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X-Band Power Amplifier in 65-nm CMOS

A 20.5-dBm X -Band Power Amplifier With
a 1.2-V Supply in 65-nm CMOS Technology
Van-Son Trinh, Student Member, IEEE, Hyohyun Nam , Student Member, IEEE,
and Jung-Dong Park , Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract— In this letter, we present an X-band power amplifier (PA) which achieves a saturated output power ( Psat )
of 20.5 dBm under a 1.2-V supply in 65-nm CMOS. Considering
the relatively low breakdown voltage of the 65-nm device,
we adopted a differential configuration with a triple-well cascode
in which the n-well of the cascode device was biased with a
resistor. Also, the PA adopted an on-chip 1:2 transformer to
provide a low output impedance at the drain, and a series RC
feedback was employed to enhance the stability and the gain
bandwidth (BW) as well. The measured 3-dB BW of the PA
covered the whole X-band and supported an output 1-dB gain
compression point (OP1dB) of 15.2 dBm. A peak power-added
efficiency of 24.6% with a gain of 24.4 dB at 9 GHz was recorded.
The core of the PA occupies only 0.48 mm2 .
Index Terms— Power amplifier (PA), triple-well CMOS,
ECENTLY, the X-band CMOS power amplifiers (PAs)
have drawn considerable attention among researchers,
and several related works have been published [1]–[6]. With
the CMOS technology, the device size and the supply voltage
are continuously being scaled down to achieve better performance with reduced power usage and higher integration
density for digital applications. In nanoscale CMOS, the breakdown voltage has been reduced, which creates a challenge
when designing a CMOS PA, while digital blocks benefit from
the scaling down of the technology.
Two design strategies are widely used to overcome the
issue of a low breakdown voltage of a nanoscale device.
By stacking several transistors, the resulting device can sustain
a much higher drain voltage during operation. However, this
method can only be applied to the silicon-on-insulator (SOI)CMOS process, which is more expensive than the traditional
CMOS technology [4], [7]. Although the stacked transistor
configuration can also be implemented on a triple-well device,
only a few stacked devices are possible due to the large reverse
bias across the p-n junction diode between the substrate and
the body [7]. Therefore, it is still difficult to achieve a reliable
PA which typically requires a supply voltage several times
higher than the breakdown voltage with this strategy only.
Manuscript received August 29, 2018; revised November 12, 2018; accepted
November 22, 2018. Date of publication December 20, 2018; date of current
version March 11, 2019. This work was supported in part by the National
Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIP)
under Grant 2018R1C1B5045481 and in part by the IC Design Education
Center, South Korea, for the chip fabrication and EDA tool. (Corresponding
author: Jung-Dong Park.)
The authors are with the Division of Electronics and Electrical
Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul 04620, South Korea (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LMWC.2018.2885305
The second strategy utilizes either a power combiner or a 1:n
transformer (TF) (n > 1) to make the impedance of the load
due to the active device several times smaller than the load
(typically 50 ). In this case, the transistor can drive more
current to generate a higher power to the load [8]. A threeprimary power combiner has been used in a PA design to
generate a saturated power output of 27.1 dBm at 9 GHz under
a 3.3-V supply voltage in [2]. Although power combiners
have been shown to be better than TFs regarding power
efficiency [8], they typically occupy a much larger area. In [3],
a 1:1 TF was used at the output, but the aim of the TF was
only for impedance matching rather than output impedance
reduction when considering the turn-ratio of the TF.
In this letter, a 1:2 TF-coupled PA using two stacked triplewell transistors for the X-band applications in 65-nm CMOS
technology is presented. While operating at VDD = 1.2 V, the
proposed PA achieved a saturated power output of 20.5 dBm at
9 GHz, which is one of the highest effective conductivity (EC)
(Psat /Vsupply
) levels among the recently reported X-band PAs
in CMOS [1]–[6].
A two-stage TF-coupled PA structure is used to achieve a
good power-added efficiency (PAE) with a compact size [3].
Fig. 1 presents the schematic of the proposed PA. The PA consists of a driving stage, a power stage, and the three matching
networks for input, output, and interstage, respectively. Each
comprises a TF and either a primary capacitor, a secondary
capacitor, or both at the two sides of the TF for the resonance
with the corresponding inductors. Since the output matching
network must deliver ample power to the load, it plays a
crucial role in the PA design.
By utilizing a 1:n TF for the output matching, the output
matching network also performs the impedance transformation, which effectively reduces the load impedance seen from
the transistor. Consequently, more current can be drawn by the
transistor, which results in high output power delivered to the
load under a relatively low supply voltage environment [8].
A MOS device can be considered as a switch in the PA.
Thus, the conductance of the switching network can be used
to qualitatively assess the current drawing the capability of
the switching device in generating output power to the load.
Therefore, we can define a quantity called the EC of the
cascade in Siemens (S) as
Gs = 2
where Pout is the output power at the load, and Vsup is
the supply voltage. It is noteworthy that G s depends on the
output matching network as well as the cascode device. Thus,
an optimal output TF is critical in a successful PA design.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Dongguk University. Downloaded on September 13,2022 at 06:33:16 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 1.
Schematic of the two-stage TF-coupled PA (TF: transformer).
Fig. 4.
Fig. 2. (a) Structure of the bulk CMOS. (b) Schematics of the nMOS cascode
with the bulk CMOS. (c) Structure of the triple-well CMOS. (d) Schematics of
the conventional cascode with the triple-well CMOS. (e) Triple-well CMOS
cascode with the biasing resistor (Rb ).
Fig. 3. (a) Simulated voltage waveforms of the nodes shown in Fig. 2(e):
drain (Vd ), n-iso1 (Vn ), gate1 (Vg ), and interpoint (Vi ). (b) PAE of
the PA when using the configurations shown in Fig. 2(d) (PAE2d ) and
Fig. 2(e) (PAE2e ).
In a CMOS PA, a cascode is commonly used for boosting the gain and improving the stability in wireless regime
[7], [9], [10]. For the bulk-CMOS technology with the device
diagram illustrated in Fig. 2(a), the voltage swing of the
drain is limited by the breakdown voltage of the drain-bulk
junction Djdb [shown in Fig. 2(b)] when the bulk is connected
to ground. Therefore, the cascode device (M1 ) is usually
implemented with a thick-oxide transistor having a high breakdown voltage [3]. However, the channel resistance (Ron ) of the
cascade device is increased due to the longer channel length
of the thick-oxide MOS, which limits the current driving
capability from the increased EC, G s . The body effect also
significantly reduces the gain of the cascode.
To avoid the limitation of the bulk-CMOS technology,
a cascode of triple-well transistors can be employed, as shown
in Fig. 2(d), where the body effect is avoided by tying the
p-well of each transistor to its source as [7]. Owing to the
Microphotograph of the CMOS PA (core size: 0.6 mm × 0.8 mm).
stacked configuration, the voltage swing of the interpoint Vip
is halved of the drain voltage (Vdrain ), which significantly
relieves the stress on the junction diodes in the cascode
structure. As presented in Fig. 2(d), each p-well is tied to its
corresponding n-iso which may degrade the isolation between
p-wells and p-sub of M1−2 . To enhance the isolation between
p-wells and p-sub, resistor Rd can be employed as bias for
the n-iso of the cascode device (n-iso1) from its drain, and
the other n-iso node of the main transistor (n-iso2) can be
connected to the supply voltage as illustrated in Fig. 2(e).
The resistance, as well as the p-n junction capacitances of
the n-iso1 node, determines the voltage at the n-iso1 node
Vn−iso1. The resistance of Rd is chosen such that Vn−iso1 is
higher than the p-well node but must be low enough to avoid
the breakdown voltage of diode D3 . An RC bias circuit similar
to the bias configuration used for the stacked transistors in the
SOI-CMOS technology [7] is employed to bias the gate of
M1 to achieve voltage distributed equally over the two stacked
nMOSs in the cascode configuration. Fig. 3(a) presents the
simulated voltages each node described in Fig. 2(e) when
Pout = 21.5 dBm at 11 GHz, which shows that the peak drain
voltage Vd approximately doubles the peak of the interpoint
voltage Vi , while the voltage of n-iso1 node Vn is maintained
at nearly 0.3 V higher than Vi . The gate voltage swings around
its bias value of 1.4 V, thereby keeping the drain-to-gate and
gate-to-source voltages in the safe region. Fig. 3(b) shows
the comparison of the PAE of PA when using two different
configurations in Fig. 2(d) and (e) is applied. The PA with the
triple-well cascode device biased with Rd [Fig. 2(e)] achieves
higher PAE than the PA without Rb [Fig. 2(d)].
In the designed PA, we introduce an RC feedback network
to make the PA more stable with the improved bandwidth.
A transient analysis in the time domain, as well as a k-stability
check in the frequency domain, was carried out to ensure that
the PA is stable during dynamic operation. The values of the
elements and the biases of the PA are given in Fig. 1. To verify
the design, a chip with the X-band CMOS PA was fabricated
and measured. A photograph of the chip is shown in Fig. 4.
The X-band PA consumed a dc current of 289 mA when
the input power was 0 dBm at 10 GHz; the consumed
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Fig. 5.
S-parameter versus frequency of the X-band 65-nm CMOS PA.
the simulation. About 10% of the peak degradation in PAE
was recorded at 11 GHz. The frequency shift was mainly from
the inaccuracy in parasitic extraction, and overall performance
degradation was due to the lowered Q of the on-chip TF in
the implemented PA.
The performances of the CMOS PAs (including the
SOI-CMOS) around the X-band reported recently are compared in Table I. The PA in this letter achieved the highest
EC and a significant peak PAE compared to the other X-band
PAs reported to date.
A fully integrated X-band PA was implemented on a
standard 65-nm CMOS process. By employing a cascode of
triple-well transistors and a 1:2 TF at the output, the PA could
generate a saturated power output of 20.5 dBm at 9 GHz while
operating with a 1.2-V source.
Fig. 6. Measured power performance of the PA in the range of 8–11 GHz
in 1-GHz increments.
Fig. 7. Measured and simulated saturated power output (Psat ), OP1dB, and
peak PAE along with measured OIP3 versus frequency.
dc current varied with the input power and the operating
frequency. The measured S-parameters are shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 6 demonstrates the gain, output power, and PAE of the
PA versus input power in the range of 8–11 GHz in 1-GHz
increments. Fig. 7 shows a comparison of the simulated and
measured results of the saturated power output (Psat ), output
1-dB gain compression point (OP1dB), and peak PAE at
various frequencies from 8 to 11 GHz along with the measured
OIP3 of the PA. Since the center frequency was shifted slightly
toward the lower region, the measured performances of the PA
were degraded more at higher frequency regime compared to
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