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Famous Person Speech: Lesson Plan & Vocabulary

A Famous Person
(план ответа, полезные выражения)
1. Say who you are going to speak about.
I’m going to speak about John Thomas Smith.
The person I’m going to speak about is John Thomas Smith.
Charismatic — харизматичный
a writer
1. Old English (Anglo-Saxon) Period
Creative — творческий.
a poet
Eminent — выдающийся, знаменитый.
a journalist
2. Middle English Period (1066–1500)
Famous — известный, знаменитый.
a diarist
3. The Renaissance (1500–1660)
Graceful — грациозный.
a novelist
4. The Neoclassical Period (1600–1785)
Honorable — уважаемый, почтенный.
5. The Romantic Period (1785–1832)
Illustrious — известный, знаменитый,
6. The Victorian Period (1832–1901)
7. The Edwardian Period (1901–1914)
Innovative — новаторский.
8. The Georgian Period (1910–1936)
Inspiring — вдохновляющий.
9. The Modern Period (1914–?)
Intelligent — образованный, умный.
10. The Postmodern Period (1945–?)
Legendary — легендарный.
Notable — замечательный, выдающийся.
Notorious — пользующийся дурной славой.
Outstanding — выдающийся, знаменитый.
Passionate — увлеченный.
Prominent — известный, выдающийся.
Prodigious — гениальный.
Remarkable —
Renowned — прославленный, известный.
Talented — талантливый.
Well-known — известный, знаменитый,
2. Say where and when this person was born, who his parents were (are), what family he grew up in, where
and how he spent his childhood.
1. He/ She was born in (place) on (date).
He was born in the state of Kentucky (the USA) on the 12th of February in 1809.
в Москве – in Moscow
в городе Москве — in the city of Moscow
He/ She grew up in a …. (big/ extended, small, united, friendly) family.
He /She spent his/her childhood in …. (his/her home town)/ in the town/village of (name).
3. Speak about his education.
1) He/ She began going to school at the age of…..
2) He/ She got a ….( good, poor, home) education.
4. Say how he studied at school, what subjects he was interested in.
1) He/ She studied (hard, easily, with great interest)
2) He/ She was interested in…. (History, the humanities)
3) He/ She was good at…. (Physics, natural science)
5. Say what he decided to do after leaving school (when he grew up).
1) He/ She studied a foreign language by himself/ herself.
2) He/ She entered a college (technical, medical, teacher’s)
3) He/ She went up to a …. (university)
4) He/ She graduated from…. ( the Cambridge University)
5) He/ She became …. (a skilled specialist in….)
6) He/ She work as …. (an engineer, a doctor, a teacher)
6. Give details (in short) when and how he became famous.
He/she became famous for …
He was successful at … .
He gained his popularity in … .
7. Say what literary works he/she had.
He/ she published / created about / over … poems / novels.
As for his/her most famous works, they are … .
Among his/her most remarkable works, there is … .
8. In conclusion, say why he is famous.
In conclusion, I would like to say that … .