BUILD A CITY PROJECT You are the architect of your own city. Creativity and imagination paired with your math skills involving surface area and volume will help you create your very own city. You may use as many of any of the shapes as you would like. You must color and decorate your town and your buildings using your amazing art skills. Document the number of each shape used per building and use the formula sheet provided to aid you in calculating the total surface area and volume of the shapes in each building. Use this rubric and the formula sheet to guide you in development and creation of your project city. BUILD A CITY PROJECT RUBRIC Perfect (3pts) Poster Layout and decoration Poster was well thought out and creatively decorated. 5 Buildings Minimum 5 buildings completed Good (3pts) Unfinished (3pts) Aspects of Poster was the poster not colorful were messy and the and not design and completed layout was to the best messy and of their unfinished. ability. 3 buildings completed 1 building completed. ZERO (0pts) Nothing was done Nothing was done Documentati Documented Documented Documentati on of all shapes on shapes on on of shapes on each building some of the shapes only each building buildings on 1 building. Nothing was done Surface area and Volume Calculations Nothing was done Surface area and volume calculated on all buildings correctly Surface area and volume not calculated on all buildings SA and V were only calculated on one building. Unprofession Explanation Professional City not al and and and fully Presentation complete explained but incomplete explanation of City presentation overall good to class. presentation. with not all group members participating. Nothing was done BUILD A CITY PROJECT FIll in this table with all the information about your buildings. How many of each shape did you use? What is the total Surface Area and Volume of each shape? # of Shapes Used: Building 1 Building 2 Building 3 Building 4 Building 5 Total Surface area of each building: Total Volume of each building: Cube Rectangular Prism pyramid cone cylinder BUILD A CITY PROJECT BUILD A CITY PROJECT TELL ME ABOUT YOUR CITY! Write a detailed description below of the story of your city. Tell me about the buildings, the town, the type of jobs and people in your city. Use your imagination! BUILD A CITY PROJECT Below are the shapes that can be used for the project! PYRAMID, CONE, CYLINDER, CUBE. BUILD A CITY PROJECT BUILD A CITY PROJECT BUILD A CITY PROJECT