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Developmental & Neuropsychological Tests

Developmental and Neuropsychological tests
1. Developmental Testing of Infants/young
 Short attention span
 High distractibility
 Fatigue
 Many subjects Nonverbal
 Lower validity and reliability overall
 Limit conclusions!!
 Useful for diagnosing developmental
disabilities such as MR, brain disorders,
learning disabilities
1.Gesell Developmental Schedules & the
 Denver II developmental Scales (newer)
 Yields a developmental quotient
 Birth to age 6
 Pediatrician training
2. Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral
Assessment Scale
 3 days to 4 weeks old
 very popular, lacks psychometric data
3. Bayley Scales of Infant Development
 1 to 42 months old
 Mental scale
 Motor Scale
 Behavior rating scale
1990 renormed, solid psychometrics
 Significantly subaverage functioning in
one or more academic learning areas
 Average or better IQ
 Not related to any physical, emotional,
environmental handicaps
 Dyslexia, dyscalculia, etc.
 Individuals with Disabilities act
 IEP planning
 Can use Wechsler scales to help assess
 McCarthy Screening Test – 4 to 8.5 yrs
Popular, but poor psychometrics
 FirstSTEP – screening test for evaluating
preschoolers 2.9 to 6.2 years old
 AGS Early screening profiles 2 to 6.8 yrs
Neuropsychological tests – brain functioning
Brief Screening tools are the norm !!!
 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
6.5 to 80 yrs
 Bender Visual Motor Gestalt Test
4 + years
Full Batteries:
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological
popular, verbal oriented
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological
 Childrens and adult versions
 Validated
 computer based
 short and long forms
 18 – 80 years