غالف خطة بحث جامعة طرابلس إدارة الدراسـات العليـا والتـدريب رقم النموذج الكلية :الهندسة القسم :اإلدارة الهندسية مقترح بحث الستكمال متطلبات اإلجازة العالية بعنـــــــــــــــــوان إدارة الشركات باستخدام الذكاء االصطناعي CHAT GPT Managing companies using artificial intelligence CHAT GPT أعداد :المهندسة فلاير عبدهللا بن فضل إشراف :الدكتور عبد السالم الفصل الدراسي \ ربيع 2023 Abstract Over the last decade, Artificial intelligence (AI) has become embedded in every aspect of our society and lives. From chatbots and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to automated industrial machinery and self-driving cars, it’s hard to ignore its impact. Today, the technology most commonly used to achieve AI is machine learning – advanced software algorithms designed to carry out one specific task, such as answering questions, translating languages or navigating a journey – and become increasingly good at it as they are exposed to more and more data. Worldwide, spending by governments and businesses on AI technology will top $500 billion in 2023, according to IDC research. But how will it be used, and what impact will it have? As artificial intelligence (AI) has become a growing force in business, today’s top AI companies are leaders in this emerging technology. Often leveraging cloud computing and edge computing, AI companies mix and match various technologies to meet and exceed use case expectations in the home, the workplace, and the greater community. Machine learning (ML) leads the pack in this realm, but today’s leading AI firms are expanding their capabilities through other technologies, from predictive analytics to business intelligence (BI) to data warehouse tools to the deep learning (DL) segment of AI, alleviating several industry pain points. To help organizations keep up with the AI market الملخص على مدى العقد الماضي ،أصبح الذكاء االصطناعي ( )AIجز ًءا ال يتجزأ من كل جانب من جوانب مجتمعنا وحياتنا .من روبوتات الدردشة والمساعدات االفتراضية مثل Siriو Alexaإلى اآلالت الصناعية اآللية والسيارات ذاتية القيادة ،من الصعب تجاهل تأثيرها .اليوم ،التكنولوجيا األكثر استخدا ًما لتحقيق الذكاء االصطناعي هي التعلم اآللي -خوارزميات برمجية متقدمة مصممة لتنفيذ مهمة واحدة محددة ،مثل اإلجابة على األسئلة أو ترجمة اللغات أو التنقل في رحلة -وتصبح جيدة بشكل متزايد في ذلك ألنها تتعرض لمزيد من المعلومات مزيد من البيانات. في جميع أنحاء العالم ،سيتجاوز إنفاق الحكومات والشركات على تكنولوجيا الذكاء االصطناعي 500مليار دوالر في عام ، 2023وفقًا ألبحاث .IDCولكن كيف سيتم استخدامه ،وما هو تأثيره؟ نظرًا ألن الذكاء االصطناعي ( )AIأصبح قوة متنامية في األعمال التجارية ،أصبحت شركات الذكاء االصطناعي اليوم رائدة في هذه التكنولوجيا الناشئة .غالبًا ما تستفيد شركات الذكاء االصطناعي من الحوسبة السحابية والحوسبة المتطورة ،وتجمع بين التقنيات المختلفة وتطابقها لتلبية توقعات حالة االستخدام وتجاوزها في المنزل ومكان العمل والمجتمع األكبر. يقود التعلم اآللي ( )MLالحزمة في هذا المجال ،لكن شركات الذكاء االصطناعي الرائدة اليوم تعمل على توسيع قدراتها من خالل تقنيات أخرى ،من التحليالت التنبؤية إلى ذكاء األعمال ( )BIإلى أدوات تخزين البيانات إلى قطاع التعلم العميق ( )DLمن الذكاء االصطناعي ،مما يخفف العديد من نقاط األلم في الصناعة .لمساعدة المؤسسات على مواكبة سوق الذكاء االصطناعي . Introduction Artificial Intelligence transforms business in the modern era to use data to gain intelligence, such as identifying market opportunities, adapting to changing workforces, and optimizing processes. Every business will begin using Artificial intelligence in 2023 to ease employee work and increase efficiency for effective-efficient work time management. AI systems are typically used to predict future outcomes by analyzing large amounts of labeled training data to identify patterns and correlations. Today, machine learning is the primary method for developing AI systems. Artificial intelligence is generally regarded as a supplement to, rather than a replacement for, human intelligence and ingenuity. The AI trend in 2023 has been the acceleration of AI applications in business to improve and automate processes and workspaces. In recent years, there have been several different advancements in business technology. Nonetheless, none of the previous innovations have been as progressive or disruptive as artificial intelligence. Background Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic of interest over the last few years, with it hitting the headlines this year thanks to the release of ChatGPT. AI is weaving into almost every field and discipline imaginable. Despite some skeptics and concerns about safety, AI is moving forward at great speed and is tipped to make major breakthroughs. We think it’s fair to say we are only at the tip of the iceberg, and we should expect mind-blowing things to come from this futuristic sector. Not only is AI helping people become more efficient; it's also revolutionizing the way we do business. In fact, 86% of CEOs note that AI is a mainstay in their offices, and it's not in the form of robots and complex machinery, but instead software to run their day-to-day operations. From predicting customer behavior to reducing manual data entry, AI in business is becoming indispensable in ways never seen. Aim of the thesis Businesses are turning to AI to a greater degree to improve and perfect their operations. According to the Forbes Advisor survey, businesses are using AI across a wide range of areas. The most popular applications include customer service, with 56% of respondents using AI for this purpose, and cybersecurity and fraud management, adopted by 51% of businesses. Other notable uses of AI are customer relationship management (46%), digital personal assistants (47%), inventory management (40%) and content production (35%). Businesses also leverage AI for product recommendations (33%), accounting (30%), supply chain operations (30%), recruitment and talent sourcing (26%) and audience segmentation (24%). Research problem Artificial Intelligence combined with the internet of things can be used in various use cases in the business world. Examples span from healthcare to e-commerce, from fraud detection to building resilient supply chains. Here are some real-world examples of how AI solutions can perform business functions: Sales Let Artificial Intelligence transform your business with sales process automation. Manually updating customer relationship management systems (CRM) can now be a thing of the past thanks to AI. Now customer and business data analysis, communications, purchase history, and insights can all be automated. Now you can streamline repetitive tasks so you can focus on creating strategies for lead generation and business growth. Digital Marketing Integrating AI allows you to improve marketing campaigns at the right audience. Predictive analytics can help you measure the performance from past campaigns for better segmentation and targeting. AI is also effective for content marketing whether in the form of social media posts, articles, videos, webinars and more. Machine learning Algorithms perform data analysis to determine the best strategy to implement and how to structure your content to hit the right topics, keywords and frequency to capture awareness. Customer engagement Chatbots provide excellent customer servicing by mimicking human communication using a bot over apps, e-commerce websites and more. It uses natural language processing, machine learning and deep learning to understand text the same way a human can to deliver instant and personalized conversations. Chatbots are particularly helpful if you have customers across different time zones who you don’t want to keep them waiting for replies. Nowadays e-commerce chatbots have become so sophisticated they can even make product recommendations from past activity taking customer experience and sales to a whole new level. Manufacturing and supply chain When AI is combined with machine learning in the manufacturing process including supply chain and logistics, this can streamline the whole process and avoid delays. . Descriptive analytics can analyse past events to improve efficiency while predictive analytics can anticipate outcomes or risks based on certain actions to help decision-making. Computers can run 24/7 to process a large amount of data and provide real-time results that will help with demand forecasting, supplier management, capital management, logistics, risk planning and more. Data science is important here as good analytics depend on quality data to improve transparency and avoid disruptions. Data analysis One of the most popular uses of AI is data analysis. AI applications with the help of machine learning and deep learning can analyse a vast amount of data any time of the day to produce real-time results. AI systems can use big data for predictive analytics and ultimately this automation will allow you to improve data driven decisions and focus on the bigger picture. Also falling into this category is the use of big data in healthcare. Predictive analytics is applied to data sets to support providers with decision making and implementing treatment plans. Fraud detection and cybersecurity Fraud detection is particularly important for e-commerce businesses with its element of payment transactions. AI solutions can outperform traditional software and systems with an algorithm that analyzes transaction data to spot any anomalies. If this is picked up, the transaction is immediately flagged. By investing in AI for fraud detection, you will improve security resulting in better customer experience and lower operational costs. Today’s cyberattacks are sophisticated and quickly evolving. AI and machine learning can provide automation in threat detection and response. In addition, AI systems and natural language processing can predict and recognise malware or ransomware threats before they reach your system. Research Methodology Artificial Intelligence (AI) is playing an increasing role in the research process. AI-based algorithms are being used to improve the efficiency of research and to provide new perspectives on explored topics. They are valuable not only in drawing connections between different pieces of information but also in proposing and testing new hypotheses. The search method will be by CHAT GPT.Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence-based language processing tool that can be used to interact with customers in a conversational way. It is an advanced chatbot that uses natural language processing to understand customer queries and provide relevant responses. This technology can help small businesses to provide better customer service, enhance their marketing efforts, and increase sales. Using Chat GPT for your small business is relatively straightforward. You can use it to create a chatbot that can interact with customers on your website or social media platforms. This chatbot can provide product information, answer frequently asked questions, and even process orders. Chat GPT can also be used to enhance your marketing efforts. By analyzing customer data, it can help you identify patterns and trends, enabling you to target specific audiences with personalized marketing messages. This can lead to increased engagement and conversions. Another benefit of using Chat GPT is that it can help reduce your customer service costs. By automating routine queries, your staff can focus on more complex issues, improving the overall customer experience. However, it is important to note that implementing Chat GPT requires careful planning and execution. You need to ensure that the chatbot is user-friendly, and its responses are accurate and relevant. Additionally, you must ensure that it is updated regularly to reflect changes in your products or services. Expected Research Results Chat GPT is a powerful tool that businesses can use to improve customer service, enhance their marketing efforts, and increase sales. The master's thesis will solve the problems of large and small companies by introducing artificial intelligence technology to increase the company's profits and increase the skills and techniques of employees to clearly improve their performance. A model will be created for a management structure for a startup company, and CHAT GPT will be used to create the structure, job directory, and tasks for each department and employee, and create marketing models and ideas using artificial intelligence for the success of the company. In conclusion, the results of the master's thesis will depend on the development and creation of successful companies using artificial intelligence Research schedule plan References https://www.folio3.ai/blog/how-to-use-chat-gpt-for-your-busine https://www.businessgo.hsbc.com/en/article/how-artificial-intellig ence-can-help-your-business https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5-biggest-artificial-intelligenceai-trends-2023-bernard-marr/ https://www.forbes.com/advisor/business/software/ai-in-business / https://www.datamation.com/featured/ai-companies/ https://oxfordabstracts.com/blog/top-ai-conferences-to-attend-i n-2023/ https://www.analyticsinsight.net/how-artificial-intelligence-will-t ransform-business-in-2023/ https://levity.ai/blog/8-uses-ai-business