Academic Paper Number of Words: 4000-5000 for Final Output/ Exam (2000-3000 for Final Requirement) Similarity Index: Not higher than 15% Formatting: Font Style: Times New Roman Font Size: 12 Line Spacing: 1.5 Paragraph Formatting: Justified Paper Size: Letter Margin: 1” Wide Engagement with the Literature Depth of Discussion of Ideas Academic Development of Ideas Communication of Ideas Total Grade Out of 30 Score 30 30 10 100 Wide Engagement in Literature Students are expected to search for references outside the set of readings in their chosen topic. The idea is not dependent on simple count of primary academic references, but on how they are used. References should include at least at 5 masters level and 10 at doctoral level of published academic refereed journals. Other references may also be used but are not considered as authoritative in academic writing. Depth of Discussion Evidences that the student have developed a clear and deep understanding of the constructs discussed and the different ideas are well integrated with each other. Academic Development of Ideas An academic paper should not only consists of reporting on different views or summary of ideas, but develop an argument on its own. This criteria refer to the flow of ideas in the paper and the cohesiveness, sequential and clear. Communication of Ideas This criteria refers to the technical aspects of the paper in using clear and correct language and proper formatting according to APA. Parts: I. II. III. IV. Brief Summary – (research article-Language Testing and Evaluation/ Assessment- 2015) Body of the Analysis (content, technicalities) Conclusion References – APA 7th ed. 108_SURNAME_1 A/B 108_SURNAME_2 A/B