Water Notes Water Pollution _________________________________ of bodies of water often by human activity, which affects ___________________________ Occurs when pollutants are discharged _____________________ or ____________________into the water. Along with air pollution, water pollution is the _____________________ biggest environmental concern. Point Source Pollution Nonpoint Source Pollution Types of Water Pollution Surface water ______________________________ Chemical ______________________________ ______________________________ Water Notes Surface Water Pollution _____________________________ substances coming into contact with surface water Dissolves or mixes __________________________ with the water Examples: Humans dumping trash into the waterways, especially objects that are swept down ________________________. Oil Pollution Release of liquid ______________________ hydrocarbons (oil) into the water Especially harmful to marine and other _______________________ Usually localized, but can _______________________ Examples: oil spills Chemical Water Pollution Chemical from _____________________ and ____________________ that run off into the waterways. Examples: ______________ and solvents from industries Also, chemical that control ______________, _______________, and pests. Groundwater Pollution ___________________ and chemicals wash deep into the ground by ________ water Can get into the ___________________ , thus polluting the groundwater Anything on the surface can eventually work its way down to the __________________________. Agricultural Pollution ________________________ washing off fields are the largest source of ___________________________________________ in the U.S. Sediments _________________ the cost of treating drinking water and can also clog fish _________, reducing their resistance to _____________________.