SAUDIARAMCO NAME: I DATE: APPROVAL EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-8 1 PURPOSE 4 2 SCOPE 4 3 REFERENCE 4 4 DEFINITIONS 5 5 RESPONSIBILITIES 5 6 ORDER OF PERFORMANCE 6 7 INSTRUMENT CALIBRA TION 6 7.1 Calibration General Requirements 6 7.2 Pressure Reference Instrument 7 7.3 Calibration Procedure ( Pressure Gauges & Pressure Recorders 7 7.4 Calibration Procedure (Relief Valves) 8 7.5 Calibration Documentation 8 8 DESCRIPTION OF TEST SECTIONS 8 9 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 9 TEST PREPARATION 10 10 10.1 Cleaning and Gauging 10 10.2 I Installation of Test Headers 10 10.3 I Line Preparation and Filling Short Sections to be gravity filled Long Sections to be filled with Scrapers 10 10 10 Equipment and Instruments for Hydrostatic Test Pump Station Equipment and Instruments Hydrotest Equipment and Instruments Dewatering Equipment Drying Equipment 12 12 12 12 Pressure Test General Requirements 13 10.3.1 10.3.2 10.4 10.4.1 10.4.2 10.4.3 10.4.4 10.5 1", .,UVI , .JRO TEST PROCEDURES FOR PIPELINE SECTIONS 12 13 11.1 General 13 11.2 Temperature Stabilization 13 11.3 Strength and Tightness Test of Pipeline 14 12 HYDROSTATIC TEST OF ABOVE GROUND PIPING 12.1 General 16 16 EWRB 1-QUAL-HTP-O1 O-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B 12.3 Strength and Tightness Test 13 TEST ACCEPTANCE 14 CALCULATIONS 15 GENERAL 16 17 18 REQUIREMENTS AFTER PRESSURE 16 PROCEDURE FOR LOCA TING AND REPAIRING DURING HYDROSTA TIC TESTING 17 TEST 20 LEAKS OR FAILURE 20 21 DEWA TERING OF PIPELINE SECTIONS 17.1 General 21 17.2 Safety Requirements 17.3 Evaporation Ponds and Disposal Piping 21 21 17.4 Dewatering Procedure 22 17.5 Pipeline Drying After Dewatering 22 18 CALIPER SURVEY 19 INTELLIGENT 20 FINAL PIPELINE DRYING 23 SCRAPING 23 TOOL 24 APPENDIX A -Hydrotest Schedules 25 APPENDIX B -Chemical MSD Sheets 26 APPENDIX C -Hydrotest Drawings APPENDIX D -Safety APPENDIX E -General APPENDIX F -Hydrotest APPENDIX G -Water Instruction Instruction & Equipment Layout Sheets 28 (GI) 29 Waivers Disposal 27 Approval 30 31 Form EWRB1-OUAL-HTP.i)10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B 1 PURPOSE The purpose of this procedure is to define the actions required and responsibilities associated with the cleaning and gauging, filling, pressure testing, dewatering, drying, caliper scraping and intelligent scraping of the newly installed pipeline and piping sections of the 36-inch Rabigh pipeline. 2 SCOPE The scope of this procedure includes the pipeline, short sections of pipe without valves, the scraper launcher station & scraper receiver station and does not include the intermediate mainline valve assemblies. Refer EWRB1-QUAL-VTP-O17 for the mainline valve assembly testing. 3 REFERENCE Hydrotest drawings VA-369070, Hydrotest drawings VA-369071 , Sheet 001 to 004 Hydrotest drawings VA-369072 , Sheet 001 Hydrotest drawings VA-369073, Scope of Work Approved for Rabigh Hydrostatic pipeline Sheet 001 to 002 Sheet 001 pressure testing Test Waivers SIS (Safety Instruction Sheets) EWRB1-QUAL-PQP-001 Project Quality Plan EWRB1-QUAL-PQMP-210 Pressure Testing SAES-A-004 Pressure Testing SAES-A-007 Hydrostatic Fluids and Lay-Up Procedures SAES-L-056 Pressure testing of plant piping & pipelines G.I.2.102 Pressure Testing Safely G.I. 2.1 02-Att-1 Checklist for Pressure Testing Safely G.I.432.000 Pipeline Hydrotest Water Disposal GI 2.100 Work Permit system GI 2.711 Fire and safety Watch SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements SAEP-31 0 Pipeline Repair and Maintenance EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL H~rotest Procedures-Rev-B . 4 DEFINITIONS Hydratest Package: The hydrotest package is a document specific to each hydrostatic test section. The package includes the following. Index Sheet Hydrotest Drawings Hydrotest Schedule Safety Instruction Sheets (SIS Sheets) Pipelog Book / Weld Map NDT Summary Approved Waivers (If applicable) Each hydrostatic test package shall be reviewed approved by SAPMT & P.1.0. prior to conducting and any hydrostatic testing. SIS Sheets 5 Saudi Aramco Safety Instruction Sheets define the pipe and fitting data used in the construction of the pipeline together with initial hydrostatic test pressure and test date. The SIS sheet should be updated with the latest hydrotest data. RESPONSIBILITIES Construction Mgr Construction Manager shall ensure that all personnel involved in pipeline hydrotest activities are aware of the requirements of this procedure and he shall ensure that they are implemented. Hydrotest Supervisor Hydrotest supervisor must follow the requirements of this procedure and the relevant Saudi Aramco standards to ensure that all hydrotest activities are completed as per the requirements of the hydrotest drawings and QC Plan, to the Satisfaction of Saudi Aramco. QA/QC Manager Project QA/QC Manager or QC Supervisor shall monitor all hydrotest activities to ensure that they are performed it accordance with this procedure, hydrotest drawings, QC Plan and Aramco Standards. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-o10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B 6 QC Inspector Witness all hydrotest activities as per the requirements of this procedure, hydrotest drawings, QC Plan and Aramco Standards Technical Clerk He shall file all hydrotest records and maintain status of sections completed and outstanding. ORDER OF PERFORMANCE 1. Perform cleaning and gauging of new pipeline sections requirements of the procedure EWRB-1-QUAL-CAG-O15. as per the 2. Install temporary test headers at the termination points detailed in the relevant hydrotest diagrams. 3. Fill the piping with testing fluid. 5. Perform the pressure test. 6. On completion of pressure test, dewater the piping using scrapers (if used for filling) or by draining (for short sections). 7 Remove the test headers and either tie-in to adjoining section or install temporary headers for drying. 8. Dry pipeline sections to -1 C prior to installation of valve assemblies and tie in to scraper facilities (unless the scraper facilities are used for launching drying scrapers). 7 INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION Calibrate pressure gauges, pressure recorders and pressure relief valves using a laboratory calibrated dead weight-tester ( D.W. T. ). 7.1 Calibration General Requirements The Contractors site personnel shall carry out all on-site calibrations. All instruments that will be used for testing shall be calibrated on site using a laboratory calibrated D.W.T. Calibration shall be witnessed and signed by Saudi Aramco Inspection Representative or Saipem QC Inspector. Calibration for gauges and relief valves shall be recorded on a certificate as well as a sticker/tag to be attached to the instrument. All relief valves shall be set at 105% of strength test pressure. This set pressure shall be valid for both strength test and tightness test. All documentation shall be on site for inspection review. EWRB1-OUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B . Relief valves are to be set no more than one week prior to the test for which they shall be used. Pressure gauge calibrations to be checked no more than one month prior to the test for which they shall be used. Calibration validity of pressure recorder and temperature recorder shall be a maximum of 6 months. 7.2 Pressure Reference Instrument Bench mounted dead weight tester and weights shall be calibrated and certified by a Saudi Aramco approved laboratory, verified by current calibration certificate and attached sticker. The calibration validity shall not exceed 6 months. 7.3 Calibration Procedure ( Pressure Gauges & Pressure Recorders) The dead weight tester (D.W.T.) shall be checked for the correct level position. A bubble level is normally used for this purpose. The equipment to be calibrated shall be installed in or connected to the instrument port of the D.W.T. and tightened into position with the dial or recorder facing the D.W.T. operator. The pressure shall be increased by rotating the hand pump spindle clockwise until 25% of gauge/recorder range has been reached. Meanwhile set the weights on the D.W.T. piston for the required value of pressure. When the piston floats on its column of oil, the precise pressure has been reached. A comparison between the piston weights and gauge/recorder readings indicates the accuracy of the instrument being calibrated. Incremental stages of 25% of instrument scale can then be checked until 100% of scale has been reached. This procedure must then be carried out in reverse order by reducing the instrument readings in 25% divisions. The +/~ accuracy of an instrument can vary slightly between pressure increases and pressure decreases. The pressure differences between dead weight and the instrument being calibrated shall be shown on the calibration sheet as; Correction +/- ( X ) rising Correction +/- ( Y ) falling If the pressure gauge reading is showing a difference of greater than +/- 10psi from the dead weight tester reading for readings up to 1000 psi or 1 % of scale range for readings above 1000 psi, the gauge shall be repaired or rejected. If a pressure recorder varies outside the required accuracy it may be adjusted as follows prior to re-calibration. A pressure corresponding to the upper range of the pressure recorder shall be applied to the recorder and the EWRB1-OUAl-HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B measurement checked against the D.W.T. If necessary, the recorder shall then be adjusted using the linkage adjustment until the reading is correct. Pressure is then reduced to zero and the zero setting checked. Calibration is then carried out in a similar manner as for the pressure gauge. A sticker/tag shall be dated and signed by the Saudi Aramco Representative or Saipem QC Inspector as witness to the correctness of the calibration. This sticker/tag is then to be attached to the instrument. 7.4 Calibration Procedure (Relief Valves) The relief valve shall be mounted on the D.W.T. with the initial setting higher than required. Weights, corresponding to the required pressure relief valve (P.R.V.) setting, shall be placed on D.W.T. piston. Pressure shall be increased on the dead weight tester until piston floats. The screw on the P.R.V. shall then be slowly unscrewed until the discharge port opens and the D.W.T. piston suddenly drops as the D.W.T. hydraulic oil is released through the P.R.V. Lock the adjustment screw on the P.R.V. and close the cap (if fitted). Install a calibration tag on the valve showing opening pressure, re-set date and initials of Saudi Aramco Representative or Saipem QC Inspector 7.5 Calibration Documentation All calibration documentation shall be signed by the calibrating technician and the Saudi Aramco Representative or Saipem QC Inspector. Photocopies of calibration certificates shall be presented to the Saudi Aramco Representative. Original calibration certificates shall be retained by Saipem QA/QC Department for inclusion in completed test packages. 8 DESCRIPTION OF TEST SECTIONS For the purpose of pressure testing, the pipeline sections will be divided into test sections by installing temporary test headers. The new pipeline sections will be filled and tested with seawater from Rabigh. Filling will take place using a pump station between the Marine Terminal and Royal Wharf at Rabigh and water pumped to the end of the pipeline adjoining the AY-1 56" pipeline. Crossovers between temporary test headers will be used to transfer the water. Pipeline sections and piping will be tested to the pressure indicated in the tables shown in Appendix A. Please refer to the Hydrostatic Test Diagrams and Appendix A for the elevation and corresponding pressure of the pipeline ends, high point and low point for each test EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-o10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B section. Test equipment will be located at either end of test section dependent on construction requirements and field constraints. Strength test pressure range is based on pressures corresponding to a maximum stress of 100% SMYS at the section low point and a minimum of 90% SMYS at the section high point. 9 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS It should be noted that the safety of personnel and existing operating plant is of paramount importance at all times. This is especially relevant when conducting operations involving high pressure testing. Therefore, Saudi Aramco Safety Manual (Pressure Testing) instructions requirements of SAES-A-OO4shall be rigidly followed and backed up by the use of common sense. As a general guideline, no one, with the exception of experienced testing personnel, shall be allowed within 3D-meters of any pipe, exposed or otherwise, while under test. The same conditions apply to vehicles. Any work area with operating pumps, compressors, etc. shall be cordoned off with 'Tiger tape' or rope to restrict movement of non-testing personnel. Barriers shall indicate 'Pipe On Test' limits. Warning signs shall be placed in prominent positions, such as exposed pipe sections, test ends indicating "Danger High Pressure Testing" in English and Arabic. Aside from the normally available telephone lines in Saudi Armco facilities along the pipeline route and base radio stations in camp, vehicles with radios will be provided to the testing crew and safety personnel to maintain proper communication during the various phases of the pressure test operation. All personnel who are not engaged in the pressure testing operations shall be kept away from the locations until testing operations have been completed. If required, a night watchman and lighting will be provided for any 24-hour hydrotest. Any permanent flange, fitting or component found to be leaking shall be identified and remedial action taken only after the test section has been depressurized to the head pressure of the liquid. Welding repairs shall be performed only when the section has been de-pressurized to zero and partially or fully dewatered as required for the repair. While the pipe is under pressure, care shall be taken to avoid any kind of impact load applied on the pipe, associated fittings or structures. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-o10-PL H~rotest Procedures-Rev-B 10 TEST PREPARATION Cleaning and Gauging New pipeline sections, a double joint long and smaller (25 meter and smaller), will be flushed with compressed air or water to remove all sand, dirt or construction debris, prior to commencement of pressure testing. If the pipeline section is more than one double joint (25 Meter), then the pipeline section will be cleaned and gauged using brush scrapers and gauging plates prior to hydrotesting. The diameter of the gauging plate shall be 93% of the nominal 10 of the pipe with highest wall thickness. See separate procedure for Cleaning and Gauging, Installation of Test Headers Test headers shall be pressure tested at a minimum of 120% of the pipeline test pressure prior to installation. These shall be welded to the sections to be tested and will generally include scrapers in one or both ends dependant on filling and dewatering directions. Line Preparation and Filling All instruments and equipment that are not included in the test, shall be isolated or removed from the test system, and temporary plugs shall be installed. 10.3.1 Short Sections to be gravity filled For short sections and sections where scrapers will not be used for filling, test water will be introduced into the piping or pipeline section through one of the nozzles on the test header or other convenient filling point. Piping and short sections of pipeline will be filled directly from water tankers. Such water will not be chemically treated unless it is expected to be inside the pipe for more than 2 weeks. Water should, where possible, be filled from the low point with vents open at high points until water exits from the vents which are then progressively closed as water exits. 10.3.2 Long Sections to be filled with Scrapers Long pipeline sections will be filled using scrapers. For sections to be filled with scrapers, a minimum of two bi-directional scrapers shall be back loaded into the filling header. Additional scrapers may be installed as required for dewatering purposes. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B A flushing slug of approximately 100 meters shall be injected ahead of the first filling scraper. This slug shall provide lubrication for the first scraper and facilitate the removal of residual debris from the pipeline by suspension in the flushing water. For the longer sections, the first filling scraper shall be launched with a slug of minimum 200 meters. This may be reduced down to 50 meters for short sections of a few kilometers. The second and last filling scraper shall be launched and propelled the full length of the section by the chemically treated filling water. The addition of an oxygen scavenger to the hydrostatic test water is required where the pipeline contact time with water is likely to exceed 14 days. Prior to the commencement of filling operations, either samples or a detailed chemical analysis of the filling water shall be sent to the company supplying the oxygen scavenger to determine the proper ratio of chemicals to filling water in order to comply with the current Saudi Aramco standards. The mainline sections from Rabigh to the AY-1 56" pipeline will be filled with chemically treated sea water. The only chemical treatment will consist of oxygen scavenger at the recommended dosing. Sufficient oxygen scavenger will be used to maintain a minimum sulfite residual concentration of 20 mg/L after allowing for 10 mg/L per ppm of dissolved oxygen. Typical dosing levels will be around 100 pmm by volume of 30 to 32% Sulphite solution. The proposed oxygen scavenger is Champion CORTRON ARE-1866 ammonium bisulphite as detailed in the attached MSDS or equivalent (as available). Chemicals shall be injected at the discharge location of the filling pumps and the required dosing adjusted by regulating the chemical dosing pump to the filling pump/s flow-meter reading. Water used for initial flushing will not be chemically treated. On receipt of the flushing slug, the water shall either be directed into the next section to act as an additional flushing slug or disposed of as needed. When the first filling scraper arrives, the slug behind it shall either be re-directed into the next section or disposed of as needed. When the second filling scraper arrives, the filling water behind it shall be re-directed into the next section as additional flushing water or for launch of the filling scrapers in that section. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B 10.4 Equipment and Instruments for Hydrostatic Test The following listed equipment is for main line sections and will be scaled down accordingly for smaller sections. 10.4.1 Pump Station Equipment and Instruments Holding Tank, 16 M3 Capacity -3 No (For filling, storage, as required) Suction Pumps -3 No 300 m3/Hr to feed break tanks. 10.4.2 Filling Pumps -3 No 250 M3/Hr at 45 Barg. Filters -2 No Suction and delivery hose -As required Flowmeters -3 No. (Filling) Chemical Injection Pump -2 No. suitably rated Hydrotest Equipment and Instruments Test Cabin -1 No. (For 24 Hr Test) High Pressure Pumps -4 No. 250 bar from 400 It/min. High Pressure Hoses & Fittings As required Pressure Gauges 2 per section Pressure Recorder, 24 Hours 1 per section Temperature Recorder, 24 Hours 1 per section Dead Weight Tester 1 No Relief Valve Set 1 (1.05 x Strength 175 to test pressure) Pipewall Temperature Sensors As Required Ground Temperature Sensors As Required Temperature Sensor Readout unit As Required 10.4.3 Dewatering Equipment High Pressure compressor 5 Nos. 27m3/min @ 27 barg. Low Pressure compressor 4 Nos. 21 m3/min @ 10 barg 10.4.4 Drying Equipment Dessicant Drying Units 2 Nos. 100 m3/min @ 10 barg. EWRB1-OUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B Pressure Test General Requirements Prior to commencing any pressure test, each section shall be visually inspected by hydrotest personnel to ensure that all test limits are in closed position and all valves that are connected to the test instruments are in open position. Areas around test pump and flexible hose shall be cordoned off with barriers and/or warning tape. Warning signs shall be prominently displayed and access denied to all non-essential personnel. The test pump shall be located such that the pump operator shall not be exposed to danger in the event of failure. The pump shall be manned continuously during pressurization. Pressure gauges shall be installed so as to be visible to the operator while operating the pump. Upon completion of the strength and tightness test, the system shall be depressurized at a rate not exceeding 7 bar (100 psig) per minute. The final pressure following depressurization shall remain above the static hydraulic head to avoid vacuum or air pockets. The depressurizing valve and piping shall be arranged for safe discharge of the test water (G.I. 2.102) by connecting a high pressure hose to a valve on test header (such as the 1" valve) and discharging into empty filling water break tanks or disposal pond. 11 HYDRO TEST PROCEDURES 11.1 FOR PIPELINE SECTIONS General Exercise safety precautions as described in Section 9. A steady increase in pressure shall be maintained throughout the time required for reaching the strength test pressure. Testing will normally start from the test section most remote from the water source and working back towards the water source. This is subject to field and schedule constraints. Temperature Stabilization For short lengths of pipe up to approximately 100 meters, no temperature measurements are required and temperature stabilization is not an issue. For long buried test sections, thermocouples (or other more sensitive devices) will be installed as described below and used to determine stabilization. For the pipeline hydrotests between Rabigh and AY-1 56", sufficient number of thermocouples shall be installed to obtain accurate pipe metal temperature measurements. Generally these will be installed at a minimum of three EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B . locations in each test section with a minimum of two required to work during the complete Pressure Test Period. The thermocouples shall be installed as follows: Pipe wall measuring thermocouples shall be attached to the pipewall with adhesive tape at the three 'o'clock or nine 'o'clock position. At the same depth, and approximately 1-meter distance from the pipe, a ground temperature probe shall be installed. These probes shall be back-filled to the normal depth of cover. Water/pipe temperature shall be allowed to stabilize for a minimum period of 24 hours prior to the start of any strength test. On completion of the mandatory 24-hour stabilization period, pipe wall and ground temperature readings shall be taken on a four (4) hour basis. When the average temperature readings of the pipe wall are within 1°C for two consecutive readings, the pipeline section is considered thermally stabilized and pressurization can begin. 11.3 Strength and Tightness Test of Pipeline Unless limited by flanges or valves in the line, hydrostatic strength test pressure for every section of newly constructed pipeline segments shall be calculated to produce a minimum hoop stress of 90% of the SMYS of the pipe material based on the minimum nominal wall thickness. The test pressure at the lowest point of the pipeline, considering the hydrostatic head, shall not result in a hoop stress greater than the SMYS. As test points may be at intermediate vary between these limits. elevations, end point test pressures will The test pressures to be used for each pipeline section are specified in tables in Appendix A. The hydrotest table indicates the following: The Limits of test sections The station, elevation and pressure at the test point limits The station, elevation and pressure at the low point The station, elevation and pressure at the high point The strength test pressure & duration The tightness test pressure & duration EWRB1-QUAL-HTP~10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B . Relief valve set pressure for strength and tightness test. The hydrotest schedule (See Appendix-A) shall be attached to each individual test pack displaying the Test Pressure to be maintained at each end of the section and the calculated test pressure at the highest and lowest elevations. The high-pressure pump station will be placed at a safe distance (typically 15 meters) from one of the test headers. Water, for pressurization, will be taken either from the adjoining section or from water tankers. Each 24-hour tightness test shall be monitored using a dead weight tester with the readings taken at 30-minute intervals, a 24-hour pressure chart, logs of buried pipe and ground temperatures and a 24-hour ambient temperature chart. For shorter duration tests a calibrated pressure gauge is sufficient with readings taken at 15-minute intervals during the test and recorded on the test forms. Prior to start of strength and tightness test, the Saudi Aramco representative shall note start time, date and pipeline section identification number on the chart. The end of test shall be similarly witnessed. Pressurizing shall be carried out at a steady rate not exceeding 2 bar (30 psig) per minute. Upon reaching 50% of the strength test pressure, the pump shall be stopped and the piping checked for leaks. The system shall then be pressurized in steps, no greater than 20% increments of the test pressure. After each pressurizing step, a hold period of 10 minutes duration shall be observed to permit inspection for leaks and weaknesses (G.I. 2.102). Between 90% and 100% of the Strength Test Pressure, care shall be taken to minimize the rate of pressurization. Upon reaching strength test pressure, the pump shall be stopped, isolated, and the test pressure held for a period of 2 hours. Care shall be taken in approaching the section under test and shall only be done by those involved in the pressure testing. Only the temporary equipment such as test headers, valves and manifolds may be approached during the strength test. Immediately after the completion of the strength test, a tightness test shall be conducted at 95% of the strength test pressure. The pressure shall be bled down until at or above 95% of the strength test pressure. The isolation valve between the temporary test piping and the facility or piping under pressure shall be closed and test pump disconnected after the test pressure is reached. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP.Q10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B The operator shall monitor pressure and collect all discharges, which may occur from pressure relief or pressure control valves. All discharged test water shall be collected and measured and used in final calculations. Test records shall be made of each test by entry on the pressure test report. The Hydrotest Supervisor, with assistance from Q.C engineer and Safety Engineer, shall ensure that all activities carried out conform to Saudi Aramco safety requirements, Saipem safety and safe working practices and all guidelines and directives contained in G.I. 2.102. A 24-hour recorded tightness test shall be applied when the pipeline is buried or insulated, or is partially buried or insulated for more than 300 meters or 10% of its total length whichever is less. After completion depressurized. 12 of the tightness test, the pipeline section will be HYDROSTATIC TEST OF ABOVE GROUND PIPING This section describes the hydrotesting of above ground piping such as the scraper station piping. 12.1 General Exercise safety precautions as described in Section 9. Commence filling until air free water comes out at vents. Vents shall be then plugged. A steady increase in pressure shall be maintained throughout the time required for reaching the hydrotest strength test pressure. 12.3 Strength and Tightness Test The high-pressure pump station will be placed at one of the test manifolds. Water, for pressurization, will be taken from the water tankers. Upon reaching 50% of the strength test pressure, the pump shall be stopped and the piping shall be checked for leaks. Upon reaching strength test pressure, the pump shall be stopped. The isolation valve between the temporary test piping and the facility or piping under pressure shall be closed and test pump disconnected after the test pressure is reached. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B The operator shall monitor pressure and collect all discharges, which may occur from pressure relief or pressure control valves. All discharged test water shall be collected and measured and used in final calculations. Test records shall be made of each test by entry on the pressure test report. The Hydrotest Supervisor. with assistance from QC engineer and Safety Engineer, shall ensure that all activities carried out conform to SAUDI ARAMCO safety requirements. Saipem safety and safe working practices and all guidelines and directives contained in G.I. 2.102. Hold the above pressure for 2 hours. Immediately after the completion of the strength test, a tightness test shall be conducted at 95% of the strength test pressure. The tightness test pressure shall be maintained as long as required (Minimum 10 minutes) for the inspector to examine all exposed joints. A 24-hour recorded tightness test shall be applied when the piping is buried or insulated, or is partially buried or insulated for more than 300 m (1000 ft) or 10% of its total length whichever is less. After completion of the tightness test, the piping section will be depressurized. The strength and tightness test will be carried out at pressures stipulated in the hydrotest diagram. The hydrostatic test shall be repeated after the repair of any defects until the system is proved satisfactory. The piping shall be satisfactory if there is no evidence of leakage or pressure loss after the specified test period. After the pressure test is accepted by Saudi Aramco Representative, pressure shall be released at the vents provided. Inspection All vents shall be opened before draining, to prevent formation of vacuum. Test records shall be made of each test by entry on pressure test report. The Hydrotest Foreman and QC Engineer will ensure that all activities carried out conform to the Safety requirements. 13 TEST ACCEPTANCE The tightness test shall be demonstrated to Saudi Aramco satisfaction that there are no leaks in the pipeline or assembly (with the exception of any temporary fittings or materials used for the test). In case that there is a leak in the buried pipeline, the procedure described in the Chapter 16 of this document will be applied. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B The temperature effects will be evaluated only for buried pipe sections requiring a 24hour test. These effects shall be calculated using the formula in Section 14, Calculations, and submitted to SAPMT/Projects Inspection for verification and approval. The test section shall be depressurized awaiting approval unless the approval is available at the time of test. 14 CALCULATIONS The pressure changes due to water temperature changes shall be calculated using the following formula: ilPr = 220 rcw -3Q) /1T ((Olt) + 95) where: = L\Pr = L\T Cw = = = T = 0 t I~ 15.6 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 21.1 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 26.7 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 31.0 pressure variation (Kpa) algebraic difference between water temperature as measured at the beginning and end of test (oc) nominal outside diameter of the pipe (Inch or mm) nominal pipe wall thickness of the pipe (Inch or mm as for 0) water thermal expansion coefficient in function of the water temperature Refer table below. Average of Water Temperatures measured at the beginning and end of test (oc) Cw/oc 153.0 158.0 169.4 180.7 192.1 203.4 214.7 216.0 224.6 234.4 244.1 253.8 263.5 270.0 273.2 283.0 292.7 302.4 312.1 ri:fl39.0 40.0 41.0 42.0 43.0 44.0 45.0 46.0 47.0 48.0 49.0 50.0 51.0 52.0 53.0 54.0 55.0 56.0 57.0 Cw/oc 368.7 375.8 383.0 390.1 397.2 404.4 411.5 418.6 425.7 432.9 440.0 447.1 454.2 461.4 468.5 475.6 482.8 489.9 497.0 EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-Q10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B 32.0 32.2 33.0 34.0 35.0 36.0 37.0 37.8 38.0 '8 321.8 324.0 329.0 335.5 342.0 348.5 355.0 360.0 361.6 59.0 60.0 61.0 62.0 63.0 64.0 65.0 65.6 504.1 511.3 518.4 525.5 532.7 539.8 546.9 554.0 558.0 Due to the weight of water, the pressure at the low point will be higher than the high point. The weight of the water shall be taken in to consideration when reading the pressure at different elevations (including the Dead Wt Tester height relative to the end test header). In case of elevation differences, use the chart below to calculate the pressure. Elevation difference (In meters) e 58.0 Pressure Difference Sea Water (psi) Pressure Difference Fresh Water (psi) 1 1.46 1.45 2 2.93 2.90 3 4.39 4.35 4 5.85 5.80 5 7.32 7.25 6 8.78 8.70 7 10.25 10.15 8 11.71 11.60 9 13.17 13.05 10 14.64 14.50 11 16.10 15.95 12 17.56 17.40 13 19.03 18.85 EWRB 1.QUAL-HTP-o1 O-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B 15 14 20.49 20.30 15 21.95 21.75 16 23.42 23.20 17 24.88 24.65 18 26.34 26.10 19 27.81 27.55 20 29.27 29.00 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AFTER PRESSURE TEST De-pressurize the tested line as required. Where scrapers were used for filling, they will also be used for dewatering, Where scrapers are not used, dewatering shall be done by gravity or by the use of compressed air and a temporary hose connected to low point drains may be used to assist dewatering and disposal of test water. On dewatering completion, all temporary attachments will be removed and test vent/drain points plugged and seal welded unless required for drying. Remove all blind flanges and any other accessories that were installed for testing purposes, from the system. All open ends of pressure tested piping shall be protected by end caps or other suitable means, to prevent contamination. 16 PROCEDURE FOR LOCATING AND REPAIRING LEAKS OR FAILURE DURING HYDROSTATIC TESTING If the pressure test indicates that a leak exists, Saipem shall check all possible sources of leaks by inspecting all valves, flanges, instrument lines, exposed piping and test equipment. A visual inspection, throughout the entire section under test, shall be made to check for any damp patches on the backfill, which may indicate a water leak. Any such areas found shall be exposed and further investigated. For newly installed pipeline sections, if no obvious fault is located, SAPMT shall be informed and SAPMT shall approve further action as stated hereafter. Cut the section, determined to be at fault, in half. This procedure shall be repeated until the fault is isolated or reduced to 500 M. or less. This shall necessitate de-watering, cutting, welding two test ends, refill and re-pressurize each time. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B At this point, the entire faulty section shall be exposed to locate and repair the leak. After repairs are made, refill and restore the pressure to the point at which the pipeline failed or a leak was detected. For existing pipeline sections, SAPMT shall be informed of any leaks and SAPMT shall approve further action. Comprehensive records shall be kept in regard to all work performed in locating and repairing all leaks & failures. 17 DEWATERING OF PIPELINE SECTIONS 17.1 General Upon acceptance of the strength and tightness tests of the respective pipeline sections, the dewatering operations can be carried out in accordance with this section. All dewatering operations shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of "Construction Specifications" and with GI 432.000 "Pipeline Hydrotest Water Disposal". Prior to start any dewatering activities, an inspection shall be made in order to verify that the test sections are ready for dewatering. Install air compressors with sufficient output capacity and connect them to the air inlet either at the scraper trap or at the test header. Ensure that the evaporation pond is ready and discharge piping is connected. Ensure that the required work permits are obtained and posted at the work site. Ensure that all safety precautions are in place as per Section 17.2 of this document. 17.2 Safety Requirements Warning signs shall be installed around scraper trap and test header to keep people away. The area around the scraper trap and test header shall be barricaded with warning tapes. Ensure that all air and water hoses are properly connected, tightened and anchored to prevent whipping prior to starting the compressors. 17.3 Evaporation Ponds and Disposal Piping Temporary marl lined evaporation pond(s) will be constructed to contain the disposal water. Location(s) will be selected based on suitable ground EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-o10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B conditions, elevation relative to adjoining sections, test section terminations and compressor capacity. Possible location is at Km 62.288. A single pond will be required to hold approximately 63,000 cubic metres of water. This is the water from KP 0.15 to KP 100.2. For the water from KP 100.2 to 143.18, totally 27,000 cubic metres, it is proposed to push the water back to the intake point at the Rabigh Refinery. This water has only been treated with oxygen scavenger and the pipe is new. The fill water piping will be converted into discharge piping. The temporary evaporation pond(s) shall be fenced until all water evaporates to prevent animals from drinking the water. 17.4 Dewatering Procedure Dewatering of the pipeline sections from Rabigh to AY-1 56" tie in will be in the direction of the disposal pond(s)/locations. The most remote sections will be dewatered through the next section in the direction of the disposal pond via the bypass piping. During dewatering, backpressure will be maintained as required to retain the hydraulic and compressed air heads. During dewatering, the sections may be sweet water flushed where feasible, with the sweet water retained between two dewatering scrapers. If this is not possible. then sweet water flushing will be carried out following dewatering and prior to drying. Water for sweet water flushing shall have 500 ppm or less dissolved solids. The quantity of water to be used for sweet water flushing shall be a minimum of 2 cubic metres per km of section to be flushed. Where this is performed during dewatering then the total quantity will be used to launch the first scraper and compressed air used to launch the second scraper. Where this is performed after dewatering, 50% will be injected in front of the first scraper, 50% between the first and second scraper and then the second scraper launched with compressed air. 17.5 Pipeline Drying After Dewatering After completion of pipeline dewatering, the hydrotest headers will be cut-off. Smaller sections may be tied in so that the maximum drying length is around 80 km. Temporary launchers and receivers will be installed at the ends of the sections to enable launching and receiving of scrapers for swabbing the pipeline and drying. Absorbing foam scrapers will be propelled by dry compressed air through the section to remove the remaining water in the section. The purpose of this EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O1O-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B swabbing operation is to remove residual water from the pipeline and to spread the water on the surface of the pipe to aid evaporation. The drying operation will be complete when an atmospheric pressure dewpoint of -1 Celsius or lower is achieved at the discharge end and the atmospheric pressure dewpoint following a 24 hour soak test is still-1 Celsius or lower. After completion of drying operations, the pipeline section ends will be tied in to adjoining sections or the ends capped and sealed with a 2" access connection at the end for relief of any residual pressure prior to removal. The above operations shall be performed on sections of the pipeline prior to tie in of block valves and scraper launcher and receiver stations. The purpose of the pipeline drying is for mothballing purposes (using dry air) until the block valves and scraper stations are tied in. e 18 CALIPER SURVEY After all pipeline sections are tested, tied-in and all scraper traps installed, the pipeline will be caliper surveyed to ensure that no pipe defects are present. Prior to the caliper survey, two magnetic scrapers shall be run through the section to remove any residual metallic debris prior to the caliper scraper run. The caliper survey may be carried out in one 'section from permanent permanent receiver using compressed dry air or in two sections temporary launchers and receivers at a central location. launcher to by utilising Initially compressed dry air will be injected into the pipeline section to provide backpressure as required by the Caliper Supplier (typically 3 to 5 barg). The caliper scraper will be calibrated, initiated and then installed in the pipeline. It will be run using dry compressed air while maintaining the required backpressure until the caliper scraper has been received at the opposite end of the section. 8 A caliper survey procedure will be submitted for approval to cover the calibration and interpretation of data for the specific caliper scraper proposed. 19 INTELLIGENT SCRAPING TOOL Following the Caliper Survey, an intelligent Scraping Tool will be run through the pipeline prior to commissioning (unless approval is granted to run after commissioning). The backpressure. propelling medium and any temporary surface contact fluids (if any) will be dependent on the Intelligent Scraping Tool Selection by Saipem and as approved by Saudi Aramco Instrument Scraping Unit. A separate procedure will be submitted for approval to cover the calibration and interpretation of data for the specific intelligent Scraping Tool used. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B 20 FINAL PIPELINE DRYING After successful completion of the caliper scraping and intelligent scraping (unless approval is granted to run after commissioning) operations, the whole pipeline from permanent scraper trap to permanent scraper trap will be dried to -1 degree C, using dry air. This will be carried out from permanent scraper launcher to permanent scraper receiver and may be carried out without any scrapers due to the prior running of the caliper scraper with dry air. The dry air equipment will be most likely be set up at Rabigh. e Drying will be considered accepted when the discharge dewpoint at the end remote from the drying equipment is consistently at or below an atmospheric dewpoint of-1 degree C. '8 EWRB1.QUAL-HTP-C10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B IIJ ~ 0: W ~ I- c. 0 z m e ~ ..J jlt C)I~ .~ C/) ~ ~ I~(ij Zz E Dr 0 I O N IN IN I~ I~ I~ ~0>0>0>-q-0>0>~ ZW ~I ~ I~ o~CX>C')~ C')CX>o-I~ I~ I~ ~I~..I~I co I E ci~~ N~ II) ~~ o "C Q) ..c - t- !Q) 0 0 0 a Q) (\Ii101 LC)OO 00 ~~ ~ ~I.~ a. () Zz cn ~(jj l l!) C\I <D I I (t) 0 0>I~I 0 I~I ~1°' 0; C"! N N N 1l)0)0)0) -q-~~~ --~- C')~ - - - - W a- IO .qo~~~~~~.qo ~~~~~~~~ N.-~'" Q-J a !~ ~ 1..-1 I::~N0> 0) I l() oq~ c.o --l() oq- E II) Q) 0 I- -g. ~u:1 10 I-J c.. :I: ~~ I IE < ~ c z w a. a. < tZ e ~ 1 '~ I ~ ~ U) ~I.~ c.. a. ~~ IE (/) (/) w ~ C> "w ~ 1-1 c.. z ~I > W -I E ~I W ~ cn a. IE ~ ~ I-Z (/)0 ww I-(/) lm lu lc l wl~ I~ I~I() It> It> It> I()I()It>Ln q c. ~ ~ q ~ ~ APPENDIX B -Chemical MSD Sheets Oxvaen Scavenaer Attached are the Material Safety Data Sheets for Champion CORTRON ARE1866 oxygen scavenger, an ammonium bisulphite solution. EWRB1-QUAL-HTP-O10-PL Hydrotest Procedures-Rev-B MSDS:ARE-1866 APRroved by: JS Issued date:12j27j98 Revision C:AHj4j20jOO ~~ Champion Arabia,Co.Ltd. COOYTYftedTo SECTION Improvement I-PRODUCT CODE CORTRON ARE-1866 CHAMPIONARABI Shutdown and isolations shall be performed by Rabigh Refinery Operations where existing piping sections where tie-ins are to be done are presently in service. Saipem will be responsible for the necessary and timely coordination with Rabigh Refinery Operations for the purpose of understanding and defining the shutdown plan for the concerned facilities. Saipem will furthermore check to ensure that positive isolations have been properly performed and valves that are required to be closed are locked & tagged in accordance with G16.012ALTD. P.O. BOX3254 AL-KHOBAR31952 Emergency PhoneNo: 812-2100 SAUDIARABIA ProductName: CORTRON ARE -1866 ChemicalFamily: AMMONIUM BISULFITE CASNo.: Proprietary SECTION II -HAZA~US Formula: Proprietary Issueddate: 2-20-99 Prepared by:JS(dist64) INGREDIENTS HazardsComponents CASNo. SULFITE 10192-30-0 WTO/o OSHA(PEL) 30 -32% ND # Denotesa chemicalsubjectto the reporting requirementof SARA Title III section313 of page 1986and 40 CFR part372. SARA Title III HazardCategories:1 SECTION III -PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point Op Vapor Pressure(mm Hg) Vapor Density (Air=l) ND ND ND pH 4.0 -6.0 Solubility In Water: Soluble AppearanceAnd Odor: Yellow liquid with ammoniaodor Flash Point, Op& Method: Flammable Limits: LEL% UEL% >200 (PMCC) Basedon : NA NA NA Fire Hazards: This product may burn, but does not rea~ily ignite. ExtinguishingMedia: Specific Gravity @ 60 of 1.200:t0.03 EvaporationRate (butyl acetate=1) Viscosity, cst @ 100 of ND 1-15 l 2 MSDS:ARE-1866 Diy cherirical,CO2, water sprayor regularfoam. Move containerfrom fire areaif you can do it without risk. Apply cooling water to sidesof containersthat are exposedto flames until well after fire is out. Stayaway from endsof containers. Abbreviations: Conditionsto avoid: Open flames,sparks Incompatibility ( materialsto avoid) Strongalkalies oxidizers HazardousDecompositionI by products: Oxidesof nitrogen & sulfur HazardousPolymerization: Will not occur HazardRating Scale: HEALTH: (4=severe, SECTION VI -REAcrIVITY 2 3= serious, FIRE: 0 2= moderate, REACTIVITY: 0 = slight, 0= minimal) DATA PRIMARY ROUTESOF ENTRY: x Inhalation: Absorption: x Ingestion: x Injection: NA HEALm HAZARDS: May be hazardousif inhaled,ingestedor absorbedthroughthe skin. Corrosiveto tissue. Direct contact with eyesand skin may cause severedamageandbums. Vapors or mists maycauseirritation of mucousmembranes. EMERGENCY & FIRST AID PROCEDURES: In caseof Eye contact immediately flush with running water for at least 15 minutes. For SKIN contact, wash with soapand water, removing clothing if contaminated.In casesof where this product has been INHALED, victim should be removedto fresh air and given artificial respiration. If breathingis difficult, oxygen may be given by qualified personnel.In caseof taken internally, DO NOT induce vomiting. Give large amount of water or milk to drink. Obtain medical attention. ALWAYS LAUNDER CLOTHING BEFORE REWEARING. IF CONDITIONS PERSIST.SEEK MEDICAL ATfENTION. Carcinogenicity?NO NTP/NO IARC-Monograph? ND OSHARegulated? NO STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OF SPILLED: Do not touch or walk through spilled material, stop leak if you can do it without risk. Take up with sand or othernon-combustible absorbentmaterialandplace in a containerfor later disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL MEmOD: Contactan BPA or StateApproved DisposalFacility. MSDS:ARE-1866 Approved by: JS issued date:12/27/98 Revision C:AH/4/20/00 RespiratoryProtection: Ventilation: Local Exhaust GeneralExhaust: Special: Protective Gloves: Eye Protection: Other ProtectiveEquipment: Work / Hygienic Practices: SECTION IX -SHIPPING Use NIOSH APPROVED RESPIRATORif PEL is exceeded. Recommended Recommended Enteringtanks or cleaning up spills; Use SCBA Neopreneor latex rubber Chemicalsafetygoggles Eyewashstations,ample water supply,s~owers. Clean up spills promptly, washcontaminatedclothings. DATA Hazard Classification: 8 Label Required: Corrosive Proper Shipping Name: DOT ER Guide No.: 60 UN/NANo.: UN-2693 Bisulfites, AqueousSolutions,N.O.S., 8 UN 2693 , PGl11 (AMMONIUM BISULFITE) DOT RQ in pounds 8,333 DOT RQ in gallons 770 FlashPoint, of >200 pH: 4.0-6.0 Pkg.Group:m IMDGpg.No.: 8126 Prepared by: IS (basedon CfI MSDS)2/20/99 The infonnation containedhereinis basedon dataconsideredaccurate. Howeverno warrantyexpressedor implied, is given regardingthe accuracyof this dataor the resultsto be obtained from the usethereof. APPENDIX C -Hydrotest Drawings & Equipment Layout VA-369070 Sheet 001 VA-369070 Sheet 002 VA-369071 Sheet 001 VA-369071 Sheet 002 VA-369071 Sheet 003 VA-369071 Sheet 004 VA-369072 Sheet 001 VA-369073 Sheet 001 Equipment Layout EWRB1.QUAL.HTP-O10-PL Hydratest Procedures-Rev-B