Uploaded by Frederick Dadzie-Yorke

Year 10 Biology Revision Questions

Year 10 Revision questions
1. Fig. 1.1 shows a photomicrograph of a section of a root.
Fig. 1.1
(a) Which letter represents the xylem vessel. ______________________ [1]
(b) The xylem vessels conduct water from the roots to the stems. State the features of
xylem vessels that enable them to conduct water.
_______________________________________________________________ [3]
2. The figure shows a young plant with its roots submerged in a container filled with a
solution containing mineral salts and coloured dye.
Figure 2.2 shows a section of root and figure figure 2.3 shows a section of stem.
Fig. 2.2
Fig. 2.3
Shade in the tissue to identify where the coloured solution may be found in a section of
root in 2.2 and stem in figure 2.3
3. The figure shows part of the digestive system of a human. Name the structures A,B, C,
L, K and H
A student wrote a series of statements to explain why an increase in nitrate and magnesium
ions increased the number of leaves. Not all of the statements are correct.
A – Magnesium is required for the synthesis of chlorophyll.
B – Nitrate ions are a component of carbohydrates.
C – Chlorophyll is required for photosynthesis.
D – Proteins are needed for growth.
E – Plants make their own food by the process of respiration.
F – Respiration produces glucose.
State the letters of the correct statements.
4. (a) State the word equation for photosynthesis.
(b) Scientists investigated the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis in the
leaves of eucalyptus trees at two different concentrations of carbon dioxide, A and B.
The results are shown in Fig. 2.1.
rate of photosynthesis
light intensity / arbitrary units
A carbon dioxide concentration
B carbon dioxide concentration
140 ppm
1000 ppm
Fig. 2.1
Suggest and explain why the scientists kept the temperature of the leaves at 20 °C while
they recorded results.
..................................................................................................................................... [2]
Calculate the percentage increase in the rate of photosynthesis at a light intensity of
1250 arbitrary units when the carbon dioxide concentration was increased from 140
ppmto 1000 ppm.
Show your working and give your answer to the nearest whole number.
............................................................ %
Describe the effect of increasing light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis when the
concentration of carbon dioxide was 140 ppm.
..................................................................................................................................... [3]
Explain the effect of increasing light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis when the
concentration of carbon dioxide was 1000 ppm.
Use the term limiting factor in your answer.
..................................................................................................................................... [4]
The diagram shows the apparatus used in an investigation to measure the rate of
oxygen production during photosynthesis. The investigation was repeated several times
and the average amount of gas collected was calculated. Which two factors must be
kept constant during this investigation?
A the amount of water in the beaker and the height of the measuring cylinder
5. The graph shows the rate of uptake of magnesium ions by two similar plants, X and Y.
The roots of each plant were placed in a range of solutions. Each solution contained a
different concentration of magnesium ions. All other conditions were kept constant. What
is a possible explanation for the difference in the results for the two plants?
A Plant Y has fewer protein molecules for magnesium ion transport in its cell
B Plant Y has a higher rate of respiration.
C Plant Y has more root hair cells.
D The root hair cells in plant Y have a lower water potential.
6. Why do plants need nitrate ions?
A to make amino acids
B to make fats
C to make glucose
D to make starch
7. The table shows the percentage of the daily recommended intake of nutrients in a
serving of four foods. Which food would be the best choice to prevent scurvy?
8. Which stage of nutrition takes place when food molecules become part of a body cell?
A absorption
B assimilation
C digestion
D ingestion
9. The diagram shows part of the alimentary canal and associated organs. Which labelled
part stores bile?
10. The diagram shows the apparatus used in an experiment to demonstrate two processes
that take place in the body. After one hour, the water outside the dialysis tubing
contained reducing sugars. Which two processes are represented by this experiment?
A absorption and digestion
B absorption and egestion
C digestion and egestion
D digestion and ingestion
11. Some gardeners use Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) as a fertiliser for their plants.
Epsom salts release magnesium ions into the soil. How would this benefit the plants?
A prevents pests from eating the leaves
B prevents the leaves from going yellow
C prevents water loss from the leaves
D prevents the growth of weeds
12. The food label is from a packet of cereal. The label can help someone who is concerned
about their diet. A person eats 45 g of cereal. One of the food types listed in the label
can help prevent constipation. How many grams of this food type does the person eat?
A 1.3 g
B 2.8 g
C 3.5 g
D 7.7 g
13. Where is water absorbed?
A colon and small intestine
B large intestine only
C liver and colon
D small intestine only
14. The diagram shows a cross-section of part of a leaf.
15. Which chemical reaction takes place in the mouth?
A Fats are digested into fatty acids and glycerol.
B Fats are digested into simpler sugars.
C Starch is digested into simpler sugars.
D Starch is digested into amino acids.
16. The diagram shows the human alimentary canal, with a string marked in metres beside
it. How long is the small intestine?
17. Starch in food is digested in two stages. In which parts of the alimentary canal do the
two stages occur?