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Leadership Skill Development Course Syllabus

Unit 01
Do Thi Thanh Huong
Foreign Trade University
§ Full name: Đỗ Thị Thanh Hương
§ Email: huong.do@ftu.edu.vn, Mobile: 0902.865.885
§ Bachelor of Business and International Business , Foreign
Trade University, Vietnam
§ Master of Business and Management, Nottingham
Business School, Nottingam University, United Kingdom
§ Lecturer of Management, Leadership, Organizational
Behaviour, Organizational Psychology, Faculty of
Business Administration, Foreign Trade University,
§ Research interest: Organizational behaviours, Leadership
Student will be introduced to the basic principles of leadership
development with a particular emphasis on helping skills in a
variety of group contexts.
In addition, student will become aware of their own leadership
styles as they relate to their majors, campus leadership
positions and future interest.
The course will cover following topics:
Introduction to leadership
Leadership Traits and Skills
Effective Leadership Behaviors
Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership
Power and Influence
Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
Authentic Leadership and Servant Leadership
Leadership in Teams
Apply ethical understanding in leadership
§ Lecture
§ Case study
§ Group discussion
§ Textbook:
Management – Robbins & Coulter
§ Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice (5th ed.).
Northouse, P.G. (2021). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
§ Leadership in organizations – Gary Yukl (2010)
§ Materials:
§Slide, supporting documents:
Participation: 10%
Mid-term Exam: 30%, including:
Interview a Leader (15%) – in group of two students: You are to select someone who serves in a position of
significant leadership for this assignment. This person could be a relative if that person is in a leadership position–
the CEO of a corporation, managing partner of a firm, political figure, university administrator, mentor of youth,
director of a major program, leader of a FTU club on campus, and so on. You are to interview this individual for a
minimum of 30-45 minutes to find out about their views of leadership. Your interview should include such things
as their leadership philosophy, strengths and weaknesses as a leader, major challenges faced regarding
leadership, some joys and pains associated with the job, and also specific advice for you as to what helps the most
in developing as a leader.
Write up the results of what you learned in a paper. Describe what you discovered, as well as themes that
emerged, and connect this understanding with material discussed in the text and in class. Length: 3-5 pages.
Date of submission:
Self-Presentation as a Leader (15%)
Each student will have an opportunity to present a three (3) minute prepared TED Talk in front of the class about
the theme: “Why I am a Leader”. Talk can not be read, however you can use notes. Possible areas to include in
presentation are: personal leadership qualities, leadership behavior shown, present or expected leadership
responsibilities, what has been learned about leadership, and so forth.
Dates of TED Talk presentations:
Final Exam (written): 60%
§ Interview a Leader (15%) – in group of two students: You are to
select someone who serves in a position of significant leadership
for this assignment. This person could be a relative if that person is
in a leadership position– the CEO of a corporation, managing
partner of a firm, political figure, university administrator, mentor
of youth, director of a major program, leader of a FTU club on
campus, and so on. You are to interview this individual for a
minimum of 30-45 minutes to find out about their views of
leadership. Your interview should include such things as their
leadership philosophy, strengths and weaknesses as a leader,
major challenges faced regarding leadership, some joys and pains
associated with the job, and also specific advice for you as to what
helps the most in developing as a leader.
§ Write up the results of what you learned in a paper. Describe what
you discovered, as well as themes that emerged, and connect this
understanding with material discussed in the text and in class.
Length: 3-5 pages.
§ Date of submission: 5th June, 2023
§ Self-Presentation as a Leader (15%)
§ Each student will have an opportunity to present a three (3)
minute prepared TED Talk in front of the class about the
theme: “Why I am a Leader”. Talk can not be read, however you
can use notes. Possible areas to include in presentation are:
personal leadership qualities, leadership behavior shown,
present or expected leadership responsibilities, what has been
learned about leadership, and so forth.
§ Dates of TED Talk presentations: 5th, 7th, 12th June
§ Be punctual (10 minute late allowance)
§ Prepare for class by reading the text/assigned materials before
coming to class
§ Participate in discussions, contribute opinion in class à Bonus point
§ Notify me by e-mail in advance if you can't attend the class