INTRODUCTION • PPE refers to specialized equipment or clothing worn by workers for protection against health and safety hazards. • It is designed to protect many parts of the body; eyes, head, face, hands, feet, ears or torso. • PPE does not prevent accidents, but it does prevent or reduce injury and even fatalities when used. • Hazard in the workplace could not be eliminated completely. SIR JOREN COMPLETO INTRODUCTION • To prevent illnesses these hazards must be identified and as much as possible workers exposures to these hazards are minimized. • The last defense of every worker from a hazard is their PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT. • PPE can reduce the number and severity of farm work related injuries and illnesses. This equipment does not only protect but also improve the productivity of a worker. SIR JOREN COMPLETO FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN WEARING AND USING PPE IN THE WORKPLACE • Employers must provide personal protective equipment and clothing (PPE) when hazards in the workplace can't be eliminated or reduced by other risk controls. • Before employees use PPE they must be told why it’s necessary and trained in how to use it. SIR JOREN COMPLETO FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN WEARING AND USING PPE IN THE WORKPLACE • Employees must make sure PPE is stored where it will be safe from interference and damage. • PPE should be inspected regularly before use to make sure it is in good working order. • Earplugs, earmuffs and ear pieces all provide protection against hazards arising from exposure to noise. SIR JOREN COMPLETO TYPES OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SIR JOREN COMPLETO HEAD PROTECTION • Protect head with a hard hat when performing construction of irrigation pipes, repairing machineries or other activities with head injury risks. • A wide brim hat with neck protection is suitable for protecting the worker from UV exposure which can cause skin cancer. SIR JOREN COMPLETO HAND PROTECTION • Gloves are the most widely used PPE for protecting the hand. • In irrigation, since most of the activities deal with liquids the most appropriate gloves would be rubber gloves. • These types of gloves protect the worker from exposure to hazardous chemicals or contaminants from irrigation water. SIR JOREN COMPLETO EYE PROTECTION • Protect your vision with appropriate safety eyewear (safety goggles, glasses, face shields, sunglasses) SIR JOREN COMPLETO EAR PROTECTION • Hearing can be projected with acoustic earmuffs or plugs when operating noisy equipment such as engines of water pumps, grinders or old tractors. SIR JOREN COMPLETO RESPIRATORY SYSTEM PROTECTION • Respiratory system can be protected from hazardous fumes, particles and other biological hazards in the work area. • Hazards can be prevented from entering the respiratory system by using appropriate mask depending on the farm activity that is being conducted. SIR JOREN COMPLETO FOOT PROTECTION • The feet should be protected from hazards in the workplace. • If liquid chemicals are involved in farm activity waterproof footwear should be used. • Proper footwear prevents slips and crushing injuries on the foot while performing irrigation works. SIR JOREN COMPLETO PROTECTION FOR THE TORSO • Just like most of the PPE's used in the workplace the PPE used to protect the body is highly dependent on the nature of the job. • Reflectorized coveralls are used during night time so that workers will be visible, • Leather aprons are used when grinding metal using an electric grinder. • Plain coverall may be sufficient to protect the worker from too much UV exposure when working in an open field. SIR JOREN COMPLETO Spreading awareness / information on how to use personal protective equipment. SIR JOREN COMPLETO SIR JOREN COMPLETO MISSION SIFI SUPPORTS FARMERS SAFETY & PROTECTION IN THE WORKPLACE • Sugar workers are often at risk of workrelated injuries and diseases. These may be brought about by chemical use, prolonged sun exposure, use of agricultural machinery, equipment and tools. Wearing the appropriate personal protective equipment or PPE can provide adequate protection to workers, thus reduce health hazards and risks. SIR JOREN COMPLETO MISSION • SIFI, together with the three mills – HawaiianPhilippine Company, Victorias Milling Company and Lopez Sugar Corporation are pioneering initiatives towards supporting sugar farmers’ safety and protection. • Now on its third year, the Responsible Sourcing from Smallholders in the Sugar Cane Sector or RSS Program led by SIFI and the 3 mills utilized a PPE strategy of capacity building, information dissemination, procurement and distribution. • To date, significant milestones have been reached: SIR JOREN COMPLETO MISSION • More than 30 ARB groups, with members ranging from 20-50 farmers, have adopted policies promoting PPE use; • 3,500+ Farmers heard messages; • 5,100 flyers, tarps were distributed; • 1,480 Farmers received PPE sets for any of the three work types: chemical spraying, fertilizer application and manual harvest; and, • The collaboration with SRA Block Farm – Visayas resulted in the training of (additional) 300 farmers and PPE sets distributed to 600 farmers SIR JOREN COMPLETO