Millimeter Wave Luneburg Lens Antenna Fabricated by Polymer Jetting Rapid Prototyping Kokou Gbele1, Min Liang1, Wei-Ren Ng1, Michael E. Gehm2 and Hao Xin1 1 University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, 85721 USA 2 Duke University, Durham, NC 227708, USA Abstract— In this paper, the design, fabrication and characterization of a 3D printed Luneburg lens antenna working at Ka and Q band are proposed. Gradient index control of the lens is based on the mixing ratio of air voids and polymer. The effective dielectric constant of the unit cell was estimated using effective medium theory and extracted from full-wave finiteelement simulation results. The diameter of the lens was 7 cm. A 3D polymer jetting rapid prototyping technique was employed to fabricate the lens antenna. In the measurement, the fabricated lens antenna was fed by Ka and Q band waveguides and the measured radiation pattern showed this 3D printed lens works well as a high gain antenna. L lens radius to insure a correct gradient index [1]. The measured dielectric properties of the printing material used in this design are İr =2.7 and tanįe =0.01. The permittivity of 2.7 allowed the dielectric-air filling ratio to create the required gradient index per (1) through the volume of the lens. Finiteelement simulation software Ansoft HFSS was applied here to obtain the relationship between the dielectric rod size and the effective permittivity of unit cell. I. INTRODUCTION uneburg lens is an attractive gradient index component which can be used as antenna for wide angle scanning because of its broadband behavior, high gain and the ability to form multiple beams. Every point on the surface of an ideal Luneburg lens is the focal point of a plane wave incident from the opposite side. For a Luneburg lens made of non-magnetic material, the dielectric constant distribution of the lens is given by: (1) ε r (r ) = 2 − (r / R ) 2 where εr is the dielectric constant, R is the radius of the lens and r is the distance from a point within the lens to the center of the lens. Traditionally, the fabrication of Luneburg lens is realized by dividing the inhomogeneous lens into finite number of concentric shells, each shell is fabricated using homogeneous material with different permittivity and then all the shells are assembled together. Other methods for building the Luneburg lens such as drilling holes and changing the thickness of the shells [2], utilizing metamaterials [3] and adjusting the pattern on a printed circuit board [4] have also been reported. However, these methods are mostly used for fabricating 2D lenses because of their intrinsic or fabrication limitations. Moreover, the conventional method of fabricating a Luneburg lens is time consuming and prone to accuracy issue because each layer needs to be fabricated separately and assembled carefully. In this work a Luneburg lens antenna operating at mmW frequency was designed and fabricated using 3D printing technique. The lens antenna was tested and highly directional patterns have been obtained. Compared to other methods, this 3D printed Luneburg lens can be fabricated conveniently at a lower cost and time. II. DESIGN, FABRICATION AND MEASUREMENT SETUP The Luneburg lens is designed with a unit cell periodicity of 2 × 2 × 2 mm3. As shown in Fig. 1, the unit cell is a dielectric rod with its cross section size varied according to (1) along the Fig. 1. Cubic unit cell design of the Luneburg lens with an overall dimension of 2 mm × 2mm × 2mm. The designed Luneburg lens was fabricated using a polymer jetting rapid prototyping technique which allows fast fabrication of 3D polymer components with arbitrary shapes and complexity. The fabricated Luneburg lens is shown in Fig. 2. Figure 2 (a) shows the cross section at the center of the Luneburg lens; one can see that the dielectric rod size is larger at the center of the lens and gradually decreases to a smaller size at the edge of the lens. Figure 2 (b) shows the entire lens fed by a Q-band waveguide on the surface of the lens. The radiation pattern of the lens antenna was measured using a vector network analyzer (Agilent E8361A) and preliminary results show a highly directional beam for both Ka and Q band waveguide feeding. These results indicate the fabricated Luneburg lens works well as a high direction antenna in Ka and Q band. (a) (b) Fig. 2. (a) Cross section at the center of the fabricated Luneburg lens. (b) Feeding the Luneburg lens antenna using a Q band waveguide. REFERENCES [1]. R. K. Luneburg, Mathematical Theory of Optics. Los Angeles, CA: Univ. California Press, 1964. [2]. L. Xue and V.F. Fusco, “24 GHz automotive radar planar Luneburg lens,” IET Microw. Antennas Propag., vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 624–628, 2007 [3]. Q. Cheng, H. F. Ma, and T. J. Cui, “Broadband planar Luneburg lens based on complementary metamaterials,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 95, pp. 181901 - 181901-3, 2009 [4]. C. Pfeiffer and A. Grbic, “A Printed, Broadband Luneburg Lens Antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propagation, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 30553059, September 2010.