5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export CAESAR II Users Guide https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 1/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Hexagon Documentation Generated 05/11/2023 https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 2/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Coordinate Systems Many analytical models in engineering are based upon being able to define a real physical object mathematically. This is accomplished by mapping the dimensions of the physical object into a similar mathematical space. Mathematical space is usually assumed to be either two-dimensional or three-dimensional. For piping analysis, the three-dimensional space is necessary, because almost all piping systems are three dimensional in nature. Two typical three-dimensional mathematical systems are shown in the following illustration. Both of these systems are Cartesian coordinate systems. Each axis in these systems is perpendicular to all other axes. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 3/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Each axis can be thought of as a number line, where the zero point is the point where all of the axes intersect. While only the positive side of each axis is shown in the illustration, each axis has a negative side as well. The direction of the arrow heads indicates the positive direction of each axis. The X-axis has one arrowhead, the Y-axis has two arrowheads, and the Z-axis has three arrowheads. The circular arcs labeled RX, RY, and RZ define the direction of positive rotation about each axis. Any point in space can be mapped to these coordinate systems by using the point's position along the number lines. For example, a point 5 units down the X-axis has a coordinate of (5.0, 0.0, 0.0). A point 5 units down the X-axis and 6 units down the Y-axis has a coordinate of (5.0, 6.0, 0.0). If the system on the right side of the illustration is rotated 90-degrees about the X-axis, the result is the system on the left side. In addition, for these Cartesian coordinate systems the right hand rule defines positive rotation about each axis and the relationship, or ordering, between the axes. The coordinate system on the left side is the default CAESAR II global coordinate system. In this system, the X-axis and Z-axis define the horizontal plane, and the Y-axis is vertical. The coordinate system on the right side can be obtained in CAESAR II by selecting Z-axis Vertical. Other Global Coordinate Systems There are other types of coordinate systems that can be used to mathematically map a physical object. A Polar coordinate system maps points in a two-dimensional space using a radius and a rotation angle (r, theta). A Cylindrical coordinate system maps points using a radius, a rotation angle, and an elevation (r, theta, z). The origin in this system could be considered the center of the bottom of a cylinder. Cylindrical coordinates are convenient to use when https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 4/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export there is an axis of symmetry in the model. A Spherical coordinate system maps points using a radius and two rotation angles (r, theta, phi). The origin in this system could be considered the center of a sphere. Spherical coordinates are convenient to use when there is a point which is the center of symmetry in the model. Typically, none of these coordinate systems are easily used to map piping systems. Most piping software deals exclusively with the Cartesian coordinate system. The Right Hand Rule In the Cartesian coordinate system, each axis has a positive and a negative side, as previously mentioned. Translations, straight-line movement, can be defined as movement along these axes. Rotation can also occur around these axes, as shown in the following illustration. A standard rule must be applied in order to define the direction of positive rotation about these axes. The right-hand rule is used as the standard. Put the thumb of your right hand along the axis, in the positive direction of the axis. The direction your fingers curl is positive rotation about that axis: https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 5/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export The right-hand rule can also be used to describe the relationship between the three axes. Mathematically, the relationship between the axes can be defined as: X cross Y = Z (EQ 1) Y cross Z = X (EQ 2) Z cross X = Y (EQ 3) where cross indicates the vector cross-product. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 6/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export The left and center illustrations correspond to vector equation 3 (EQ 3). The right illustration corresponds to vector equation 2 (EQ 2). Straight-line movement along any axis can be therefore described as positive or negative, depending on the direction of motion. This straight-line movement accounts for three of the six degrees of freedom associated with a given node point in a model. Analysis of a model requires the discretization of the model into a set of nodes and elements. Depending on the analysis and the element used, the associated nodes have certain degrees of freedom. For pipe stress analysis, using 3D beam https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 7/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export elements, each node in the model has six degrees of freedom. The other three degrees of freedom are the rotations about each of the axes. When modeling a system mathematically, there are two coordinate systems to deal with, a global or model coordinate system and a local (or elemental) coordinate system. The global or model coordinate system is fixed, and can be considered a constant characteristic of the analysis at hand. The local coordinate system is defined on an elemental basis. Each element defines its own local coordinate system. The orientation of these local systems varies with the orientation of the elements. An important concept here is the fact that local coordinate systems are defined by, and therefore associated with, elements. Local coordinate systems are not defined for, or associated with, nodes. Pipe Stress Analysis Coordinate Systems As noted previously, most pipe stress analysis computer programs use the 3D beam element. This element can be described as an infinitely thin stick, spanning between two nodes. Each of these nodes has six degrees of freedom three translations and three rotations. Piping systems models are constructed by defining a series of elements, connected by nodes. These pipe elements are typically defined as vectors, in terms of delta dimensions referenced to a global coordinate system. For most pipe stress applications, there are two dominant global coordinate systems to choose from, either Y-axis or Z-axis up. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 8/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export The global coordinate system is fixed, and all nodal coordinates and element delta dimensions are referenced to this global coordinate system. In the example that follows, the pipe element spanning from node 10 to node 20 is defined with a DX (delta X) dimension of 5 ft. Node 20 also has a global X coordinate 5 ft. greater that the global X coordinate of node 10. Similarly, the other two elements align with the global Y and global Z axes. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 9/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export In CAESAR II, you can choose between the two global coordinate systems. The default global coordinate system puts the global Y-axis vertical. You can use two different methods to change the global coordinate system to global vertical Z-axis. The first method modifies the configuration file in the current data directory. This can be accomplished by selecting Home > Setup > Configuration Editor on the main window ribbon. In the Configuration Editor, select Geometry Directives and select True for New Job Z-axis Vertical. This configuration affects all new jobs created in this data directory. Existing jobs with the Y-axis vertical are not affected by this configuration change. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 10/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export The second method switches coordinate systems from within the input for the specific job at hand. This can be accomplished from the Special Execution Parameters dialog box of Classic Piping Input. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 11/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Select Z Axis Vertical to change the orientation of the global coordinate system axis, with corresponding updates to the element delta dimensions. The relative positions and lengths of the elements are not affected by the vertical axis change. Defining a Model Use the CAESAR II default coordinate system (Y-axis vertical) with the following example to define element definitions. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 12/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export For this model, most of the element definitions are very simple: The first element, 10-20, is defined as 5 ft. in the positive global X direction. This element starts at the model origin. The second element, 20-30, is defined as 5 ft. in the positive global Y direction. This element begins at the end of the first element, because both elements share node 20. The third element, 30-40, is defined as 5 ft. in the negative global Z direction. Note in Figure 8 that the delta dimension for this element is a negative number. This is necessary to define the element in a negative direction. The fourth element, 40-50, runs in both the positive global X and negative global Y directions. This element slopes to the right and down, and is defined with delta dimensions in both the DX and DY fields. These delta dimensions are equal in magnitude; therefore, this element slopes at 45 degrees. Continuing the model, from node 50, along the same 45-degree slope can be rather tedious, because most often only the overall element length is known, not its components in the global directions. This can be accomplished with the Edit Deltas dialog box by clicking the Browse button next to the DX field. Using this dialog box, you can enter the element length, and the software determines the appropriate components in the global directions, based on the current direction cosines, which default to those of the preceding element. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 13/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export CAESAR II provides an additional coding tool, for longer runs of pipe with uniform node spacing. Element Break enables you to break an element into equal length segments, given a node number increment. In the example, the model is defined solely using delta dimensions. By constructing the model in this fashion, it is assumed that the world coordinates of node 10 the first node in the model are at (0., 0., 0.). This assumption is acceptable in all but one instance, when environmental loads are applied to the model. In this instance, the elevation of the model is critical to the determination of the environmental loads, and therefore must be specified. You can specify the starting node of the model using View/Set Coordinates , and all nodal coordinates display as absolute coordinates. The relative geometry of the model does not change based on specification of the global coordinates of the starting node. After a model has been defined, there are a number of operations that can be performed on the entire system, or on any section of the system. These operations include: Translating the model by specifying the global coordinates of the starting node of the model. If the model consists of disconnected segments, CAESAR II requests the coordinates of the starting node of each segment. Rotating the model by using the List processor or by clicking List Input grid. . The List processor presents the model in a Options in this processor allow you to rotate the model about any of the three global axes, or a specified amount. For example, if the model is rotated a negative -90 degrees about the global Y-axis, the result is as shown in the following https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 14/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export illustration. Duplicating the model by using the List processor. The entire model, or any sub-section of the model, can be duplicated. Using Local Coordinates When analyzing a piping system, there are a number of items that must be checked and verified. These items include: Operating loads on restraints & terminal points Hanger design results Equipment evaluations Expansion joint evaluation https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 15/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Maximum operating displacements Code stresses for code cases Vessel nozzle evaluation Restraint loads and displacements are checked in the global coordinate system. This is necessary because restraint loads and displacements are nodal quantities. Element loads and stresses are most often evaluated in their local coordinate system. A good example illustrating the use of a local (element) coordinate system is the free body diagram, of forces and moments. The forces and moments in this free body diagram remain the same, regardless of the position of the element in the global coordinate system. Note however, that each element has its own local coordinate system. Furthermore, the local coordinate system of one element may be different from the local coordinate system of a different element. While the global coordinate system is typically referred to using the capital letters X, Y, and Z, local coordinate systems use a variety of nomenclature. In almost all cases, local coordinate systems use lower case letters. Typical local coordinate system axes are: xyz, abc, and uvw. CAESAR II uses xyz to denote the local element coordinate system. The local coordinate system for an element is related to the global coordinate system through a rule. There may be a number of such rules, depending on the type of element. In CAESAR II, the following rules are used to define the local coordinate systems of the piping elements in a model. CAESAR II Local Coordinate Definitions CAESAR II shows global coordinates in upper case (global force in X displays as FX) and local coordinates in lower case (local force in x displays as fx). For the following examples the local terms a, b, c are used in place of x, y, z. In other words, global coordinates are referenced by X, Y, Z and local coordinates are referenced by a, b, c. The example model contains straight elements and bend elements. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 16/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Straight Elements Each straight element has its own local coordinate system. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 17/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export a-axis (local x-axis): Always points from the From Node to the To Node b-axis (local y-axis): b = a ´ Y (global vertical axis) This is a cross-product operation, except when the element is vertical (local a is vertical). Then b (local y-axis) is defined as X (global X-axis). c-axis (local z-axis): c = a ´ b The positive direction of the a-axis for each element is defined according to the From - To Node direction. For example, the aaxis of element 10-20 aligns with the positive global X-axis. The a-axis of element 30-40 aligns with the negative global Z-axis. The local axes of skewed element 40-50 have the coordinates shown. Bend Elements Each bend element has a local coordinate system at its end points. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 18/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Think of the bend as a centerline arc bounded by a near and a far node. The near node is the tangent point joining the bend with the straight pipe entering the bend. The far node is the tangent point joining the bend with the straight pipe exiting the bend.The software does not require a near node, but creates one by default. Any additional nodes along the bend arc reference the orientation of the tangent line at the node. This tangent is a vector pointing toward the far end of the arc. a-axis (local x-axis): Defined by the tangent vector, where positive is toward the far end of the bend. This is considered the torsion term. b-axis (local y-axis): b is perpendicular to the plane formed by the straight pipes entering and exiting the bend. Where defined by the piping code, this is the in-plane bending term. c-axis (local z-axis): c points to the center of the bend arc (c = a ´ b). Where defined by the piping code, this is the outplane bending term. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 19/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Tee Elements and Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) Local coordinates are also significant for the three straight pipes that join at a tee or for any other straight pipe end where a stress intensification factor (SIF) is defined, such as when tees are added to the example model. Each tee element and the run elements in a branch connections have their own local coordinate system. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 20/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export a-axis (local x-axis): Always points from the From Node to the To Node. This is the torsion term. b-axis (local y-axis): b is perpendicular to the plane that contains the three elements that form the tee. b = a(branch) ´ a(run). The b-axis is the same for all three elements forming the tee. Where no plane is evident (such as a SIF specified at a node where no run or branch exists), b is defined for straight pipe. In those cases where the two run elements have opposite a-axes, CAESAR II uses the orientation of the first run pipe entered to set a run in the definition of b. Where defined by the piping code, this is the in-plane bending term. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 21/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export c-axis (local z-axis): c = a ´ b. Where defined by the piping code, this is the out-plane bending term. In-Plane and Out-Plane SIFs After FEA Translation For Home > FEA Tools > FEA Translation , the translator might change in-plane and out-plane SIFs in the translated CAESAR II model based on the orientation of elements forming the tee. In order to properly apply FEA-calculated flexibilities, the translator creates a beam model and breaks the tee component into a series of straight pipes and rigids with corresponding connections (restraints with CNodes).The definition of intersections, as defined by the CAESAR II local coordinates, is lost. The translator must determine the correct way of implementing the SIFs of the branch connection of the CAESAR II model from the FEA Tools beam model. At the run and branch C-Node connections, the in-plane orientation is indeterminate because only two collinear beam elements exist. The translator sets the intersection type to blank to complete import into CAESAR II. The elements created with a C-node at the branch connection are no longer associated with a 3D fitting. Because the two elements are now collinear, the software uses the default straight element orientation for in-plane and out-plane SIFs. The default in-plane and out-plane orientations might https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 22/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export not match the actual 3D fitting’s orientation. The FEA translation correctly places the in-plane and out-plane SIFs based on the original tee orientation. Applications Using Global and Local Coordinates Global coordinates are used most often when dealing with piping models. Global coordinates are used to define the model and review nodal results. Even though element stresses are defined in terms of axial and bending directions, which are local coordinate system terms, local coordinates are rarely used. A typical piping analysis scenario is: A decision is made as to how the global coordinate system for the piping model will align with the plant coordinate system. Usually, one of the two horizontal axes is selected to correspond to the North direction. However, if this results in a majority of the system being skewed with respect to the global axes, you should consider realigning the model. It is best to have most of the system aligned with one of the global coordinate axes. The piping system is then assigned node points at locations where: there is a change in direction, a support, a terminal point, a point of cross section change, a point of load application, or any other point of interest. After you assign the nodes, define the piping model using the delta dimensions as dictated by the orientation of the global coordinate system. Use Break, List, Rotate, Duplicate, and the Direction Cosines to construct the model. After verifying the input, confirming the load cases, and analyzing the model, output review commences. Output review involves checking various output reports to ensure the system responds within certain limits. These checks include: Checking that operating displacements make sense and are within any operational limits to avoid ponding. Displacements, being nodal quantities, are reviewed in the global coordinate system. There is no local coordinate system associated with nodes. For the model defined in Figures 7 and 8, the operating displacements are shown in Figure 15 below. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 23/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Figure 15 - Operating Displacements This report shows the movements of all of the nodes in the model, in each of the six degrees of freedom, in the global coordinate system. Checking that the restraint loads for the structural load cases are reasonable. This includes ensuring that the restraints can be designed to carry the computed load. Restraints being nodal quantities are reviewed in the global coordinate system. There is no local coordinate system associated with restraints. For the model defined in Figures 7 and 8, the operating / sustained restraint summary is shown in Figure 16 below. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 24/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Figure 16 - Operating / Sustained Restraint Summary This report shows the loads on the anchor at 10 and the nozzle at 50, for all six degrees of freedom, for the two selected structural load cases, in the global coordinate system. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 25/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Checking the code cases for codes stress compliance. Typically, the code stress is compared to the allowable stress for each node on each element. Occasionally, when there is an overstress condition, a review of axial, bending, and torsion stresses are necessary. These stresses axial, bending, and torsion are local coordinate system terms, and therefore relate to the element’s local coordinate system. For the model defined in Figures 7 and 8, a portion of the sustained stress report is shown in Figure 17 below. Figure 17 - Sustained Stress Report These reports provide sufficient information to evaluate the pipe elements in the model, to ensure proper behavior and code compliance. However, the analyst’s job is not complete, loads and stress must still be evaluated at terminal points, where the https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 26/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export piping system connects to equipment or vessel nozzles. Depending on the type of equipment or nozzle, various procedures and codes are applied. These include API-610 for pumps and WRC-107 for vessel nozzles, as well as others. In the case of API-610 and WRC-107, a local coordinate system specific to these codes is employed. These local coordinate systems are defined in terms of the pump or nozzle/vessel geometry. When the equipment coordinate system aligns with the global coordinate system of the piping model, the nozzle loads from the restraint report (node 50 in Figure 14) can be used in the nozzle evaluation. However, when the equipment nozzle is skewed as it is in the case of node 50 in Figure 14, the application of the loads is more difficult. In this case, it is best to use the loads from the element’s force/moment report, in local coordinates. The only thing to remember here is to flip the signs on all of the forces and moments, because the element force/moment report shows the loads on the pipe element, not on the nozzle. For the element FROM node 40 to node 50, the local element force/moment report is shown in Figure 18 below. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 27/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Figure 18 - Local Element Force/Moment Report Because the correlation between the pipe model’s coordinate systems and those of equipment codes API and WRC are often times tedious and error prone, CAESAR II provides an option in its equipment modules to acquire the loads on the nozzle directly from the static output. Select the node and the load case; CAESAR II acquires the loads and rotates them into the proper coordinate system as defined by the applicable equipment code. You really do not have to be concerned with the https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 28/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export transformation from global to local coordinates, even for skewed components. This is illustrated below, in Figure 19. In this figure, the API-610 nozzle loads at node 50 have been acquired by clicking Select Loads by Job/Load Case. Notice that the loads shown in Figure 19 are in the CAESAR II global coordinate system. This can be easily verified by comparing these values to those in the restraint summary for the operating load case as shown previously in Figure 16. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 29/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 Hexagon Documentation Site Export 30/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Figure 19 - API-610 Nozzle Load Acquisition In the corresponding output report for this API-610 analysis, both the global and API local loads are reported. This is shown below in Figure 20. Figure 20 - API-610 Nozzle Output Report Segments Notice in Figure 20, that each report segment indicates which values are related to the global coordinate system and which are related to the local API coordinate system. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 31/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Restraint Data in Local Element Coordinates A new report Local Restraint Loads, is available to assist in dealing with restraint loads on skewed nozzles. This report uses the local coordinate system of the "defining" element (because restraints do not have a local coordinate system). If the restraint is defined on the straight element to which the restraint is attached, then the proper orientation of local loads is reported in the Local Restraint Loads report. However, if the restraint was defined on some other element, or on the mid-side node of a bend, then the loads reported in the Local Restraint Loads report are associated with the local coordinate system of that defining element. Transforming from Global to Local Converting or transforming values from the CAESAR II Global Coordinate System to a local coordinate system involves applying a number of rotation matrices to the global values. Matrix mathematics is not a trivial task, and you must exercise the utmost care to arrive at the correct result. To complete this task, visit the CAESAR II Downloads page at http://www.intergraph.com/products/ppm/caesarii/downloads.aspx and click CAESAR II "Global to Local" to download the GlbtoLocal utility, glbtoLoca. zip. For more information, see the July 2001 issue of our Mechanical Engineering News. For an example on how to use the GlbtoLocal utility using the nozzle at node 50 see below. The element 40-50 is defined with the delta coordinates of: DX = 3 ft. (6.426 in) DY = -3 ft. (6.426 in) DZ = 0.0 The global restraint forces at node 50, in global coordinates, for the operating case are: FX = 323 MX = -953 https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 32/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export FY = 4 MY = -9 FZ = -271 MZ = -548 Using this data as input to GlbtoLocal, the utility yields the forces on the restraint in the element’s local coordinate system. This is shown in Figure 21 below. Example Global to Local Transformation https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 33/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export Compare the set of values labeled Rotated Displacements / Load Vector with the Local Element Force / Moment report, as shown above. A change in sign is necessary because the Restraint report shows loads acting on the restraint, while the Element report shows loads acting on the element. Frequently Asked Questions What are global coordinates? Global coordinates define the mapping of a physical system into a mathematical system. For a given model, the global coordinate system is fixed for the entire model. In CAESAR II, there are two alternative global coordinate systems that you can apply to a model. Both coordinate systems follow the Right Hand Rule and use X, Y, and Z as mutually perpendicular axes. The first uses the Y-axis vertical, while the second uses the Z-axis as vertical. What are local coordinates? Local coordinates represent the mapping for a single element. Use Local coordinate systems to define positive and negative directions and loads on elements. Typically, Local Coordinate systems are aligned with the elements, therefore vary throughout the model. What coordinates are used to plot and view the model? Use the global coordinate system of the model to generate plots of the model. This is necessary because each element has its own local coordinate system, and these local systems vary from element to element. Local coordinate systems are an element property, not a system property. How do you obtain nodal displacements in local coordinates? In general, you do not. Displacements are a nodal property. Nodes do not have local coordinate systems, elements do. For more information, see Restraint Data in Local Element Coordinates. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 34/35 5/11/23, 5:51 PM Hexagon Documentation Site Export What do you do with local coordinates? In most instances, nothing. The local coordinates are only useful in CAESAR II is when dealing with a skewed nozzle. This coordinate system is used in the Local Restraint Report. Copyright Copyright© Hexagon AB and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates. All rights reserved. https://docs.hexagonppm.com/internal/api/webapp/print/df9a44b4-2e15-496c-b26d-55a37385cd82 35/35