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Database Design Lab Exercises: ER Diagrams & Database Development

Week 13 Lab Exercises
The following questions should be discussed is groups of 2 to 3
Question 1
Draw an E-R diagram for this scenario “A student registers for up to 8 modules and each module has many students on it. Record
the student ID, their full name and address and also each module ID and title. We also want
to hold the grade attained by each student for each module”. Remember to show in your
– All primary keys,
– Entities
– Relationships
– Attributes
Question 2
Watch the tutorial on the following link and develop a database for question 1.
Question 3
Task 1: read the case study below and try to draw an ER diagram for the use case.
Case Study: Performance Database
Consider the design of a database in the context described below. From the description
given, identify the entities and the relationships that exist between them. Use this information
to create an entity-relationship diagram. How many entities have you found?
You should also think about areas where you don't have enough information, and how you
would deal with this kind of problem. You might also find that there is information that you
don't need for building the data model.
"Choreographers are responsible for creating dances (which may be ballet or modern dance)
that are performed in theatres. Every time a dance is performed, the choreographer will be
paid a royalty (a fixed fee for each performance). Each dance may be performed by one or
more dancers.
Dances may be performed in a number of theatres; each theatre has maximum auditorium
size, and many people attend each performance. There will be one rehearsal before the
public performance. All performances take place in the evening. There is a 30 minute
interval during each performance.
Dancers are booked to perform roles; agents make these bookings and take a percentage of
the fee paid to the dancer as commission. The roles can be classified as leading or minor
roles, and male or female."
You might like to sketch out your entity-relationship diagram here, and identify the relations
that would be created.