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Skeletal System Test

1. It facilitates the movement of the human body.
A. Axial Skeleton
B. Spatial Skeleton
C. Appendicular Skeleton
D. Perpendicular Skeleton
2. It is consists of clavicle and scapula.
A. Pectoral Girdle
B. Upper Limbs
C. Pelvic Girdle
D. Lower Limbs
3. Which of the following bones connects the lower limb to the axial skeleton?
A. Shoulder Girdle
B. Lower Limb
C. Upper Limb
D. Pelvic Girdle
4. The bones that form the palm of the hand is also known as _______.
A. Carpals
B. Metacarpals
C. Phalanges
D. None of the above
5. They serve as shock-absorbing structures that support body weight and distribute stress
evenly during walking.
A. Foot Arches
B. Tarsal Bones
C. Ankle Bones
D. None of the above
6. It is the cells that maintains cartilage.
A. Lacunae
B. Sacral vertebrate
C. Osteon
D. Chondrocytes
7. Which of the following is responsible for the division of trunk into throracic (with ribs)
and lumbar (without ribs) region?
A. Lacunae
B. Sacral vertebrate
C. Osteon
D. Chondrocytes
8. It is a series of concentric rings where bone develops.
A. Lacunae
B. Sacral vertebrate
C. Osteon
D. Chondrocytes
9. Which of the following does endochondral bone doesn’t provide?
A. Provided support among the water’s edges
B. Protection of internal organ systems
C. Reservoirs for storage of calcium and phosphate ions
D. Sites for production of blood cell
10. Fiber matrix contains the following except:
A.Universal animal protein
C.Phospate Ions
D.Solid or semi-solid ground substance
11. These cells are responsible for the breakdown of bone tissue.
A. Osteoblast Cells
B. Osteoclast Cells
C. Red Blood Cells
D. Pearly Cells
12. This provides the same range of movements as the condyloid joints although cannot
bend backwards
A. Hinge joint
B. Saddle joint
C. Pivot
D. None of the above
13. (1) Osteocytes store the mineral tissue of bones such as calcium.;
(2) Compact bone is the dense bone tissue that forms the hard exterior and gives
long bones their strength;
A. The first statement is true while the second statement is false
B. The first statement is false while the second statement is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
14. (1) In order to grow from infancy to adulthood, organisms with endoskeletons must
shed or ‘molt’ their outer skeletons and then grow a new one;
(2) During the molting process, an animal is without an exoskeleton and is
therefore particularly invulnerable.
A. The first statement is true while the second statement is false
B. The first statement is false while the second statement is true
C. Both statements are true
D. Both statements are false
15.(1) The bones of the endoskeleton hold around 99% of the body’s calcium, so they
play a key part in the regulation of calcium levels within the body through the process of
(2) Lymphocytes are essential for support of the respiratory system
The first statement is true while the second statement is false
The first statement is false while the second statement is true
Both statements are true
Both statements are false
16. It is a hard outer layer that covers and protects the body of some animals such as
A. Ecdysozoans
B. Exoskeleton
C. Epidermis
D. none of the above
17. . It is a morphologically heterogeneous group of animals which have a cuticle and
grow by molting and include the arthropods and nematodes.
A. Exoskeleton
B. Ekdysozoans
C. Ecdysozoans
D. None of the above
Three Major groups of Arthropods
18. Insects
19. Crustaceans
20. Arachnids
21. What is the smallest bone in the human body?
A. Stapes
B. Incus
C. Malleus
D. None of the above
22. Where can you find the smallest bone?
A. Nose
B. Ear
C. Shoulder
D. Head
23. What is the other term for clavicle?
A. Collarbone
B. Shoulder blade
C. Scapula
D. None of the above
24. How many bones do we have at birth?
25. What is the weakest bone in the body?
A. Scapula
B. Shoulder blade
C. Clavicle
D. None of the above
26. Hydrostatic skeletons are composed of hard materials like bones or exoskeletons.
27.. Invertebrates are the only animals that have hydrostatic skeletons. (False)
28. Fluid pressure is essential to the functioning of a hydrostatic skeleton. (True)
29. Hydrostatic skeletons provide more rigidity and stability than hard skeletons made of
bones or exoskeletons. (False)
30. Animals with hydrostatic skeletons rely on muscles to move and manipulate their
bodies. (True)
Answer key
1) C
2) A
3) D
4) B
5) A
6) D
7) B
8) C
9) A
10) C
11) B
12) B
13) C
14) D
15) D
16) B
17) C
21) A
22) B
23) A
24) C
25) C
28) TRUE
30) TRUE