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Rizal's Nationalist Essay on Philippine Issues

Regine Grace C. Bermudo
Quiz #2
Rizal’s Life, Works and Writings
Knowing Rizal’s nationalist conviction, try to put yourself in his shoes and express your ideas by
writing an essay (not less than 3,000 words) about your stand on the current societal issues directly
affecting our everyday life like the rising inflation rate in the country, the scandalous sugar
importation, energy power crises, charter change, oil price hike, pathetic plight of farmers, etc.
(100 pts.)
As an individual who holds the same nationalist beliefs as Rizal, I am greatly troubled by the
current societal problems that have a direct impact on our daily lives in the Philippines. The issues
at hand include the escalating inflation rate, the questionable importation of sugar, the energy
power crisis, the proposal for charter change, the continuous rise in oil prices, and the deplorable
condition of our farmers. In addition to that, there is also the constant conflict and
underdevelopment in Mindanao that has been going on for decades. In this essay, I will delve into
each of these matters and express my stance on them and why it is crucial for the government to
address these issues.
The rising inflation rate in the country is a significant concern for me. The cost of living has been
steadily increasing, making it difficult for many Filipinos to afford basic necessities such as food,
housing, and healthcare. This situation is especially challenging for those who belong to the lower
income brackets, which is also a reality for many students like myself. The increasing prices of
goods and services have affected the daily lives of students like us. The rising cost of tuition fees,
on top of the already relatively expensive tuition of nursing, textbooks, school supplies, and
transportation expenses are taking a toll on our families' budgets. As a result, some students are
forced to cut back on expenses or take on part-time jobs to help their families. Due to this, people
are forced to work more to have more income that leads to overworking which can be detrimental to
our health as it results to increased stress, lack of sleep and fatigue. All these, may lead to a
serious health problem later in life. Furthermore, being tight on budget will result to people,
especially students, having a reduced social life which may also lead to feelings of isolation and
loneliness, or worse, depression and suicide. Therefore, the government needs to address this
issue by implementing policies that will stabilize prices and increase the purchasing power of the
One way to address this issue is to strengthen the country's agricultural sector. The Philippines
is an agricultural country, and it should prioritize agricultural development to ensure food security
for its people. The government can invest in irrigation systems, farm-to-market roads, and other
infrastructure that will improve the productivity of farmers. This will not only reduce the country's
reliance on imported food but also create jobs in the rural areas.
In fact, the Philippines has several advantages when it comes to agriculture as compared to
other Asian countries. For one, the country's tropical climate and abundant rainfall provide ideal
conditions for crop growth. The country also has fertile soil, particularly in the northern and central
parts of Luzon, which is suitable for a variety of crops such as rice, corn, and vegetables.
Additionally, the country's location in the Pacific Rim makes it an ideal location for aquaculture, with
several marine and freshwater species that can be raised for food. However, it is sad to say that
despite these advantages, the agricultural sector in the Philippines continues to be neglected and
was never nurtured by the government.
One of the main challenges of the agricultural sector is the lack of infrastructure and support for
farmers, particularly those in remote and rural areas. The lack of irrigation systems, farm-to-market
roads, and other essential infrastructure makes it difficult for farmers to bring their crops to the
market and sell them at fair prices. This issue is compounded by the prevalence of middlemen and
traders who often take advantage of farmers by buying their produce at low prices. Another
challenge is the increasing competition from imported food, which makes it difficult for local farmers
to compete in the market. The Philippines has been importing more food in recent years, which has
led to a decline in the prices of locally produced crops. This situation puts local farmers at a
disadvantage, making it difficult for them to make a profit and provide for their families. To address
these challenges, the government can prioritize agricultural development and invest in
infrastructure that will improve the productivity of farmers. For instance, building irrigation systems
can increase the yield of crops and reduce the risk of crop failure due to drought. Constructing
farm-to-market roads can make it easier for farmers to transport their produce to the market, while
also reducing transportation costs. Additionally, conducting yearly seminars and symposiums about
the latest trends and development in agriculture, and providing technical assistance and financial
support to farmers can help improve their farming practices and increase their income.
In addition to the rising inflation rate, another issue that raises concern is the scandalous sugar
importation. The sugar industry has been an important source of livelihood for many Filipinos,
especially those in Negros Island. The importation of sugar from other countries threatens the
livelihoods of our farmers and disrupts the local market. Sugar importation has a significant impact
on both agriculture and the economy therefore, the government should protect the local sugar
industry by implementing policies that promote the production and sale of local sugar. It may help if
the government imposes higher tariffs on imported sugar and provide subsidies to local farmers. By
doing so, the government can help to stabilize the local sugar market and provide support to local
farmers, which can have a positive impact on the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole.
The energy power crisis is also a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. The energy power
crisis is a significant concern in the Philippines due to the country's heavy reliance on
non-renewable energy sources, such as coal and oil, to produce electricity. These sources of
energy not only contribute to climate change but also make the country vulnerable to price
fluctuations in the global market. In addition, the use of coal and oil has detrimental effects on the
environment and public health, such as air pollution and respiratory diseases. To address this issue,
the government needs to invest in renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro
power, as they are more sustainable and have a lesser impact on the environment. The Philippines
has a vast potential for renewable energy due to its geographical location and climate. With
sufficient investment in renewable energy infrastructure, the country can reduce its carbon footprint
and ensure energy security for the future. The shift towards renewable energy will not only provide
a more sustainable energy source but will also create new job opportunities in the renewable
energy sector. This will boost the economy and contribute to the development of the country.
Furthermore, the transition towards renewable energy sources can help reduce the inflation rate in
the country. The price of non-renewable energy sources, such as oil and coal, is volatile and
subject to global market fluctuations, which can impact the local economy. By investing in
renewable energy sources, the country can reduce its reliance on non-renewable energy, which in
turn can stabilize the price of electricity and contribute to economic stability. Due to its ability to
provide a more sustainable energy source as well as a possible contributor to reducing the inflation
rate and improve the overall economy of the country, I can say that investing in renewable energy is
crucial in addressing the energy power crisis of the country.
On the other hand, charter change should be approached with caution, as it may have
unintended consequences and potentially undermine the country's democratic institutions. Instead,
the government should focus on improving the ease of doing business and addressing corruption. I
think more than a charter change, it is more urgent to mitigate corruption which can be possibly
achieved by streamlining government processes and reduce bureaucratic red tape, increasing
transparency and accountability, implementing and adhering to anti-corruption laws and policies,
empowering civil society organizations, and providing training and education to the citizens about
The oil price hike is another issue that can be addressed by investing in alternative modes of
transportation and promoting fuel efficiency. In a nationalist perspective, it is imperative for the
government to prioritize the development of the country's own sources of energy. The Philippines is
rich in natural resources, including coal, geothermal, and hydroelectric power. By developing these
resources, we can reduce our dependence on imported oil and improve our energy security.
Furthermore, as said previously, investing in renewable energy sources can help mitigate the
negative effects of climate change and reduce our carbon footprint. Also, implementing policies that
will regulate the prices of oil products in the country can be another way of addressing the oil price
hike. The government should work closely with oil companies to ensure that prices are reasonable
and within the reach of ordinary Filipinos. Additionally, efforts to improve the public transportation
system should be made, especially since Philippines is a traffic-congested country. Improving
public transportation by promoting and investing in more efficient public transportation systems,
such as electric trains and buses, can not only reduce the dependence on oil as a source of energy
for transportation but can also help in dealing with the long-standing traffic issues that has plagued
the Philippines for decades now. When traffic is reduced, the amount of time that vehicles spend on
the road is reduced, which in turn reduces the amount of fuel that they consume. This can lessen
the effects of rising oil prices and keep fuel costs down for both consumers and businesses.
Increasing public transportation investment can also aid in reducing the nation's overall oil
consumption and the need for oil imports. This can be beneficial in price stabilization and lessen
the effects of rising oil prices on customers and businesses. Moreover, from a nationalist
perspective, spending money on public transportation can support the advancement of the nation's
economic independence by lowering the reliance on foreign oil. This, in turn, could help in the
creation of transportation-related jobs, which could subsequently play a role in the expansion and
improvement of the nation's economy. On top of that, encouraging the use of alternative modes of
transportation, such as bicycles and electrically powered automobiles, can help ensure energy
security, advocate sustainable economic development, and cultivate independence from oil as a
source of energy for transportation, all while mitigating the negative effects of the oil price hike on
the daily lives of Filipinos.
Another societal issue that troubles me is the miserable situation of farmers here in the country.
Farmers are the backbone of our country's economy, yet they continue to suffer from poverty and
lack of support from the government. As said earlier, the Philippines is an agricultural country, and
farmers play a crucial role in ensuring the country's food security. However, it is sad to say that
many farmers live in poverty and face various challenges such as landlessness, lack of access to
credit, and market volatility. These issues often result in low productivity, which directly affects their
income and overall economic contribution. To address this problem, the government should
prioritize agricultural development and provide farmers with the support they need to thrive. One
way to do this is by providing subsidies and support services such as access to credit, technical
assistance, and marketing support. This will not only improve the livelihoods of farmers but also
increase the productivity and efficiency of the agricultural sector as a whole. Furthermore, the
government must protect the rights of farmers to land ownership and ensure that they receive fair
prices for their produce. Many farmers are at risk of losing their land to big corporations, which often
leads to landlessness and poverty. By protecting their land rights, farmers can invest in their farms
and improve their productivity, leading to a more sustainable and equitable agricultural sector. The
government can also explore opportunities to link farmers directly to consumers through
e-commerce platforms, which will eliminate the middlemen and increase farmers' income. Through
direct selling, farmers can get fair prices for their produce and consumers can access fresh and
affordable products. Although it would take a lot of time, but addressing this issue would allow the
development of the country’s economy as well as food security in the long-run. The government
must provide the necessary support services, protect farmers' rights, and explore innovative ways
to connect farmers directly to consumers because only then can the agricultural sector thrive and
contribute to the overall progress of the country.
Speaking of landlessness and land rights, this is also one of the most pressing concerns in
Mindanao as it is a complex and deeply rooted problem that has significant implications for the
region's economic, social, and cultural development. As the food basket of the Philippines, land is a
critical resource for many people in Mindanao since agriculture is their main livelihood, especially
for indigenous communites. However, many of them have been deprived of their ancestral lands
due to land grabbing and encroachment by big corporations and influential individuals. For
generations, indigenous peoples and rural communities in Mindanao have relied on their ancestral
lands for their survival and well-being. However, these lands have become increasingly threatened
by the expansion of large-scale agribusiness, mining, and other extractive industries, as well as by
the proliferation of illegal settlements and land grabbing. The government's failure to address this
issue has led to widespread poverty and marginalization among the affected communities, as well
as conflicts and violence related to land disputes. Due to this, the government needs to implement
comprehensive land reform programs that will provide secure land tenure for the people and
ensure that they have access to the resources they need to sustain their livelihoods. The
government should also ensure that the land reform program is accompanied by the necessary
legal and institutional reforms to protect the rights of the people and prevent the abuse of power by
those in authority. This includes strengthening the legal framework for land tenure and land use,
promoting transparency and accountability in land transactions, and establishing effective
mechanisms for resolving land disputes and conflicts. In addition, since the region is undeniably
rich in natural resources, it has the potential to become an economic powerhouse if the government
invests in infrastructure, education, and other support services. Therefore, the government should
prioritize the development of industries that can generate jobs and income for the people, such as
agriculture, fisheries, tourism, and information technology.
The last concern that I want to point out is cultural preservation. Cultural preservation is not
only important in Mindanao but also in the Philippines as a whole. The country is home to various
ethnic groups, each with its unique cultural heritage. In Mindanao, the issue of cultural preservation
is especially crucial due to the diverse indigenous communities that call the region home. These
communities have been living in harmony with nature for centuries and have developed unique
cultural practices and beliefs that are integral to their identity. However, these cultures are
constantly facing the risk of disappearing due to the influences of Westernization and globalization.
It must be understood that it is essential to preserve these cultural heritages as they represent the
rich history and identity of the Filipino people. Thus, cultural preservation efforts should be made
In addition to the fact that the government should work closely with these communities to
promote their cultural heritage and provide support services to ensure their preservation, other
preservation measures can include establishing accessible cultural centers and museums where
the Filipino traditional arts and crafts, music, dances, and other cultural practices can be
showcased and passed down to future generations. The education system can also play a vital role
in promoting cultural awareness and preservation by incorporating the history and culture of
different ethnic groups in the curriculum. Another possible solution that I can think of is by taking
advantage of the mainstream media.
Let’s take a look at China and South Korea, for example, as they have been the two countries
who have been famous for successfully promoting and preserving their culture through mainstream
media such as their dramas and shows. Both China and South Korean dramas showcase their
cultural heritage through their costumes, language, and storylines. This exposure to their culture
has helped to maintain and promote their traditions, customs, and values to a wider audience.
Additionally, the popularity of these dramas and shows has led to an increase in tourism, with fans
visiting cultural landmarks and experiencing the local cuisine and traditions. Compared to these
countries, the Philippines has been very much behind in terms of strategies and ideas on how to
promote our cultural heritage to a wider audience, especially to the younger generation. I believe
that showcasing the Philippines’ cultural heritage through films and television shows can help
preserve and promote our rich culture. By showcasing the diverse customs and traditions of the
different regions, the younger generation can appreciate and value their heritage, which can help in
preserving it for the future generations.
In conclusion, the current societal issues affecting our everyday life in the Philippines are
complex and interconnected. As someone who admires Rizal's nationalist conviction and as a
nationalist myself, I believe that the government has a crucial role in addressing these issues and
improving the lives of the Filipino people. It is essential for the government to prioritize the
development of the agricultural sector to address the rising inflation rate and provide food security
for the country. The government must also find ways to protect the local sugar industry and invest
in renewable energy sources to help reduce our reliance on imported goods and fossil fuels.
Charter change may be considered but it should be approached with caution since it may have
unintended consequences that may or may not be advantageous. Instead, I believe that we should
focus on more pressing concerns in our society such as corruption. Meanwhile, the oil price hike is
another issue that could be addressed by investing in alternative modes of transportation and
promoting fuel efficiency. Providing necessary support services, protecting land rights, and
ensuring that the farmers receive fair prices for their produce are also some government actions
that should be taken to address the saddening plight of our farmers. Also, implementing
comprehensive land reform programs that will provide secure land tenure for the people and
ensure that they have access to the resources needed to sustain their livelihoods, developing
industries that can generate jobs and income for the people, and preserving the diverse cultural
heritage of various ethnic groups are another group of measures that can be done to solve the
issues of landlessness, land rights, and cultural preservation.
However, we must keep in mind that all these can not be done by the government alone. It also
needs the cooperation of its citizens and as a person who has a nationalistic belief, I believe that
we, as Filipinos, have a duty to contribute to the development of our country. This means being
proactive in promoting local industries, supporting our farmers, and conserving our natural
resources. As future healthcare professionals, we can also contribute to the betterment of our
society by serving our communities with compassion and professionalism. By upholding the values
of patriotism and social responsibility, we can work towards a better future for our country and our