Uploaded by Marius Gabriel Bucur

Scenariul sceneta

1 – Printesa Katie: Lavinia
2 – Cavalerii : Cavaler 1 (rebel) – Dan
Cavaler 2 (arogant) – Andrei
Cavaler 3 (timid) – George
3 – Imparatul: Cosmin
4 – Vrajitor : Marius
Chapter 1:
Printesa: Good morning, father!
Imparatul: Good Morning, dear Katie. Recently I was thinking about you and
the kingdom, and I concluded that you have to get married with a strong and
wise man!
Printesa: Dad, I already told you that I don`t want you to choose my husband,
now, I am old enough to do it by myself. I just need some time. I don’t want to
spend the rest of my life in missery with a man that I don’t even love.
Imparatul: Dear Katie, you need to extend the blood of your grandfather which
started long time ago. Also, you should know that I have spread the news in the
country and three knights meet all the requirements. So, I talked with them and
tomorrow they will be here. I think that at least one of them will make you
finally fall in love!
Printesa: I hate you! *(tipa)*
***(printesa pleaca suparata in camera ei si tranteste usa)***
Imparatul: You cannot hide in your room forever! *(tipa)*
Chapter 2:
***(A doua zi, cei trei vin in scena mai intai vorbesc cu imparatul in timp ce
fata doarme. Doi cavaleri fac o plecaciune in fata imparatului,dar cel de al
treilea, rebelul nu face plecaciune)***
Imparatul: Good day, brave knights. We have gathered here today, because I
need a strong and wise man to take my daughter’s hand and inherit the
kingdom! I do not know which one is the best suited for this, so you will have to
pass three challenges. The first one that will complete the challenges will have
the honour to marry my daughter.
Cavaler 2: So, what are these “challenges” about?
Imparatul: Ohh! I am glad you asked! In the first challenge you will have to
fight with Raiju, the bear that killed over 1000 knights like you!
Cavaler 3: Well, this is not going to be easy…
Cavaler 1: Speak for you, coward!
Imparatul: Please be quiet! If you manage to survive the battle with Raiju, you
will move on to the next task. In the second challenge you will have to climb
the Ceahlau Mountain and bring the sacred ruby that is guarded by grumpy troll.
Cavaler 3: And, if I may ask what is the last challenge?
Imparatul: For completing the third task, you will have to write a love poem for
my daughter! The most romantic one will be the winner!
Cavaler 2: Pff! This is pathetic!
Imaprtul: Shut it! These are the challenges that you have to pass if you want to
have the honour to marry my daughter. Now you shall go in your rooms and rest
because tommorow is an important day!
***( Cei trei cavaleri merg in camerele lor)***
Chapter 3:
***(In cea de a treia zi, cand cavalerii vor vrea sa faca cunostiinta cu fata
imparatului, vor realiza ca a disparut si nu e niciunde de gasit)***
***(cei trei cavaleri intra in sala tronului pentru a vorbi cu imparatul)***
Imparatul: Good morning, brave knights! Today is the great day! I hope you
slept well last night! *(rade)*
Cavalerii: Yes.. *(unul mai entuziasmat, altul mai sictirit)*
Imparatul: Good, good ! I am happy to hear this, but I want to do one more
thing before starting the competition! I would like to introduce you to my lovely
daughter, Katie. Please follow me!
***( Cei trei cavaleri il urmeaza pe imparat spre camera printesei, acesta fiind
momentul cand realizeaza ca Katie a disparut)***
Imparatul: Gentlemens, this is my lovely daughter, Katie! *(deschide usa
camerei in care sta printesa)*
Cavaler 2: Your majesty, I do not want to disappoint you, but there is nobody in
this room.
Imparatul: Yes, I can see this aswell, sir Andrew! She ran off! *(shocked and
Cavaler 1: Let’s go out, maybe she left a trace that we can follow!
***(cavalerii si imparatul ies din castel si cauta urmele lasate de catre