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Industrial Data Communication Assignment

Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
1. Draw the components required for communication. Label the five components involved and
briefly explain about each component.
2. Name the three popular devices which are using in industrial network? RTUs, PLCs, computers,
3. Name the three popular devices which are using in a business network? Computers, Switches,
Routers, Hubs, Printers, Faxes, Servers, etc
4. Provide 2 factors that affect the security of a network? Protection from Virus, spy ware and
Unauthorized Access
5. Provide 2 factors that affect the performance of a network? Hardware, Software, Transmission
speed and Number of Users
6. Interpret the concept of this sentence “in a Data communication system the message should
arrive in a timely fashion”. Information should be transferred in an efficient and timely manner
7. What is meaning of open protocol? Everybody has access to open protocol
8. The acronym SCADA stands for? Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition.
9. The acronym RTU stands for? Remote Terminal Units
10. The acronym PLC stands for? Programmable Logic Controllers
11. Which of the following could be considered as a protocol?
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
12. What is the main difference between software in industrial network and business network?
In industrial network software have applications or process specific but in business network
software are user oriented.
In industrial network software have limited number of users but in business network software
have user wide distribution of users
13. Which of the industrial network or business network do require more reliability. Industrial
14. Provide 2 factors that affect the reliability of a network? Number of failures, Recovery Time,
catastrophe recovery
15. What is header and how is it used in the OSI layers? Some extra data which should be added to
the main information
16. Which OSI layer is responsible for data segmentation? Transport
17. Electrical characteristics should be set up in which OSI layer? Physical
18. Which OSI layer is responsible for Network addressing? Network
19. Which OSI layer is responsible for error detection? Data link
20. Which OSI layer is responsible for encryption and compression? Presentation
21. Which OSI layer has both header and trailer? Data link
22. What do the following binary numbers equal when displayed in hex?
100101011010100= 4𝐴𝐷4
010100111001111= 29𝐢𝐹
00111000111010101001= 38𝐸𝐴9
11010100010001110101= 𝐷4475
23. What do the following binary numbers equal when displayed in decimal?
a) 10111010= 186
b) 10110001010= 1418
c) 100001001010= 2122
d) 1000001= 65
24. What do the following decimal numbers equal when converted to hex?
a) 127= 7𝐹
b) 255= 𝐹𝐹
c) 1023= 3𝐹𝐹
d) 65322= 𝐹𝐹2𝐴
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
25. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to decimal:
a) 0xFE45= 65093
b) 0xC31= 3121
c) 0x1234= 4660
d) 0x6F02= 28418
26. Convert the following hexadecimal numbers to binary:
a) 0xF845
b) 0xC91
c) 0xBB34
d) 0x6F1
27. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary:
a) 4532= 1000110110100
b) 85= 1010101
c) 127= 1111111
d) 289= 100100001
28. What is name of one -way data communication system? Simplex
29. What is the main difference between Half-duplex and Full-Duplex modes of communications?
Half –duplex just one communication link at each time, Full-duplex two communication links at
each time
30. Give an example of the Simplex communication mode and Full Duplex communication mode?
Radio, Computer and printer
31. In a communication system the physical link between transmitter and receiver is called? Channel
32. Briefly explain about the rule of protocol on data communication? A set of rules for
communication, same language
33. What is meaning of “handshaking” in data communication? Recognition between two
computers that they are able to communicate
34. Name two most commonly control lines in RS-232?
RTS: Request to send and CTS: clear to send
35. What is the main difference between serial and parallel communication? Serial just one line,
parallel few lines
36. Communication speed for a data communication link is 2000 characters per second, in this
communication link each character has 10 data bits. Among these 10 bits, 7 of them are data and
3 of them are control lines. Calculate the bit rate, baud rate and characters rate for this system?
Characters rate= 2000 𝐢𝑝𝑠
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
Baud rate= 2000 × 10 = 20000 π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘‘
Bit rate= 2000 × 7 = 14000 𝑏𝑝𝑠
37. Communication speed for a data communication link is 3000 characters per second, in this
communication link each character has11 data bits. Among these 11 bits, 8 of them are data and
3 of them are control lines. The RZ polar waveform is used in this communication link. Calculate
the bit rate, baud rate and characters rate for this system?
Characters rate= 3000 𝐢𝑝𝑠
Baud rate= 3000 × 11 × 2 = 66000 π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘‘
Bit rate= 3000 × 8 = 24000 𝑏𝑝𝑠
38. Baud rate for a data communication link with RZ polar waveform is 19200 symbol per second.
Each character in this system has 7 data bits and 3 control bits. Calculate the bit rate and the
character rate for this system?
𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑠 19200
Baud rate= 19200 π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘‘ →
Characters rate=
= 9100 𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑠 π‘œπ‘“ π‘–π‘›π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘šπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›
= 910 𝐢𝑝𝑠
Bit rate= 910 × 7 = 6370 𝑏𝑝𝑠
39. Baud rate for a data communication link with NRZ polar waveform is 19200 symbol per second.
Each character in this system has 8 data bits and 4 control bits. Calculate the bit rate and the
character rate for this system?
Baud rate= 19200 π‘π‘Žπ‘’π‘‘ →
Characters rate=
19200 𝑏𝑖𝑑𝑠 π‘œπ‘“ π‘–π‘›π‘“π‘œπ‘Ÿπ‘šπ‘Žπ‘‘π‘–π‘œπ‘›
= 1600 𝐢𝑝𝑠
Bit rate= 1600 × 8 = 12800 𝑏𝑝𝑠
40. How many signal can be sent via one cable in baseband communication? 1 signal without TDM,
few signals with TDM
41. In broadband communication system the modulator is used to convert digital signal to analog
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
42. In broadband communication system the demodulator is used to convert analog signal to digital
43. Combination of modulator and demodulator is called modem.
44. In communication systems, DTE stands for? DTE – Data Terminal Equipment includes any
computer equipment that acts as the original source or the final destination of computer
information or data
45. In communication systems, DCE stands for? DCE – Data Communications Equipment
includes any computer equipment that transmits or receives analog or digital data through or
across a network.
46. In communication systems, the best example of a “DCE” is : modem
47. Name advantages of the serial data transmission compared with parallel? Serial needs fewer
transmission lines and Crosstalk is less
48. What is the main difference between asynchronous and synchronous data communication? in
asynchronous communications transmitter and receiver have different or their own clock, but in
synchronous communications both transmitter and receiver are working with same clock
49. Why in an asynchronous data communication we have start and stop bits? To prevent any error
50. What is the meaning of error detection? Finding the error in a packet
51. Name three different methods of error detection? Parity bit, checksum and cyclic redundancy
52. Find the even parity bit for the following strings?
53. Find the odd parity bit for the following string?
54. How many error can be detected based on even or odd parity method? Just one error
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
55. Name two popular serial data communication standards? RS-232 and RS-485
56. What is the meaning of unbalanced (single ended) transmission system in RS-232 standard?
Voltage is measured with respect to the ground
57. What is relation between cable length and data speed in RS-232 standard?
Longer cable lower speed
58. How much is the maximum cable length for RS-232? 900 meter
59. How much is the maximum communication speed for RS-232? 19200 baud
60. What will happen if data speed exceeds from the maximum allowed speed based on RS-232
standard. More error
61. In RS-232 standard mark and space stand for logic 1 and logic 0
62. In RS-232 standard how much is voltage amplitude for mark and space in the transmitter?
Mark voltage -15 to -5V
Space voltage +15 to +5V
63. In RS-232 standard how much is voltage amplitude for mark and space in the receiver?
Mark voltage -15 to -3V
Space voltage +15 to +3V
64. In RS-232 standard how much is voltage amplitude for control line with logic 1? +5 to +15V
65. Name two utilized popular connectors in RS-232 standard? DB-25 and DB-9
66. What is the main difference between connectors wiring connection in telephone line and nullmodem system? cross linked lines connections are required for null modem
67. The utilized cable for communication between DCE and DTE is called: Straight thru
68. The utilized cable for communication between DTE and DTE is called: Cross over, Null modem
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
69. Draw the unipolar waveform for the following data.
70. Draw the RZ polar waveform for the following data.
71. Draw the NRZ polar waveform for the following data.
72. Draw the bipolar waveform for the following data.
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
73. Draw the Manchester waveform for the following data.
74. What are the primary differences (electrical characteristics) between the RS-232 and the RS-485
standards? RS-485 is using differential or balanced transmission system compared with
unbalanced transmission system in RS-232
75. What is the meaning of balanced (differential) transmission system in RS-485 standard?
The voltage is measure with respect to another line voltage ( not ground)
76. What is the main advantages of balanced transmission system compared with unbalanced
transmission system?
balanced transmission has more immunity against noise,
77. What is the name of first bit in asynchronous data communications? Start bit
78. How serial data can be converted to parallel data? By SIPO register (serial input parallel output)
79. In RS-485 standard how much is voltage amplitude for marks and spaces in the transmitter?
Mark voltage -6 to -2V
Space voltage +2 to +6V
80. In RS-485 standard how much is voltage amplitude for marks and spaces in the receiver?
Mark voltage -6 to -0.2V
Space voltage +0.2 to +6V
81. Draw the asynchronous frame for 1001101 in RS-232 standard, consider one start and 2 stop
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
82. Draw the asynchronous frame for “b” (based on ASCII) in RS-232 standard, consider one start
and 2 stop bits?
83. Draw the asynchronous frame for “C” (based on ASCII) in RS-232 standard, consider one start
bit, 2 stop bits and even parity bit?
84. Draw the asynchronous frame for “t” (based on ASCII) in RS-232 standard, consider one start
bit, 2 stop bits and odd parity bit?
85. Draw the asynchronous frame for “W” (based on ASCII) in RS-232 standard, consider one start
and 2 stop bits?
86. Why sometime we need to use termination resistor in RS-485 connection? To prevent signal
87. What is meaning of signal attenuation in data communication? Reduction in signal power or
88. What is meaning of signal distortion in data communication? Changing in signal shape
89. Name the three major types of signal problem due to electromagnetic interference? Attenuation,
Distortion and Noise
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
90. What is the main difference between baseband and broadband communication systems? Is it
possible to use the baseband signal for wireless communication? In Baseband data is transmitted
in digital format for broadband the digital data is converted to analog before sending
91. Draw the ASK waveform for the following data.
92. Draw the PSK waveform for the following data.
93. Draw the FSK waveform for the following data.
Assignment 1
ELCM-374-Industrial data com.
94. Between ASK and FSK which one needs more bandwidth? FSK
95. QAM is produced by combination of which two types of modulation technique? ASK and PSK
96. The acronym FSK stands for? frequency shift keying
97. The acronym PSK stands for? phase shift keying
98. Which of the introduced modulation techniques has highest data throughput for a given channel
bandwidth? QPSK or PSK tri-bit