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Generations & Business Cycles: Economic Cycle Analysis

Source: http://www.safehaven.com/showarticle.cfm?id=85&pv=1 [November 06, 2002]
Generations & Business Cycles
by Michael A. Alexander
Prior to industrialization the Kondratiev cycle reflected biological generations. It's economic effect was at
least partially induced by the generational war cycle, with its impact on government finances. Shorter
economic cycles did not reflect the longer K-cycle, but rather operated on their own schedule, possibly
also generational in nature. Hence financial panics followed a real estate cycle of about 18 years, denoted
as the Kuznets cycle. Slumps occurring in between the Kuznets cycle defined a half-cycle that was of the
same length as the business cycles first identified by Clement Juglar. Ordinary business cycles were of
apparently random length up to a full Juglar. With the coming of industrialization, the ordinary business
cycle became associated with a new phenomenon, the inventory cycle, also called the Kitchen cycle. It
decreased to a lower, more uniform length of about 40 months. The Kuznets and Kondratiev cycles
continued on more or less as before. From these changes induced by industrialization, the SMECT
structure emerged, in which sixteen 40 month Kitchen cycles "fit" into a standard Kondratiev cycle and
the K-cycle is subdivided into 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8-length sub-cycles. Standing aside from this was the old
Kuznets real-estate cycle. After 1933, the Kondratiev cycle remained, but its length gradually increased to
about 72 years today. The Kuznets real estate cycle continued, but was much weaker for about 40 years
until the 1970's when something like the old cycle was again active. Although it has been 22 years since
the last real estate peak in 1980, valuations have not yet reached past peak levels and a real estate bust is
not expected now (Nov 2002). Instead the boom spawned by the Fed's rate cuts should continue to
produce increasing real estate valuations for a couple more years--much as happened with stocks after
the 1998 crisis.
In my recent book on the Kondratiev cycle, I developed the idea that the K-cycle is fundamentally
generational in nature. From late Medieval times up to the early 19th century, the K-cycle was equal to
two biological generations in length, or about 50 years. Two Kondratiev cycles in turn form one saeculum,
a generational cycle described by the American authors William Strauss and Neil Howe. The K-cycle was
closely aligned with wars, and a possible mechanism for the cycle was alternating periods (of generational
length) of government debt growth and decline associated with war finance. After the economy became
industrialized in the late 19th century the relation between the cycles changed. Instead of two K-cycles per
saeculum, there was now only one. The K-cycle lengthened and the saeculum shortened to the point where
both are about 72 years long today. This new pattern has only developed after 1929. In between 1860 and
1929 the situation is unclear. Strauss and Howe note the anomalous behavior of their cycle at this time and
call it the Civil War anomaly. They attribute it to a skipped generation caused by an unusually bad
outcome of the Civil War. My thesis is that it was caused by a shift in cycle dynamics around this time
caused by industrialization.
Table 1. Structure of socioeconomic periodizations
Each Kondratiev cycle is itself split into two Kondratiev waves, each associated with what I call the Stock
Cycle. The Kondratiev wave is subdivided into two Kondratiev seasons, each associated with a secular
market trend. Table 1 shows how these cycles were related before and after industrialization. Still shorter
economic cycles exist, such as the Kuznets cycle of 15-20 years (related to building/real estate valuation
cycles), the Juglar cycle of 7-11 years (related to fixed investment) and the Kitchen cycle of about 40
months (related to inventories). The Juglar cycle was first noted by Clement Juglar in 1862[1], and can be
thought of as existing in the pre-industrial economy. The other two cycles were identified much later
(Kitchen in 1923[2]; Kuznets in 1930[3]) and might be thought of as cycles in the industrialized economy.
In this paper I present information on shorter economic and stock cycles to look for evidence suggestive of
a change in structure among the shorter cycles that is associated with industrialization. This would provide
further evidence for the idea that the Civil War anomaly of Strauss and Howe actually reflects a shift in
socioeconomic cycle dynamics associated with industrialization and not a "bad" outcome of the Civil War
conflict. I will also employ market researcher Robert Bronson's SMECT system of nested economic cycles
as a means to help characterize all these cycles. The shorter stock cycles I will use is the collection of
major stock bear markets shown in Table 2. The methods used to select these bear markets are given in the
Appendix A. The shorter economic cycles I will consider are ordinary business cycles as defined by the
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) plus those I have identified before 1854 when the NBER
cycle dating begins. The methods used are given in Appendix B and the cycles themselves appear in Table
Economic cycles up to 1933
The first thing to look at is how the spacing of bear markets and economic recessions have changed over
time. Figure 1 shows the spacing of bear markets (which defines a bull/bear market cycle) and that of
recessions (which defines the business cycle) from the end of the 18th century to the present. Several
features are immediately apparent from this figure. The first is that the stock market and the economy
showed cycles of similar length up until around 1930, after which the economic cycles have averaged
longer than the stock cycles. The second is that prior to 1885 and after 1930 business cycles were longer
(about 5-6 years on average) than during the 1885-1930 period, when they averaged about 40 months.
Thirdly, the stock cycle, which shortened along with the business cycle in the 1880's, remained at this
shorter length until the present. That is, it did not rise again in length in recent decades as the business
cycle has.
Finally, note that the timing of the downward shift in cycle length in the 1880's corresponds to the period
during which the economy was transforming from being mostly agricultural to mostly industrial. That is,
the business cycle shortened to a "Kitchen-like" length of about 40 months right at the time the fraction of
the workforce engaged in agriculture fell below 50%. Since the Kitchen cycle reflects fluctuations in
inventories of manufactures, one might expect it to have appeared only as agriculture faded in importance.
This interpretation would have the pre-industrial business cycle operate on some cycle other than the
Kitchen. These shifts in business and bull/bear cycle lengths define three eras of interest: the pre-industrial
(before 1885) the industrial (1885-1933) and the regulated (after 1933).
One of the salient features of U.S. financial history in the 19th and early 20th centuries was the fairly
regular occurrence of financial panics/major depressions at roughly 20 year intervals: 1798, 1819, 1837,
1857, 1873, 1893, 1907 and 1929[4]. One can use the major bear market bottoms associated with these
panics and major lows in between them to define a cycle of 7 to 13 years as shown in Figure 2. In this way
two cycles can be defined; a 20 year "panic cycle" with bottoms shown in bold italic and a ten year halfcycle. The "panic cycle" corresponds reasonably well to the pre-depression U.S. real estate cycle. Land
sales by the US government before the Civil War showed massive surges in activity in 1818, 1836 and
1854 followed by sharp drops in 1819-20, 1837-41 and 1855-60[5]. Chicago land values showed peaks in
1836, 1854, 1872, 1891, and 1925 and troughs in 1840, 1859, 1875, 1894 and 1933[5]. The number of
new buildings constructed in Chicago showed major peaks in 1892, 1910 and 1925 and troughs in 1900,
1918 and 1933. This relation to real estate cycles suggests that the panic cycle is a Kuznets cycle. The tenyear half-cycle is of the same length as the cycles identified by Juglar and so I will call them Juglar cycles.
Table 4 below summarizes these cycles and compares them to the Kondratiev and minor cycles (e.g.
NBER business cycles and bear markets).
Table 4 shows how the four cycles discussed so far are aligned. We have already seen that the ordinary or
minor business cycles shortened upon the transition from the pre-industrial to the industrial era. Prior to
1885 business cycles averaged 64±23 months in length, between 1885 and 1933 they averaged 41±9
months. This difference is statistically significant. Using the data in Table 4 one can calculate the average
length of the other cycles for these two periods. The Kondratiev cycle was unchanged at 53-54 years for
both periods. The Kuznets cycle length was unchanged as well: about 18 years (peak-to-peak) or 20 years
(trough-to-trough) in length for the pre-industrial era versus about 18 years in the industrial era. The preindustrial Juglar cycle (9.7 years) was a bit shorter than the industrial cycle (12 years), but this difference
is not statistically significant.
During the pre-industrial era, anywhere from 1 to 4 business cycles could fall within a Juglar. That is, the
lengths of business cycles could vary from 0.25 Juglar to 1.0 Juglar with an average of 0.56 Juglar. The
shortest actual business cycle observed over this time was 2.5 years, about 0.25 of a standard 10 year
Juglar. The longest was 9 years, which occupied a full Juglar. If business cycles were of random length
between 0.25 and 1.0 Juglar, they would average around 0.62 Juglars, not too different from the observed
average of 0.56. The standard deviation of the lengths of such random cycles would be equal to 35% of
their average length. In actuality, the standard deviation of cycle length was 35% of average length. What
this suggests is that before industrialization the shortest natural cycle was the Juglar at about 10 years.
Shorter fluctuations were essentially random in nature, except for the requirement that they be bound by a
Juglar cycle.
Compare this to the situation after 1885 in which business cycles fell into a narrow range between 0.25
and 0.33 (average 0.29) Juglars in length. The standard deviation of these cycle lengths was only 22% of
the average length. After industrialization, the impact of inventory fluctuations on the economy came to
dominate short term economic fluctuations, producing the 40-month Kitchen cycle. The shortest natural
cycle was now the Kitchen, which fixed business cycle length into a narrow range around 40 months. The
Juglar cycle still operated more or less at its old length, but there was now an interaction between it and
the shorter Kitchen cycle. Since the Juglar was required to be an integral number of Kitchen cycles, which
had their own natural length, the result was a Juglar cycle that was comprised of either three longer-than
average Kitchen cycles or four shorter-than-average Kitchen cycles. The result was a cycle comprised (on
average) of 3.5 Kitchen cycles that ran 11-12 years in length (3.5 x 40 months), just a bit longer than it
had before industrialization.
Since the (trough-defined) Kuznets cycle must contain a whole number of Kitchens, the same issues can
arise. Five or 6 Kitchen cycles would be necessary to produce a trough-defined cycle length in the 18-20
year window observed for the pre-industrial Kuznets cycle. Table 4 shows that the industrial Kuznets ran
five Kitchens in length. This suggests that the natural length for the Kuznets is closer to the 18 year
spacing shown by the real estate peaks and not the 20 year spacing shown by the troughs. Table 4 also
shows a 2:1 relation between Juglar cycles and Kuznets cycles that ran throughout the entire 19th century.
In the early 20th century the two cycles became uncoupled. The Panic of 1907, which produced a severe
recession that marked a Juglar bottom, was the first financial panic that was not immediately followed by
a major decline in real estate activity or valuation. There was instead a gradual drop in values and activity
which bottomed during WW I, well before the next Juglar bottom in 1921.
Because of the great length of the Kondratiev cycle, it is not possible to assess how industrialization might
have changed the relationship between this cycle and the shorter ones. No relation between the Kuznets
cycle and the Kondratiev cycle is apparent from Table 4. A clear relation between the Juglar and the Kcycle is also not apparent. Table 4 shows 5 or 6 Juglars per Kondratiev during the 19th century. There is
some evidence for a relation between the Juglar and the K-season after 1897. The 1897-1908, 1908-1921
and 1921-33 Juglars roughly correspond to Kondratiev spring, summer and fall, suggesting that four
Juglars per Kondratiev might have been an emergent pattern after industrialization, but such a K-cycle
would be only 48 years long, a bit on the short side. Table 5 summarizes all these observations.
Economic cycles after 1933
We now turn to the period after 1933, during which governmental economic policies of various types have
been in force. I call this era the regulated era to reflect these policies. Several independent lines of
evidence suggest that the Kondratiev cycle became considerably longer after 1933. The 35 year rise in
both interest rates and reduced prices over 1946-1981 are two direct measures of post-1933 Kondratiev
upwave length. This can be compared to the average upwave of 24.4 years as defined by interest rates and
prices before 1933. The four secular market trends since 1929 have lasted from 16 to 20 years, with an
average length of nearly 18 years, suggesting a 36 year Stock Cycle, compared to 25.4 years for the five
Stock Cycles before 1929. These data imply a 70-72 year length for the K-cycle after 1933, compared to
about 50 years before--a 40% increase in length.
*Housing starts after 1960. New non-farm dwelling units [5] for 1900-1960, and building construction in Chicago
[5] before 1900. All values in thousands of units per year. Housing starts and new non-farm dwelling units appear to
be the same series. The Chicago series was used to extrapolate the housing start series back from 1900 to 1885.
Since the Depression there have been no financial panics so the method used to find Juglar cycles in
Figure 2 cannot be applied. Figure 3 presents a graph of building activity from 1885 to the present. Peaks
in building activity can be seen in 1892, 1909 and 1925, which reflect the 18 year industrial Kuznets cycle
peaks. Ignoring WW II, after the trough in 1933 there was a smoothly rising trend in building activity that
reached a peak in 1950. This peak was not followed by a conventional bust, however, but rather, a plateau.
It was not until the late 1960's that something like an old-fashioned real estate boom developed. This
boom peaked in 1972 and was followed by a bust which bottomed in 1975. This boom/bust cycle was
immediately followed by two more which showed peaks in 1979 and 1986, and troughs in 1982 and 1991.
Since 1991 building activity has shown a more leisurely rise and has yet to show any sort of peak.
Figure 4 shows a housing price index obtained by dividing the GDP implicit residential deflator by the
total GDP implicit deflator as described by McFadden[6] This McFadden index reflects the trend in real
housing values without land included. A series of peaks in 1873, 1887, 1907 and 1929 can be seen which
roughly correlate with peaks in Chicago land values in 1872, 1891 and 1925, and in building activity in
1892, 1909, and 1925. Thus, figures 3 and 4 describe a pre-1933 real estate cycle that is reasonably
consistent with the idea of 18 year cycles in real estate activity and valuation as described earlier. Both
figures show a major rise in both housing construction and price after the 1933 cycle bottom that lasted
until around 1950. Both show no significant decline in values or activity commensurate with a bust after
this date. A boom in housing prices developed only after the 1970 recession and lasted the entire decade.
There was no intermediate peak in 1972 as for building activity. Likewise there is no price peak in the
1980's as was seen with building activity. Both series show troughs in the early 1990's and a rise
afterward. If we interpret the price peak in 1969 as a separate peak, and then assign troughs at the price
minima in 1958 and 1971, we can see what appears to be a continuation of the 18 year cycle after 1933.
But this pattern is not supported by the building activity data.
Further insight may be gained by examining median housing prices, which are available after 1963 for
new houses and after 1970 for existing houses. Figure 5 shows a plot of these prices and household
income in constant 2002 dollars. Income of the 65th percentile of households (the middle of the top 70%
of households) was chosen as reflective of the income of the "typical" home buyer, and thus most
comparable to the median home price. Also shown are ratios of the housing price to income, which might
be thought of as a type of "valuation" for housing, sort of like P/E for stocks. Prices for existing homes
have tended to trend with income; that is, the ratio between price and income is range bound. This ratio
defines a cycle with a peak in 1978-9 and trough around 1990, followed by a slow recovery. Since 2000 a
steeper uptrend appears to have gotten underway, suggestive of the beginning of another boom. This data
is consistent with the McFadden index in Figure 4, which suggests only one peak in the 1970-1990 period
and not three as suggested by housing starts in Figure 3.
Prices for new homes have shown a consistent rise over time with noticeable peaks in 1969, 1979 and
1989. The ratio between new house prices and income also displays a rising trend over time and three
clear peaks corresponding to the price peaks. The first two of these peaks are consistent with McFadden
peaks in Figure 4, the third is not. The different trends for new versus existing houses after the early
1980's in Figure 5 suggests that much of the higher price for new houses since then may reflect increased
quality and not stretched valuations indicative of a bubble. The McFadden index can be thought of as a
quality-adjusted real price index for residential construction[6]. Thus, the correspondence between the
existing house price index (which is inherently largely quality-adjusted) and the McFadden index makes
sense, even though the latter is based on new housing. The strong possibility that the post-1980 trends in
the new housing price/income ratios reflect rising quality and not inherent valuation suggests that the story
told by the existing-house price data and the McFadden index is the correct one.
Figure 5. Median housing prices in 2002 dollars and the ratio of price* to 65th percentile household
*Prices for new homes were obtained from census data. Data for existing homes come from the National Association
of Realtors and from statistical abstract of the US before 1989.
The evidence from prices suggest that an attenuated real estate cycle continued on after 1933 that grew in
strength after 1970. The building activity data since 1933 don't show this. The minor fluctuations in
building activity between 1950 and 1972 closely follow the ordinary business cycle and not some longer
cycle. The fluctuations grow larger after 1970 but they continue to reflect the ordinary business cycle and
not a longer cycle like prices do. This increase in intensity after 1970 is consistent with the growth in
strength of the price cycle after this date. Thus, it appears that building activity no longer follows a
Kuznets real estate cycle in the post-1933 era, whereas prices still do.
It has been 22 years since the last McFadden price peak in 1980, so another one is due now. The recent
rise in existing housing prices in Figure 5 suggests that we may have entered the boom stage the marks the
final approach to a Kuznets peak. The data in Figure 5 is not consistent with the idea that housing is
particularly overvalued right now. For both existing and new houses, prices relative to income are well
below the levels reached at previous real estate peaks in the late 1970's and 1980's, respectively. Existing
home prices would have to rise another 10% relative to income for valuations to reach late 1970's levels.
This level would be reached in a couple of years if current trends continue, implying a Kuznets real estate
peak in 2004. At 24 years this cycle is on the long side, but the cycle before was unusually short, so the
average of about 18 years is preserved. Applying the 18 year standard spacing to the last trough in 1992
projects the next Kuznets trough for around 2010.
Table 6 summarizes the post-1933 cycles using the price data to define the Kuznets cycle, and obtaining
business and bull/bear market cycles from Table 2 and 3 respectively. For this presentation, I assume that
the 1980 and 1982 recessions are really a single "double dip" recession. Table 6 shows that the tendency
for one bull/bear stock market cycle to coincide with a business cycle persisted until the 1960's, after
which business cycles started to reflect two or even three bull/bear market cycles. This extension in
business cycle length seems to have occurred just before the time that larger-scale real estate cycles reappeared.
The 12 regular business cycles since 1933 average 68 months in length, much longer than the 41 month
average before 1933. The standard deviation is very large (47% of the length) compared to that for the
industrial period (22% of length) or even the pre-industrial era (35% of length). This degree of dispersion
is even greater than what one would expect for cycles of random length. Closer examination shows that
they appear to fall into two categories: eight short cycles, 28 to 64 months in length (average 49) and four
long cycles, 88 to 125 months in length (average 108). A t-test on these two sets of cycles shows the
hypothesis that there exist two populations of modern business cycles of two lengths is significant at only
the 80% level (95% is usually considered significant). If we consider the twin recessions in 1980 and 1982
as a single "double-dip" recession, we would then have 11 business cycles since 1933 that fall into two
categories, long cycles of 105±16 months and short cycles of 50±9 months. These two populations are
statistically different at the >96% confidence level.
These two classes of cycles have rather small standard deviations relative to length (15% and 18%),
similar to the tight dispersion of the industrial cycles. This suggests that each cycle has its own
mechanism, just like industrial era business cycles were linked to inventory cycles. Table 6 shows that
business cycles have been either one ~4 yr bull/bear market cycle long or 2-3 (2.25 average) 4-year
bull/bear cycles long. This suggests that the mechanism associated with the shorter 4-year business cycle
is also associated with the 4-year periodicity of bear markets. The 4-year length of this cycle is similar to
that of the old Kitchen cycles, suggesting that this cycle has persisted after 1933, but now is slightly
longer than it used to be. The 9-year length of the longer cycle is similar to that of the old Juglar cycle. No
clear-cut relation between Juglar and Kuznets cycles is evident from Table 6. To explore cycle structure
further I present the SMECT system of nested binary cycles in the following section.
The SMECT system of nested cycles
The market researcher Robert Bronson recently presented an intriguing scheme for connecting the K-cycle
with shorter business cycles which he calls the Stock-Market and Economic Cycles Template or SMECT
(see Table 7). SMECT is primarily focused on the stock market rather than the economy and Kitchen
cycles (the shortest cycles) are defined by the periodicity of bear markets rather than by NBER business
cycles. Thus, one can count three Kitchen cycles, 1896-1900, 1900-1903, 1903-1907 in the secular bull
market era (K-spring) from 1896-1907. Similarly there are four Kitchens in the 1907-1920 K-summer
period, four Kitchens in the 1920-1933 K-fall period and four Kitchens in the 1933-1949 K-winter period,
for a total of 15 Kitchen cycles in the 1896-1949 K-cycle. (The 1934 bear market was not counted for
reasons that will be discussed later). Fifteen Kitchen cycles per Kondratiev is close to the 16 expected
from SMECT (Table 7). In SMECT, the Kondratiev seasons/secular trends are called Kuznets cycles,
which are further subdivided into two Juglar cycles. Note that the 18-year real estate (Kuznets) cycle or
the panic-defined Juglar cycle are not the same as the stock market cycles called Kuznets or Juglar in
SMECT. Bronson points out that the idea that 16 Kitchen cycles make up one Kondratiev is consistent
with the traditional length of the K-cycle of 53 years and the standard length of the Kitchen cycle of 40
months. That is, sixteen 40-month cycles span about 53 years.
Although the larger cycles in SMECT are formally defined as geometric series multiples of Kitchen
cycles, the larger cycles are not without auxiliary meanings. For example, the recessions of 1908, 1914,
and 1921 (respective unemployment of 8.0%, 8.5% & 11.7%) were more severe than the neighboring
recessions in 1904, 1911 and 1919 (respective unemployment 5.4%, 6.7% and 1.4%). The latter involve
only Kitchen troughs, while the former denote both Juglar and Kitchen troughs. The 1908 recession is
even more special, as it was associated one of the recurrent financial panics and marked the end of a
secular bull market. This recession was also a Kuznets bottom. Finally, the 1921 recession was the most
severe of them all and saw a long-term interest rate peak in the prior year. This recession marked an even
higher-order change: the beginning of the Kondratiev downwave. Similarly, the 1933 and 1921 recessions
were by far the worst of the 1920's era and marked Kuznets bottoms. The 1942 bear market was larger
than either the 1938 and 1946 events showing the effect of the Juglar cycle. Recall the hypothesis that a
relationship between the old Juglar cycle and the K-season emerged at the same time the Juglar cycle was
becoming uncoupled from the real-estate cycle. The 1907 Panic was not real-estate related. It seems to
have been produced by the old Juglar financial cycle. It would appear that the SMECT Kuznets cycle is
the same as the financial Juglar cycle. On the other hand, the real-estate cycle continued to operate
independently of SMECT.
Bronson advances the idea that with the onset of government economic management, the Kitchen cycle
expanded from 40 months to four years in length, reflecting an emergent alignment between Kitchen-type
business cycles and the four year electoral cycle. This increase in Kitchen length then gave rise to a
corresponding increase in length of the higher-order cycles. Specifically, the Kondratiev cycle length
increases from about 53 to 64 years. Support for the idea of a link between the electoral cycle and
periodicity of bear markets is the fact that 14 of the 20 bear market troughs since 1933 (Table 2) fall in
non-Presidential election years. The probability of this arising from chance is 0.0016%, providing strong
evidence for such a four year cycle in the stock market. Thus, the SMECT model presents an explanation
for Kondratiev cycle lengthening as well as providing an elegant categorization of the cycle structure of
the 1896-1949 K-cycle. It also provides a mechanism for the 4 year post-1933 business cycles described
Proceeding beyond the 1949 Kondratiev trough one can count the number of bear markets that occurred
during the 1949-1966 secular bull market (also a Kuznets cycle in SMECT) for the post 1949 Kondratiev
cycle. Consulting Table 2, one counts five bear markets instead of the four expected from SMECT.
However, using the strong correlation between the electoral cycle and the stock bull and bear markets, a
good case can be made for mid-term elections (like this year) acting as "bear market attractors". Bear
markets that occur in Presidential election years should be ignored as spurious, in which case the bear
market bottoms in 1932, 1960, 1980 and 1984 should be ignored. Of course, the bear market bottom in
1932 is simply too large to be ignored, and since it happened before the rise of regulation, it should be
included, but then the 1934 bottom should be skipped in its place because it occurred too close to the 1932
bottom to be part of a four year cycle. In this case there are only 4 bull/bear cycles in the 1949-1966
Kuznets cycle and also 4 bear markets in the 1966-1982 Kuznets cycle. Thus, the first half of the current
Kondratiev cycle also conforms to SMECT.
Here the power of the SMECT model is shown by its ability to bridge the transition for the industrial era
to the regulated era. The explanatory pattern seen in the earlier cycles remained as well. The Juglar
bottoms in 1958, 1966, 1974 and 1982 showed more severe bear markets (average severity 3.0) than the
Kitchen bottoms in 1954, 1962, 1970, and 1978 (average severity 1.7). Similarly, the recessions associated
with the Juglar bottoms showed greater severity (average unemployment 8.4%) than those associated with
only a Kitchen bottom (average unemployment 5.9%).
However, when we come to the post-1982 period there is a problem. Counting "election" bear markets for
the 1982-2002 secular bull market period (Kondratiev fall) gives five rather than four as expected from
SMECT. The enormous length of this Kondratiev fall season (20 years for 1982-2002 as compared to 12
for the previous one over 1920-1932) is the problem. Bronson resolves this problem by setting the end of
the recent BAAC Supercycle bull market in 1997 when the equally-weighted stock index began its secular
bear market, instead of 2000, the nominal peak in the major capitalization-weighted indices. In this way
1998 becomes the Kuznets cycle bottom, equivalent to1932 in the last K-cycle. But this assignment makes
the current bear market (the worst of the current K-cycle) simply a reflection of a Kitchen cycle by itself.
It destroys the explanatory power of SMECT in which more severe events generally were associated with
the bottoms of higher-order cycles. Yet if we preserve the explanatory power of SMECT by setting 2002
as a Kuznets and Juglar bottom and 1990 as a Juglar bottom, then we have three Kitchens in the most
recent Juglar cycle--in violation of the SMECT structure.
The generational interpretation of the post-depression era
The generational model holds that the K-cycle has shifted from one-half to a full saeculum in length as a
result of industrialization and is now about 72 years long. The cause of this lengthening is the emergence
of government economic management, which itself is a direct effect of industrialization as mediated
through the generational saeculum cycle. The rise of the industrial economy did more than simply
introduce the Kitchen cycle. It also increased the intensity of the generationally-related Kuznets, Stock,
and Kondratiev cycles, all of which had already been part of the pre-industrial economy.
Thus, while the Kuznets-related Panic of 1819 was the first panic to make it into the history books, it was
a pretty mild bear market. The Panic of 1837 was worse and the one in 1857 worse yet. The Panic of 1873
ushered in the second worst bear market of all time. The depression following the Panic of 1893 was the
worst up to that time. This depression was the first to take place with a majority of the population involved
in non-agricultural occupations. Although hard times on the farm were a frequent occurrence, depressions
did not usually mean hunger. Yet for the large numbers of urban workers thrown onto "the industrial scrap
heap" the depression of the 1890's produced a level of suffering unprecedented for a business fluctuation.
Despite the severity of the depression, little government action was taken. President Cleveland resisted
pressure to provide relief with expanded public works programs, as did many in Congress. Senator James
Berry of Arkansas, voicing the dominant mind-set, declared that "It is not the purpose of this government
to give work to individuals throughout the United States by appropriating money which belongs to other
people and does not belong to the Senate." Power was still held by the Gilded generation (born 1822-42),
the last to come of age in a pre-industrial America. This generation was still steeped in the Jeffersonian
concept of America as a nation of sturdy yeoman individualists, who reject the sort of collectivist politics
then popular in Europe.
Yet the very next panic in 1907, although considerably milder in its effects, brought reform in the guise of
the Federal Reserve System. The Progressive generation (born 1843-59) then in power had come of age in
the midst of industrialization, and was more cognizant of the new realities of industrial America. The
Progressive reforms occurred during one of the recurrent periods of political liberalism, and were followed
by a speculative conservative era. As it turned out, they were not enough to prevent another panic and
depression in 1929-33, this one by far the worst of them all. This panic triggered the Crisis era of the
Strauss and Howe saeculum, (and another liberal era) the first time a business cycle downturn had done
so. Crisis eras produce massive changes in society, and this one was no different. The generation in power,
the Missionary (b 1860-82), was the first completely industrial generation. The response they crafted to
the problems of the Depression (Keynesian economics) and the dictators it produced (expansion in size of
government) completely transformed the role of government in the economy, diminishing the Kuznets real
estate cycle and producing a lengthened Kondratiev cycle now fully aligned with the generational
saeculum cycle.
The effectiveness of the crisis solutions reached its apogee during the period after crisis, called the High,
which ran from 1946 to 1964. The High was a conservative era, yet the liberal policies (e.g. high tax rates)
introduced in the Crisis were retained. These served to dampen speculative juices. As a result the post war
High was free of anything resembling a panic and the Kuznets cycle was muted. Business cycles
continued to be aligned with periodic bear markets as they had been before 1933, except the period
between them had increased to four years, in accordance with the SMECT model. According to the
generational model, the fiscally conservative policies and financial self restraint of the 1950's is a natural
consequence of the generational peer-personalities of the adult generations: cautious, risk-adverse Nomads
in elderhood, team-playing, disciplined Heroes in mid-life, and compliant Artists in rising adulthood.
By the late 1960's "self-expression" and the rise of the individualistic ethic (coming with the arrival of a
new generation of Prophets) encouraged deficit spending, tax revolts and speculation. Strauss and Howe
call such periods Awakenings. They are times when "people stop believing that social progress requires
social discipline" and develop "a high tolerance for risk-prone lifestyles". People disdain the prosperity
and security of a High, though covertly they are taken for granted. The development of the Awakening
mirrored a political shift from conservative to liberal as well as an erosion in financial rectitude. Taxes
were cut in the early 1960's and the decision to finance the Vietnam war through deficit-spending rather
than increased taxes contributed to an inflationary environment that would make speculation more
attractive in the 1970's. War stimulus was probably responsible for extension the 1960's expansion beyond
1966, when it should have ended according to SMECT.
Kondratiev spring ended in 1966, just two years after the beginning of the Awakening, as indicated by the
beginning of a secular bear market. Yet economic good times continued until 1973. The credit crunch in
1966 failed to bring on a recession; economic conditions remained favorable for the first half of
Kondratiev summer. On the other hand, the 1966 bear market signaled a shift to a highly speculative era
seeing first the "go-go years" of the late 1960's and the "nifty-fifty" era of the early 1970's. This same
period saw the re-emergence of a full-blown Kuznets cycle. The persistence of good times over the 19661973 period reflected the efforts of government policy makers to maintain full employment using
Keynesian stimulus in the face of Kondratiev summer. It worked for a while, but the inevitable result was
stagflation. The experience of stagflation did not lead to an abandonment of government economic
management, but rather to a change in style, from liberal Keynesian fiscal methods to conservative
supply-side monetary methods. This shift mirrored a political shift from liberal to conservative. This shift
was called the Reagan revolution, but another interpretation of this era is what Strauss and Howe call an
Unraveling. The Unraveling "begins as a society-wide embrace of the liberating cultural forces set loose
by the Awakening". People "vigorously assert an ethos of pragmatism, self-reliance, laissez faire, and
national (or sectional or ethnic) chauvinism".
In the early 1980's, the Federal Reserve, under its new monetarist focus, hiked interest rates to their
highest level in the history of the United State, breaking the back of inflation. Taxes were cut substantially
again, especially those for capital gains, and as inflation subsided, a great bull market in stocks ensued.
This policy had the same effect as that during the early 1920's when the decline of WW I inflation, a
capital gains tax cut, and a belief that the Fed had made financial panics a thing of the past unleashed
speculative forces. The 1920-29 boom is cycle-equivalent to the 1982-2000 boom. The speculative spirit
reborn in the Awakening became sanctioned by official policy during the Unraveling. For example, the
1987 stock market crash was met by copious liquidity, which allowed the market to recover its losses in
just two years, resulting in extension of the already-long 1980's expansion to the next Kitchen cycle. In
1997, Congress passed a capital gains tax cut in order to stimulate further stock price rises in an already
overvalued market, and the Fed executed a well-timed surprise rate cut in 1998, which ignited an
explosive stock rise, even more extreme than the late 1920's blow-off. Both of these policies served to
extend the already long 1990's business cycle to three Kitchens, and as a result Kondratiev fall was
extended well beyond its length in previous cycles. The net result of these various interventions has been
to subtly increase the length of the K-cycle from the 64-year length called for by SMECT to a 72 year
length fully aligned with the saeculum.
SMECT does a good job of explaining and correlating the cycles over the 1896-1982 period, but it breaks
down for the most recent Kuznets cycle from 1982 to 1998. The 1998 event (cycle-equivalent to 1932 in
the SMECT scheme) was very mild--no recession and a bear market milder than any other over this
period. In particular, the present bear market, which reflects simply a Kitchen cycle, should be milder than
what was seen in 1998--but clearly this is not the case. An argument can be made that policymaker
intervention has shifted the effects of Kondratiev winter forward from 1998 (when they should have
occurred) to now. No such intervention occurred for the last cycle and so the 1929-1932 equivalent
decline is playing out one Kitchen cycle later than it normally would in the absence of policymaker
interventions. This argument is a "cycle lengthening" argument, but SMECT already accounts for cycle
lengthening though the mechanism of Kitchen cycle expansion. Further delays by policymakers should
already be part of any model for the post-1933 economy, when such interventions are now normal. Thus,
SMECT's failure to account for the extension of the boom beyond 1998 is a problem.
Another feature of the SMECT model not yet discussed is that the lower order cycles are necessarily in
phase with the longer cycles. That is, a BAAC Supercycle turning point (like 1998) is necessarily also a
turning point in all the lower-order cycles (Kuznets, Juglar and Kitchen). The empirically-derived cycles
shown in Table 6 do not support this alignment. Of course, the SMECT cycles do not refer to the
economic phenomenon associated with the cycles of the same name, they are simply names used to
classify cycles composed of geometric multiples of Kitchen cycles--which do have a mechanistic
interpretation in SMECT (they follow the four-year electoral cycle). On the other hand, the higher order
cycles do have meaning. Sixteen Kitchens are supposed to define a K-cycle, which can be independently
assessed by long-term trends in monetary variables like interest rates Eight Kitchens are supposed to
define a BAAC supercycle and four a secular stock market trend, both of which can be independently
assessed using measures like Tobin's Q. The only cycle in SMECT which does not have a specific
independent meaning is the Juglar cycle. The Juglar in SMECT does not correspond with the longer
category of business cycles since 1933 (see Table 6). The Juglar troughs in 1998, 1966 and 1942 fall into
the middle of the 1990's, 1960's and WW II business cycles rather than align with their troughs (see
As an alternative to SMECT, I present the generational scheme shown in Table 8. The same four-year
Kitchen cycles found in SMECT are retained. However no fixed connection between these cycles and the
longer ones is assumed. Although each longer cycle will necessarily contain a whole number of Kitchen
cycles this number is not necessarily constant. The organizing principle behind these cycles is Strauss and
Howe's generational cycle, or more specifically the political manifestation of these cycles. What seems to
have happened initially after 1933 was expansion of K-cycle length to ~64 years according to the Kitchen
cycle expansion concept from the SMECT model. The mechanism for this expansion was a rising impact
of politics on economics. That is, economic cycles began to map onto political cycles. The most obvious
political cycle is the four year electoral cycle, and so the four year cycle in the stock market appeared
almost immediately.
More subtle was the effect of the generationally-influenced liberal-conservative cycle (also known as the
Schlesinger cycle) which influenced the nature of government economic management. During the
conservative era of the 1950's the emphasis was on the tenets of fiscal conservatism, balanced budgets and
financial probity, even at the cost of maintaining the high tax rates from WW II. Although conservative
politics tends to favor wealth creation, the style of management during the High was not conducive to
speculation, reflecting the generational dynamics of the High. The secular bull market from 1949-1966
ended at the lowest valuation level of any secular bull market, showing the depressed "animal spirits" of
the time. As the High gave way to the Awakening, things "loosened up" financially, taxes were reduced
and not raised when the nation went to war, and speculative forces began to stir. By the time of the next
conservative, pro-wealth creation era in the 1980's, a free-wheeling, pro-speculation style of economic
management was in vogue, reflecting the generational dynamics of the Unraveling. The secular bull
market peak associated with this era had the highest valuation level in history, showing extremely
powerful animal spirits--exactly the reverse of the previous secular bull market peak.
The timing of this process is set by generational dynamics--as mediated through politics on the economy,
and not by economic forces themselves. Hence the fundamental large-scale economic cycle, the
Kondratiev, and its subharmonics, the Stock Cycle and K-season, adapted to reflect the length of the
saeculum, which itself changed to reflect a psychological driver for the cycle. (The classical K-cycle and
saeculum had been related to biological generations.). The key timing element of the longer cycles today
is the 18 year psychological generation and the 18-year political trends associated with them. This timing
determines the length of the secular market trends and the modern business cycle, whereas the short stock
market cycles reflect the electoral cycle. Standing aside is the Kuznets cycle, which appears to have
retained its traditional 18 year length.
The Kuznets cycle is not aligned with the K-cycle. Although of the same average length, it is not the same
as the Kondratiev season as it is in SMECT (see Table 6). The two cycles are not in phase. Thus, although
Kondratiev season changes can exert a strong effect on downturn severity, so can the unaligned Kuznets
cycle. Hence, the present recession, although "K-cycle equivalent" to 1932, is not as severe as even the
mild 1990 recession because it lacks a real-estate (Kuznets) cycle downturn.
One might point out that current strength in real estate reflects the 11 rate cuts made by the Federal
Reserve since the beginning of 2001. But these 11 rate cuts have done nothing to prevent the stock market
from falling 35% since then. The stock market fell because it had gotten too overvalued, that is, it had
reached its peak in the Stock Cycle and thus had to start coming down, regardless of the what the Fed did.
On the other hand, real estate valuation has not reached extreme levels as shown by the ratios of price to
income in Figure 5. That is, the Kuznets peak has yet to be reached. Thus, rate cuts have supported real
estate, just as they did for stocks in 1998. By 2004 we may well have reached a Kuznets peak and then one
would expect rate cuts by the Fed to be ineffective in preventing a real estate bust in the next recession.
This interpretation suggests that the current downturn is largely stock market driven, being the result of
the inevitable downturn following a peak in long-term stock market valuation (P/R). Indeed, current
weakness almost entirely comes from weak business investment spending, reflecting the poor business
outlook generated by continuing weakness in the stock market. Consumer demand has remained strong.
Thus, if the cycle scheme suggested here is correct, no double-dip recession is to be expected and the
stock market may well rally over the next few years, in accordance with P/R valuation.
1. Clement Juglar, Des Crises commerciales et leur retour periodique en France, en Angleterre, et aux
Etats-Unis, 1862.
2. Joseph Kitchen, "Cycles and Trends in Economic Policy," Review of Economic Statistics, Jan. 1923.
3. Simon Kuznets, Secular Movements in Production and Prices, 1930.
4. Mason Gaffney, "Privatizing Land Without Giveaway", Delivered at Conference on Social Collection
of Rent in the Soviet Union, New York City, August 22-24, 1990.
5. Homer Hoyt, "The Urban Real Estate Cycle--Performances and Prospects", Urban Land Institute
Technical Bulletin No. 38, June 1960, in According to Hoyt: 53 years of Homer Hoyt, no publisher, 1970
6. David McFadden, "Demographics, the housing market, and the welfare of the elderly", in David A.
Wise (ed) Studies in the Economics of Aging, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.
7. Before 1967 median wages are used as a proxy for household income.
These bear markets are included only because they are associated with a recession.
2This bear market is included because it represents a major trend change (see Fig A.1)
Appendix A: Defining Bear Markets
Bear markets are usually considered "large" declines in the stock index over a fairly lengthy period of
time. A common rule of thumb is any decline of 20% or greater. The market analyst Robert Bronson has
developed novel measure of bear market severity which I will make use of here. This method accounts for
both the magnitude and the length of the bear market decline and is defined as follows:
A.1 Severity = log(index top/index bottom) x duration in months
For example, the current bear market, which began at the S&P500 intra-day peak of 1552.87 on March 24,
2000 has reached (so far) an intra-day low of 768.63 on October 10, 2002. Through the October low, the
bear market has lasted 30.5 months. From this data I can calculate a severity as follows:
A.2 Severity = log(1552.87/768.63) x 30.5 = 9.3.
Bronson has listed thirty bear markets since 1895 as assessed by this criterion. Already the present bear
market falls into the #2 position in his list, and it may not yet be over. The nature of this measure can
make fairly small declines significant bear markets--if they last long enough. For example, the short, but
severe 1987 bear market showed a decline 150% greater than the much longer 1960 bear market yet was
40% less severe by the Bronson criterion. This makes identification of major bear markets more difficult
than the use of the simple 20% rule. Some of the bear markets in Bronson's list seem pretty small. For
example the 1926 bear market has a severity of only 0.12. One can find declines not on his list with
greater severity. For example, the 12% Dow decline from July 15, 1943 to November 30, 1943 (severity =
0.25); the 10.8% S&P500 decline from Sept 25, 1967 to March 5, 1968 (severity = 0.26); or the 13.9%
S&P500 decline from April 29, 1971 to November 24, 1971 (severity = 0.45).
None of these declines fits the 20% standard, but they all are more severe (by the Bronson definition) than
the 1926 bear market, yet are not included in the list of top bear markets. If we focus more closely on the
1926 bear market, we see that it was associated with an NBER recession dated from October 1926 to
November 1927. It is reasonable to assign special significance to a market decline that is associated with
an economic decline. None of the declines mentioned above were associated with recessions. If we look
only at non-recession bear markets that did not show 20% declines, we see that only one of Bronson's bear
markets (1994) is of similar magnitude to those mentioned above.
Figure A.1, which shows a plot of index value relative to ten-year trend[1], has 1994 displayed as a
prominent low, reflecting the sea change in stock returns that occurred at this point. None of the declines
mentioned above feature prominently in Figure A.1. If we exclude 1994 on the basis of this significance,
the rest of the bear markets have severity greater than 0.5 or show a 20% decline. From these observations
the following "rule" for bear markets was developed:
"A bear market is any decline of 20% or greater, or a severity of 0.5 or greater. Declines smaller than 20%
and with severity between 0.1 and 0.5 are also considered bear markets if they occurred at the same time
or just before an NBER recession, or form a major low on a plot of stock index versus 10-year trend."
All of the bear markets listed by Bronson fall into these criteria. None of those I listed earlier do, and thus
should not be included in the list. There is one more issue with which I need to deal before a complete
methodology for defining bear markets has been defined. One of Bronson's declines, the 1929 bear
market, is part of a larger decline from 1929 to 1932--yet it is considered a separate bear market.
Apparently, it seems the rally from Dow 195.4 on 11/13/29 to 297.3 on 4/16/30 was "big enough" to be
considered a separate bull market. I can calculate a "severity" for this bull market as follows:
A.3 Bull market size = log (297.3/195.4) x 5.0 months = 0.91
A rally with severity of 0.9 or better, it would seem, constitutes a bull market. In comparison, I note the
recent rally from S&P500 944.75 on September 21, 2001 to 1176.97 on January 7, 2002 scores an
intensity of only 0.34:
A.4 Bull market size = log (1176.97/944.75) x 3.6 months = 0.34
This is much smaller than the 1929-30 rally and is consistent with the general sense that the 2001-2002
rally was "just" another bear market rally and not a bull market.
The market nearly reached the January top on March 11. If I use this later date for the end of the rally I
obtain a severity of 0.53, still well below the size of the 1929-30 rally. Nothing is changed. However,
suppose the market had reached a peak of 1373 or higher on March 11, instead of forming a double top?
In this case, the rally would have been as large as the 1929-1930 rise. Would such a large rally have been
considered a bull market? It is impossible to know, but it seems reasonable to me that the vast majority of
market participants would have hailed a rise of this magnitude (before it peaked) as a new bull market.
After this discussion one can add the definition of intervening bull market as a rise in a larger decline that
is 0.9 or larger. With this, our rules for locating bear markets are complete.
[1] The ten year trend is obtained by regression of log(index) versus time over the ten year period centered
on the point of interest. Thus the trend for a point in 1990 is regression of data over 1985 to 1995. For
points after 1997 or before 1807, the regression equation for the 1992-2002 and 1802-1812 period is used.
Appendix B. Identifying Business Cycles
The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) has identified US business cycles back to 1854.
Prior to that one can use the GDP relative to its trend as a crude estimate for cycles. I already used this
approach with a ten year trend to help identify stock bear markets in Figure A.1. This time I use a 25 year
trend which is shown in Figure B.1 for data between 1790 and 1890. Also shown in the figure as the thick
light-gray line is the Kondratiev seasonal cycle. This cycle is a binary subharmonic of the Kondratiev
cycle (two seasonal cycles per K-cycle) and is correlated with the stock cycle. It is the same cycle that
Bronson calls the BAAC Supercycle. I used a plot analogous to Figure B.1, but using a 100 year trend, to
show this cycle in my book The Kondratiev Cycle (p 67).
Within the larger season cycles, there are smaller perturbations, which presumably reflect ordinary
business cycles. In The Kondratiev Cycle I smoothed these to de-emphasize them and bring out the longer
cycle. Now I wish to examine these shorter cycles. Recession troughs are marked by visual inspection.
Four troughs (marked in red italics) are the recessions associated with the four big "panics" that occurred
during the period shown in the chart: the panics of 1819, 1837, 1857 and 1873. The others are either
"major" troughs or isolated ones. Figure B.2 shows more cycles for the period 1880-1950.
To test the validity of these troughs I compare them with those obtained by NBER. Table B.1 shows
troughs from Figures B.1 and B.2 compared to the NBER recession bottoms. The correspondence is quite
good. All but three NBER recessions have a corresponding trough and only one trough doesn't have an
associated NBER recession. This suggests that the business cycles obtained from Figure B.1 can be used
to provide estimates for business cycle dates before 1854.