lOMoARcPSD|15671091 Topic 6 - Audit Report - Students printing Kiểm toán (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|15671091 Course tittle: Learning objectives of Topic 6 Principles of Auditing 6.1. Understand the concept, structure and qualitative characteristics of the auditor's report 2. Identify the different types of auditor's reports Topic 6 3. Describe the circumstances under which an auditor would issue each type of report Audit Report (Audit completion) 4. Identify the reasons for departures from a standard unmodified auditor's report (material misstatements and limitations imposed on the scope of the audit; and understand the factors giving rise to these reasons) Lecturer: Nguyễn Hoàng Tố Loan Auditing Department, School of Accounting, UEH 3 Contents of Topic 6 Prescribed Reading Session 10 Topic 6 Audit Report Materials Textbook (1): Chapter 11,12 Textbook (2): Chapter 6 Exercises Notes Textbook (1): Chapter 11,12 Workbook: Chapter 6 Audit planning 1. Completion and review before issuing the auditors report. Relevant Guidance (Quy định có liên quan) 2. The auditor’s report ISA/VSA550 Related Parties ISA/VSA560 Subsequent Events 2.1. Definition ISA/VSA570 Going Concern 2.2. Structure and qualitative ISA/VSA580 Written Presentations ISA/VSA700 Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements ISA/VSA705 Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor's Report 2.4. Form and content of the modified audit opinion ISA/VSA706 Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor's Report 2.5. Emphasis of matter & Other matter Audit performance Audit completion 2 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 2.3. Types of auditor’s opinion 4 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 1. Completion and review before issuing the auditor’s report 2.1. Definition of the Auditor’s Report 1. Applying analytical procedures at or near completion of the audit. What is Audit Report? 2. Assessing the appropriateness and sufficiency of audit evidences. 3. Evaluating the effects of unadjusted/uncorrected misstatements. 4. Perform these following procedures: Ø subsequent events review (sự kiện sau ngày kết thúc niên độ); Ø examining related-party transactions, (giao dịch với các bên liên quan) Ø assessing the appropriateness of the going concern assumption (giả định hđ liên tục) The audit statement means the written report made by practicing auditors, auditing firms, branches of foreign auditing firms in Vietnam after the completion of the audit, giving opinions on financial statements and other contents which have been audited under the audit contract. 5. Obtain “management presentation letters” 6. Reviewing of working papers, FSs, and other information contained in the annual report. Law No.: 67/2011/QH12 5 7 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT 2. THE AUDITOR’S REPORT 1. Reference number of an Auditor’s report Reminding ISA 200: Objective of an audit of the financial report is to enable the auditor to express an opinion as to whether the financial report is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework. 2. Title 3. Addressee 4. Introductory paragraph 5. Management’s Responsibility for the FSs (or Responsibility of those charged with governance) 6. Auditor’s responsibility 7. Auditor’s opinion What is Audit Report? 8. Auditor’s signature 9. Date of auditor’s report 10. Auditor’s address 6 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 8 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT VSA 700 1. Reference number of an Auditor’s report Số hiệu phát hành theo từng năm của doanh nghiệp kiểm toán 2. Title 3. Addressee Ghi rõ “Báo cáo kiểm toán Độc lập” (phân biệt với báo cáo khác) Ghi rõ người nhận, thường là cổ đông, Ban quản trị hoặc Ban Giám đốc của đơn vị 4. Introductory paragraph This is the reference number of an Auditor’s report issued by the audit firm. (2) Title The title of the report mentions it is “Independent Auditors’ report”. à This clearly indicates that the auditor’s report is the report of an independent auditor and distinguishes this report from report issued by others. 5. Management’s Responsibility for the FSs (or Responsibility of those charged with governance) 6. Auditor’s responsibility (3) Addressee (người nhận) 7. Auditor’s opinion The auditor’s report is normally addressed to those for whom the report is prepared, often to shareholders, or those charged with governance (the board of directors) of the Company. 8. Auditor’s signature 9. Date of auditor’s report 10. Auditor’s address (1) Reference number of an Auditor’s report 9 11 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT Examples: (4) Introductory paragraph It should identify the entity whose FS have been audited and should state that the FS have been audited. It should also: Ø Identify the title of each of the FS that comprise the complete set of FS. Ø Identify the page number on which auditor’s report and FS are presented. Ø Specify the date and period covered by the FS. Ø State the issuing date of the FS. 10 12 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|15671091 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT Examples of Introduction paragraph (6) Auditor's responsibility Example of Amazon.com, Inc. v The auditor’s the responsibility is to express an opinion on the FS based on the audit. v The auditor needs to: Ø Make reference to the audit standards were used (eg., ISAs, or VSAs), Ø State the objective of an audit, Ø Provide information of performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the FS, Ø State that the audit evidence the auditor has obtained is sufficient and appropriate to Example of HAGL group provide a basis for the auditor's opinion Ø Assess the risks of material misstatement of the FS, whether due to fraud or error, including the assessment of internal control, Ø Evaluate the appropriateness of the accounting policies used, the reasonableness of the accounting estimates made by management, as well as the overall presentation of the FS. 13 15 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT (5) Management's responsibility for the financial statements Eg HAGL group v The auditors should state that management is responsible for the preparation and the fair presentation of the FS in accordance with the applicable financial v They are also responsible for designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of FS that are free from An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the separate financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors' judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the separate financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company's preparation and fair presentation of the separate financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the separate financial statements. material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Management's responsibility The Company's management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Company's separate financial statements in accordance with Vietnamese Accounting Standards, Vietnamese Enterprise Accounting System and the statutory requirements relevant to preparation and presentation of separate financial statements, and for such internal control system as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation and presentation of the separate financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditors' responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these separate financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Vietnamese Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the separate financial statements are free from material misstatement. reporting framework. Eg HAGL group An example of Auditor's responsibility We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion. 14 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 16 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT 2.3. AUDIT OPINION (7) Auditor’s opinion Types of audit opinions v It is the primary paragraph of the auditor’s report content. The auditors express the auditor’s opinion on the FSs. Audit Opinion For eg. An unqualified opinion that the FS give a true and fair view or are presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with applicable financial reporting framework. Ý kiến không chấp nhận toàn phần v They also give a reference of the financial reporting framework used to prepare the FSs Unmodified Opinion (Eg, VASs, IFRS, US GAAP,…) Modified Opinion Ý kiến chấp nhận toàn phần (8) Auditor's signature Ý kiến ngoại trừ à The signature identifies the CPA firm or practitioner who performed the audit, or both. Qualified Opinion 17 Ý kiến trái ngược Adverse Opinion Ý kiến từ chối đưa ra ý kiến Disclaimer of Opinion 19 Except for : Ngoai tru 2.2. STRUCTURE OF AN AUDITOR’S REPORT 2.3.1 Unmodified (Unqualified) opinion (9) Date of auditor’s report This type of opinion is expressed when the auditor is satisfied in all material respects that: à The auditor’s report is dated as of the date the auditor signs the report. à To inform users that the auditor has considered the effect of events and transactions that occurred up until that date; and about which the auditor was aware. v The auditor has concluded that they have obtained reasonable assurance that the financial report as a whole is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. (10) Auditor's address Uncorrected misstatements are immaterial, both individually and in aggregate à The auditor’s report also shows the name of the audit firm, and their location if contact isn à This also means that the auditor has concluded that: necessary. v That the financial report is prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the requirements of the applicable financial reporting framework (ISA/VSA 700), Eg HAGL group v Sufficient appropriate audit evidence has been obtained, Khuôn khổ Bằng chứng v Any changes in accounting policies and their effects have been considered and disclosed on the notes to FSs. Chính sách kế toán v The financial information complies with relevant regulations and statutory requirements. Tuân thủ quy định 18 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 20 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 2.3.2 Modified opinion Example of Unmodified Opinion Circumstances giving rise to a modified opinion Eg Vinamilk The nature of matter “giving rise to a modified opinion” FSs are materially misstated due to “Disagreements with management” (regarding the applications of accounting policies & disclosures) Be unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence (“Limitations on scope”). How to determine the type of opinion expressed? 21 2.3.2 Modified opinion Circumstances giving rise to a modified opinion 23 à Determine the type of opinion expressed: Modifications affecting the auditor’s opinion Choose the appropriate audit opinion The auditor’s opinion should be modified when: v The auditor concludes, based on the audit evidence obtained, that the financial report is not free from material misstatements, or; v The auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to conclude that the financial report is free of material misstatements (ASA/ISA 705.6). Qualified Opinion Adverse Opinion Disclaimer of Opinion è The auditor should take all reasonable steps to overcome the issues giving rise to the material misstatement (disagreements with management) or the issues causing the auditor to be unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence (limitations on scope). Ko hop tac 22 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) vThe “nature of matter giving rise to a modified opinion”: whether the FSs are materially misstated or an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence. vAuditor’s judgment regarding the effects of materiality and the pervasiveness on FSs. 24 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 Sai sót có ảnh hưởng lan toả What are “Material misstatements”? ISA 705.A3 VSA 705 v VSA/ISA 450 defines a misstatement as the difference between the amount, classification, presentation or disclosure of an item reported by an entity in the financial report and the way that item is required to be treated in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework. Ảnh hưởng lan toả (Textbook 2 – trang 239): v Therefore, a material misstatement in the financial report may arise in relation to: Ø hoặc chúng có thể đại diện cho 1 phần quan trọng của BCTC; Ø là ảnh hưởng mà chúng không chỉ giới hạn ở 1 số yếu tố, 1 số tài khoản hoặc khoản mục cụ thể; Ø hoặc liên quan đến thuyết minh chủ yếu mà để người sử dụng hiểu được BCTC. Ø The appropriateness of the accounting policies selected Ø The application of those accounting policies, or Ø The appropriateness or adequacy of disclosures in the financial report 25 What are “Pervasive misstatements”? 27 The Scope of the Audit Has Been Restricted (Scope Limitation) Bị giới hạn về phạm vi kiểm toán ISA 705.5 v Effects are considered to be pervasive if they: Ø Are not confined (limited) to specific elements, accounts or items of the financial report Ø If so confined, represent or could represent a substantial proportion of the financial report, or Ø In relation to disclosures, are fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial report For all the types of modified opinions, a basis for modification paragraph is inserted just before the opinion paragraph. ISA 705.A8 v When the auditor has not accumulated sufficient appropriate evidence to conclude whether FSs are stated in accordance with the appropriate financial reporting framework, a scope restriction exists. v A limitation on the scope of the auditor’s work may arise for one of the following three reasons: Ø Circumstances beyond the control of the entity Ø Circumstances related to the nature or timing of the auditor’s work, or Ø Limitations imposed by the entity. Examples: • management’s refusal to permit the auditor to confirm material receivables or to physically examine inventory, • the auditor is not appointed until after the client’s year-end, it is impossible to physically observe inventories, • accounting documents got destroyed in a fire. 26 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 28s lOMoARcPSD|15671091 Choose the appropriate audit opinion (Materially/Pervasively) The nature of matter giving rise to a modified opinion The FSs are materially misstated (disagreements with management) Eg HAGL group An example of QUALIFIED OPINION Auditor’s judgment regarding the effects of materiality and pervasiveness on FSs. Misstatements are Misstatements are material but not pervasive material and pervasive Qualified opinion Adverse opinion Qualified opinion Disclaimer of opinion An inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence (scope limitations) 31 29 Types of Modified opinion Types of Modified opinion (1) QUALIFIED OPINION (2) ADVERSE OPINION ISA 705.7 v A qualified opinion is expressed when: ISA 705.8 v An adverse opinion should be expressed when: Ø The auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, concludes that misstatements are material but not pervasive to the FSs; or ØThe auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence on which to base the opinion, but concludes that the possible effects on the FSs could be material but not pervasive. Ø The auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, Ø and, concludes that misstatements are the effect of the misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the FS as a whole. à The most common situation in which they are issued is where the accounts are prepared on a going concern basis and the auditor concludes that it is highly improbable that the entity will continue as a going concern. -->The most common types of qualified opinions issued relate to material departures from a specific accounting standard or material disagreements over the carrying value of a specific asset or liability and its potential effect on profit. 30 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 32 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 An example of ADVERSE OPINION Eg Tracksafe Ltd Eg Trail Ecosystem Example of a disclaimer of opinion (statement of inability to form an opinion) 33 Types of Modified opinion (3) DISCLAIMER OPINION ISA 705.9 v A disclaimer of opinion, also referred to as an inability to form an opinion, is expressed when: Ø the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence to form an opinion, Ø and concludes that the possible effect of undetected misstatements on the financial report could be both material and pervasive. 35 2.4 Form and content of the auditor’s when the audit opinion is modified (1) 1. Basis for modification paragraph v This provides a description of the matter giving rise to the modification. v The auditor shall place this paragraph immediately before the Opinion paragraph in the auditor's report and use the heading "Basis for Qualified opinion", "Basis for Adverse Opinion", or "Basis for Disclaimer opinion", as appropriate. v This may include a description and quantification of the financial effects of the misstatement, unless impracticable. If not practicable, the auditor shall also state in the basis for modification paragraph. v The auditor shall include in the basis for modification paragraph the reasons for an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, if any. 34 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 36 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 2.4 Form and content of the auditor’s when the audit opinion is modified (2) 2.5. “Emphasis of matter” & “Other matter” 2. Change the title of Opinion paragraph The auditor shall use the heading "Qualified opinion", "Adverse opinion", or "Disclaimer of opinion", as appropriate, for the opinion paragraph. 3. Amend the description of the auditor's responsibility when a Qualified or Adverse opinion is issued To state that the auditor believes that the audit evidence the auditor has obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for that opinion. 4. Amend the introductory paragraph of the Disclaimer of Opinion ISA 706: “Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs and Other Matter Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor's Report” To state that the auditor was engaged to audit the FSs. The auditor also amends the description of the auditor's responsibility and the description of the scope of the audit. 39 37 2.4 Form and content of the auditor’s when the audit opinion is modified (3) Emphasis of matter Example of amendment to the auditor responsibility paragraph "Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on conducting the audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Because of the matter(s) in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraph, however, we were not able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion." v In certain limited circumstances it is appropriate for the auditor to draw attention to or emphasise a matter that is appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial report and is considered relevant to users of the auditor’s report, but which, because of its nature, does not affect the auditor’s opinion. v The major examples would be where there is a disclosure in the notes to the financial report that the auditor considers to be complete and adequate, but important enough to bring to users’ attention. 40 38 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) lOMoARcPSD|15671091 Emphasis of matter To draw user’s attention to a matter appropriately presented or disclosed in the FSs Example: “Emphasis of Matter’ paragraph relating to inherent uncertainties” In the auditor’ judgment, that matter is of such important that it is fundamental to user’s understanding of the FSs The auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the matter is not materially misstated in the FSs 41 Circumstances giving rise to Emphasis of Matter Other matter ISA 706 outlines circumstances in which Emphasis of Matter (EoM) can be issued: Ø Uncertainty relating to the future outcome of exceptional litigation or regulatory action Ø Early application of a new accounting standard that has a pervasive effect on the financial report in advance of its effective date, and Ø A major catastrophe that has had, or continues to have, a significant effect on the entity’s financial position. Eg., currently, approximately 80% of auditor’s reports in Australia containing EoM paragraphs relate to uncertainty regarding going concern status. 43 Subsequent Events FS Comparability Material Uncertainties Related Party Transactions v The ability to include an Other Matter (OM) paragraph in the auditor’s report allows auditor to draw user’s attention to any other matters, not presented or disclosed in the financial report, that the auditor believes are sufficiently important to be highlighted. v Circumstances giving rise to an OM paragraph are relevant to enhancing user’s understanding of: Ø the audit, Ø the auditor’s responsibilities or the audit report, Ø reporting on more than one set of FSs, Ø restriction on distribution or use of the auditor’s report. 42 Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com) 44 lOMoARcPSD|15671091 Other matter Exercise: Patel, a CPA firm, has completed the audit of the FSs of Bell as of and for the year ended December 31, 2019. Patel also audited and reported on the Bell FS s for the prior year. Patel drafted the following report for 2019. Those matters are relevant to user’s understanding of the audit, the auditor’ responsibility or the auditor’s report To draw user’s attention to any matter(s) other than those presented or disclosed in the FSs We have audited the balance sheet and statements of income and retained earnings of Bell Corporation as of December 31, 2019. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of misstatement. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of Bell Corporation as of December 31, 2019, and the results of its operations for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted auditing standards, applied on a basis consistent with those of the preceding year. This is NOT prohibited by law/regulations 45 Choose appropriate audit opinion Patel, CPA (Signed) 47 Consider these following questions 1. Are there any material misstatements in the FSs? No (there is No MM) Unmodified audit opinion Other Information q Bell is a private corporation. Yes, there are MMs MMs are NOT pervasive 2. The pervasiveness of MMs? Qualified audit opinion MMs are pervasive 3. The auditor’s ability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence? unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence Disclaimer of opinion q Patel was unable to perform normal accounts receivable confirmation procedures for accounts that are material, but not pervasive, to the financial statements. Unfortunately, Patel was not able to perform alternative procedures to support the existence of the receivables. q Bell Corporation is the devaluation of inventory due to the nature of inventory of fashionable items. This is a reasonable possibility that Bell’s inventory account may be needed to make a provision of 15.000 USD. This amount is higher than overall materiality of 10.000 USD. Because management does not want to provide any information of this devaluation, the case is not discussed in the financial statements. Scope limitation sufficient appropriate AE Adverse audit opinion 46 Required: a. Identify and explain any items included in “Other Information” that need not be part of the auditor’s report. b. Does the current audit opinion provide a true and fair audit opinion? 48 If it does not, suggest your recommendation on the more appropriate audit opinion. Downloaded by Phú Nguy?n (phu14082003a@gmail.com)