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IoT Based Anesthesia Injector Research Article

ISSN 2321 3361 © 2020 IJESC
Research Article
Volume 10 Issue No.3
IoT Based Anaesthesia Injector
Ramya.T1, Shajugeorge. B 2
B.E Student1, 2
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Agni College of Technology, Chennai, India
The objective of our project is to make the alert message send through IOT module, In the hospital the patient should be in anaesthetic
condition during operation suppose the operation is lasts for a long time 4to5 hours, complete dose of anaesthesia cannot be
administered in a single stroke it may be lead to a patient death or unconsciousness if the lower amount of anaesthesia is given to the
patient the patient is wakeup in half of the operation to avoid this, the anesthetic administer few millimeter of anesthesia per hour to the
patient. if the anaesthetist fails to administer the anaesthesia to the patient at the particular time interval, other allied problems may arise.
To avoid this we design an IOT based anaesthesia injector based on an arduino controller. The anesthetist can set a level of anaesthesia
in terms of milliliter per hour to administer anaesthesia to the patient with the help of keypad. If the level of anaesthesia is decreased to
lower level, the alert message send though IoT module.
Keywords: At present anesthetist controlled manual operation is employed, which may cause many difficulties such as, Level of
anesthesia may get varied and there is a chance of getting side effects in future. If suppose the anesthetist fails to administer the level of
anesthesia during the predetermined period, the patient may be disturbed during the operation. Other systems developed to administer
anesthesia operates by sensing the consciousness level of the patient and not by measuring his overall body conditions. Embedded
systems are used in many applications in medical field for controlling various biomedical parameters and monitoring biomedical
signals. In this design, a microcontroller is used for controlling the anesthesia machine automatically, depending upon the various
biomedical parameters such as body temperature, heart rate, respiration rate, etc. Major operations are performed to remove or
reconstruct the infected parts in the human body. These operations lead to blood loss and pain. Therefore it is necessary to arrest the pain
and the blood loss. Anesthesia plays important role in the part of painkilling. Hence, anesthesia is very essential in performing painless
surgery. By using the keypad provided along with the Microcontroller, the anesthetist can set the level of anesthesia to be administered
to the patient in terms of millilitres per hour (1ml to 1000ml). After receiving level from the keypad, the Microcontroller sets the system
to administer anesthesia to the prescribed level. It then analyses various bio-medical parameters obtained from the sensors to determine
the direction of rotation of the stepper motor.
A patient must be anesthetieze before any major surgery by the
doctors to start the surgical procedure. in case of major surgeries
which could take up to 4 or 5 hours, the complete dosage of
anasthesia could not be administered in single dose of patient.
since excess dose may case critical condition to the patient which
could lead to permanent unconsciousness. to overcome this
problem, the anesthetist need to designed automatic direction of
anaesthesia is very much essential to carry out painless surgery so
an automatic direction of anaesthesia is essential for a successful
surgery. at patient in clinical practices an anaesthetist employs
manual system of anaesthesia administration to the patient. this
may originate may complexities such as, dose of anaesthesia
getting varied and chances of getting adverse side effects in future
life. Moreover anaesthetist may fail to administer the accurate
dose of anaesthesia for the period of the predestined time which
might to disturbed the patient during surgical procedure. These
anaesthetic processes are requiring and require keen attention of
the anaesthetist is always human errors. The incidence of error
is drastically reduced due to automatic mechanism of drug
administration. In this context there is a need to automate the
processes related to anaesthesia to minimize human error,
disturbance from routine repetitive activities could be minimized
and anaesthetist may have more time to take direct care to patient.
IJESC, March 2020
Nowadays embedded system is used in many applications in
medical industries to control various biological and biomedical
parameters. Microcontroller is used to regulate the anaesthesia
mechine automatically depending upon the various clinical
parameters such as body temperature, heart rate and respiration.
The system investigates various clinical parameters obtained
from the sensors to decide the direction of rotation of the DC
motor. the rotary motion of the DC motor initiate the infusion
pump to move in forward and backward direction and the
anaesthesia supplied in the syringe is injected to patient's body.
Embedded based systems are applied in many applications in
medical field for controlling various biomedical signals,
biomedical parameters and monitoring patient's health. In the
present design, arduino-controller is used to control the
anaesthesia machine, based upon the diverse biomedical
parameters such as heart rate, body temperature, respiration rate
etc., The main of the system is to control the drug injection speed
depend upon the patient's state during the surgical procedure. the
main reason for administration of anaesthesia is to relive the
anaesthesiologist so that they can dedicate their attention to other
tasks as well fluid balance, ventilation, drug application etc thus
to increase the patient's safety. The dosage given manually by
doctors at times may vary from its standard value and result in ill
effect on the patient. In order to achieve efficient injection of
anaesthesia by automatic anaesthesia controller, the heart beat
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sensor play an important role which takes into account the heart
rate of the patient and inject anasthesia accordingly reducing the
work of the doctors.
To gain wide knowledge in embedded systems, which makes it to
work very compactly.
A working model of anaesthesia injector used for a patient
during the surgery.
Manually operates the valve for dose of anaesthesia
To deliver accurate amount of dosage to the patient
automatically by monitoring the vital parameters which will
avoid over dosage and its side effects.
If the operation timing is too long, suppose for 5 hours, complete
dose of anaesthesia cannot be administered in a single stroke. It
may leads to the patient's death.
The rotation of the stepper motor causes the Infusion Pump to
move in forward or in a backward direction and the anesthesia
provided in the syringe is injected into the body of the patient.
If the level of anesthesia is decreased to lower level then the set
value, the alarm gets activated to alert the anesthetist to refill the
anesthesia in the syringe pump to continue the process. In this
design, A program is required which when burnt into the EPROM
will operate with the AT 89C51 to do the function of monitoring
the bio-medical parameters.
The program answers the following requirements:
To read the input from the keypad provided with the
IJESC, March 2020
To activate the internal timer and enable it to interrupt the AT
89C51 whenever the timer overflows.
To read the parameters such as heart rate, respiration, body
temperature once in every specified interval.
To check for the correctness of the parameters value and activate
the alarm set with the system when the level of Anesthesia goes
To calculate the stepper motor movement (increase the speed or
decrease the speed) with the parameters provided by the Sensors.
Continue the above until switched OFF or RESET. the total
timing and opposite flow of blood will also be detected by using
Micro Controller.
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The project provides a means of automating the anesthesia
injection process by using syringe mechanism and the infusion set
mechanism. The proposed system shows a working prototype of
anesthesia administration system. Also, the system consists of a
database which contains the drug dosage value for different
modes of surgery. By introducing different modes of operation
namely the induction phase and the maintenance phase, the
various stages of the surgery are accounted for. By automating the
induction process, the system plays a very important role of
assisting the anesthesiologist thereby reducing the risk of
anesthesia overdose. The user interface provides an easy way of
interaction for the user. The database developed is easily scalable
and can include more surgeries. The patient health monitoring
feature is also included within the system which involves storing
the vital parameters of the patient in a spreadsheet file. This later
assists in the report generation and analysis. Future improvements
include using a wireless mode of communication such as Zigbee,
GSM to transmit the sensor values. Also by introducing more
intelligence into the system, the system can be made autonomous.
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IJESC, March 2020
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