Common Problems in experiments The value of something is so small that the percentage uncertainty is too big - Use a more precise instrument - Take average of the value over more iterations The movement of something affected by win - Use a wind shield Difficulty exactly reading something moving swiftly - Use a slow motion camera Something when released may experience a force from the hand of the releaser - Use a mechanical hand to release the thing Parallax error (especially in electricity) - Use mirror scales or any other way to avoid parallax errors Oscillations do not occur only in one plane - Trap the apparatus in way that restricts movement to only one plane - Wooden rod, drill a nail through it to restrict movement - DOES NOT apply to pendulums due to friction Difficulty maintaining something in a particular position or maintaining it vertical - Use a clamp Friction at pulley or contacts, respectively: - apply lubricant - clean contacts Some value determined in one shot - Take the same value more times Small differences between the experiments - Make larger differences Liquid distorts or bottle distorts something - Use a graph grid ALWAYS WORKERS Two readings are not enough to conclude a valid statement - Take more readings and plot a graph to check whether the readings back up the statement presented Hard to measure something while it is suspended or held - Use a clamp - Take a photo and measure angle