Annex 1c to DepEd Order No. 42 , s. 2016 GRADE 1 to 12 DAILY LESSON LOG School Teacher Grade Level Learning Area Quarter Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 1 I. OBJECTIVES VII Mathematics First DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures exercises, and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using F support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Week guides. A. Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of key concepts of sets and the real number system. B. Performance Standard The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving sets and real numbers and solve these in a variety of strategies C. Learning Competency/Objectives Write the LC code for each. Describe and illustrate well-defined sets. M7NS-1a-1 Determine the Illustrate union and intersection of number of subsets of sets a given set M7NS-1a-2 M7NS-1a-1 Numbers and Number Sense Numbers and Number Sense II. Find the complement of a given set M7NS-1a-2 CONTENT Numbers and Number Sense Number and Num III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide pages 1-2 2-3 5-11 12-13 2. Learner’s Materials pages 1–2 2-3 5-8 9-10 Page 1 of 2 Annex 1c to DepEd Order No. 42 , s. 2016 3. Textbook pages Understanding Mathematics 7 Pages 3 - 7 Understanding Mathematics, pages 10 - 12 Understanding mathematicsGeometry Understanding Mathematics , pages Pages 18 - 21 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR)portal B. Other Learning Resource IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson DLP Learning Activity sheet No. 1 DLP Learning DLP Learning Activity Sheet No. 3 DLP Learning Activity Sheet No. 4 Activity Sheet No. 2 These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be g you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Look at the object below Recall on sets Observe the given illustrattion and answer the question below. Recall sets, universal set, empty set that follows. sets, cardinality of sets. How can you group the objects given? Name each groups. How many groups can you form? Is there an object that belongs to more than one group? What are those objects? What do you call now these groups of objects you`ve formed? How many elements are there in set A? Set B? How many elements are ther in set C? and D? How many elements are in the union of A and B? How many elements are there in the union of C and D? Page 2 of 2 Annex 1c to DepEd Order No. 42 , s. 2016 B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson What is a set? What do you call each object in a set? What is a welldefined set? C. Presenting examples/Instances of the new lesson Example of well-defined set {a subject in math 7} Reason: beacause it is clear that the subject is taught in grade 7 Example of not welldefined set {aAgood = {1,singer} 2, 3, 4} and Which of the following shows the intersection of set A and set B? How many elements are there in the intersection of A ? Suppose A is a set Let us study another set, which is the and B is a set that is union and intersections of sets formed only the elements of A (that is B can be formed entirely by including /excluding of A). What can you say about these two sets? Can you find any relationship between sets A and B? Example: Example . Let A = { a , b , c } and let Let N = {Mae , B = { c , d , e} Lars , Candy } The union of set A and B, written in List all the subsets AUB={a,b,c, d,e} of T. The union of two sets is the sets 1.{ } – This set is which consists of all elements that known as the belong to both. empty set. The intersection of A and B is c. 2.{Mae} A ∩ B = {3 } 3.{Larry} The intersection of two sets is the set 4.{Candy} of elements which are in both sets. We will tackle operation on sets an complement of a set. Examples:1. Let U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 4, 6, 8}. Then the elements of A’ are the ele found in A. Therefore, A’ = {1, 3 2. Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, A = {2, 4 B = {1, 5}. Then, A’ = {1, 3, 5} B’ = {2, 3, 4} A’ B’ = {1, 2, 3, 4 3. Let U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, B = {3, 4, 7, 8}. Then, A’ = {5, 6, 7, 8} B’ = {1, 2, Page 3 of 2 Annex 1c to DepEd Order No. 42 , s. 2016 Reason: some people may consider a singer is good while the others may not. 5.{Mae , Lars} 6.{Mae , Candy} 7.{Lars, Candy} 8.{Mae , Lars , Candy} Teacher will give more examples for further discussion. A’∩B’ = {5, 6} Let U = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, A = {5, 7, 9 Then A∩ B = {5, 7, 9} (A∩ B)’ D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 1 What are different ways of writing set? How do you write cardinality of a set? How to find the union of a given pair of sets How to find the intersection of a given pair of sets? How to describe and define the com it relates to the universal set, U and E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills # 2 Write the following in rule method or set-builder notation and find its cardinality. 1. {1, 3, 5, . . . , 39} 2. the positive integers greater than 8 Write the following in roster method. 1. the five sense organs of the body How many subsets in set N? How to determine the number of subsets? Supposed A is a subset of B , but A is not equal to B. Can you find any relationship between sets A and B? What is a proper subset? improper subset? How do we denote proper subset and improper subset? A moment ago, we listed all the subsets of the set { Mae, Lars , Candy} Ask. Which of these are also proper subsets of {Mae , Lars , Candy} Page 4 of 2 Annex 1c to DepEd Order No. 42 , s. 2016 F. Developing mastery (leads to Formative Assessment 3) 2. {x/x is an integer , 5≤ x ≤ 12} Let A = {x/x is a whole number less than or equal to 10} Classify each statement as TRUE or FALSE. 1. n(A) =10 2. 0 €A 3. 10 €A 4. 5 € A 5. -5 €A Determine the number of subsets and list down all of them. 1. {a , b , c } 2. {2 , 4 , 6 , 8 } 3. { 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 , 5} Given the following sets A = { 0 , 1 , 2,3,4} B={0,2,4,6,8} Determine the elements of the following: 1. AUB 2. A ∩ B 3. A U B U C ( A U B) ∩ C G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily living. H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson I. Evaluating learning Can you cite example on the usage of sets in your daily life? Example: our bag , notebooks are keep in a partition and all text books in another partition. Why is it important to identify and recognize the related terms in set? What is a well-defined set? ways in writing set? cardinality of set? Can you give a pattern on how to find the number of subsets in a given set? Differentiate proper subset and improper subset. Compare and contrast union and intersection of sets How to find the complement of a se How to determine the elements that belong to the union and intersection of sets.? Refer to Learning Activity Sheet N J. Additional activities for application or remediation Page 5 of 2 Annex 1c to DepEd Order No. 42 , s. 2016 V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What el help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions. A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 80% C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Page 6 of 2