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Heat Conduction Fundamentals: Equations & Applications

Dr. Samir Mohamed Elshamy
Heat Conduction Equation
 It was stated that conduction can take place in liquids and gases
as well as solids provided that there is no bulk motion involved.
 The driving force for any form of heat transfer is the temperature
difference, and the larger the temperature difference, the larger
the rate of heat transfer.
 The specification of the temperature at a point in a medium first
requires the specification of the location of that point.
 This can be done by choosing a suitable coordinate system such
as the rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates.
The location of a point is specified
(x, y, z) in rectangular coordinates
(r, , z) in cylindrical coordinates
(r, , ) in spherical coordinates
Steady versus Transient Heat
 Heat transfer problems are often classified as
being steady (also called steady state) or
transient (also called unsteady).
 The term steady implies no change with time at
any point within the medium,
 while transient implies variation with time or
time dependence.
 Therefore, the temperature or heat flux
remains unchanged with time during steady
heat transfer through a medium at any location,
although both quantities may vary from one
location to another.
Multidimensional Heat Transfer.
Heat transfer problems are also classified as
being one-dimensional, two-dimensional, or
The temperature in a medium, in some cases,
varies mainly in two primary directions, and the
variation of temperature in the third direction is
A heat transfer problem in that case is said to be
For example, the steady temperature distribution
in a long bar of rectangular cross section can be
expressed as T(x, y) if the temperature variation
in the z-direction (along the bar) is negligible and
there is no change with time
• A heat transfer problem is said to be onedimensional if the temperature in the medium
varies in one direction only and thus heat is
transferred in one direction, and the variation of
temperature and thus heat transfer in other
directions are negligible or zero.
• For example, heat transfer through the glass of
a window can be considered to be onedimensional since heat transfer through the
glass occurs predominantly in one direction
(the direction normal to the surface of the
glass) and heat transfer in other directions
(from one side edge to the other and from the
top edge to the bottom) is negligible.
Heat Generation
• A medium through which heat is conducted may involve the
conversion of mechanical, electrical, nuclear, or chemical energy into
heat. In heat conduction analysis, such conversion processes are
characterized as heat generation.
• Note that heat generation is a volumetric phenomenon. That is, it
occurs throughout the body of a medium.
• Therefore, the rate of heat generation in a medium is usually
specified per unit volume and is denoted by e·gen, whose unit is
Heat Conduction Equation in a Large Plane
• Consider a thin element of thickness x in a large
plane wall.
• Assume the density of the wall is  , the specific
heat is c, and the area of the wall normal to the
direction of heat transfer is A.
• An energy balance on this thin element during a
small time interval t can be expressed as
• In heat transfer analysis, we are often interested in the rate of heat transfer
through a medium under steady conditions and surface temperatures.
• Such problems can be solved easily without involving any differential
• We start with one-dimensional steady heat conduction in a plane wall, a
cylinder, and a sphere, and develop relations for thermal resistances in
these geometries.
• also develop thermal resistance relations for convection and radiation
conditions at the boundaries.
• apply this concept to heat conduction problems in multilayer plane walls,
cylinders, and spheres and generalize it to systems that involve heat
transfer in two or three dimensions.
Thermal Resistance Network
• We summarize this as the rate of steady heat transfer between
two surfaces is equal to the temperature difference divided by
the total thermal resistance between those two surfaces
• It is sometimes convenient to express heat transfer through a
medium in an analogous manner to Newton’s law of cooling as
• where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient.
Multilayer Plane Walls
In practice we often encounter plane walls that consist of several
layers of different materials.
The thermal resistance concept can still be used to determine
the rate of steady heat transfer through such composite walls.
The rate of steady heat transfer through
this two-layer composite wall can be
expressed as
where R total is the total thermal resistance,
expressed as
• The total thermal resistance is simply the arithmetic sum of the individual
thermal resistances in the path of heat transfer
 The thermal resistance concept or the
electrical analogy can also be used to solve
steady heat transfer problems that involve
parallel layers or combined series-parallel
 Although such problems are often two- or
even three-dimensional, approximate
solutions can be obtained by assuming one
dimensional heat transfer and using the
thermal resistance network.
 Consider the composite wall shown in
Figure, which consists of two parallel layers.
 The thermal resistance network, which consists of two parallel resistances,
can be represented as shown in the figure.
 Noting that the total heat transfer is the sum of the heat transfers through
each layer, we have
Now consider the combined series-parallel arrangement shown in
Figure. The total rate of heat transfer through this composite system
can again be expressed as
• Consider steady heat conduction through a hotwater pipe.
• Heat is continuously lost to the outdoors through
the wall of the pipe, and we intuitively feel that
heat transfer through the pipe is in the normal
direction to the pipe surface and no significant
heat transfer takes place in the pipe in other
• The wall of the pipe, whose thickness is rather
small, separates two fluids at different
temperatures, and thus the temperature gradient
in the radial direction is relatively large.
• Further, if the fluid temperatures inside and
outside the pipe remain constant, then heat
transfer through the pipe is steady.
• Thus heat transfer through the pipe can be
modeled as steady and one-dimensional.
• In steady operation, there is no change in the
temperature of the pipe with time at any point.
• Therefore, the rate of heat transfer into the
pipe must be equal to the rate of heat transfer
out of it.
• In other words, heat transfer through the pipe
must be constant,
Then Fourier’s law of heat conduction for
heat transfer through the cylindrical layer
can be expressed as:
We can repeat the analysis for a spherical layer
by taking
and performing the
integrations in Eq. 3–36. The result can be
expressed as
for a cylindrical layer
for a spherical layer
Selecting a Heat Sink for a