Comparison of Diodes and Resistors for Measuring Chip Temperature During Thermal Characterization of Electronic Packages Using Thermal Test Chips Alan Claassen IBM Corporation Storage Systems Division 5600 Cottle Road San Jose, CA 95193 U.S.A. H. Shaukatullah IBM Corporation Microelectronics Division 1701 North Street Endicott, NY 13760 U.S.A. Abstract Thermal test chips are specially designed and built for thermal characterization of electronic packages. These chips have heaters for powering the chip and temperature sensors for measuring the chip temperature. One type of temperature sensor in wide use is a diode. Small resistors (also known as resistance temperature detectors or RTDs) are also used for measuring the chip temperature. This paper reviews and compares the characteristics of the diodes and RTDs used for chip temperature measurement during the thermal characterization of electronic packages. Techniques for reducing the measurement errors associated with these chip temperature sensors are also discussed. It is shown that the temperature versus voltage characteristics of RTDs at constant current are much more linear than those of diodes. I current, A k Boltmaim's constant K K factor method constant defined in equation (9,OClV constant in equation (1) power dissipation in the chip, W electron charge constant in equation (1) resistance, ohm resistance at temperature T I ,ohm thermal resistance, OC/W chip sensor temperature, "C absolute temperature, K TASS Nomenclature ambient temperature condition, "C at steady state A coefficient defined in equations (2), (3) TAO ambient temperature at initial equilibrium condition at time zero, "C B coefficient defined in equations (2), ( 3 ) T,, chip sensor temperature at steady state C coefficient defined in equation ( 3 ) 0-7803-3793-X/97/$5.0001997 IEEE condition after application of power, "C 198 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMTM Symposium chip sensor temperature at initial equilibrium condition, "C Techniques for reducing measurement errors associated with these chip sensors are also discussed. reference temperature, "C voltage, V Thermal Test Chip Description extrapolated energy gap at absolute zero temperature Two test chips, one with diodes and the other with resistors for temperature sensing were used in this study. A schematic of the test chip with diodes as temperature sensors is shown in Fig. 1. This chip had 5 heaters (one around the periphery and one in each quadrant) for powering the chip and 19 diodes for sensing the chip temperature. The nominal size of the chip was 7x7.3 mm with 403 small solder balls (commonly known as controlled collapse chip connections or C4s) arranged in a circular pattern in the center of the chip (23x23 array, depopulated in the corners). A cross section of the flip chip package using this test chip is shown in Fig. 2. The package consisted of an alumina substrate with copper alloy pins staked into holes. The nominal size of the package was 36 rnm square and the pins were arranged in a 2.54x2.54mm grid. The test package had 179 pins in a 14x14 array with 17 depopulated near the center for the chip. The top surface of the substrate was metallized with chromium-copperchromium metallurgy to provide interconnection circuitry between the chip and the pins. The chip was joined to the substrate using the flip chip C4 solder reflow technique. To protect the chip and the circuitry on the substrate from damage during handling, an aluminum cap was used on these packages. The cap was mechanically secured to the substrate and sealed with epoxy. For thermal characterization, this package was plugged into a socket. temperature coefficient of resistance, "C J change in temperature between two calibration temperatures or between initial and steady state conditions, "C change in voltage between two calibration temperatures or between initial and steady state conditions, V Introduction Temperature is a primary factor affecting the reliability of integrated circuit chips and packages. Circuit density and power dissipation of integrated circuit chips are increasing and proper thermal characterization of electronic packages is becoming very important. The JEDEC JC 15.1 committee is developing standards for thermal characterization of electronic packages. One of the proposed standards [11 is on the design of thermal test chips. See also [2]. Thermal test chips are specially designed for thermal characterization of electronic packages. They have heaters, in the form of resistors or diodes, for powering the chip and temperature sensors in the form of diodes or resistors for measuring the chip temperature. There are a number of references that describe the thermal test chips with diodes [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 81, and diodes appear to more commonly used. Resistors (commonly known as resistance temperature detector or RTD) are also used for measuring the chip temperature and test chips using these are described in [6, 9, 10 ,111. A schematic of the thermal test chip with RTDs is shown in Fig. 3. This was a wire bond type chip with 331 pads along the periphery of the chip arranged in a double row. The nominal size of this chip was 11.5x11.5 mm. It had 4 heaters (one in each quadrant) for powering the chip and 4 small resistors for temperature sensing. The temperature sensors were made into a small spiral as shown in Fig. 4 and had a nominal resistance of about 10 ohms at 22 "C. The size of the spkd was nomindy 0.05 mm. In addition, this chip had a number of other structures for assessing the reliability of the package. These included pairs of inner and outer perimeter lines around the wire bond pads for determining chip cracking, a comb structure for corrosion and electromigration studies, and several sets of For thermal characterization of electronic packages with thermal test chips, the temperature sensors (diodes or resistors) in the test chip are calibrated prior to use. During tests, the calibration data is used to determine the chip temperature. This paper reviews and compares the characteristics of the diodes and resistors used in thermal test chips for thermal characterization of electronic packages. 199 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMm" Symposium rDlODE HEATERS71 B 7-4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O C J b O O O O O ~ O O O O O ~ O O O IO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.3 Fig. I . Schematic of the flip chip showing the heaters and diodes. Nomind dimensions in II~II~. L sUBsT RATE EPOXY SEAL Fig. 2. Cross section of the metallized ceramic package with flip chip. 200 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERM” Symposium f \. I I Fig. 3. OUTER PERIMETER L I N E S ,-INNER PERIMETER I / sE'qs0R/7 Schematic of the wire bond chip showing heaters, resistance temperature sensors (RTDs) a d other reliability test structures. Dimensions in mm. 201 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMTMSymposium Fig. 4. Details of the temperature sensing resistor spiral (RTD) in the wire bond test chip. OPPER LEADFRAME ALUMINUM BASE ONDUCTIVE A D H E S I V E ALUMINUM Fig. 5. LID Cross section of the metal quad flat pack with wire bond chip. N -Q I I I I I I I I I 131.2 ' C 95.9 OC .I ..-*.-- 60.9 C' -.-m-'- 22.6 C ' U c 0.4 0.6 Fig. 6. 1 .o 0.8 FORWARD VOLTAGE, 1.2 V Current versus voltage characteristics of the diode used in this study oyer a range of temperatures. 202 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMTMSymposium pads connected together for assessing the integrity of wire bond pads. This chip was packaged in a surface mount metal quad flat pack. The cross-section is shown in Fig. 5. This was a 28 rnm 208-leaded cavity-down type of package and for thermal characterization, was soldered to a test card. voltage is measured and temperature is determined from these equations. The current versus voltage characteristics of the diode in the test chip are shown in Fig. 6 for various temperatures. The simplified form of Shockley's relation is valid only in the linear portions of the curves, in this case, approximately between 0.01 and 1 mA. For the tests reported in this study, the diode was operated at a constant current of 0.1 mA. Characteristics of Diodes and Resistors The temperature characteristics of a diode used for measuring the chip temperature is the forward voltage drop at constant current. The voltage, VI and current, I, are related to absolute temperature, using a simplified form of Shockley's relation [121 expressed as The relation between resistance and temperature of a resistor is usually expressed in the form [131 (4) where R1 is the resistance at reference temperature Tl, R is the resistance at temperature T , and a is the temperature coefficient of resistance. This linear relationship is usually valid over limited temperature ranges. Over extended temperature ranges a more elaborate relation known as the Callendar-Van Dusen relation is used [13]. For practical use in thermal characterization, the above relation can be simplified to the form of equation (2) by the use of Ohm's Law relating voltage, current and resistance (V= I R ) at constant current. For extended ranges, polynomials of the form in equation (3) can be used. The resistance temperature sensor in these tests was operated at a constant current of 10 mA. where, Gois the extrapolated energy gap at absolute zero temperature, k is Boltzmann's constant, Kl is a constant that depends on geometrical factors such as base width of the junction, r is a constant that depends on the temperature dependence of mobility of minority carriers in the base region, and q is the electron charge. This relation shows that at constant current, the forward voltage drop of a diode is almost a linear function of temperature. For practical use this relation can be expressed as T=A+BV The calibration of thermal test chips is usually done at only two to four temperatures as described in the JEDEC JC 15.1 electrical test method standard [141. For two points, the standard requires a temperature difference of at least 50 "C, then gives room ambient temperature and 100 "C as sample temperatures. It also explains that smaller temperature increments can help detect a bad data point and account for a small non-linearity in the calibration curve. Sample data points mentioned are room temperature, 50 " C ,75 "C, and 100 "C. (2) and forms the basis of the constant-current method for sensing temperature. The constants A and B are determined by calibration at constant current over the temperature range expected during subsequent tests. For thermal characterization, the temperature is usually not expressed in absolute units. This linear relation is generally valid over small temperature ranges. Over extended ranges, higher order polynomials of the form T = A + B V + C V ~ +... When two points are used, the calibration curve is limited to the linear fit given in equation (2). T h e JEDEC standard describes an alternate method of using a two point linear fit referred to as the K factor method. During calibration, the diode or resistor is monitored at two temperatures, for example room temperature and 100 "C,and the K (3) are used. In equations (2) and (3), the temperature is kept as a dependent variable and voltage as the independent variable for convenience. During tests, 203 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMTMSymposium factor is calculated as the change in temperature, AT, divided by the change in voltage, AV, between those conditions. K= AT AV __ The K factor is equivalent to the slope B in equation (3,but the intercept constant A is not used. Instead, application of the K factor calibration method for thermal resistance measurements relies on an initial equilibrium condition where the diode or resistor temperature, To, is equal to the ambient temperature 7'40. Then after powering the chip, the steady state chip temperature, T,,, is a function of the change in diode or resistor voltage between the initial equilibrium condition and the final steady state condition. This is given by A thermal resistance, &, can be calculated from (see c 151) (7) where TA$,is the ambient temperature at steady state conditions, and PH is the power dissipation in the chip. By substituting equation (6) in (7), the expression for thermal resistance becomes to the top center of the package with silver-filled epoxy. A dab of quick drying epoxy was used to cover the silver epoxy and any bare wires near the bead. This thermocouple was used for calibrating the temperature sensors in the chip. All tests were conducted in an oven because it is easy to set and control the temperature. During the tests, the thermocouple on the package and the temperature sensor in the chip (diode or resistor) were monitored to check for steady state before recording any data. Steady state was assumed when the chip temperature sensor output showed a change of about 0.1 "C or less in four minutes (in terms of voltage, the criteria was 0.0001 V or less for diodes and 0.00003 V or less for RTDs) and the thermocouple output showed a change of 0.1 "C or less in two minutes. All tests were done using a computer controlled data acquisition system. The typical test procedure was as follows: the package was placed in the oven and allowed to equilibrate to room temperature. The temperature sensor in the chip and the thermocouple on the package were monitored to check for steady state. At steady state, the voltage output of the temperature sensor (at fixed current) and the temperature indicated by the package thermocouple were recorded. Next, the oven was turned on and set to a higher temperature. The chip temperature sensor and package thermocouple were monitored for steady state. At steady state, the sensor voltage and thermocouple output were recorded. This procedure was repeated for several other temperatures. Data was recorded at room temperature (about 22 as is done in the JEDEC natural convection (still air) environment standard [IS]. When applied in this way, the K factor method does not require the initial ambient temperature, TAO,and the steady state ambient temperature, TArr,to be equal. What is required is that, prior to applying heating power, the chip temperature is equal to a measured initial "C), about SS "C, and from there onwards at about 5 " C steps to about 135 "C. The oven used in these tests could not be set to temperatures less than about 55 "C.In order to do so would have required the use of a coolant (liquid carbon-dioxide) and this was not done. One sample of each type of package was used. For each package, the temperature sensor in the center of the chip was used. temperature, in this case the initial ambient temper- ature. Any error in meeting this requirement will add to the calibration error. Test Procedure A 36 gauge (0.13 mm diameter wire) copper-constantan (ANSI Type T) thermocouple was attached Results and Discussion Calibration data for the diode over a temperature range from about 22 "C to 135 "C is shown in Fig. 7. Also shown is the least squares linear fit to the data. The deviations between the fitted line and the data points are shown in Fig. 8. The deviations are 204 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERM" Symposium T = 483.410 - 596.843 X V h B K v - 3 * $ - I 0.5 I I 0.6 I I 0.7 6 I I 0.8 * 0.9 VOLTAGE. V TEMPERATURE. ' C fig. 10. Deviations between data and linear fit using four points (22, 60, 100 and 135 "C) for the diode. Fig. 7. Calibration data for the diode (at 0.1 mA current) fitted to a linear curve using all data points. DONr s' - 603.481 T = 488.311 r\ 2- - $I - * I F I 40 GI , ,,*: ** ** ** x V * 1 I ****-* 120 160 v 6 TEMPERATURE. ' C Fig. 8. Deviations between data and linear fit using all data for the diode. T = 483.151 if P Eo I TEMPERATURE. ' C - 597.140 Fig. 11. Deviations between data and linear fit using four points (22,55, 75 and 100 "C) ' for the diode. x V T = 487.992 r"[ - 603.418 3 I L v g7 - z- I .n 40 9 80 ************ , 12$* ** 0. ,. I II 160 I 40 I Bo***- ..** ** ** X V * , 1 120 160 ****** O N _ TEMPERATURE. Fig. 9. Deviations between data and linear fit using two points (22 and 135 "C) for the diode. "e Fig, 12. Deviations between data and hear fit using two points (22 and 100 "C)for the diode. 205 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMTMSymposium not random and there is a trend in the data points implying that the linear fit is not a good approximation to the data. The maximum deviation (fitted value - measured value) is of the order of 1 "C and for some practical cases, may be considered acceptable. The deviation plot also shows a slight skew towards the lower temperature. The reason for this is the missing data points between 22 and 55 "C. Normally for package thermal characterization using test chips, the calibration is done at only a few points covering the expected test temperature range. Assuming an expected range from room temperature to 135 "C, Fig. 9 shows the deviations for a linear fit using the two calibration end points (nominal 22 and 135 "C). Here again, the maximum deviations are of the order of 1 "C. The deviations between the data and a linear fit using four equally spaced points (nominally 22, 60, 100 and 135 "C) are shown in Fig. 10. Here the maximum deviations are of the order of 0.6 "C. Thus, by using four equally spaced points, the maximum deviations are reduced. In this case, using four equally spaced points is better than using all the data because the data has fewer points at the low range. As noted above, the fewer points at low temperature are biasing the fit towards the higher temperature and resulting in a larger error at the low end. This effect is not present in the results discussed below. For the temperature range from room temperature to 100 "C, as used in the JEDEC standard [14], the deviations between the fit and the data points using four approximately equally spaced points (nominally 22, 55, 75, and 100 "C) are shown in Fig. 11. Here the maximum deviation between the fit and the data point is of the order of 0.4 "C within the range of the fit (22 to 100 "C). But beyond this range, the deviations increase with temperature to 1.5 "C at 135 "C. The deviations between the fit and the data points using two points (nominally 22 and 100 "C) as in the K factor method are shown in Fig. 12. The maximum deviation within the range of fit is of the order of 0.6 "C. Beyond this range it increases to 1.2 "C at 135 "C. Thus, in the case of a diode, increasing the number of equally spaced points from two to four in the range of interest decreases the error in that range. However, extrapolating a diode linear fit beyond the calibration range can result in large errors in chip temperature measurements. It is better to do the calibration over the range of temperature expected during the tests using four (preferably more) equally spaced points if a linear fit is going to be used. The errors can be reduced by using a higher order fit to the diode data. Figure 13 shows the deviations between the fit and the data points for the diode using a 2nd order polynomial. With the 2nd order fit the maximum deviations are around 0.1 "C and have been reduced by almost an order of magnitude compared to the linear fit (Fig. 8). Similar deviations are obtained if a 2nd order fit is used with four approximately equally spaced points over the temperature range (22, 60, 100, 135 "C). Therefore, the 2nd order fit is not sensitive to the missing points near room temperature. Figure 14 shows the results for a 2nd order fit of four equally spaced points over the temperature range (22, 55, 75, 100 "C). Though the maximum deviation within the range of fit is again 0.1 "C, beyond this range it increases to nearly 0.5 "C at 135 "C. This is less than the 1.5 "C deviation obtained with the linear fit (Fig. ll), but still shows the advantage of calibrating over the range of interest to avoid having to extrapolate the calibration curve. The calibration data for the RTD is shown in Fig. 15 with a linear fit to all the data points. The deviations between the fitted line and the data points are shown in Fig. 16. The maximum deviation is of the order of 0.1 "C. Thus the RTD is much more linear than a diode (deviations are an order of magnitude less). Deviations for a linear fit using two points (22 and 135 "C) and four points (22, 60, 100, 135 "C) are shown in Figs. 17 and 18 respectively. Because the RTD is almost linear, the improvement between the two and four points fits is small, but four or more equally spaced points are better. The deviations for a linear fit with two points used for the K factor method (22 and 100 "C) are shown in Fig. 19. Here also, the deviations within the range of the fit (22 to 100 "C) are much smaller (0.07 "C or less), and beyond the calibration range increase to around 0.13 "C. Again, extrapolating data beyond the calibration range should be avoided, but in the case of RTDs the errors are an order of magnitude less compared to diodes. Figure 20 shows the deviations between the data and a 2nd order polynomial using all data points for the RTD. Compared to the linear fit, the 2nd order fit is better, but the improvement here is not as much as in the case of the diode. Also, for most 206 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERM" Symposium *+ 'C TEMPERATURE. Fig. 13. Deviations between data and 2nd order fit uskg all data for the diode. "'i T = 417.623 - 402.637 X V "C TEMPERATURE. - Fig. 16. Deviations between data and linear fit using all data for the RTD. u%l 142.015 x V2 T + -254.485 * 2200.005 x V *** *** * **** 2- +! $ *** I PO, E 1 '** 'TEMPERATURE. L,. I I 40 BO I I 120 I I ' .p 160 I "C TEMPERATURE. fig. 14. Deviations between data and 2nd order fit using four points (22, 55, 75 and 100 "C) for the diode. "C Fig, 17 Deviations between data a d hear fit using two points (22 and 135 "C)for the RTD. pz[ T = -254.547 + 2200.080 x V * :****** **** TEMPERATURE. Fig. 15. Catibration data for the RTD (at 10 mA current) fitted to a linear curve using all data points. ' C Fig, 18, Deviations between data and linear fit using four points (22, 60, 100 and 135 '12) for the RTD. 207 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERMTMSymposium practical purposes, errors of the order of 0.1 " C are acceptable. So using a 2nd order fit for RTD is not needed in most cases. & I + T = -254.169 2197.489 x V F "'i 40 80 ?- ' L 2 0 160 *A20 *** v m- I I LL - * I- 2 I TEMPERATURE. RTD. r T = -250.756 + 2149.444 x V + 166.109 x Vz * TEMPERATURE. For thermal characterization of packages, both the calibration curve and K factor methods can be used for RTDs and diodes. If a 2nd order polynomial fit is required for the diodes and RTDs, then the calibration method must be used. Also, use of the calibration method does not require data for the initial equilibrium condition where the chip temperature stabilizes to the environment temperature. Therefore, the calibration curve method can result in a shorter test time. "C Fig. 19. Deviations between data and h e a r fit using two points (22 and 100 "C) for the .o 2 Although the diode is almost 4 time more sensitive than the RTD, this is not much of a concem because high resolution digital volt meters are commonly used for data acquisition these days, and they are capable of resolving 1 pV or less in one volt. "C Fig. 20. Deviations between data and 2nd order fit using all data for the RTD. The above comparison has shown that at constant current, the temperature versus voltage characteristics of RTDs are much more linear than those of diodes. Another advantage of the RTD is that it can be designed to measure either a local spot temperature or the average chip temperature. For a spot temperature, the RTD can be designed as a spiral as shown in Fig. 4 or as a zig-zag patch. For the average chip temperature, the RTD can be designed so that it is distributed over the chip as shown in [ 6 ] . The diode has the advantage of higher sensitivity. For the samples used in this study, the diode had a sensitivity of about 1.7 mV/"C whereas the RTD had a sensitivity of about 0.45 mV/"C. Conclusions This study shows that the temperature versus voltage characteristics of RTDs at constant current are much more linear than those of diodes, For thermal characterization of electronic packages using test chips and a two point calibration, or a linear fit of more data points, the errors involved with RTDs are an order of magnitude smaller compared to diodes. The diode errors can be reduced by using a 2nd order fit to the calibration data. The calibration points must be equally spaced to " k e fitting errors. Compared to the diodes, the sensitivity of the RTDs is less, but this is not a major disadvantage these days because high resolution digital volt meters are commonly available. The RTDs have the advantage that they can be designed to measure either a local temperature or the average temperature of the chip. The K factor method can result in unacceptable errors for diodes if only two points are used. Four or more equally spaced points are recommended. Two points provide a good fit for RTDs, but four points are still recommended so that a bad data point can be detected. Acknowledgements This study was made possible due to the efforts of a number of IBM employees. In particular we would like to acknowledge the work of Ralph Kilmoyer in 208 Thirteenth IEEE SEMI-THERM" Symposium the design of the wire bond chip and Charlie Tai in the design of the flip chip. The drawing of the wire bond chip was made by Pat Johnson. 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