[Total No. 51311A of Pages:1 Third B.P.TH. (2012) Examination, Summer (Phase-11:All Other Remaining UGIPG Courses)-2020 sURGERY-1 Total Duration: 2 Hours nstructions: Total Marks: 40 Use blue/black ball point pen only 2 D o not wite anything on the blank portion of the questionp paper. er a considend fwnitfen anything, such type of actWill will be considered as an aftempt be 1) t o unfair meane pans 3) A All 4) The number to the right indicates full marks ) Draw questions are compulsory. diagrams wherever necessary 6)Distnibution of syllabus in Question Paper is only meant to cover entire sylabus within the stipulated frame The Question paper atem 15 a mere guideline Questions can be asked from any papers sylabus into any question paper Students cannot claim hat the Question is out of syllabus. As it is only for the placement sake, the distribution has been done 1. Short answer question (any five out of six) : a) Extra dural hematoma. b) Respiratory Alkalosis. 5 x3-151 c)An ulcer. d) Indications of Mastectomy e) Dry Gangrene 9 Lipoma. Short answer question (any five out of six): a) Hypospadias b)-Hematuria:12occo9Toma CaEe c) Beuger's disease. d) Anorectal Abscess. e) Hydrocele surgeries. 9 Intercostal Drainage. N-255 15x5-251