Uploaded by Precious Erin Legaspi

Kindness: A Beacon of Hope During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kindness is a Beacon in the Dark
Kindness is one of the reasons why we are surviving and continue fighting
after being hit by tons of challenges in life, especially the outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic. The past three years weren't an easy journey for all of us. The pandemic
changed our life much and killed millions of people. I can still remember the fear, and
horror drawn on people's faces as their lives were slowly shutting down as tons of
workers lost their job in just a snap that increased poverty experienced by families in
the Philippines, and front liners had to go out and risk their lives to fulfill their duty. It
was indeed an overwhelming experience for humankind. But what could have been
the root of the survival of people after being attacked by this COVID-19 virus? Well, it
was no other than kindness, the one that shines through the darkness and brings
hope to everyone.
As COVID-19 started to get ferocious, many people lost hope. Not until the
day kindness made its way to help people all over the world feel secure and continue
surviving. We should always remember that during the darkest time, there were front
liners like nurses and other medical practitioners who did their job amidst the
pandemic, going out every day to serve and save people even if their life is at stake
for doing it. It was also in the history of the pandemic that people made a double
effort to provide free protective equipment to hospitals. Other than that, we can find
people helping others who are in need and affected by the pandemic by giving them
food, money, and other basic needs for survival. Moreover, there was a time people
on social media where encouraged each other by doing the Corona song that didn't
just bring smiles to people but also strength. The kindness kept on spreading day by
day, helping people around the world. It was the day people gathered together to do
things together. With all of the things that happen, I hope that this will serve as a
reminder to people that kindness will never be wasted because it's the reason behind
the recovery of the world right now.
"The nature of humanity, its essence, is to feel another's a pain as one's own
and to act to take the pain away. There is nobility in compassion and beauty in
empathy" by John Conolly. Kindness is the best form of humanity, There's no way
people can survive that pandemic without being the light for another soul. It is the
greatest gift that happens amidst the pandemic. It's the one that transforms the
darkest moment with a light of hope. With the help of one another, we are almost to
the finish line as the COVID-19 virus is slowly losing. People must know that their
care and compassion matter because even the smallest things at that time make the
biggest differences.