DETERMINANTS 1. A permutation of a set of integers {1, 2, 3,..., n} is an arrangement of these integers in some order with no omissions and no repetitions. To find all permutations of a set of numbers, we can use a permutation tree: 1 2 3 ← 3 choices /\ /\ /\ 23 13 12 ← 2 choices || || || 32 31 21 ← 1 choice 3 · 2 · 1 = 6 123, 132, 213,231,312,321 2. An inversion is said to occur in a permutation whenever a larger integer precedes a smaller one. 321 – 3 inversions 32 21 31 213 – one inversion 21 132 – one 32 231 – 2 inversions, 21 31 312 – 2 inversions 31 32 123 – no inversion For example, 123 ← no inversions 1 3 2 ← one inversion.213 - one, 321 - three inversions, 231 - 2 inversions 3. A permutation is said to be even if the total number of inversions is even. It is odd if the total number of inversions is odd. Example: Consider the permutation 5 2 3 4 1. 51,54,53,52,21,41,31 - 7 inversions, odd permutation 4. The determinant of an n × n matrix A is the sum of all signed elementary products of A. Example: 2x2 matrix 𝒂𝟏𝟏 𝒂𝟏𝟐 |A| = |𝒂 | = +𝒂𝟏𝟏 𝒂𝟐𝟐 - 𝒂𝟏𝟐 𝒂𝟐𝟏 𝟐𝟏 𝒂𝟐𝟐 𝒂𝟏𝟏 𝒂𝟐𝟐 - no inversion - even - + 𝒂𝟏𝟐 𝒂𝟐𝟏 - one inversion - odd - - 𝒂𝟏𝟏 |A| = |𝒂𝟐𝟏 𝒂𝟑𝟏 𝒂𝟏𝟐 𝒂𝟐𝟐 𝒂𝟑𝟐 𝒂𝟏𝟑 𝒂𝟐𝟑 | 𝒂𝟑𝟑 123, 321,312,132,231,213 5. If A is a square matrix, then the minor of entry aij is denoted by Mij and is defined to be the determinant of the submatrix that remains after the ith row and j th column are deleted from A. 6. The number (−1)i+jMij is denoted by Cij and is called the cofactor of entry aij . 7. If A is any n × n matrix and Cij is the cofactor of aij , then the matrix is called the matrix of cofactors from A. The transpose of this matrix is called the adjoint of A and is denoted by adj(A). 8. If A is an n × n matrix, then the number obtained by multiplying the entries in any row or column of A by the corresponding cofactors and adding the resulting products is called the determinant of A, and the sums themselves are called cofactor expansions of A. That is, det(A) = a1jC1j + a2jC2j +···+ anjCnj [cofactor expansion along the jth column] and det(A) = ai1Ci1 + ai2Ci2 +···+ ainCin [cofactor expansion along the ith row] Properties of Determinants 1. If A is an n × n matrix, then |AT|=|A|. 2. If a row of A consists entirely of zeros, then |A| = 0. 3. If A contains two rows which are equal, then |A|=0. 4. If A is upper triangular, lower triangular or diagonal, then |A| = a11a22 ··· ann.