | Interception & Depression Storage interception removed from the surface through evaporation. • Interception can be as high as 2 mm during a single rainfall event, but typically removes about 0.5 mm during a single rainfall/storm event. • The quantity of water removed through interception is usually not significant for an isolated storm, but, when added over a period of time, it can be significant. It is thought that as much as 25 percent of the total annual precipitation for certain heavily forested areas of the Pacific Northwest of the United States is lost through interception during the course of a year. • Interception is the process by which water is captured on vegetation (leaves, INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES bark, grasses, crops, etc.) during a precipitation event. Intercepted precipitation • Discuss the process of interception and its main components. through evaporation. Interception losses generally occur during the first part of a • Describe factors affecting interception. is not available for runoff or infiltration, but instead is returned to the atmosphere precipitation event and the interception loss rate trends toward zero rather quickly. • Interception losses are described by the following Interception loss prevents water from reaching the equation: Li = S + KEt , where Li is the total volume of ground surface and is regarded as a primary water water intercepted, S is the interception storage, K is the ration of the surface area of the leaves to the area of the entire canopy, E is the rate of evaporation during the precipitation event, and t is time. • As the Horton equation suggests, the total interception is dependent on the storm duration, as longer duration storms allow more evaporation from the canopy during the storm event. The intensity of the storm also plays a role in canopy interception however, there is debate as to whether intensity increases or decreases interception storage in canopy. • There are many other factors that influence interception potential. Interception varies widely by season as deciduous trees lose much of their canopy storage potential during winter months. • There are three main components of interception: Interception loss, throughfall, and stemfall. 1. INTERCEPTION LOSS: The water that is retained by vegetation surfaces that is later evaporated into the atmosphere, or absorbed by the plant. loss. 2. THROUGHFALL: The water which falls through spaces in the vegetation canopy, or which drips from the leaves, twigs and stems and falls to the ground. 3. STEMFLOW: The water which trickles along the stems and branches and down the main stem or trunk to the ground surface. factors affecting interception • INTERCEPTION STORAGE: The ability of vegetation interception storage is large, so the frequency of re- surfaces to collect and retain Precipitation, capacity will wetting is more significant than the duration and amount be highest at the onset of rainfall when the vegetation is of rainfall. dry, when water is held by surface tension. • TYPE AND MORPHOLOGY OF THE VEGETATION • EVAPORATION: Even when the interception storage COVER: Different vegetation types have different capacity is exceeded water may be lost by evaporation interception storage capacities, aerodynamic roughness off leaf surfaces, which increases in windy conditions, characteristics, rate of evaporation from their surfaces. though the interception storage capacity may be Interception losses are generally greater from trees than reduced with increased windspeed. other types of vegetation (grasses and agricultural • DURATION OF RAINFALL: Influences interception by determining the balance between reduced storage of water on vegetation surfaces and increased evaporative loss over time.Total interception losses increase with duration of rainfall (but only gradually), though the relative importance of interception decreases with time.The importance of interception decreases with time, due to duration of rainfall and changes in the interception storage capacity. • RAINFALL FREQUENCY: The highest levels of interception loss occur when the leaves are dry and crops)due to the greater aerodynamic roughness of trees in promoting increased evaporation in wet conditions or to their higher interception capacities (in some cases) especially when wetted and dried frequently. Interception losses are greater from coniferous forests than from deciduous woodlands. • Depression storage is the term applied to water that is lost because it becomes trapped in the numerous small depressions that are characteristic of any natural 3.3 | Interception & Depression Storage depression storage surface. • When water temporarily accumulates in a low point with no possibility for escape as runoff, the accumulation is referred to as depression storage. • The amount of water that is lost due to depression storage varies greatly with the land use. A paved surface will not detain as much water as a recently furrowed field. • The relative importance of depression storage in determining the runoff from a given storm depends on the amount and intensity of precipitation in the storm. Typical values for depression storage range from 1 to 8 mm (0.04 to 0.3 in) with INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES some values as high as 15 mm (0.6 in) per event. As with evaporation and • Define depression storage. design. • Identify factors affecting the depression storage. transpiration, depression storage is generally not directly calculated in highway • If the soil surface has a low infiltration capacity and low hydraulic conductivity, and if the topography allows for surface storage, then water may be stored at the surface in small pools or depressions. These water-filled depressions, called vernal pools, are often seasonal features that form because of perched water tables. These depression storage areas may become hydrologically connected during high water conditions and develop a flow network to deliver water to streams or other surface water bodies. • Depression storage refers to small low points in undulating terrain that can store precipitation that otherwise would become runoff. The precipitation stored in these depressions is then either removed through infiltration into the ground or by evaporation. Depression storage exists on both pervious and impervious surfaces. • The volume of water in depression storage at any time during a precipitation event can be approximated as (Linsley 1982): V = Sd(1 − e −kPe) (4.1) where V is the volume of water in depression storage, Sd is the maximum storage capacity of the depression, Pe is the rainfall excess, and k is a constant equal to 1/Sd. • FACTORS AFFECTING DEPRESSION STORAGE: Nature of terrain, slope, type of soil surface, land surface, antecedent rainfall, time. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY REFERENCE: Rainfall-Runoff Processes by David G. Tarboton 4 | Surface and Subsurface Runoff Phenomenon An important question in hydrology is how much stream flow occurs in a river in response to a given amount of rainfall. To answer this question we need to 4.1 | Rainfall-Runoff Processes know where water goes when it rains, how long does water reside in a runoff processes more generally surface water input – runoff processes. The term, "surface INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Understand the process involved in the transformation of surface water input to runoff at the earth surface. watershed, and what pathway does water take to the stream channel. These are the questions addressed in the study of rainfall – runoff processes, or water input" is used in preference to rainfall or precipitation to be inclusive of snowmelt as a driver for runoff. Answering the question of how much runoff is generated from surface water inputs requires partitioning water inputs at the earth surface into components that infiltrate and components that flow overland and directly enter streams. The pathways followed by infiltrated water need to be understood. Infiltrated water can follow subsurface pathways that take it to the stream relatively quickly, in which case it is called interflow or subsurface stormflow. Infiltrated water can also percolate to deep groundwater, which may sustain the steady flow in streams over much longer time scales that is called baseflow. Infiltrated water can also remain in the soil to later evaporate or be transpired back to the atmosphere. The • Discuss the physical factors at the land surface that affect runoff. paths taken by water determine many of the characteristics of a landscape, • Discuss the current understanding of runoff processes modeling the rainfall – runoff process is therefore important in many flood the occurrence and size of floods, the uses to which land may be put and the strategies required for wise land management. Understanding and and water resources problems. Figure 1 illustrates schematically many of the processes involved in the generation of runoff. runoff processes The paths water can take in moving to a stream are illustrated in Figure 1. Precipitation may be in the form of rain or snow. Vegetation may intercept some fraction of precipitation. Precipitation that penetrates the vegetation is referred to as throughfall and may consist of both precipitation that does not contact the vegetation, or that drops or drains off the vegetation after being intercepted. A large fraction of intercepted water is commonly evaporated back to the atmosphere. There is also flux of water to the atmosphere through transpiration of the vegetation and evaporation from soil and water bodies. The surface water input available for the generation of runoff consists of throughfall and snowmelt. This surface water input may accumulate on the surface in depression storage, or flow overland towards the streams as overland flow, or infiltrate into the soil, where it may flow laterally towards the stream contributing to interflow. Infiltrated water may also percolate through deeper soil and rock layers into the groundwater. The water table is the surface below which the soil and rock is saturated and at pressure greater than atmospheric. This serves as the boundary between the saturated zone containing groundwater and unsaturated zone. Water added to the groundwater is referred to as groundwater recharge. Immediately above the water table is a region of soil that is close to saturation, due to water being held by capillary forces. This is referred to as the capillary fringe. Lateral drainage of the groundwater into streams is referred to as baseflow, because it sustains streamflow during rainless periods. Subsurface water, either from interflow or from groundwater may flow back across the land surface to add to overland flow. This is referred to as return flow. Overland flow and shallower interflow processes that transport water to the stream within the time scale of approximately a day or so are classified as runoff. Water that percolates to the groundwater moves at much lower velocities and reaches the stream over longer periods of time such as weeks, months or even years. The terms quick flow and delayed flow are also used to describe and distinguish between runoff and baseflow. Runoff includes surface runoff (overland flow) and subsurface runoff or subsurface stormflow (interflow). runoff GENERATION MECHANISMS Figure 2 depicts a cross section through a hillslope that exposes in more detail the pathways infiltrated water may follow. Infiltrated water may flow through the matrix of the soil in the inter-granular pores and small structural voids. Infiltrated water may also flow through larger voids referred to as macropores. Macropores include pipes that are open passageways in the soil caused by decaying roots and burrowing animals. Macropores also include larger structural voids within the soil matrix that serve as preferential pathways for subsurface flow. The permeability of the soil matrix may differ between soil horizons and this may lead to the build up of a saturated wedge above a soil horizon interface. Water in these saturated wedges may flow laterally through the soil matrix, or enter macropores and be carried rapidly to the stream as subsurface stormflow in the form of interflow. Recent research in hillslope hydrology involving tracers, especially in humid catchments has found that the dominant contributor to stormflow in the stream is pre-event water (averaging 75% world wide, Buttle, 1994). Pre-event water is water that was present in the hillslope before the storm as identified by a distinct isotopic or chemical composition. Another consensus emerging from recent research is that interflow involving preferential flow through macropores is a ubiquitous phenomenon in natural soils. Rapid lateral flow through a network of macropores and the effusion of old water into stream channels is the primary mechanism for runoff generation in many humid regions where overland flow is rarely observed. This mechanism has been linked to nonlinear threshold type behavior in hillslope runoff response. Figure 3 shows how runoff ratio, the fraction of precipitation that appears as runoff, is dependent upon soil moisture content. Soil moisture content needs to exceed a threshold before any significant runoff occurs. Figure 4 shows the relationship between depth to groundwater and runoff at two different hillslope locations (Seibert et al., 2003) that also shows threshold behavior, with runoff being more tightly related to depth to groundwater near the stream than further up a hillslope. With this background on the pathways followed by infiltrated water we can examine the mechanisms involved in the generation of runoff (Figure 6). Each mechanism has a different response to rainfall or snowmelt in the volume of runoff produced, the peak discharge rate, Natural soils contain heterogeneities that lead to variability in the and the timing of contributions to streamflow in the channel. The relative infiltration process itself. Infiltrating water follows preferential pathways importance of each process is affected by climate, geology, topography, and macropores and may result in increases in moisture content at depth soil characteristics, vegetation and land use. The dominant process may before saturation or similar increases in moisture content higher in the vary between large and small storms. soil profile. Figure 5a shows a photograph of a soil where dye has been used to trace infiltration pathways in experiments reported by Weiler and Naef (2003). Figure 5b shows the dye intensity objectively classified from the photograph following excavation of the plot following a dye sprinkling experiment. In Figure 6a the infiltration excess overland flow mechanism is illustrated. There is a maximum limiting rate at which a soil in a given condition can absorb surface water input. This was referred to by Robert E. Horton (1933), one of the founding fathers of quantitative hydrology, as the infiltration capacity of the soil, and hence this mechanism is also called Horton overland flow. Infiltration capacity is also referred to as infiltrability. When surface water input exceeds infiltration capacity the excess water accumulates on the soil surface and fills small depressions. Water in depression storage does not directly contribute to overland flow runoff; it either evaporates or infiltrates later. With continued surface water input, the depression storage capacity is filled, and water spills over to run down slope as an irregular sheet or to converge into rivulets of overland flow. The amount of water stored on the hillside in the process of flowing down slope is called surface detention. The transition from depression storage to surface detention and overland flow is not sharp, because some depressions may fill and contribute to overland flow before others. Figure 7 illustrates the response, in terms of runoff from a hillside plot due to rainfall rate exceeding infiltration capacity with the filling of depression storage and increase in, and draining of, water in surface detention during a storm. Note, in Figure 7, that infiltration capacity declines during the storm, due to the pores being filled with water reducing the capillary forces drawing water into pores. Due to spatial variability of the soil properties affecting infiltration capacity and due to spatial variability of surface water inputs, infiltration excess runoff does not necessarily occur over a whole drainage basin during a storm or surface water input event. Betson (1964) pointed out that the area contributing to infiltration excess runoff may only be a small portion of the watershed. This idea has become known as the partialarea concept of infiltration excess overland flow and is illustrated in Figure 6b. Infiltration excess overland flow occurs anywhere that surface water input in the depth to the shallow water table. This variability of the extent of exceeds the infiltration capacity of the surface. This occurs most surface saturation is referred to as the variable source area concept frequently in areas devoid of vegetation or possessing only a thin cover. (Hewlett and Hibbert, 1967) and is illustrated in Figures 8 and 9. Semi-arid rangelands and cultivated fields in regions with high rainfall intensity are places where this process can be observed. It can also be seen where the soil has been compacted or topsoil removed. Infiltration Geometrical considerations dictate that near stream saturated zones will be most extensive in locations with concave hillslope profiles and wide excess overland flow is particularly obvious on paved urban areas. flat valleys. However, saturated overland flow is not restricted to near- In most humid regions infiltration capacities are high because vegetation flow lines converge in slope concavities (hillslope hollows) and water protects the soil from rain-packing and dispersal, and because the arrives faster than it can be transmitted down slope as subsurface flow; supply of humus and the activity of micro fauna create an open soil (2) at concave slope breaks where the hydraulic gradient inducing structure. Under such conditions surface water input intensities generally subsurface flow from upslope is greater than that inducing down slope do not exceed infiltration capacities and infiltration excess runoff is rare. transmission; (3) where soil layers conducting subsurface flow are locally Overland flow can occur due to surface water input on areas that are thin; and (4) where hydraulic conductivity decreases abruptly or already saturated. This is referred to as saturation excess overland flow, gradually with depth and percolating water accumulates above the low- illustrated in Figure 6c. Saturation excess overland flow occurs in conductivity layers to form perched zones of saturation that reach the locations where infiltrating water completely saturates the soil profile surface. until there is no space for any further water to infiltrate. The complete saturation of a soil profile resulting in the water table rising to the surface is referred to as saturation from below. Once saturation from below occurs at a location all further surface water input at that location stream areas. Saturation from below can also occur (1) where subsurface Return flow (qr in Figure 6c) is subsurface water that returns to the surface to add to overland flow. Return flow also occurs at places where the soil thins, for example rock outcrops and may manifest in the form of becomes overland flow runoff. springs. In humid areas streams are typically gaining streams (gaining water by In areas with high infiltration capacities, interflow, or subsurface storm drainage of baseflow from the groundwater into the stream) with the groundwater table near the surface coincident or close to the stream water surface elevation. This means that the water table near streams is close to the ground surface, especially in flat topography, making these near stream areas in flat topography particularly susceptible to saturation from below. The extent of the area subject to saturation from below varies in time, both at seasonal and event time scales due to fluctuations flow is usually the dominant contributor to streamflow, especially on steeper terrain or more planar hillslopes where saturation excess is less likely to occur. A number of processes are involved in rapid subsurface stormflow. These include transmissivity feedback, lateral flow at the soil bedrock interface and groundwater ridging. Transmissivity feedback (Weiler and McDonnell, 2003) is illustrated in Figure 10 and occurs when water infiltrates rapidly along preferential pathways and causes the groundwater to rise to the point where highly permeable soil layers or macropore networks become activated and transmit water rapidly downslope. Much of the water that drains from the soil matrix into the macropore network is preevent water. This mechanism results in a nonlinear threshold like response as illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. Lateral flow at the soil bedrock interface (Weiler and McDonnell, 2003) illustrated in Figure 11, occurs in steep terrain with relatively thin soil cover and low permeability bedrock, where water moves to depth rapidly along preferential infiltration pathways and perches at the soilbedrock interface. Since moisture content near the bedrock interface is often close to saturated, the addition of only a small amount of new water (rainfall or snowmelt) is required to produce saturation at the soilbedrock or soil-impeding layer interface. Rapid lateral flow occurs at the permeability interface through the transient saturated zone. Once rainfall inputs cease, there is a rapid dissipation of positive pore water pressures and the system reverts back to a slow drainage of matrix flow. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 4 | Surface and Subsurface Runoff Phenomenon Consider a concentrated storm producing a fairly uniform rainfall 4.2 | Hydrograph of duration, D over a catchment. After the initial losses and infiltration losses are met, the rainfall excess reaches the stream through overland and channel flows. In the process of translation a hydrograph certain amount of storage is built up in the overland and channelflow phases. This storage gradually depletes after the cessation of the rainfall. Thus there is a time lag between the occurrence of rainfall in the basin and the time when that water passes the gauging station at the basin outlet. The runoff measured at the stream-gauging station will give a typical hydrograph as shown in Fig. 6.1. The duration of the rainfall is also marked in this figure to INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the characteristics and components of a hydrograph. • Identify the factors affecting flood hydrographs. • Identify methods of base-flow separation. • Compute for the effective rainfall. • Discuss the unit hydrograph theory, its application, uses and limitations. indicate the time lag in the rainfall and runoff. The hydrograph of this kind which results due to an isolated storm is typically singlepeaked skew distribution of discharge and is known variously as storm hydrograph, flood hydrograph or simply hydrograph. It has three characteristic regions: (i) the rising limb AB, joining point A, the starting point of the rising curve and point B, the point of inflection, (ii) the crest segment BC between the two points of inflection with a peak P in between, (iii) the falling limb or depletion curve CD starting from the second point of inflection C. The interactions of various storms and catchments are in general extremely complex. If one examines the record of a large number of flood hydrographs of a stream, it will be found that many of them will have kinks, multiple peaks, etc. resulting in shapes much different from the simple single-peaked hydrograph of Fig. 6.1. These complex hydrographs are the result of storm and catchment peculiarities and their complex interactions. While it is theoretically possible to resolve a complex hydrograph into a set of simple hydrographs for purposes of hydrograph analysis, the requisite data of acceptable quality are seldom available. Hence, simple hydrographs resulting from isolated storms are preferred for The hydrograph is the response of a given catchment to a rainfall input. It consists of flow in all the three phases of runoff, viz. surface runoff, interflow and base flow, and embodies in itself the integrated effects of a wide variety of catchment and rainfall parameters having complex interactions. • Two different storms in a given catchment produce hydrographs differing from each other. • Identical storms in two catchments produce hydrographs that are different. hydrograph studies. factors affecting flood hydrographs The factors that affect the shape of the hydrograph can be • SHAPE OF THE BASIN. The shape of the basin broadly grouped into climatic factors and physiographic infl uences the time taken for water from the remote parts factors. Each of these two groups contains a host of factors of the catchment to arrive at the outlet. Fan-shaped, i.e. and the important ones are listed in Table 6.1. Generally, nearly semi-circular shaped catchments give high peak the climatic factors control the rising limb and the and narrow hydrographs while elongated catchments recession limb is independent of storm characteristics, give broad and low-peaked hydrographs. Figure 6.2 being determined by catchment characteristics only. Many shows schematically the hydrographs from three of the factors listed in Table 6.1 are interdependent. catchments having identical infi ltration characteristics Further, their effects are very varied and complicated. As due to identical rainfall over the catchment. In catchment such only important effects are listed below in qualitative A the hydrograph is skewed to the left, i.e. the peak terms only. occurs relatively quickly. In catchment B, the hydrograph is skewed to the right, the peak occurring with a relatively longer lag. Catchment C indicates the complex hydrograph produced by a composite shape. • SIZE. In small catchments the overland fl ow phase is • DRAINAGE DENSITY. The drainage density is defi ned as predominant over the channel fl ow. Hence the land use the ratio of the total channel length to the total drainage and intensity of rainfall have important role on the peak area. A large drainage density creates situation fl ood. On large basins these effects are suppressed as conducive for quick disposal of runoff down the the channel fl ow phase is more predominant. The peak channels. This fast response is refl ected in a pronounced discharge is found to vary as An where A is the catchment peaked discharge. In basins with smaller drainage area and n is an exponent whose value is less than unity, densities, the overland fl ow is predominant and the being about 0.5. The time base of the hydrographs from resulting hydrograph is squat with a slowly rising limb larger basins will be larger than those of corresponding (Fig. 6.3). hydrographs from smaller basins. The duration of the surface runoff from the time of occurrence of the peak is proportional to Am , where m is an exponent less than unity and is of the order of magnitude of 0.2. • SLOPE. The slope of the main stream controls the velocity of fl ow in the channel. As the recession limb of the hydrograph represents the depletion of storage, the stream channel slope will have a pronounced effect on this part of the hydrograph. Large stream slopes give rise to quicker depletion of storage and hence result in steeper recession limbs of hydrographs. This would obviously result in a smaller time base. The basin slope is important in small catchments where the overland fl ow is relatively more important. In such cases the steeper slope of the catchment results in larger peak discharges. • LAND USE. Vegetation and forests increase the a direct proportional effect on the volume of infi ltration and storage capacities of the soils. Further, runoff. The effect of duration is refl ected in the they cause considerable retardance to the overland fl ow. rising limb and peak fl ow. Ideally, if a rainfall of Thus the vegetal cover reduces the peak fl ow. This effect given intensity i lasts suffi ciently long enough, a is usually very pronounced in small catchments of area state of equilibrium discharge proportional to iA less than 150 km2 . Further, the effect of the vegetal is reached. cover is prominent in small storms. In general, for two - If the storm moves from upstream of the catchments of equal area, other factors being identical, catchment to the downstream end, there will be the peak discharge is higher for a catchment that has a a quicker concentration of fl ow at the basin lower density of forest cover. Of the various factors that outlet. This results in a peaked hydrograph. control the peak discharge, probably the only factor that - If the storm movement is up the catchment, the can be manipulated is land use and thus it represents the resulting hydrograph will have a lower peak and only practical means of exercising long-term natural longer time base. This effect is further control over the fl ood hydrograph of a catchment. accentuated by the shape of the catchment, with • CLIMATIC FACTORS. Among climatic factors the intensity, duration and direction of storm movement are the three important ones affecting the shape of a fl ood hydrograph. - For a given duration, the peak and volume of the surface runoff are essentially proportional to the intensity of rainfall. - In very small catchments, the shape of the hydrograph can also be affected by the intensity. - The duration of storm of given intensity also has long and narrow catchments having hydrographs most sensitive to the storm-movement direction. components of a hydrograph METHODS OF BASE-FLOW SEPARATION EFFECTIVE RAINFALL (ER) UNIT HYDROGRAPH APPLICATION OF UNIT HYDROGRAPH use and limitations of unit hydrograph ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 4 | Surface and Subsurface Runoff Phenomenon 4.3 | Flood Prediction and Control Flood prediction INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the causes of flood and how it is monitored and predicted. Definition & nature The “Manual of Operational Procedures on Flood Forecasting and Warning” states: “From a strict hydrological sense, flood is defined as a rise, usually brief, in the water level in a stream to a peak from which the water level recedes at a slower rate (UNESCO-WMO 1974). The episodic behavior of a river that may be considered flood is then termed "flood event" (Linsley, 1942) which is described as a flow of water in a stream constituting a distinct progressive rise, culminating in a crest, together with the recession that follows the crest (Linsley, 1942)." From the foregoing technical definition, flood simply denotes a progressive abnormal increase in the elevation of the surface level of streamfiow until it reaches a maximum height from which the level slowly drops to what is its normal level. The sequence described all takes place within a certain period of time. The definition merely describes a characteristic behavior. It does not include the element of "flooding" or inundation as implied by the popular notion of flood. The technical definition is rather inadequate. Thus, considering the intents and purposes of flood forecasting and warning, the definition seems rather restrictive in its connotation for the public. Hence, for operational purposes, the Flood Forecasting Branch, the hydrological service of PAGASA has adopted a more extensive definition. Flood is "an abnormal progressive rise in the water level of a stream that may result in the overflowing by the water of the normal confines of the stream with the subsequent inundation of areas which are not normally submerged". Causes of flood Types of flood MINOR FLOODING: - Inundation may or may not be due to overbanking. - When there is no bank overflow, flooding is simply due to the accumulation of excessive surface run-off in low lying flat areas. - Floodwaters are usually confined to the flood plain of the river along the channel, on random low-lying areas and depressions in the terrain. - Floodwater is usually shallow and there may not be a perceptible flow. MAJOR FLOODING: - There is a highly perceptible current as the flood spreads to other areas. FLASH FLOOD - While floods take some time, usually from 12 to 24 hours or even longer, to develop after the occurrence of intense rainfall, there is a particular type which develops after no more than six hours and, frequently, after an even less time. These are what are known as "flash floods". - Flash floods develop in hilly and mountainous terrains where the slope of the river is rather steep. The rapid development of the flood is due to the extremely short concentration time of the drainage catchment. This means that precipitation falling on a point in the catchment farthest from the river takes only a - Flooding is caused by the overflowing of rivers and lakes; by short time to reach the river channel and become part of serious breaks in dikes, levees, dams and other protective streamflow. Thus, the amount of streamflow rapidly increases structures; by uncontrollable releases of impounded water in and, consequently, the rise in water level. When the flow reservoirs and by the accumulation of excessive runoff. capacity of the stream is exceeded, the channel overflows and - Floodwaters cover a wide contiguous area and spread rapidly to adjoining areas of relatively lower elevation. - Flooding is relatively deep in most parts of the stricken areas. the result is a flash flood. monitoring & prediction Modern flood forecasting is now based on the standard procedure of The preparation, issuance and dissemination of an adequate and timely monitoring and analysing the hydrological and meteorological warning is the ultimate purpose of flood forecasting. Timeliness is an conditions in a river basin. While the tools and methods of monitoring essential requirement for a flood warning. A sufficient lead time enables may have been modernized with the use of sensitive, telemeterized the ultimate user to take the necessary precautionary countermeasures. gauging instruments to effect better observation and faster transmission of data, it is still basically an attempt to paint a bread picture of what is currently happening, hydrologically and meteorologically, in a river A flooding situation is not a daily occurrence. However, flood forecasting operations must, of necessity, be a continuous activity. It is carried out basin. from day to day even when the possibility of a flood is highly Flood predictions require several types of data: pinpoint the beginning of a potential flood-generating situation. - The amount of rainfall occurring on a real-time basis. - The rate of change in river stage on a real-time basis, which can help indicate the severity and immediacy of the threat. - Knowledge about the type of storm producing the moisture, such as duration, intensity and areal extent, which can be valuable for determining possible severity of the flooding. - Knowledge about the characteristics of a river's drainage basin, such as soil-moisture conditions, ground temperature, snowpack, topography, vegetation cover, and impermeable land area, which can help to predict how extensive and damaging a flood might become. The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) collects and interprets rainfall data throughout the Philippines and issues flood advisories, bulletins and warnings as appropriate. improbable. This mode of operation enables flood forecasters to Like storm bulletins which are issued only during the presence of tropical cyclones, flood forecast and warning bulletins are prepared only when a potential flooding situation is definitely present. They are issued regularly at specified hours of the day for the duration of the flooding period until the flood recedes or when all hazards and dangers associated with the phenomenon are no longer present. Flood routing 4.3 | Flood Prediction and Control Flood routing is the technique of determining the flood hydrograph at a Flood routing & control routing. In these applications two broad categories of routing can be INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Identify the different methods of flood routing. • Discuss the different methods of flood control. section of a river by utilizing the data of flood flow at one or more upstream sections. The hydrologic analysis of problems such as flood forecasting, flood protection, reservoir design and spillway design invariably include flood recognised. These are: reservoir routing and channel routing. RESERVOIR ROUTING. In reservoir routing the effect of a fl ood wave entering a reservoir is studied. Knowing the volume-elevation characteristic of the reservoir and the outfl ow-elevation relationship for the spillways and other outlet structures in the reservoir, the effect of a fl ood wave entering the reservoir is studied to predict the variations of reservoir elevation and outfl ow discharge with time. This form of reservoir routing is essential: (i) in the design of the capacity of spillways and other reservoir outlet structures, and (ii) in the location and sizing of the capacity of reservoirs to meet specific requirements. CHANNEL ROUTING. In channel routing the change in the shape of a hydrograph as it travels down a channel is studied. By considering a channel reach and an input hydrograph at the upstream end, this form of routing aims to predict the fl ood hydrograph at various sections of the reach. Information on the fl ood-peak attenuation and the duration of high-water levels obtained by channel routing is of utmost importance in fl ood-forecasting operations and fl ood-protection works. ROUTING METHODS: 1. HYDROLOGIC ROUTING. These methods employ essentially the equation of continuity. 2. HYDRAULIC ROUTING. These employ the continuity equation together with the equation of motion of unsteady fl ow. The basic differential equations used in the hydraulic routing, known as St. Venant equations afford a better description of unsteady fl ow than hydrologic methods. Flood control The term flood control is commonly used to denote all the measures adopted to reduce damages to life and property by floods. Currently, many people prefer to use the term flood management instead of flood control as it reflects the activity more realistically. As there is always a possibility, however remote it may be, of an extremely large flood occurring in a river the complete control of the flood to a level of zero loss is neither physically possible nor economically feasible. The flood control measures that are in use can be classified as: 1. Structural Measures: • Storage and detention reservoirs • Flood ways (new channels) • Watershed management • Levees (flood embankments) • Channel improvement 2. Non-structural Measures: • Flood plain zoning • Evacuation and relocation • Flood forecast/warning • Flood insurance Flood control : structural measures 1. STORAGE RESERVOIR. Storage reservoirs offer one of the most reliable embankments require considerable care and maintenance. In the event of and effective methods of fl ood control. Ideally, in this method, a part of the being overtopped, they fail and the damage caused can be enormous. In storage in the reservoir is kept apart to absorb the incoming fl ood. Further, fact, the sense of protection offered by a levee encourages economic the stored water is released in a controlled way over an extended time so activity along the embankment and if the levee is overtopped the loss that downstream channels do not get fl ooded. As most of the present-day would be more than what would have been if there were no levees. storage reservoirs have multipurpose commitments, the manipulation of Confi nement of fl ood banks of a river by levees to a narrower space leads reservoir levels to satisfy many confl icting demands is a very diffi cult and to higher fl ood levels for a given discharge. Further, if the bed levels of the complicated task. It so happens that many storage reservoirs while river also rise, as they do in aggrading rivers, the top of the levees have to reducing the fl oods and fl ood damages do not always aim at achieving be raised at frequent time intervals to keep up its safety margin. optimum benefi ts in the fl ood-control aspect. To achieve complete fl ood control in the entire length of the river, a large number of reservoirs at Masonry structures used to confi ne the river in a manner similar to levees strategic locations in the catchment will be necessary. are known as flood walls. These are used to protect important structures 2. DETENTION RESERVOIR. A detention reservoir consists of an obstruction to a river with an uncontrolled outlet. These are essentially small structures and operate to reduce the fl ood peak by providing temporary storage and by restriction of the outfl ow rate. 3. LEVEES. Levees, also known as dikes or fl ood embankments are earthen banks constructed parallel to the course of the river to confi ne it to a fi xed course and limited cross-sectional width. The heights of levees will be higher than the design fl ood level with suffi cient free board. The confi nement of the river to a fi xed path frees large tracts of land from inundation and consequent damage. Levees are one of the oldest and most common methods of fl oodprotection works adopted in the world. Also, they are probably the cheapest of structural fl ood-control measures. While the protection offered by a levee against food damage is obvious, what is not often appreciated is the potential damage in the event of a levee failure. The levees, being earth against fl oods, especially where the land is at a premium. 4. FLOODWAYS. Floodways are natural channels into which a part evapotranspiration and reduction in soil erosion; all leading to of the fl ood will be diverted during high stages. A fl oodway can moderation of the peak fl ows and increasing of dry weather be a natural or man-made channel and its location is controlled fl ows. Watershed treatment is nowadays an integral part of essentially by the topography. Generally, wherever they are fl ood management. It is believed that while small and medium feasible, fl oodways offer an economical alternative to other fl oods are reduced by watershed management measures, the structural fl ood-control measures. magnitude of extreme fl oods are unlikely to be affected by 5. CHANNEL IMPROVEMENT. The works under this category involve: - Widening or deepening of the channel to increase the crosssectional area. - Reduction of the channel roughness, by clearing of vegetation from the channel perimeter. - Short circuiting of meander loops by cutoff channels, leading to increased slopes. All these three methods are essentially short-term measures and require continued maintenance. 6. WATERSHED MANAGEMENT. Watershed Watershed management and land treatment in the catchment aims at cutting down and delaying the runoff before it gets into the river. Watershed management measures include developing the vegetative and soil cover in conjunction with land treatment works like check dams, contour bunding, zing terraces etc. These measures are towards improvement of water infi ltration capacity of the soil and reduction of soil erosion. These t r e a t m e n t s c a u s e i n c r e a s e d i n fi l t r a t i o n , g r e a t e r these measures. Flood control : non-structural measures 1. FLOOD PLAIN ZONING. When the river discharges are very high, it is to 2. FLOOD FORECASTING AND WARNING. Forecasting of fl oods suffi ciently be expected that the river will overfl ow its banks and spill into fl ood plains. in advance enables a warning to be given to the people likely to be In view of the increasing pressure of population this basic aspects of the affected and further enables civil authorities to take appropriate river are disregarded and there are greater encroachment of fl ood plains precautionary measures. It thus forms a very important and relatively by man leading to distress. inexpensive non-structural fl ood management measure. However, it must be realised that a fl ood warning is meaningful only if it is given suffi ciently Flood plain management identifi es the fl ood prone areas of a river and in advance. Further, erroneous warnings will cause the populace to lose regulates the land use to restrict the damage due to fl oods. The locations confi dence and faith in the system. Thus the dual requirements of reliability and extent of areas likely to be affected by fl oods of different return and advance notice are the essential ingredients of a fl ood-forecasting periods are identifi ed and development plans of these areas are prepared system. in such a manner that the resulting damages due to fl oods are within acceptable limits of risk. 3. EVACUATION AND RELOCATION. Evacuation of communities along with their live stocks and other valuables in the chronic fl ood affected areas and relocation of them in nearby safer locations is an area specifi c measure of fl ood management. This would be considered as non-structural measure when this activity is a temporary measure confi ned to high fl oods. However, permanent shifting of communities to safer locations would be termed as structural measure. Raising the elevations of buildings and public utility installations above normal fl ood levels is termed as fl ood proofi ng and is sometimes adopted in coastal areas subjected to severe cyclones. 4. FLOOD INSURANCE. Flood insurance provides a mechanism for spreading the loss over large numbers of individuals and thus modifi es the impact of loss burden. Further, it helps, though indirectly, fl ood plain zoning, fl ood forecasting and disaster preparedness activities. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 5 | Infiltration, Percolation, and Groundwater Storage When rain falls upon the ground it first of all wets the vegetation or 5.1 | Infiltration and Percolation Infiltration & percolation INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Discuss the infiltration process. • Discuss how infiltration capacity is measured and classified. the bare soil. When the surface cover is completely wet, subsequent rain must either penetrate the surface layers if the surface is permeable, or run off the surface towards a stream channel if the surface is impermeable. If the surface layers are porous and have minute passages available for the passage of water droplets, the water infiltrates into the subsurface soil. Soil with vegetation growing on it is always permeable to some degree. Once infiltrating water has passed through the surface layers, it percolates downwards under the influence of gravity until it reaches the zone of saturation at the phreatic surface. Different types of soil allow water to infiltrate at different rates. Each soil type has a different infiltration capacity, f, measured in mm/h or in./h. For example, it can be imagined that rain falling on a gravelly or sandy soil will rapidly infiltrate and, provided the phreatic surface is below the ground surface, even heavy rain will not produce surface runoff. Similarly a clayey soil will resist infiltration and the surface will become covered with water even in light rains. The rainfall rate, i, also obviously affects how much rain will infiltrate and how much will run off. Infiltration Infiltration is the fl ow of water into the ground through the soil surface. When water is applied at the surface of a soil, four moisture zones in the soil can be identifi ed. ZONE 1: At the top, a thin layer of saturated zone is created. ZONE 2: Beneath zone 1, there is a transition zone. ZONE 3: Next lower zone is the transmission zone where the downward motion of the moisture takes place. The moisture content in this zone is above field capacity but below saturation. Further, it is characterized by unsaturated flow and fairly uniform moisture content. ZONE 4: The last zone is the wetting zone. The soil moisture in this zone will be at or near field capacity and the moisture content decreases with the depth. The boundary of the wetting zone is the wetting front where a sharp discontinuity exists between the newly wet soil and original moisture content of the soil. Depending upon the amount of infiltration and physical properties of the soil, the wetting front can extend from a few centimeters to metres. Infiltration capacity is the maximum rate at which the ground can absorb water. Field capacity is the volume of water that the ground can hold. Infiltration capacity The maximum rate at which a given soil at a given time can absorb water is defined as the infiltration capacity. It is designated as fp and is expressed in units of cm/h. The actual rate of infiltration f can be expressed as: f = fp when i ≥ fp and f = i when i < fp (3.20) where i = intensity of rainfall. The infiltration capacity of a soil is high at the beginning of a storm and has an exponential decay as the time elapses. The infiltration capacity of an area is dependent on a large number of factors, chief of them are: • Characteristics of the soil (Texture, porosity and hydraulic conductivity) • Condition of the soil surface • Current moisture content • Vegetative cover • Soil temperature CHARACTERISTICS OF SOIL: The type of soil, viz. sand, silt or clay, its texture, structure, permeability and underdrainage are the important characteristics under this category. A loose, permeable, sandy soil will have a larger infiltration capacity than a tight, clayey soil. A soil with good underdrainage, i.e. the facility to transmit the infiltered water downward to a groundwater storage would obviously have a higher infiltration capacity. When the soils occur in layers, the transmission capacity of the layers determines the overall infiltration rate. Also, a dry soil can absorb more water than one whose pores are already full. The land use has a significant influence on fp . For example, a forest soil rich in organic matter will have a much higher value of fp under identical conditions than the same soil in an urban area where it is subjected to compaction. SURFACE OF ENTRY: FLUID CHARACTERISTICS: At the soil surface, the impact of raindrops causes the fines in the Water infiltrating into the soil will have many impurities, both in soil to be displaced and these in turn can clog the pore spaces in solution and in suspension. The turbidity of the water, especially the the upper layers of the soil. This is an important factor affecting the clay and colloid content is an important factor and such suspended infiltration capacity. Thus a surface covered with grass and other particles block the fine pores in the soil and reduce its infiltration vegetation which can reduce this process has a pronounced capacity. The temperature of the water is a factor in the sense that it influence on the value of fp. affects the viscosity of the water by which in turn affects the infiltration rate. Contamination of the water by dissolved salts can affect the soil structure and in turn affect the infiltration rate. Measurement of infiltration Infiltration characteristics of a soil at a given location can be may take 23 hours. The surface of the soil is usually protected estimated by: by a perforated disc to prevent formation of turbidity and its • Using flooding types infiltrometers settling on the soil surface. • Measurement of subsidence of free water in a large basin or pond • Rainfall simulator • Hydrograph analysis FLOODING-TYPE INFILTROMETER: Flooding-type infiltrometers are experimental devices used to obtain data relating to variation of infiltration capacity with time. Two types of flooding type infiltrometers are in common use. They are (a) Tube-type (or Simple) infiltrometer and (b) Doublering infiltrometer. a. SIMPLE (TUBE TYPE) INFILTROMETER. This is a simple instrument consisting essentially of a metal cylinder, 30 cm diameter and 60 cm long, open at both ends. The cylinder is driven into the ground to a depth of 50 cm. Water is poured into the top part to a depth of 5 cm and a pointer is set to mark the water level. As infi ltration proceeds, the volume is made up by adding water from a burette to keep the water level at the tip of the pointer. Knowing the volume of water added during different time intervals, the plot of the infi ltration capacity vs time is obtained. The experiments are continued till a uniform rate of infi ltration is obtained and this A major objection to the simple infi ltrometer as above is that the infi ltered water spreads at the outlet from the tube and as such the tube area is not representative of the area in which infi ltration is taking place. b. DOUBLE-RING INFILTROMETER. This most commonly used infi ltrometer is designed to overcome the basic objection of the tube infi ltrometer, viz. the tube area is not representative of the infi ltrating area. In this, two sets of concentrating rings with diameters of 30 cm and 60 cm and of a minimum length of 25 cm are used. The two rings are inserted into the ground and water is applied into both the rings to maintain a constant depth of about 5.0 cm. The outer ring provides water jacket to the infi ltering water from the inner ring and hence prevents the spreading out of the infi ltering water of the inner ring. The water depths in the inner and outer rings are kept the same during the observation period. The measurement of the water volume is done on the inner ring only. The experiment is carried out till a constant infi ltration rate is obtained. A perforated disc to prevent formation of turbidity and settling of fi nes on the soil surface is provided on the surface of the soil in the inner ring as well as in the annular space. As the flooding-type infiltrometer measures the infiltration characteristics at a spot only, a large number of pre-planned experiments are necessary to obtain representative infiltration characteristics for an entire watershed. Some of the chief disadvantages of flooding-type infiltrometers are: • the raindrop impact effect is not simulated; • the driving of the tube or rings disturbs the soil structure; and • the results of the infiltrometers depend to some extent on their size with the larger meters giving less rates than the smaller ones; this is due to the border effect. RAINFALL SIMULATOR: In a small plot of land, of about 2 m ´ 4 m size, is provided with a series of nozzles on the longer side with arrangements to collect and measure the surface runoff rate. The specially designed nozzles produce raindrops falling from a height of 2 m and are capable of producing various intensities of rainfall. Experiments are conducted under controlled conditions with various combinations of intensities and durations and the surface runoff rates and volumes are measured in each case. Using the water budget equation involving the volume of rainfall, infiltration and runoff, the infiltration rate and its variation with time are estimated. If the rainfall intensity is higher than the infiltration rate, infiltration capacity values are obtained. Rainfall simulator type infiltrometers give lower values than flooding type infiltrometers. This is due to effect of the rainfall impact and turbidity of the surface water present in the former. HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS: Reasonable estimation of the infiltration capacity of a small watershed can be obtained by analyzing measured runoff hydrographs and corresponding rainfall records. If sufficiently good rainfall records and runoff hydrographs corresponding to isolated storms in a small watershed with fairly homogeneous soils are available, water budget equation can be applied to estimate the abstraction by infiltration. In this the evapotranspiration losses are estimated by knowing the land cover/use of the watershed. Classification of infiltration capacities The steady state infiltration capacity, being one of the main parameters in this soil classification, is divided into four infiltration classes as mentioned below. Infiltration indices In hydrological calculations involving floods it is found convenient W-INDEX. In an attempt to refi ne the φ-index the initial losses are to use a constant value of infiltration rate for the duration of the separated from the total abstractions and an average value of storm. The defined average infiltration rate is called infiltration infi ltration rate, called W-index, is defi ned as: index and two types of indices are in common use, the φ-index W= and W-index. P − R − Ia te P = total storm precipitation (cm) φ-INDEX is the average rainfall above which the rainfall volume is R = total storm runoff (cm) equal to the runoff volume. The φ-index is derived from the rainfall Ia = Initial losses (cm) te = duration of the rainfall excess, i.e. the total where: hyetograph with the knowledge of the resulting runoff volume. The initial loss is also considered as infi ltration. The φ value is found by time in which the rainfall intensity is greater treating it as a constant infi ltration capacity. If the rainfall intensity is than W (in hours) less than φ, then the infi ltration rate is equal to the rainfall intensity; W however, if the rainfall intensity is larger than φ the difference between the rainfall and infi ltration in an interval of time represents the runoff volume. The amount of rainfall in excess of the index is called rainfall excess. In connection with runoff and fl ood studies it is also known as effective rainfall. The φ-index thus accounts for the total abstraction and enables magnitudes to be estimated for a given rainfall hyetograph. = defined average rate of infiltration (cm). Since Ia rates are difficult to obtain, the accurate estimation of W -index is rather difficult. The minimum value of the W -index obtained under very wet soil conditions, representing the constant minimum rate of infiltration of the catchment, is known as Wmin . It is to be noted that both the φ-index and W -index vary from storm to storm. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 6 | Role of Hydrology in Water Resource Management 6.1 | Water Governance in the Philippines policy, legal and institutional regulatory frameworks INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Identify the different legal frameworks the govern the water sector in the Philippines. national level LEGAL FRAMEWORKS THAT GOVERN THE WATER SECTOR IN THE PHILIPPINES: 1. PD 1067, Water Code (1976) 2. PD 424, (1974) 3. PD 198, Provincial Water Utilities Act (1973) 4. PD 522, Prescribing Sanitation Requirements for the Traveling Public (1974) 5. RA 7586, National Integrated Protected Area System Act (1992) 6. RA 8041, National Water Crisis Act (1995) 7. RA 8371, Indigenous Peoples Rights Act (1997) 8. RA 9275, Clean Water Act (2004) 9. RA 8435, Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act • The Water Code of the Philippines is the over- arching law that • Identify the different agencies involved in water governance and discuss their roles. governs water access, allocation and use. It stipulates rules on • Discuss the challenges in the governance of water in the Philippines. administrative and enforcement of these rules. It defines appropriation and utilization of all waters; control, conservation and protection of waters, watershed and related land resources; and, requirements for application of water permits and conditions of its use. It also sets charges per rate of withdrawal based on the permits. During periods of drought or water scarcity, the Water Code prioritizes the use of water for domestic use, followed by irrigation, and other uses. • The PD 424 created the National Water Resources Council, which is now the National Water Resources Board (NWRB). • The Provincial Water Utilities Act created the Local Water Utilities Administration or LWUA in the national level and provided for the establishment of Water Districts in provincial cities and municipalities. • The National Water Crisis Act paved the way for the privatization of the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS, which handles water supply in the National Capital Region and outlying provinces) in 1997 and other water supply systems around the country • The Indigenous Peoples Rights Act is an act to recognize, protect and promote the rights of Indigenous Cultural Communities/Indigenous The LWUA is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) Peoples, creating a National Commission on Indigenous Peoples, with a specialized lending function mandated by law to promote and establishing implementing mechanisms, appropriating funds therefor, oversee the development of water supply systems in provincial cities and for other purposes.. and municipalities outside of Metropolitan Manila. A Water District (WD) is a local corporate entity that operates and maintains a water supply system in one or more provincial cities or municipalities. It is established on a local option basis and, like LWUA, is classified as a government-owned and controlled corporation or GOCC. • The National Integrated Protected Areas System Act providesthe legal framework for the establishment and management of protected areas (PAs) in the Philippines, and that the use and enjoyment of these protected areas must be consistent with the principles of biological diversity and sustainable development. NIPAS is the classification and management of all designated PAs, in order to maintain essential ecological processes and life support systems, preserve genetic diversity, ensure sustainable use of resources found therein, and maintain their natural conditions to the greatest extent possible. • The Philippine Clean Water Act aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based sources (industries and commercial establishments, agriculture and community/household activities). It provides for a comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent and minimize pollution through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach involving all the stakeholders. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources is the primary agency responsible for the implementation of this act. • The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) promotes the development and adoption of modern, appropriate and costeffective and environmentally safe agricultural and fisheries machineries and equipment to enhance farm productivity and efficiency in order to achieve food security and safety and increase farmers’ income. The acts states that the government shall adopt a rational approach in the use of resources including water. EXAMPLES OF CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE LAWS: • The Water Code stipulates that the state owns all the water in the country, the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act protects the rights of indigenous peoples with respect to resources contained in their ancestral domain. Therefore, water is not freely shared with the other community members. • The National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS) Act provides for watershed protection so water supply can be sustained. This overlaps with the provisions of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act. • The Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) provides that all watersheds that are sources of water for existing and potential irrigable areas and recharge areas of major aquifers identified by the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources shall be preserved as such at all times, which is consistent with the NIPAS Act. AGENCIES INVOLVED IN WATER resourceS: • The Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage Services (MWSS) and its within their respective territorial jurisdictions (Section 18). Thus, two concessionaires (after it was privatized in 1997) for Metro Manila, conflicts with respect to the powers of the water agencies including servicing 62.68 percent of its total population. NWRB vis-à-vis the local governments have arisen. • The Local Water Utilities Administration (LWUA) and its water district • The National Water Resources Board (NWRB) is the coordinating and offices for other cities and municipalities, servicing 58 percent of the regulating agency for all water resources management development total urban population within its area of responsibility. activities. It is tasked with the formulation and development of policies • The Departments of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and Public on water utilization and appropriation, the control and supervision of Works and Highway (DPWH) and local governments which manage water utilities and franchises, and the regulation and rationalization of community water systems (usually involving point sources and piped water rates. systems with communal faucets), servicing 86.85 percent of the country’s rural population. • The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) • National Irrigation Administration (NIA) • National Power Corporation (NAPOCOR) formulates policies for the enforcement of environmental protection • Department of Energy (DOE) and pollution control regulations. It is primarily responsible for the • Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical preservation of watershed areas and ensures water quality with respect to rivers, streams and other sources of water. • The Department of Health (DOH) is responsible for drinking water quality regulation and supervision of general sanitation activities. • The Local Government Units (LGUs) are also resource regulators, as the Local Government Code of 1991 (Republic Act No. 7160) devolved to local governments the power to discharge functions and responsibilities of national agencies and offices such as the provision of basic services and facilities including water supply systems (Section 17). It also gave the local governments the right to an equitable share of the proceeds from the use and development of national wealth and resources (which can be interpreted as to include water resources) Administration (PAGASA) • Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) • Metropolitan Manila DEvelopment Authority(MMDA) • Department of Tourism (DOT) • Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) challenges in water governance: • Multiple and fragmented water institutions in the country, the nested and interlocking mechanisms in spatial water governance. • Water agencies are not connected vertically nor horizontally. And does not have sufficient human and financial resources and presence at the local level to be effective in their mandates. • Conflicts between national policies and local agreements and conflicts between customary rules and formal state laws. • Legal documents for water are a source of confusion, and water data for planning are insufficient ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 6 | Role of Hydrology in Water Resource Management 6.2 | Agencies Involved in the Collection of Hydrological Data collection of hydrologic data in the Philippines INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES • Identify the agencies involved in the collection of Hydrological Data. The main goal of the collection of hydrologic data in hydrology is to provide a set of sufficient good quality data that can be used in decision-making in all aspects of water resources management, operations, and in research. national mapping and resource information authority (namria) An agency of the Philippine government under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources responsible for providing the public with mapmaking services and acting as the central mapping agency, depository, and distribution facility of natural resources data in the form of maps, charts, texts, and statistics. national power corporation (NPC) A Philippine government-owned and controlled corporation that is mandated to provide electricity to all rural areas of the Philippines by 2025 (known as "missionary electrification"), to manage water resources for power generation, and to optimize the use of other power generating assets. It provides stream flow data from the watersheds and dams under its management. national irrigation administration (nia) A government-owned and controlled corporation primarily responsible for irrigation development and management. It is primarily responsible in gathering and reporting water discharge data used in irrigation. national water resources board (NWRB) The NWRB is an attached agency of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources responsible for ensuring the exploitation, utilization, development, conservation and protection of the country's water resource, consistent with the principles of "Integrated Water Resource Management". philippine atmospheric, geophysical and astronomical services and administration (pagasa) The National Meteorological and Hydrological Services • Engage in studies of geophysical and astronomical (NMHS) agency of the Philippines mandated to provide phenomena essential to the safety and welfare of the protection against natural calamities and to insure the people; safety, well-being and economic security of all the people, • Undertake researches on the structure, development and and for the promotion of national progress by undertaking motion of typhoons and formulate measures for their scientific and technological services in meteorology, moderation; and hydrology, climatology, astronomy and other geophysical sciences. FUNCTIONS: • Maintains a nationwide network pertaining to observation and forecasting of weather and flood and other conditions affecting national safety, welfare and economy; • Undertake activities relative to observation, collection, assessment and processing of atmospheric and allied data for the benefit of agriculture, commerce and industry; • Maintain effective linkages with scientific organizations here and abroad and promote exchange of scientific information and cooperation among personnel engaged in atmospheric, geophysical, astronomical and space studies. ENGINEERING HYDROLOGY 6 | Role of Hydrology in Water Resource Management 6.3 | Water Resource Planning, Design, Management, and Protection Water resource Management The importance of hydrology is increasing because of the global growth of water needs and the rise of water scarcity, which together cause greater risk and unreliability in water resources management. • Planing is where the sources and consumers are identified, the overall "architecture" of a proposed system is laid out, including its topology and connectivity. • Design is where sizes of facilities are fixed. • Operational policy determines the operation of the system under INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES a selected forecasted set of typical and/or critical conditions, • Discuss the concept of Water Resource Management. for a defined time period ahead (hour, day, week, month, year). • Discuss the relationship of Hydrology and Water Resource Management. while real-time operation means setting the operational variables • Management is the process of administering and controlling organizations and facilities used in the water sector. • Water source protection involves the protection of surface water sources (e.g. lakes, rivers, man made reservoirs) and groundwater sources (e.g. spring protection, dug well protection, and drilled well protection) to avoid water pollution (see also pathogens and contaminants). what is water resource management? Water Resource Management (or WRM) is defined by the One of the goals of water resource management is water World Bank as the “process of planning, developing, and security. It is not possible to ‘predict and plan’ a single path managing water resources, in terms of both water quantity to water security for rapidly growing and urbanizing global and quality, across all water uses”. It includes the populations. This is due to climatic and non-climatic institutions, infrastructure, incentives, and information uncertainties. To help strengthen water security, there is a systems that support and guide water management. need to build capacity, adaptability and resilience for the According to the World Bank, water resources future planning and management of water resources. management seeks to harness the benefits of water by According to the World Bank, achieving water security in ensuring there is sufficient water of adequate quality for the context of growing water scarcity, greater drinking water and sanitation services, food production, unpredictability, degrading water quality and aquatic energy generation, inland water transport, and water- ecosystems, and more frequent droughts and floods, will based recreational, as well as sustaining healthy water- require a more integrated and longer-term approach to dependent ecosystems and protecting the aesthetic and water management. This is in essence what water resource spiritual values of lakes, rivers, and estuaries. management is about: bringing together multiple Water resource management also entails managing waterrelated risks, including floods, drought, and contamination. The complexity of relationships between water and households, economies, and ecosystems, requires integrated management that accounts for the synergies and tradeoffs of water's great number uses and values. organisations, across different disciplines to plan for future water usage holistically. hydrology and water resource management Water resource management includes consideration of real-time operation and response, e.g., for flood several disciplines of hydrology, including the global water protection, to long-term time probabilistic series and cycle, surface water and groundwater, water chemistry and ensembles for planning, which consider changing natural pollution and aquatic biology. This is according to S.J. and anthropogenic drivers (land use, climate change). Marshall in his Hydrology module in Earth Systems and Since hydrology is a continuous process that is not divided Environmental Sciences. internally according to the needs of management, the The balancing act involved in water management includes a broad range of stakeholders and includes water policy hydrological analysis must be geared to produce the suitable information for the different management issues. and legal experts. Hydrologists have essential input to Hydrology is the backbone of Water Resources t h e s e c o m p l e x a n d s o m e t i m e s c o n f ro n t at i o n a l Development. Water Resources development deals deliberations and negotiations. They also play a central judicious usage of water resources which essentially can be role in applied hydrology – engineering of major assessed when we have adequate information of basin waterworks to manage water. Water distribution systems water surplus which again, essentially can be determined have been a hallmark of civilization since Babylon, and the through assessing precipitation, runoff, modern stamp on this includes major hydroelectric dams base flow in dominant drains (rivers) and reservoirs, urban waterworks, and water treatment (for assessing ground water reservoir). For this, one has to facilities. be adept in hydrology and adequate understanding of Hydrological data of different types are required, according to the management issue being addressed. They range from short term now-casting/forecasting for hydrological with overland flow, and interceptions cycle prevailing in the chosen catchment where water resources has to be developed.