5/13/2018 Counter Name TFCALLS TFCASSALL TFCONGSAS TFCONGSHO TFMSESTB TFNDROP TFNRELCONG TFTRALACC TFNSCAN TASSALL Ericsson Counters and Descriptions TCH 550812062GEricsson Counter Summary-slidepdf.com Description Call attem t counter Number of assignment complete messages for all MS power classes in underlaid subcell full-rate. Number of congestion at assignment or immediate assignment in underlaid subcell. Number of con estion at incomin handover in underlaid subcell. Successful MS establishment on TCH full-rate. The total number of dro ed full-rate TCH in underlaid subcell. Number of released TCH signalling connections due to transcoder resource congestion during immediate assignment on TCH. TFNDROP is stepped at the same time. Traffic level accumulator for full-rate TCH. Number of accumulations of traffic level counter for full-rate TCH. Number of first assignment attempts on TCH for all MS power classes. Successful attempts are counted in the target cell and failed attempts are Object Type CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CELTCHF CLTCH counted in the serving cell. The serving cell is the cell where the mobile Available Basic Physical Channels (BPCs) for traffic channels accumulator. Also available for overlaid subcell TAVAACCSUB. Number of accumulations of available BPCs for traffic channels counter. TAVASCAN Also available for overlaid subcell TAVASCANSUB. TNUCHCNT Number of defined TCH. Total number of dropped TCH connection due to bad quality on both uplink TFDISQABL and downlink in underlaid subcell i.e. worse than (above) BADQUL and BAD DL. Total number of dropped TCH connection due to bad quality on downlink in TFDISQADL underlaid subcell i.e. worse than above BAD DL. Total number of dropped TCH connection due to bad quality on uplink in TFDISQAUL underlaid subcell i.e. worse than above BAD UL. Total number of dropped TCH connection due to low signal strength on http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/55081206-2g-ericsson-counter-summary-55a751056a057 TFDISSSBL TAVAACC CLTCH CLTCH CLTCH CLTCHDRF CLTCHDRF CLTCHDRF 1/4 CLTCHDRF 5/13/2018 Counter Name TCHSIG Counter Name CAVAACC CAVASCAN CNUCHCNT CCALLS CCONGS CMSESTAB CNDROP CNRELCONG CTRALACC CNSCAN CDISQA Immediate TCH Assignment 550812062GEricsson Counter Summary-slidepdf.com Descri tion Number of TCH connections for signalling. CCH Description Available channels accumulator Number of accumulations of available channels counter. Number of defined channels Call attem t counter on SDCCH . Congestion counter for underlaid subcell. Stepped per congested allocation attem t. Successful MS establishment on SDCCH. This counter is a sum of both overlaid and underlaid. The total number of dro ed SDCCH channels in a cell. Number of released connections on SDCCH due to TCH- or Transcoder TRA con estion in both underlaid and overlaid subcell. Traffic level accumulator Number of accumulations of SDCCH traffic level counter. Dropped at bad quality downuplink underlaidSDCCH subcell connection i.e. worse than BAD DL and or or BAD UL. per cell in Dropped SDCCH connection at low signal strength on down- or uplink in CDISSS underlaid subcell i.e. below LOWSSDL and or LOWSSUL. CDISTA Dropped SDCCH connection at excessive Timing Advance (TA). Handover (Internal Neighbour and External Neighbour) Counter Name Description HOVERCNT Number of Handover Commands sent to the MS. HOVERSUC Number of successful handover to the neighbouring cell. HORTTOCH Number of handovers that results in a return to the old channel. HODUPFT Number of successful handovers back to old cell within 10 seconds. Handover attempt made to better K-cell (only for the Ericsson 1 locating HOTOKCL al orithm I.e. Si nal Stren th. HOTOLCL Handover attem t made to better L-cell is called HOTOLCL I.e. Path Loss. Number of handover attempts due to bad downlink quality. There is one http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/55081206-2g-ericsson-counter-summary-55a751056a057 HODWNQA HO counter for bad uplink quality called HOUPLQA and one for excessive Object Type CLTCH Object Type CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CLSDCCH CELLCCHDR CELLCCHDR CELLCCHDR Object Type NCELLREL, N NCELLREL, N NCELLREL, N NICELHO, NE NICELHO, NE NICELHO, NE 2/4 NICELHO, NE 5/13/2018 Intra Cell Handover 550812062GEricsson Counter Summary-slidepdf.com Counter Name Descri tion HOINDQA Number of intra cell handover attempts (decisions) at bad downlink quality. CELEVENTI HOINBOCH Number of links. Number of Number of Number of channel. Counter Name Descri tion CLSTIME Accumulated time in seconds when CLS evaluation is performed in the cell. CELEVENTH TOTCLSTIME HOATTLS HOSUCLS Total time for the CLS feature bein activate in seconds. Handover attempts due to CLS. Successful handovers due to CLS. Assignment to other cell HOINBQA HOINUQA HOINSUC Counter Name HOASBCL HOASWCL HOSUCBCL HOSUCWCL intra cell handover attempts (decisions) at bad quality on both Object Type intra cell handover attempts (decisions) at bad uplink quality. successful intra cell handovers. unsuccessful intra cell handover attempts, MS back to old Cell Load Sharing Description Number of assi nment attem ts to better cell. Number of assignment attempts to worse cell. Number of successful assignment attempts to better cell. Number of successful assi nment attem ts to worse cell. Locating Update: counters in the MSC Counter Name Descri tion NLAPAG1LOTOT Number of first page attempts to an LA. NLAPAG2LOTOT Number of repeated page attempts to an LA. NLAPAG1RESUCC Number of a e res onses to first a e to an LA. NLAPAG2RESUCC Number of page responses to repeated page to an LA. NLALOCTOT Total number of LU attem ts in the LA. NLALOCSUCC Number of successful LUs in the LA. The counter (TOTPAG) counts the total number of PAGING messages TOTPAG received from the MSC http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/55081206-2g-ericsson-counter-summary-55a751056a057 The counter (TOTCONGPAG) counts the number of discarded PAGING CELEVENTI CELEVENTI CELEVENTI CELEVENTI Object Type CELEVENTH CELEVENTH CELEVENTH Object Type NICELASS, NE NICELASS, NE NICELASS, NE NICELASS, NE Object Type LOCAREAST LOCAREAST LOCAREAST LOCAREAST LOCAREAST LOCAREAST BSC 3/4 5/13/2018 Counter Name CNROCNT RAACCFA RAANPAG RACALRE RAEMCAL RAOSREQ Random Access 550812062GEricsson Counter Summary-slidepdf.com Descri tion There is also a counter for all accepted random accesses (CNROCNT) that means all except failed random accesses. The counters RAANPAG and CNROCNT are also incremented for TRXT connections. The failed random access counter (RAACCFA) is incremented for a Random access received with too high TA, values that are not used or in case of 'software file con estion'. Answer to paging (RAANPAG). The counter will be stepped for cause value 100x xxxx. Call reestablishment (RACALRE). The counter will be stepped for cause value 110x xxxx, Call reestablishment, TCH/F is needed, or originating call and NECI bit not set to 1, or procedures that can be completed with an Emergency call (RAEMCAL). The counter will be stepped for cause value 101x xxxx. Other service request (RAOSREQ). The counter will be stepped for cause value 111x xxxx, Originating call and TCH/F is needed, or originating call and the network does not set NECI bit to 1. All other cases (RAOTHER). The counter will be stepped for cause value RAOTHER 000x xxxx Location u datin SDCCH needed . GPRS Counter Name Descri tion ALLPDCHACC Number of allocated PDCHs accumulator. ALLPDCHSCAN Number of allocations of allocated PDCHs. PCHALLATT Number of acket allocation attem ts. PCHALLFAIL Number of packet allocation failures. PDRAC Number of acket data random accesses. PDPRAC Number of packet data packet random accesses. RBCDL Number of radio block messages, downlink. RBCUL Number of radio block messa es u link. RETRANSDL Number of retransmitted radio messages, downlink. RETRANSUL Number of retransmitted radio messa es u link. http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/55081206-2g-ericsson-counter-summary-55a751056a057 Object Type RANDOMACC RANDOMACC RANDOMACC RANDOMACC RANDOMACC RANDOMACC RANDOMACC Object Type CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS CELLGPRS 4/4