Uploaded by Max Gee

Paul Blart's Mall Cafe WHS Induction

Max Gee
Welcome to Paul Blart's Mall Cafe! As a new employee, it's essential that you understand our
commitment to health and safety in the workplace. We want to make sure that you stay safe and
healthy while working with us. That's why we have prepared this Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)
induction. This induction will provide you with information on our workplace's health and safety
policies, procedures, and practices. We ask that you read this induction carefully and ask any
questions you may have.
Commented [HS(2]: Remove the space before this
Commented [HS(3]: Link to employer, employees and
Commented [HS(4]: Please justify the formatting of your
work. CTRL A and then select where all the lines are even.
Select narrow margins in layout and avoid excess spacing in
your document.
WHS Legislation:
Firstly, it's important to understand that we operate under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011
(WHS Act) and its regulations. This legislation outlines the legal responsibilities of both the employer
and employee in creating and maintaining a safe work environment. It's important to note that
breaching these laws can result in significant penalties.
Standard operation procedures (SOP):
At Paul Blart's Mall Cafe, we have established safe work practices that are designed to minimize the
risk of injury or illness (SOP). These practices include maintaining a clean and tidy workspace,
wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and following correct manual handling
Commented [HS(5]: These are referred to as standard
operating procedures or SOPs.
How to Use Special Equipment:
If you are required to use special equipment, such as a coffee machine or deep fryer, it's essential
that you receive specific training on how to use it safely. Always follow the manufacturer's
instructions and ensure that the equipment is regularly maintained and checked for faults.
Commented [HS(6]: Don’t forget PPEs and safety
Hazards and Risks:
It's important to be aware of hazards and risks in the workplace to prevent accidents or injuries.
Hazards can include slippery floors, sharp knives, and hot surfaces, while risks can include stress,
fatigue, and repetitive strain injuries. It's important to report any hazards or risks to your supervisor
Everybody's Rights to a Safe Workplace:
Commented [HS(7]: A sample reporting document would
be a good inclusion.
We believe that everybody has the right to a safe workplace, regardless of their role or position. As
an employee, you have the right to work in an environment that is free from hazards and risks that
may cause harm to your health or wellbeing. We encourage you to report any concerns you may
have about your workplace's safety to your supervisor, Through a workplace hazard form.
Commented [HS(8]: What format is required for
Workplace Health and Safety Report Form
Date of Report:
Reported By:
Supervisor Notified:
Type of Hazard or Incident:
Location of Hazard or Incident:
Description of Hazard or Incident:
Actions Taken:
Date of Follow-up:
Follow-up Actions Taken:
Reported By (Follow-up):
Responsibilities to Work Safely at All Times:
It's your responsibility to work safely at all times and to take reasonable care for your own health and
safety and that of others around you. This includes following safe work practices, wearing
appropriate PPE, and reporting any accidents, incidents, or hazards to your supervisor.
Work Health and Safety Act 2011: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/C2019C00140
Safe Work Australia: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/
Commented [HS(9]: Reference list / bibliography,
diagrams or info graphs to support and your trainee sign off
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Induction Template:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidelines: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/covid-19information-workplaces/industry-information/general-industry-information/personal-protective
Manual Handling Guidelines: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/manual-handling-guidelines
Workplace Hazard Form Template: https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/workplace-hazardreport-form-template