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English Lesson Plan: Unforgettable Experience

The English lesson 2
November, 9
The theme:
An Unforgettable Experience
Learning objectives: recognize the opinion of the speakers in supported extended talk on a range of general and curricular topics; respond with some flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments on a growing range of
general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives:
to know the new topical words and comprehend the written and listened text;
to complete the sentences and answer the questions;
to complete the double entry diary;
in pairs
words from green box page 30 in SB
Ex.1-2 page 20 in WB
What is it?
What do you think Kate is writing about?
Assessment sheet:
1. to know the words - 1 point
2. to translate the text to the groupmates - 1 point
3. to complete the sentences - 1 point for each one
4. to answer the questions - 1 point for each one
5. to ask thin and thick questions - 1 point
Read the text
in 2 groups.
Make sure all the
understand the text
Ask thin and thick questions in groups
Draw or type 2 things you learned in today’s lesson:
Ex. 3 page 31 in SB
Ex. 3-4 page 21 in WB