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Junior Cycle Poetry Analysis Guide

Junior Cycle
To keep in mind …
What is the poet trying to say (content)?
How does the poet say it (style)?
To begin
Read title carefully
Read the poem slowly – don’t worry if you
don’t fully understand meaning of the poem
– don’t jump to conclusions
Re read poem slowly and look for words or
phrases that stand out
(Illustrations and images might help???)
Poetry Checklist
Who is speaking in the poem?
What happens in the poem?
When does the poem take place?
Where is the poem set?
How does the poet feel?
How does the poet use language and poetic
devices/techniques to create an impression
on the reader
Style and techniques
 Try to use poetry buzz words if you
identify techniques in the poems e.g.
Alliteration; Assonance; Simile; Metaphor;
Repetition; Imagery; Enjambment; Rhyme;
Rhythm; Language; Sibilance, Euphony,
Cacophony; Structure
 Identify sensual aspects of the poem –
does it appeal to our sense of touch,
taste, sight, hearing, smell
 Comment on any use of colour in the
poem – how does this contribute to the
overall mood/tone/atmosphere