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Ethics, Law & Tech Lecture Notes

– Utilitarianism - John Stuart Mill
– Deontological - Immanuel Kant
– Natural Right - John Locke - if both parties agree then ethical, negative right (your liberties), positive right (provided
– Society view : doing one’s work honestly and ethically
Privacy cases: 1934 Communications Act: Prohibited interception of messages unless authorized by sender
1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act : Allowed wiretapping and electronic surveillance
1974 Privacy Act : Fed publish notice of record systems, Allow people to access their record,Prohibit disclosure without person's consent
1986 Electronic Communications Privacy Act : Extended 1968 with electronic communications,Restricts government from accessing email ,Law enforcement can get header info of communication
1994 The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, Require telecommunications to be designed for government to intercept,FCC
COPPA – Children's Online Privacy Protection Act ,Website parental permission to collect under 13 years old Unexpected consequences
2001 Patriot Act: Gov can access personal info without court order
1928 Olmsted v United States: Wiretapping is not unconstitutional ,Forth amendment don't apply to convos
1934 Communications Act
1937 Nordone v United States Supreme count said wiretapping violated the law Law enforcement still continued
1967 Katz v United States,Reversed Olmsted vs United States,Fourth applys to convos,Protect people not places
1976 United States and Miller ,No privacy if info was shared,Counts use this today
2001 Kyllo vs United States:Cannot use thermal imaging devices to search home without warrant
2012 US vs Jones :Police need search warrant for GPS tracking
2014 Riley vs Cali: Police cannot search content of phone without warrant \
Warren and Brandeis : Right to prohibit publication of public info ,Some actions violate no other rights expect privacy,
Concerns with protect privacy more
Judith Jarvis Thomson : A violation of privacy is always coupled with a violation of some other right. You may waive your
property rights, intentionally or inadvertently
Google AI issues : scam center can use it to fake, used to DDOS a restaurant, can’t deal with unique situation
Ad blockers : Rawl’s unethical, stop being free, poor families must paid, help keep things free
Uber drivers employee or contractor : Uber vs Labor Union (London, UK) two uber drivers sued Uber arguing that they should
Be employees and get benefits.
Uber loses this U.K court fight and so Uber considers them employee
France, Uber drivers are considered employees
California AB5 (Assembly Bill 5), Ruled in August 10, 2020 that Uber drivers are employees, taken down by prop 22, still
Challenged and decision yet to come
Taxi vs Uber : Uber, Lyft to limit size of fleet in NYC, Uber pulled out of Denmark and had 2,000 employees.
Canada : uber said it will suspend operation in Quebec if auth pass law to say driver need background check and 35h training
AirBnB vs Hotels : some cities and states restrict max number of nights you can rent or min of nights you must rent due to
Competition with hotels.
DMCA = Digital Millennium Copyright act in 1998 : amend title 17, extend copyright to online material
Provisions : Safe Harbor, limited liability of online service providers, Anti Circumvention which criminalized tech devices that
Circumvent access to copyrighted material.
Anonymity : express / publish info privately like Edward Showden (whistleblower) and Wikileaks,
also Clearview AI will not store data about us
Anonymity : hard to find criminals like “swatting”, dangerous prank of calling false emergency and law enforcement, also
Online harassment like the one with Lori Drew
Net Neutrality : ensure ISP enables access to all resources equally and non discriminatory. So net neutralist do not believe in
Free market
Cambridge Analytica and Facebook : Cambridge bought data from Facebook in 2018 scandal, used data to target political
advertising during the 2016 political campaign. May have impacted the US election and a massive breach of privacy.
PRISM : secret surveillance program operated by the NSA that was exposed by Edward Showden in 2013. PRISM was a
Mass collection of electronic communications data, email, text from Google, Facebook, Microsoft, to find potential national
Security threats. And spy on foreign leaders
Edward Showden : An American that leaked highly classified information from the NSA and PRISM in 2013
Facebook v Power Ventures : power ventures to collect data from Facebook, ruled in favor of Facebook
CALEA (1994) : ensure gov can intercept telephone calls, add backdoors,
USA Patriot Act (2001) : amended CFAA, increased penalty, allows gov to monitor online activity of suspected hackers.
Intellectual property :
Copyright: books, articles, plays, songs, art, software (author life + 70 years) US copyright law title 17
Patent and trademark : software based inventions
Fair use : use to contribute to creation of new work not likely to deprive of authors income, teaching, research, news ..
Computers and Crimes :
CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1984) : illegal to access without authorization, exceed one's auth, read/copy/mod
Aaron Schwartz:
Lori Drew:
US v Nosal: David Nosal, former Korn emp in SF, obtained proprietary information, prosec : logged on network from another
Individuals laptop “acted without authorization”, Defense : federal crime for something that is just a violation of company
Convicted and tried to appeal to the Ninth Circuit. 1st in july 5 2016 2-1 and Ninth clarified the CFAA. 1y and 1d prison
Workplace monitoring :
Telecommuting : working from home,
Offshoring : basing company processes like jobs overseas to take advantage of cost, tax, minimum wage, etc.
Shared Economy : matches people how desire goods and services to those who want to sell. Mainly PtoP, Ex. Airbnb
Parked cars for rent, physical assets as services. YOU DON”T NEED TO OWN EVERYTHING.
On-demand services : quick delivery of various products and services, Netflix, Amazon
Gig : Independent contract based work, Uber Lyft
ECPA (Electronic Communications Privacy Act) : bans reading of emails without court order, bans excludes companies
Reading Email from their own systems. Anything sent over a company email system is up for grabs,
Controlling technology (DEEP FAKE, AI, TECH):
Self-Policing : People and companies provide the fact-checking and ensure the accuracy
Digital Divide : some people have access to modern information technology while others do not
Neo Luddism : Don’t want technology, Computer cause massive unemployment and deskilling of jobs, Computers are not
An essential need, computers cause social inequity, computers cause social disintegration and isolation, computers benefit
Big business and government, develop poor social skills, computers solve little to none real human problems.
Errors and Failures: Minor error : # on insta redirect to wrong #, GPS system drives someone to a lake.
Failures not ethical : Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, two airline crashes, first on Oct 29, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 in Indonesia,
Second on March 10, 2019, Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 in Ethiopia, 346 lives lost. Issue was MCAS (Maneuvering
Characteristic Augmentation System), kept pointing plane down, no control. Because a bigger engine needed MCAS to help.
FAA, overlooked certification process of Boeing, for fuel efficiency and money, no training (didn’t know MCAS),
did not test enough. FAA overlook because Boeing American and rival was Airbus, European aerospace manufacturer,
Errors not bad : pennsylvania women stunned by 284 billion dollar electric bill, or insurance rate of 101 y/o man tripled
Because the program only handled 100 accidentally treated him as a teen.
A family harassed and threatened after state post address in sex offender registry even tho the offender moved.
Individual reason for error : insufficient testing, complexities of programming, large amount of data, automate processes
Can’t handle special cases.
System failures: lack of plan for security, insufficient testing and training Ex. 1986 space shuttle challenger explosion, Ariane
Healthcare.gov, launch website as part of ACA (affordable care act), also known as Obamacare, website was a portal to
Enroll but oct 1, 2013, glitches and issues from high volume caused frustration.
Ford Pinto : car produced by Ford Motor in the 1970s, issue with design of fuel tank. It was vulnerable to rupturing in read end
Collisions that could result in fire and explosion. It was to save money so it was unethical. Profit over safety. All because Japan
Was winning in car manufacturing just like in Boeing 737 Max with Airbus.
New design/test in 1972 to withstand 20mph and 1973 would be 30mph.
Pinto wanted to release it by 1971 to dodge it and save money, more cost effective. It saved $5 to $8 for each vehicle. Internal
Document release revealed Ford did a cost/benefit analysis. Several hundred fatalities, 95% would survive.
Therac -25 : An equipment with laser to kill cancer cells, computer controlled but failed and radiation poisoning to patients that
Died. It was a software and hardware issue, lack of testing. Issue was software with a race condition caused to which to
High-powered megavolt (MV).
Safety Critical System: A system whose failure would result in injury/loss of life
Software Engineering Institute and computer security organization CERT developed detailed coding standards.
Agile development : constant client interaction, daily team meetings
User stories: each unit of functionality should be testable, clear error messages
IV&V: Independent verification and validation, separate testing teams.
Challenger space shuttle : Burning gasses leaked from rocket after launch, night before engineers argued for delay, they knew
The cold weather would pose a severe threat to the shuttle.
Columbia space shuttle : A large piece of foam dislodged and struck the wing of the columbia space shuttle, NASA knew but
Though it was fine cuz it happened before. Exploded when reentering earth’s atmosphere at end of mission.
Guideline/principle for good systems : test system, include users in design and test, add default settings, redundancy and self
Legacy systems : Old applications, form of technology that is still used, out of date, not updated
Legacy System not updated reasons : Constant need for the system, cost too high to renovate, training new software is high
The old designer of the system has left, if it works don’t break it.
Dependence on computers : Elderly woman lay dead in Rotterdam home for 10 years, all bills paid automatically, automatic
Pension checks, similar case : Joyce Vincent, London 2 years