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Excel 2022 Guide: Master Microsoft Excel Step-by-Step

EXCEL 2022
The Ultimate Step-by-Step
Guide to Master Excel. Become
Familiar with The Basics of this
Smart Tool
Barry Adams
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What Is Microsoft Excel
How to Open Microsoft Excel?
Why Should You Learn Microsoft Excel?
Features of Microsoft Excel
Basic Excel Components
What Is the Best Way to Use Microsoft
Customization Microsoft Excel Environment
Proofing Settings
What Is the Ribbon
What Is Cell in Excel
What Is the Cell Address?
What Is Quick Access Toolbar
Customization of the Ribbon
What Are Tabs
What Are Command Groups
Inserting Rows or Columns
Adjusting Rows and Columns
Hiding Rows and Columns
Deleting Rows and Columns
How to Create and Format Pivot Tables
Entering, Editing, and Moving Data
Remove Duplicates
Paste Special
Format Painter
Basic Terms and Formulas in Excel
How to Use Functions and Formulas
Random Numbers Generator
Tips for Using Function Correctly
Charts in Excel
Types of Charts
Graphs in Excel
Types of Graphs in Excel
Small Divisions of Charts and Graphs
Best Practices with Excel Chart and Graphs
Why Use Excel Shortcuts?
Shortcuts for the Microsoft Excel
Keyboard Shortcuts
Convert Rows to Columns
Calculate Time
Enter “URL” as Text
Calculate Cumulative Sum
Remove Hyperlinks
Fit Tables to the Page
Hide the Data
Make Use of the Template
Lotus Users’ Assistant
Formula Browser
Auto Calculator
Enter the Time
Enter a Fixed Time
Currently Active Cell
See the Bigger Image
Automatically Fit the Text
Fast Copy
Easy and Fast Multiple Entry
Auto Selection
Hide Comments
Re-Coloring the Lines
Angle Your Entry
Zoom in
Another Standard Entry Path
Set Decimal Points
Sort the Columns Quickly
Typing While Erasing Entries
See Formulas
Switch Off 0s
Customize the Dates
Column Copy Quickly
Merge Cell Contents
Dynamic Formatting
Cell’s Border Connector
Entries Should Be Shrunk to Fit Their Cells
Create Hyperlinks
Formatting Tables
Adding Data in Tables
Simple Sorting
Multi-Level Sorting
Custom Sorting
What Does “Name” Mean in Excel?
Defining Any Name for a Formula
Naming Columns in Excel
Naming Rules in Excel
Naming Scope in Excel
Advantages of Utilizing Names in Excel
Tips and Tricks for Named Ranges
Printing a Worksheet
Making Multiple Copies
Page Margins
Printing Your Work
Version History
Easier Worksheet Navigation
Text to Columns
Bulk Unhide Tabs
Zoom In/Out In
Multiple Range Selection
Resizable Conditional Formatting Dialog
Duplicate Conditional Formatting Rule
Regional Settings
Simplified Ribbon
Copy the Build Number Form the About
1. Best Way to Store Data
2. You Can Perform Calculations
3. All the Tools for Data Analysis
4. Easy to Data Visualizations with Charts
5. You Can Print Reports Easily
6. So Many Free Templates to Use
7. You Can Code to Automate
8. Transform and Clean Data
9. Store Data with Millions of Rows
10. You Can Work with Excel Online +
Mobile App
S Excel is a straightforward program,
and knowing the basics can help
students and professionals advance
throughout their careers. Beginners may be
most concerned with basic aspects like rows,
columns, and tables, but be unfamiliar with
the software’s powerful features. To use the
app in your day-to-day workplace tasks, you
must first grasp the platform and its
Excel’s main advantage is that it allows for
easy data entry. MS Excel provides a ribbon
design, which is a sequence of commands
that can be used to perform basic functions,
unlike most data entry and analysis methods.
The ribbon is divided into tabs, each of which
holds various command groups and the keys
that go with them. You can quickly select
commands and perform operations by
clicking the appropriate tab.
In this ultimate guide, we will talk about
some of the basic functions and steps. It’s all
about making your work easier and more
convenient. If you spend your time switching
between tabs and typing short commands,
you can save time and effort by using one of
the thousands of available templates. To help
you decide which one fits your needs, we
offer you an explanation of their purpose and
Things you can make in Excel? Outstanding.
Long spreadsheets, complex macros, bar
graphs, and the occasional pivot table are
likely to come to mind when you hear the
Excel has become the technical norm in
offices around the world for pretty much
everything that needs vast volumes of data
handled, with more than almost one billion
Microsoft Office users worldwide.
Think twice if you think Excel is only helpful
in getting you cross-eyed when staring at a
collection of numbers and financial records.
Instead of basic spreadsheets, there are a
variety of uses for Excel in the industry (and
beyond), as Tomasz Tunguz pointed out. In
truth, the potential benefits seem to be
We won’t be able to compile a collection that
includes all of Excel’s potential programs
(even if you’re willing to read a listicle the
size of War and Peace).
However, to show the strength and flexibility
of everyone's favorite spreadsheet tool, we've
compiled a list of different ways you should
personally, as well as just for fun.
The foundation of the book is a simple
concept. To grasp the concept, you must
devote as much time to planning as
necessary. This will not only help you
become a more capable user of Microsoft
Excel, but it will also give you the confidence
to use the software on your own, enabling
you to create much more sophisticated
programs capable of performing a variety of
Besides that, this book will not only assist
you in mastering a new skill, namely a full
understanding of Microsoft Excel, but it will
also push you to practice enough to master
this ability. So, you'll be learning and
practicing different concepts, functions, and
formulas that you'll use later in your social,
professional, or academic life.
The book is for everyone with an interest in
learning more about Excel 2022. You don't
need to be a great programmer to make great
use of it. If you can use MS Excel in your
professional or personal life, whether it's a
primary or a secondary application, you'll
find a lot of useful tips in this book.
M What Is Microsoft Excel
icrosoft Excel is a spreadsheet
application for gathering and processing
numerical and statistical details. Microsoft
Excel includes various tools for performing
tasks, such as calculations, pivot tables,
graphing tools, macro programming, and
more. It works for different operating
systems, including Windows, Mac OS,
Android, and iOS.
A table is created by a series of columns and
rows in an Excel spreadsheet. Columns
usually are allocated alphabetical characters,
while rows are typically assigned numbers. A
cell is the intersection of a column and a row.
A cell’s address is determined by the letter
representing the column and the number
representing the lines.
How to Open Microsoft Excel?
Follow the steps below to open MS Excel
on your computer:
1. Click on Start.
2. Then choose All Programs.
3. The next step is to open MS Office;
for that, click on MS Office.
4. Finally, choose MS-Excel from the
drop-down menu.
Alternatively, you can use the Start button
and look for MS Excel in the open search
Why Should You Learn Microsoft
Everyone deals with numbers/figures in one
manner or the other. Everyone has daily
expenses, which they give for from every
month’s income that they receive. For one to
pay wisely, they would need to know their
revenue vs. spending. MS Excel comes in
useful when you want to analyze, record, and
store such numeric figures. Let’s clarify this
using the image shown below.
Where could you get MS Excel? There are
several ways where you could get MS Excel.
You could purchase it from a computer store
that also offers software. MS Excel is the
element of the MS Office suite of software.
Otherwise, you could download it from the
Microsoft internet site, but you would have to
purchase the license key.
Features of Microsoft Excel
The following are the top 10 Excel
1. Pivot Tables
They’re used to sort, count, sum, or average
data from a single spreadsheet and show it in
a new chart, allowing you to cut and paste as
required. That is the most critical aspect of
this feature. It’s simple to limit the search to
revenue numbers for individual regions,
product categories, or marketing platforms.
This way, you can ensure that the data is free
of errors.
2. Add Multiple Rows
Perhaps it is one of the most often performed
spreadsheet operations. The shortcut is CtrlShift +, but it takes a while, so we suggest
right-click instead. If you choose to add more
than one, pick the desired number of columns
or rows, then right-click and then add.
3. Print Optimization
Printing can be a pain for all. Imagine that
anything you printed was just what you
wanted to print. It is, in fact, feasible. Print
preview, changing margins, fit to one page,
print selection, portrait vs. landscape, printing
headers, and spreadsheet-style are all things
to consider. Spend the time to get acquainted
with it. This is a role that you will do several
times in your career.
4. Flash Fill
In 2013, Excel created its unique personality.
Let's just assume you have two columns of
names and need to generate email addresses
from both of them. Simply do that for the first
row, and Excel will figure out what you're
talking about and complete the rest for you.
This was feasible before 2013, but it required
a variety of steps.
5. Filters
Quickly explore data on a table. Filtering
effectively masks non-interesting results.
Typically, if you’re aiming for a specific
value, such as “Blue vehicles,” filters would
highlight those and conceal the others.
However, you can now filter on number
values (e.g., is more significant than, highest
10%, etc.) and cell color in more recent
iterations of Excel. Where you need to filter
more than one column at the same time, such
as both colors and vehicles, to locate your
blue car, filtering becomes more efficient.
6. Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting, when used correctly,
brings out the patterns of the world as
recorded by the spreadsheet. This has the
potential to be sophisticated. Also, the color
changes, though simple, may be beneficial.
Assume that the sales department sells a
certain amount of product per month. In only
three clicks, you will discover the top 10% of
salespeople and start a fruitful market
7. Paste Special
One of the more popular Excel tasks is
grabbing (or copying) data from one cell and
pasting it into another. However, there is a lot
you might want to copy (formatting, formula,
value, comments, etc.), and you might not
want to copy anything. The most popular
scenario is where you try to remove the
formatting and save the data to your
spreadsheet using your composition.
8. Absolute References
Unavoidable! F4 toggles between the four
possible variations by placing a dollar in front
of the letter and a dollar sign in front of the
9. Extend Formula Across/Down
Excel’s scalability is one of the most
appealing features. Excel can spit out the
correct equation a million times if you have
the formula correct the first time. The +
crosshair is useful. If you have continuous
results, double-clicking it will carry it down.
You will find that copying and pasting (either
standard paste or paste formulas) is more
10. Index-Match
It is one of the most effective Excel role
combinations. It can be used to look up a
value in a large table of data and then return a
value in that table. Let’s assume your
organization has 10K workers, and you have
a spreadsheet with all their records, including
salaries, start date, line manager, and so on.
However, you have a staff of 20 people, and
you’re only involved in them. This will look
up the importance of your team members in
the table (these must be special, such as an
email address or an employee number) and
display the desired details for the team. It’s
worth taking your time to get your mind
around this because it’s more versatile and
efficient than VLOOKUPs.
Basic Excel Components
These are the so-called vital Excel
components. The first three are very popular,
and the last two are relatively less popular.
The components are the elements of Excel. A
user could access them quickly. They would
also hide any excess information elsewhere
on Excel's interface.
XLSX is a file extension for the Office Open
XML format, which is the modern version of
the Excel spreadsheet format. The older
versions were Excel 97−2003 and Excel 4−9.
The old versions were called the Excel
workbook, which contained all the
information in a single file. The successor to
XLSX is XLSM, but XLSX will be the most
common format in the future.
An Excel workbook is a file in Excel, and
each worksheet within the workbook is an
individual spreadsheet with a unique
combination of rows and columns.
Essentially, each range of cells is just a file
by itself.
What Is the Best Way to Use
Microsoft Excel?
Excel, one does the job in a workbook.
I nEach
workbook has 1 or more
spreadsheets/worksheets, each of which is
made up of different cells that contain our
Before one makes the first Excel workbook,
here’s what they need to learn.
Open a New Workbook
When one opens Excel on the computer, it
immediately creates a fresh blank workbook.
To access a current workbook, select File and
then open or use (control). It is a shortcut to
open a new workbook. To open an already
opened workbook, select on file, then open,
click on browser use browser to locate the
needed workbook and click open.
Including a Worksheet
Every Excel workbook comes with
three worksheets by design. By
pressing the worksheet tabs right
above the status bar, one will
navigate the various worksheets.
Tap the insert worksheet to the right
of the current worksheet sections to
add a fresh worksheet.
Changing the Name of a Worksheet
To change a worksheet tab, use one of the
following methods:
1st option: If one is using a computer, rightclick the tab they want to change; if one is
using a Mac, control-click the tab they want
to rewrite. A menu with shortcuts would
From the shortcut menu, choose
Fill in the current term name.
2nd option: Hold the mouse over the page.
One intends to rename and double-click it.
To change the page, start typing.
Using Worksheets to Manage Data
In Excel, every workbook will have several
worksheets, which are shown as tabs at the
bottom of the page. By clicking the tab, one
can open or delete a specific sheet. Using
many worksheets is a simple way to store
vast amounts of data logically.
If one right-clicks on a tab, they see choices
like rename and erase. A fresh blank
worksheet is accessed when one presses the +
A spreadsheet is a set of columns and rows. A
cell is formed when one row and one column
intersect. Data is recorded in cells. A cell
address is used to identify each cell
individually. Letters are used to mark
columns, and numbers are used to label arcs.
A workbook is a list of worksheets. A
workbook in Excel has three cells by nature.
To fit the requirements, one can erase or add
more sheets. One should rename the sheets to
something more important, like Daily
Expenses or Annual Budget, for example.
It’s Time to Enter Some Details
One can add data into a cell when they pick it
and start typing. Letters, equations, and
Numbers are only a few examples of data
types. One may also copy and paste data from
other sites.
Doing Calculations
One may use operators like +, -, *, /, and
others to perform several functions on sets,
numbers, and other items, such as addition,
multiplication, division, and subtraction.
Many People Prefer a Black Color
If blue is the favorite color, one can make the
theme color appear blue as well. One will not
want to use ribbon tabs such as developer if
they are not a programmer.
Any of this is possible, thanks to
customizations. One can make these changes:
Customizing the ribbon.
Choosing a color scheme.
Formula settings.
Settings for proofing.
Save the settings.
Choosing a Color Scheme
To change the color theme of an Excel board,
go to the Excel ribbon and select the File
Options button. It will open the window
where one must complete the steps below.
1. The left-hand panel’s basic tab would
be picked by default.
2. Go to Excel’s general choices and
look for the color scheme.
3. Pick the appropriate color from the
color scheme dropdown column.
4. Press the ok key.
Formulas’ Settings
One may use this option to monitor how
Excel acts when dealing with certain
formulas. It may be used to configure choices
such as autocomplete while entering
formulas, changing the cell referencing type,
and using numbers for rows and columns,
among other things.
To make a choice, tick the box next to it.
Remove the check mark from your checkbox
to disable a choice. This alternative is
available in the options dialogue box, under
the formulas tab on the column (on the left
Proofing Settings
This choice changes the text that has been
inserted into Excel. It helps one to customize
things like the dictionary vocabulary that can
be used while searching for misspellings,
dictionary tips, and so on. This choice is
available in the choices dialogue window on
the left-hand-side column, under the proofing
Save Your Preferences
This feature enables one to set the standard
file format while saving data and permits
auto-recovery if the computer shuts down
before one can save the job. This choice is
available in the choices dialogue window
underneath the save tab on the left-hand-side
What Is the Ribbon
The ribbon in Excel gives commands. An
order is an action taken by the operator.
Creating a fresh document, printing the
document, and so on are examples of
The ribbon is a top-mounted control pad. The
Ribbon contains all the materials one will
need for their worksheet. To see what
resources and buttons are accessible, click on
each tab.
The start button of the ribbon is used to
perform commands such as developing new
documents, save the existing work, writing,
print and using Excel’s customization
choices, among others.
What Is Cell in Excel
A cell is a container that contains data. In this
instance, data is defined as items that can be
ordered, defined, and calculated. In Excel, a
cell is equivalent to what you would see in a
spreadsheet program. For instance, a crosssection could be a cell while a chart could be
a diagram, while a dashed line could be a
What Is the Cell Address?
When you are inputting information to Excel,
there are two ways you can do this. You can
use the arrow pointing to the spot where you
want to input the data. But this is not likely to
be the preferred method. This is because it
may be necessary to use the keyboard. Now,
keyboard inputs are much easier. However,
you cannot enter number information into
Excel. You can only see what it is. With this
in mind, one must find out the address of the
data. This is one way of identifying it. The
other is to use the mouse.
Here is how you can determine the
spreadsheet’s cell address by using the
keyboard. First, right-click on the first or first
two words in the cell. You can instantly see
the first two lines above the cell. This will be
the cell address. This address is critical for
creating links between different parts of the
What Is Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access toolbar, otherwise known
as the QAT, is located in the margin of the
window. It is visible only when the window
is in read-only mode. This will be positioned
in the top-right corner of the toolbar. When
this toolbar is charged and one tries to
navigate the screen, the screen will zoom in
and out to help someone locate the toolbar.
The four arrows that will be used to move
between tabs and the print button that will be
used to print the sheet will be available on
this toolbar.
Some people enjoy printing paper, while
others prefer a digital copy. In the case of
these two, a paper source button must be
used. The paper source button will need to
point to where one ingests office files. The
only difference between these two is the
paper’s material. In the case of a printer, a
paper source would be a printer that can be
connected to the computer. In the case of
copy paper, a paper source would be a device
that can be connected to the computer.
Customization of the Ribbon
Let’s begin with the ribbon customization.
Let’s say one does not want to see any of the
tabs on the toolbar, or they want to include
some additional tabs, like the developer tab.
They will do this by using the options
Choose the ribbon’s start button.
From the dropdown menu, choose
options. One must be able to see a
dialogue box called Excel options.
From the left-hand side screen, pick
the customize ribbon option, as seen
Delete the checkpoints from the tabs
on the right-hand side that one does
not want to see on the ribbon.
Review, display tabs, and page
Layout have been omitted from this
When you’re done, click the “Ok”
Customizing the Ribbon’s Tabs
One may also create their tab, call it whatever
they want, and allocate it commands. Let’s
make a tab with the text (anything you want)
in the ribbon.
1. Pick customize the ribbon from the
context menu by right-clicking on the
ribbon. A discussion window similar
to the one seen above will emerge.
2. As seen in the animated picture below,
click the new tab icon.
3. Go to the newly formed tab and
choose it.
4. Choose the rename option.
5. Assign it the name ————
6. Under the ——— tab, choose a new
group (custom), as seen in the image
7. Click the rename icon and assign it to
my commands.
8. Let’s move on to adding commands to
the ribbon bar.
9. On the center panel, one will see a list
of commands.
10. Press the add button after
selecting the all-chart styles command.
11. Choose ok.
This is how the ribbon would appear.
What Are Tabs
Tabs are the buttons on the corner right of the
ribbon. This is similar to how the menus are
organized in any computer program. A menu
is useful when one wishes to accomplish the
same objectives. However, tabs are also
organized in this fashion.
The design of tabs can assist in controlling
the way the user operates the program. One
can locate specific programs more quickly.
So, it is crucial to choose the buttons wisely.
What Are Command Groups
Every command is created with a series of
processes in mind. Different commands often
require different processes. They often need
to be compatible with nature. This is the
reason for the need for command groups.
When a command group is created, you will
assign different commands in all of these
commands. You must be aware that
sometimes these commands may conflict
with other commands. This is why you must
choose wisely. The commands that need to be
created in a group will be initially saved. This
is so you can continue using the group later.
To Create a Command Group,
Follow These Steps:
1. Open the file menu and choose new.
2. Go to the command group and opt
for the command group option.
3. Now you have to choose the
commands that will be contained in
the group.
4. Choose the command that you wish
to add to the group. To a command,
a menu will appear.
5. Now, you can edit each command
that you have just added.
one is just getting started with Excel.
I fThere
are a few simple commands that they
can learn. This includes topics like:
Starting from scratch on a fresh
Use a spreadsheet to do simple
calculations such as add, subtract,
multiply, and divide.
Creating column text and names, as
well as formatting them.
Excel’s auto-fill capabilities.
Add tables, rows, and spreadsheets
may be or deleted.
In a spreadsheet, keep column and
row names clear as one-click past
them, so they know what data is
filled as they go away from the
Inserting Rows or Columns
When one is working on their results, they
will notice that they need to add further rows
and columns regularly. One may need to
insert hundreds of rows at times. It would be
very repetitive to do this one by one. Luckily,
there will always be an easier option.
To add several rows or columns to a
spreadsheet, choose the exact amount of
already existing columns or rows as the
number of rows or columns one wishes to
add. Then choose “Insert” from the rightclick menu. We have added three more rows.
Spreadsheet by selecting 3 rows and then
pressing insert.
Adjusting Rows and Columns
Some entries in your worksheet happen to be
missing. In cell A11, for instance, the final
letter of the word ‘September’ is not visible.
This is because the column is small for this
expression. The columns and rows of the
Excel worksheet can be rearranged to suit the
data being entered into a cell. The
instructions below will illustrate how to
configure both column widths and row
heights in a worksheet.
1. In the worksheet named sheet 1, slide
the mouse cursor between column A
and column B. A white block plus
sign transforms into double arrows.
2. To see the whole word ‘September’ in
the A11 cell, click and move the
column to the right. The column
width tip box will appear as you move
the column. The character's number
would fit into the column using
Calibri 11-point font, which is the
default font/size configuration and is
shown in this box.
3. Release the left mouse key.
If you want to set the width of a specific
character for one or more columns, you will
notice that the click-and-drag approach is
inefficient. By utilizing a certain number of
characters, the following steps 1 through 6
demonstrate a second approach to change the
column widths:
1. By sliding the mouse cursor over the
cell position and pressing the left
mouse key, you can choose every cell
location in column A. If you want to
set a similar character width for more
than one column, you can highlight
the locations of cells in many
2. Left-click the format button in the
group of cells on the ribbon home tab.
3. From the drop-down menu, select the
Column Width option. The Column
Width dialog box will appear.
4. In the Column Width dialog box, type
‘13’ and press the ok icon. This sets
the character width in Column A to
this value.
5. Bring your mouse cursor back
between columns A and B until a
double arrow cursor appears; the
double arrow is displayed when
activating AutoFit. The column width
is adjusted depending on the
maximum entry set for the column.
6. Reset the column width to 13 using
the width of the column dialog box
(use step 6 earlier in this thread).
Hiding Rows and Columns
You can hide rows and columns on a
worksheet in addition to changing rows and
columns. This is a helpful strategy for
improving the graphic presentation of your
worksheet with data that doesn’t need to be
displayed. The workbook containing data on
GMW sales is used to illustrate these
capabilities. This worksheet, however, does
not include concealed rows or columns.
These skills are only used for presentation
purposes here.
By hovering the mouse cursor over cell C1 in
the worksheet, sheet 1, and tapping the left
mouse key, you will access it.
1. In the ribbon home tab, click the
format button.
2. In the drop-down menu, hover the
mouse cursor over the hide and
unhide options. This will reveal a
drop-down menu of options.
3. In your submenu of options, select
hide columns. This will make
column C invisible.
Hiding Columns
1. While pressing the number 0 on the
keyboard, hold down your CTRLkey.
The workbook has hidden column C in your
sheet 1 worksheet. The absence of the letter C
indicates that this column is concealed.
Hidden Column
Follow these steps to unhide the column:
1. By clicking on and holding cell B1
and dragging it into cell D1, you will
highlight the B1:D1 range.
2. On the ribbon home tab, click on the
format icon.
3. In the drop-down menu, hover your
mouse over the hide and unhide
4. Unhide columns can be found in the
sub-menu of options. On your
worksheet, column C is then visible
Hiding Rows
1. When pressing the number 9 on the
keyboard, hold down the CTRL key.
Follow these steps to unhide the row:
1. By clicking on and holding cell A2
and dragging it to cell A4, the A2:A4
range is highlighted.
2. On the ribbon Home tab, click on the
format key.
3. In the drop-down menu, hover your
mouse over the hide and unhide
4. Unhide rows can be found under the
options submenu. On your worksheet,
row 3 will now be visible again.
Unhiding Rows
1. Hold down your CTRL and SHIFT
keys when clicking the open
parenthesis key “(“on the keyboard to
highlight the cells above and below
the hidden row(s).
Deleting Rows and Columns
You may need to erase whole rows and
columns of content from a worksheet. This
might be needed if you want to delete blank
rows or columns from the worksheet or datafilled columns and rows. A method for
extracting cell data was earlier deliberated,
and this can be utilized to remove
unnecessary information. If you don’t want a
vacant column or row in the workbook, you
can remove it by following the steps below:
1. By hovering the mouse cursor over
cell A3 and pressing the left key,
you can access it.
2. In the ribbon home tab, click the
down arrow until you reach the
delete button in the group of cells.
3. From the drop-down menu, choose
the delete sheet row. Row 3 is
removed and all data within the
worksheet is shifted up one row.
How to Create and Format Pivot
In a database, pivot tables are being used to
reorganize information. They won’t adjust the
data, but they can add up values or compare
various pieces of data in the spreadsheet if
that’s what one would like.
Here is an example. For instance, if one
wants to see how many students are in each
class house. One may think that this example
has not much data, but this will be beneficial
with larger data sets.
Go to data, then to the pivot table to make it.
Excel can populate the pivot table for you
immediately, but one can still rearrange the
files. And you have a choice of four choices.
Report Filter: One can use this to
look at just specific rows in the
dataset. For example, instead of
including all students in the filter,
you might choose to just include
students in a certain house.
Column Labels: This may be the
dataset’s headers.
Row Labels: This may be the
dataset’s rows. Data from the
columns can be seen in both rows,
and column names (such as the first
name can be pulled to the row or
column label, it depends on how one
wants to see the data.)
Value: This segment encourages
one to take a different approach to
the data. One can total, count,
average, minute, count amounts, and
perform a few other operations on
the data instead of just bringing in
some statistical value. In reality, by
definition, one drags a field to value;
it often does a count.
You will go to the pivot table and move the
house column to the row labels, and values
since we wanted to count the number of
students in every house. This will add up to
the number of students affiliated with each
Entering, Editing, and Moving Data
Entering Data
Manually inserting data into your worksheet
is the first step in creating the workbook. The
stages below explain how to type column
headings throughout. Row 2 in a worksheet:
1. On your worksheet, go to cell A2
and click.
2. Type in the name of a month, for
3. Using the right cursor keys, transfer
the cursor to the right. The term will
be entered into cell A2, and the next
cell on the right will be activated.
4. Click the right cursor key to create
unit sales.
5. Repeat step 4 with the terms average
price and sales in dollars.
Once you’ve typed your column headings in
row 2, check figure 1 and see how the
worksheet might look. It’s worth noting that
the term price in cell C2 isn’t available. This
is because the columns are too narrow to
accommodate the entry that you typed.
While entering numbers, don’t use symbols
to format them. It’s safe not to use coding
symbols like dollar signs and commas while
entering numbers into an Excel worksheet.
While you can incorporate these symbols
when typing numbers in Excel, it delays the
data entry operation. It’s easier to apply these
symbols to numbers after they’ve been typed
into the worksheet using the formatting
features of Excel.
Editing Data
Double-clicking a cell position using your
formula bar will adjust the data inserted in it.
You may have seen that the data was typed
into the cell position, as shown in the formula
bar when you typed it. The formula bar can
be used to insert data in cells and modify data
that has already been entered. The stages
below demonstrate.
How to enter and then edit data that has been
inserted into a cell position:
1. On sheet 1 of your worksheet, click
on cell A15.
2. Click enter key after typing the
abbreviation ‘Tot.’
3. Cell A15 should be selected.
4. Move the mouse pointer up to the
formula bar. The pointer will change
into the cursor. Left-click here on the
abbreviation ‘Tot’ after moving the
mouse to the last letter.
5. To conclude the term total, type the
letters ‘Al’.
6. Click on the check mark to the left of
the formula bar. The modification is
then made in the cell.
7. Double-click cell A15.
8. After the word total, type the word
sales with a space between the two
9. To begin, press the enter key.
Moving Data
You might want to transfer data in a
worksheet to various positions after it has
been entered. The measures below explain
how to transfer data from one location on the
worksheet to another:
1. By activating cell D2 and dragging it
down to cell D15, you will highlight
the D2:D15 range.
2. Bring your mouse cursor to the left of
cell D2. You can see a white block
plus symbol change to crossed
arrows. This means you can left-click
the data and move it to a new
3. Click the left mouse key on cell C2
and move the mouse cursor.
4. Release your left mouse key. Column
C now contains the details.
5. Using the quick access toolbar, click
the undo button. This returns the data
to column D.
When you move data around on a worksheet,
double-check that you've identified all the
components related to the sequence you're
If you're transferring a column of
information, for instance, ensure that the
column heading has been included. Before
moving a list, double-check that the values
you need are illuminated.
There are many ways to use this function, but
a fill handle is one of the more
straightforward. Choose the cells one wants
to be the source, then look for a filehandle in
the corner (lower-right) of a cell and move it
to cover the cells one may want to fill, or
simply double-click.
When working with large amounts of data (as
businesses frequently do), one does not
always need to look at every row at the very
same time. One may occasionally only want
to examine the data that meets certain criteria.
Filters help in this manner.
Filters help one to narrow down the data so
that they only see specific rows at a time.
Each column in the data can have a filter
applied to it in Excel. One can then decide
which cells they want to see all at once.
For example, by going to the Data tab and
choosing “Filter,” one can pick whether they
want the data to be ordered in descending or
ascending order, as well as which rows they
want to see.
For example, if one selects a specific house
for students, the other houses will disappear.
The other rows vanish as you click the filter.
When a filter is on, copy/paste the values in
the spreadsheet to perform further research on
another spreadsheet.
One may come across a collection of data that
hasn’t been organized in any way. Perhaps
one exported a list of business contacts or a
set of blog entries. In any event, Excel’s sort
function can assist in alphabetizing any list.
To arrange the data in a column, click on it.
Then, in the toolbar’s “Data” column, look
for a “Sort” choice on the left. If A is first,
then “Z,” what one has to do is press on it
once. Click the icon twice if “Z” is positioned
above “A.” When the “A” is positioned above
the “Z,” the chart will be ordered
alphabetically. If the “Z” is positioned above
the “A,” the chart would be ordered in the
opposite alphabetical order.
Remove Duplicates
Duplicate material is more common in larger
datasets. One may have a set of different
connections in an organization and just want
to know how many they have. Getting rid of
duplicates is essential in cases like these.
To get rid of duplicates, choose the row, or
column one wishes to get rid of them from.
Then click “Remove duplicates” from the
data tab (underneath tools). A pop-up would
appear asking you to check which details you
intend to use. Simply choose “Remove
duplicates” and done.
This function can also be used to erase an
entire row depending on the duplicate values
of the column. As if one has 3 rows of details
about a movie and just needs to see 1, they
can pick all datasets and then delete
duplicates. The final list can only include
specific titles, with no duplicates.
Paste Special
Frequently, one will want to convert the
elements in a data row or into a column.
Copying and pasting each header will take a
long time. Not to mention that one might
potentially fall victim to one of the most
common and costly Excel pitfalls: human
Enable Excel to do the heavy lifting for you.
Go ahead and choose the column or row that
one wants to transfer. Copy by right-clicking
and selecting “Copy.” Then, in the
spreadsheet, pick the cells where one wants
the first row or column to start. Select “Paste
Special” from the context menu after rightclicking on the cell. Select the choice to
translate when the module appears.
Paste Special is one of those functions that
people use over and over again. One may also
opt to copy formulas, formats, even column
widths or values in the module. This is
particularly useful when copying the results
of the pivot table into a structured and
graphed chart.
Format Painter
Excel has a range of characteristics that
render analyzing numbers and analyzing data
fast and simple, as one has already noticed.
However, if one has ever spent time
customizing a sheet, they know how boring it
can be.
Don’t spend time repeatedly entering the
same formatting instructions. To quickly
copy the format from 1 section of the
worksheet to another, just use the format
painter. To use it, select a cell one wants to
duplicate, then go to the top toolbar and
select the format painter choice.
formulas enable one
E xcel
associations among values
to find
in the
spreadsheet’s cells, conduct mathematical
calculations with those values, and then
display the outcome in the cell of their
subtraction, average, and times dates are
among the formulas that can be performed
Basic Terms and Formulas in Excel
In Excel, there are 2 primary methods for
doing calculations: Functions and formulas.
A formula in MS Excel is an equation that
works on values in several cells or a single
cell. For e.g., =B1+B2+B3 calculates the
number of values in cells B1 through B3.
In Excel, functions are predetermined
formulas. They do take away the timeconsuming manual entry of formulas by
assigning them easy titles. =SUM, for
instance (B1:B3). The feature adds up all of
the values in the range B1 to B3.
The feature collection on the formulas tab
contains all usable Excel functions:
How to Use Functions and Formulas
Excel has over 400 functions, and the amount
is increasing from time to time. Of course,
memorizing any of them is almost difficult,
and one does not have to. The function tab
can assist you in finding the function that is
the ideal fit for a given role. In contrast,
Excel formula intelligence will guide you
with the function’s syntax and reasons as
soon as one enters the function’s name in the
cell, followed by an equal sign:
Write a Formula
Follow the instructions below to enter a
1. Choose a cell to work with.
2. Type the equal sign (=) to tell Excel
what formula to enter in the cell.
3. Write the formula A1+A2 as an
illustration. (To save time, choose
cells A1 and A2 instead of writing A1
and A2).
4. Increase cell A1’s value to three. (The
data of cell A3 is immediately
recalculated by Excel. One of the most
important features of MS Excel is
5. Make changes to the formula.
6. Excel displays the value or the
formula of the cell in the formula bar
as one selects it.
7. One can change the formula by
changing it in the bar and press enter.
The function of SUM is the 1st Excel formula
that one can learn. =SUM is an important
simple formula to know since it helps one to
add quantities in a variety of ways. This
formula is quickly performed by Excel, but
there are some tricks to =SUM that still offer
more data-adding capabilities.
To begin, =SUM will sum whole rows of
numbers or only specific cells inside a row.
Here’s an example of what it feels like:
Values from chosen columns or rows set are
normally aggregated.
=SUM (no. 1, [no. 2]…)
=SUM (B2:G2), for example, is a basic
collection that sums the quantities of the row.
A basic selection that sums the values of the
column is =SUM (A2:A8)
=SUM (A3:A7, A10, A13:A17) It is a
collection that sum values from a range of A3
to A7, does not add A8, adds A10, does not
add A11 and A12, and adds ranges from A13
to A17.
=SUM (A3:A9)/21 – this collection shows
that one can turn the function into a formula.
When one chooses to sort the data according
to a set of logic, the IF feature is often used.
The nice thing about the IF formula is that it
allows one to use formulas and functions.
Excel will inform whether a certain criterion
is satisfied using this formula. One might, for
example, want to know which data in column
A are greater than four. Using the =IF
theorem, Excel will easily auto-generate a
“yes” for each cell with a value greater than 4
and “no” for every cell with a value less than
This is one of the popular formulas.
=IF (logical test, [value if true], [value if
Take the following scenario:
=IF (C2 is less than D3, ‘TRUE,’ ‘FALSE’) –
If the value of C3 is less than the valuation at
D3, the condition is true. If the rationale is
right, set a cell value to TRUE; otherwise, set
it to FALSE.
=IF (A2 is greater than 3, “Yes,” “No”).
This function is as easy as just getting an
average of the numbers of the shareholders in
the pool of a given company.
=AVERAGE (no.1, [no.2], …)
Such as:
=AVERAGE (B4:B12) – this formula or
function shows a very simple average or
(SUM (B4:B12)/10).
In Excel, insert those cells one is subtracting
in the format =SUM to execute the
subtraction formula (B1, -C1). By inserting
the negative sign before that cell, one is
subtracting, and they may use the SUM
formula to deduct it. For e.g., if B1 is 12 and
C1 is -5, =SUM (B1, -C1) performs 12 + -5
and the outcome is 7. Subtracting, including
percentages, lacks its function or formula in
Excel, but it doesn’t suggest it can’t be
achieved. There are two ways to deduct
certain values (or values inside the cells).
Used the same formula =SUM. Enter the cells
one wants to deduct in the format =SUM (B1,
-C1), with a minus sign (written with a
hyphen) before a cell whose meaning one
wants to subtract. To get the result, between
the two cells in parentheses, press enter.
Write =B1-C1 in the format. To deduct
several values from each other, type an
equal’s symbol, then the first value of the
cell, a minus sign, and the value one wants to
subtract, press enters.
To use the division formula in Excel, type
=B1/C1 into the cells one wants to divide. To
differentiate cell B1 by C1, this formula uses
a forward cut, “/.” For e.g., if B1 is 5 and C1
is 10, the decimal value returned by =A1/B1
is 0.5.
One of the most basic operations one will do
in Excel is division. To do so, select an empty
cell, type an equal’s symbol, “=,” and then
the two values (or more) one wants to divide,
separated by a forward dash, “/.” As seen in
the snapshot below, the outcome should be in
the format =B2/A2.
When one presses enter, the ideal quotient
will display in the highlighted cell.
In Excel, insert the cells one is multiplying in
the template =B1*C1 to execute the
multiplication. An asterisk is used in this
calculation to multiply cell B1 by cell C1. For
e.g., if B1 is 10 and C1 is 5, the result of
=B1*C1 is 50.
One might believe that multiplying variables
in Excel will have its own formula or that the
“X” character is used to indicate the
multiplication of multiple values. That’s as
easy as using an asterisk *.
Highlight a blank cell in an Excel file to
multiply 2 or more values. Next, in the
format, =B1*1*C1..., set the data or cells.
One wants to multiply together. Each number
in the formula would be effectively
multiplied by the asterisk.
To return the desired order, press enter. Take
a peek at the screenshot above to see how this
To use the % formula in Excel, type =B1/C1
into the cells one wants to find a percentage
for. Highlight a cell, go to the home tab, and
pick “Percentage” from the dropdown menu
to translate the decimal value to a%.
While there isn’t a specific Excel “Formula”
for %, Excel makes it simple to transform the
amount of a cell into a percentage, so one is
not stuck estimating and attempting to enter
the numbers.
The home tab of excel contains the
fundamental setting for converting a cell’s
worth to a percentage. Select the tab,
highlight the cell or cells one wants to
convert to a % and choose conditional
formatting from the dropdown menu next to
it (the menu button could say “General”
before). Then, from the dropdown menu that
emerges, choose “Percentage.” The meaning
of each cell one has highlighted will be
converted to a percentage. This element can
be found farther down.
Please remember that if one uses other
formulas, just like the division formula (such
as =A1/B1) to make new values, the results
appear as decimals by design. Merely select
the cells and change their type to
“Percentage” from the tab before or after
performing this algorithm, as seen above.
This COUNT function counts the number of
cells in a set that only includes numerical
=COUNT (value1, [value2],)
Consider the following scenario:
COUNT (A: A): This function will count all
quantitative data in column A. To count rows,
one must change the range within the
COUNT (B1:D1): It now can count rows.
This function, like the COUNT, counts all
cells in a specified range. It does, however,
count all cells, regardless of their kind. Apart
from COUNT, which only counts
numerically, this function often counts times,
strings, logical values, mistakes, dates, null
strings, and text.
=COUNTA (value1, [value2],)
Such as COUNTA (42:C13) will count rows
from 4 to 14 in the C column. Even so, unlike
COUNT, one can’t count rows using the very
same formula. COUNTA (D2:J2), for
instance, would count columns D to J
division if one changes the range within the
Random Numbers Generator
Using =RANDBETWEEN in the worksheet,
one can conveniently pick random numbers
(select values).
As seen in the illustration, one may use this
formula to select numbers from the data in
the worksheet.
Another use of this algorithm is to choose the
winner from the list of 100 names by
instructing Excel to select from the winning
Tips for Using Function Correctly
1. Insertion of Function
The configuration of each function is the
same. SUM, for instance (A1:A4). SUM is
the title of this function. The section between
the parentheses (arguments) indicates that we
are giving Excel the range A1:A4. The labels
in the cells are A1, A2, A3, and A4, are
added using this function. It is difficult to
recall which function to use for what job and
which arguments to be using. Luckily,
Excel’s insert function functionality will
assist you.
Conduct the steps below to insert the
Choose a cell to work with.
Select insert function from the
dropdown menu.
The dialogue box for ‘Insert function’
1. Look for a function or choose one
from the category. Select COUNTIF
from the statistical classification, for
2. Choose ok.
3. The dialogue box for ‘Function
arguments’ opens.
4. Pick the A1:C2 set in the range box
by clicking on it.
5. Type >5 in the criteria window, then
click ok.
As a result, COUNTIF calculates the number
of cells in a row that are higher than 5.
Start typing =COUNTIF (A1:C2, “>5”) rather
than using the Insert function option. Rather
than typing A1:C2, pick the range A1:C2
when one gets to =COUNTIF).
Rather than retyping the same solution in
different cells, copy it.
There’s no reason to keep typing a formula
into the cell if you’ve already typed it in
once. Start dragging the fill handle to nearby
cells to transfer the formula (a little square at
the right-hand (lower) corner of a cell). Place
the cursor over the fill handle, double-click
the plus sign to transfer the formula to the
entire column.
2. Remove the Formula but Keep the
When one removes the formula by pushing
the delete key, it also deletes a measured
value. You should, however, remove just the
formula and leave the outcome in the cell.
Here’s how to do it:
1. For the formulas, choose all cells.
2. To duplicate the selected cells, press
Ctrl + C.
3. To paste the computed values back
into the chosen cells, right-click the
selection and choose paste values from
values. Alternatively, click Shift+F10,
then V to use the paste special
3. Operator Precedence
The order for which calculations are
performed in Excel is set by default. If a
portion of the formula is enclosed in brackets,
it will be computed first. After that, it
calculates multiplication and division. When
this is done, Excel will add, then subtract the
rest of the formula.
Excel starts by multiplying the numbers (A1
* A2). The data of cell A3 is then added to
this result by Excel.
As an alternative, Excel first calculates the
portion in brackets (A2+A3). The product is
then multiplied by the amount of cell A1.
4. Do Not Use Dual Quotes to Enclose
“Quotation marks” ought to be used to
accompany every text in the Excel formulas.
If one doesn’t want Excel to handle numbers
as text values, then do not do the quotation
marks. For, e.g., one might place the
following formula in cell C2 to verify the
value in cell B2 and returning 1 if it is
“Passed,” and 0 otherwise:
=IF (B2=”pass”, 1, 0)
If one copies the formula to other cells, they
will have a column of 1s, 0s that can be
measured without difficulty.
Consider what happens if the numbers are
=IF (B2=”pass”, “1”, “0”)
The output appears to be normal at first
glance, with the very same column of 1s and
0s. Even so, a closer examination reveals that
the resultant values are by far left-aligned in
the cells, indicating that they are numeric
strings rather than numbers. If anyone tries to
quantify the 1s and 0s afterward, they may
wind up tearing their skin out, trying to find
out why a perfectly right SUM or COUNT
formula returns empty.
5. Copy/Paste the Formula
Excel changes the cell references for every
new cell the formula is copied to as one
copies a formula. Follow the measures below
to get a better understanding of this.
Fill in cell A4 with the formula. Right-click
cell A4, then do Copy (or do CTRL + C).
Then, right-click cell B4 and pick Paste from
the Options for paste menu (or hold CTRL +
The formula can also be dragged to cell B4.
Select cell A4, then move it over to cell B4
by clicking on the right corner on the lower
side of cell A4. This is far less timeconsuming and produces the same results.
As a consequence, the values in column B are
referenced by the formula in cell B4.
6. In Excel Formulas, Do Not Format
Please note to enter no into the Excel
calculations without any coding, such as a
dollar sign or decimal separator. The comma
is the standard claim separator in America
and several other nations, and the dollar sign
($) is used to render utter cell references. It’s
possible that using certain characters in
numbers would make Excel insane.
Especially, rather than typing $2,000, type
2000, and then use a customized Excel
number file to format the performance value
to your preference.
In the calculations, make sure that both of the
opening and closing brackets are the same.
One will need more than one collection of
brackets to describe the order of calculations
when creating a critical Excel formula for one
or more clustered functions. Make sure that
the brackets are correctly paired in those
calculations, and closing brackets should
have opening parenthesis. When one joins or
modifies a formula, Excel shades bracket
pairs of the same colors to make the task
7. Check That Calculation Options Is
Set to Automatic
If one’s Excel formulas have suddenly
stopped recalculating themselves, the
calculation options have most likely been
changed to manual. To correct this, select the
formulas tab, then to the calculation group,
pick automatic from the calculation options
and graphs help one to make sense
C harts
of the information by simply visualizing
numeric values. In presentations, charts
and graphs are often used to provide a brief
snapshot of development or outcomes to
management, clients, or team members. One
can make a chart or graph to display almost
every kind of quantitative data, saving them
the time and effort of sifting through
databases to identify relationships and
Excel makes it simple to produce charts and
graphs, particularly when one can store the
data in the Excel spreadsheet rather than
importing it from another application. Excel
also comes with several pre-made charts and
graph formats from which one can choose
that better reflect the data relationship they
want to emphasize. When one has a ton of
numeric details on the worksheet, they will
use a chart, graph to help make sense of it.
Excel has several chart formats, each of
which is well adapted to a certain form of
data processing.
One Must Think Is Chart and Graph
Are the Same Things?
On a technical level? No, they refer to
different things, and the words are unrelated.
In the modern world? Yes, they're
interchangeable, and most people accept both
of them. Even though the terms are frequently
used synonymously, they are unique. Graphs
are the simplest graphic representation of
numbers, and they usually show data point
value over time. Charts are more complicated
since they help to equate parts of the data set
to other data of the same collection. Charts
are also more appealing than graphs because
they often have a distinct shape from a
standard x- and y-axis.
Charts in Excel
A chart is a representation of data in both
columns and rows in a visual format. Charts
are often used to evaluate data sets for trends
and patterns. Assume one has been keeping
track of revenue data in Excel for the last 3
years. They will clearly see which year had
the most revenue and which year had the
lowest when looking at charts. One may also
use charts to equate defined goals to real
accomplishments. Graphs are also thought to
be more aesthetically appealing than graphs.
A pie chart, for instance, is used to show the
relative share of a given section of the data
collection compared to other segments
present. If one chooses to present the %
contributions of the various categories of
activities that make up a 40-hour work /week
for workers in the company instead of the
adjustments in hours worked with annual
leaves over 5 years, one should add a pie
chart into the spreadsheet for the desired
Types of Charts
Various situations require various chart
forms. Excel has a variety of chart formats
that one can use. The form of chart one
chooses is determined by the data one wants
to represent. Excel 2013 and later versions
have a feature that analyses the data and
recommends the chart forms one can use,
making it easier for consumers.
The key chart forms available in Excel are
as follows:
Surface Chart.
Line Chart.
XY (Scatter) Chart.
Pie Chart.
Radar Chart.
Column Chart.
Bar Chart.
Area Chart.
Bubble Chart.
Doughnut Chart.
Stock Chart.
Combo Chart.
Each of these charts has subtypes. Here
are a few of the subtypes below.
Pie charts depict the size of objects in one
single data set as proportional to the sum of
the items. In the pie chart, the data points are
represented as a % of the total pie. Organize
the details in 1 column or row on the
worksheet to make a pie chart when one
needs to quantify something and show it as a
A doughnut chart reveals the connection of
pieces to the whole. It is identical to the pie
chart, with the main exception that a
doughnut chart can include more than 1 data
set. However, the pie chart can include only 1
data series.
A doughnut chart includes circles, with each
ring indicates 1 data set. To construct a
doughnut chart, place the data in columns or
rows on the spreadsheet.
Bar Chart: Individual object comparisons are
represented using bar charts. The values are
arranged along the straight axis, and the
groups are grouped along the vertical axis in
the bar chart. When one chooses to compare
values through a few categories, organize the
details in columns/rows on the spreadsheet to
construct a bar chart. The figures are arranged
A column chart shows groups on the
horizontal side and the values on the vertical
axes. Organize the information in columns or
rows on the spreadsheet to make a column
chart when one wants to evaluate values in a
few different categories. The values are
arranged vertically.
Line chart: On an equally scaled axis, line
charts will display continuous data over time.
As a result, they’re perfect for displaying data
patterns at regular intervals, such as weeks,
quarters, or decades. When one wants to see
patterns over a long span of time, such as
months, days, years, and so on.
Combo Chart: This chart combines 2 or more
chart styles to make data easier to interpret,
particularly when the data is complex. It has a
secondary axis that makes it much simpler to
learn. Organize the details in columns and
rows on the spreadsheet to make a combo
table. When one wishes to draw attention to
various categories of data.
Stock Chart: This chart, as the name suggests,
will demonstrate market differences in stocks.
A stock chart, on the other hand, may be used
to display changes in other statistics, such as
daily rain or average temperatures.
Organize the details in columns/rows in a
certain order on the spreadsheet to make a
stock chart. To make a basic high-low-close
stock chart, for instance, organize the data
with high, low, and close as column names in
that order.
Bubbles chart: This chart is similar to a
scatter chart, but it has a 3rd column that
specifies the scale of the bubbles that display
the data points in the data set.
Area chart: These charts are useful for
plotting progress over time and highlighting
the cumulative value across the trend. An
area chart displays the association between
sections to a whole by displaying the number
of the plotted values. Organize the details in
columns/rows on the spreadsheet to make an
area chart.
Surface Chart: When one needs to find the
best combo of two sets of information, a
surface map comes in handy. Colors and
shapes, much as on a topographic chart,
denote regions with similar values.
Graphs in Excel
Graphs depict changes in the values of data
over a while. Since one is working with
various data parameters, it is less complicated
than charts. It's more complex to compare and
contrast segments from the same information
against one another.
If one wants to see how the number of hours
working each week and the duration of
annual leaves for the staff has changed over
the last five years, they can make a clear line
graph and watch the rises and dips and get a
good idea.
Types of Graphs in Excel
There Are 3 Types of Graphs Used in
Line Graphs: In all versions of Microsoft
Excel, all 2 dimensional and 3-dimensional
line graphs are present. Line graphs are
excellent for displaying long-term patterns.
Plot several data parameters against one Xaxis or period, such as job salary, the average
amount of hours working/week, and the
average number of annual leaves.
Column Graphs: Observers may also use
column graphs to see if parameters shift over
time. If only one data parameter is included,
they are referred to as “Graphs.” When
several parameters are active, users are
unable to gain much input into how every
parameter has improved. When the average
number of hours worked/week, and the
average number of annual leaves are plotted
side by side, as seen in the column graph
below, the average number of hours
worked/week, and the average number of
annual leaves do not have the same
consistency as the line graph.
Bar Graphs: These are identical to column
graphs in that the constant variable is
allocated to Y-axis, and the parameters are
measured against the X-axis.
Small Divisions
One should take note that not all charts and
graphs are made as a whole as a single entity.
There are other small divisions of the chart
and graph entities. A bar chart is a chart that
has 3 or more columns or 3 or more rows
used to display a visual representation of the
trends present in the underlying data. A bar
chart is a graph with a large group. A twodimensional graph is, as its name implies, a
set of graphs that has 2 columns and 2 rows.
It indicates the direction of the change in the
original data over time. A 3-D graph looks
three-dimensional in it. For instance, if one is
comparing the standard deviations of the
wages in the different departments in the
organization, one can use a 3D graph to show
which department has the highest wages for
employees in the company.
We’re talking about the fact that these are
essentially 3 different concepts, with names
and definitions that are often tossed around
together. But of course, we’re talking about
the same thing, thanks to the general
acceptance of the terms in the modern world.
Best Practices with Excel Chart and
Charts and graphs, in general, are used in a
static or static state in Excel spreadsheets.
However, when they are in a static state, they
do not make much sense. To make them more
useful, one should add a little animation in
the chart or graph when the data is changing
over time. One should consider taking a step
further when making charts and graphs in
Excel since the end solution is usually
dynamic. One should use a VBA macro to
run a chart or a graph. This sort of automation
will help to make a more compelling end
product. With a little bit of creativity and a
download from a website that has hundreds
of different chart templates, one can make a
colorful chart or graph from static
spreadsheet data.
In short, Excel’s charts and graphs make data
easier to understand by visualizing it. They
help to make graphs/charts from a static set of
data points. They’re often used in
presentations to provide a brief snapshot of
development or outcomes for management,
clients, or team members. Further, charts and
graphs are also used in presentations to show
quantitative data or compare numbers.
Why Use Excel Shortcuts?
shortcuts in Excel or shortcut keys is
U sing
a somewhat overlooked way of efficiency
while operating with an Excel model.
When using shortcuts rather than clicking in
the toolbar, these shortcut keys execute big
functions that greatly improve performance
and speed. Consider hitting just 2−3 keys on
the keyboard rather than shifting the hand to
the cursor, moving the button, then clicking
several times.
There are hundreds of keyboard Excel
shortcuts available to help one get something
done in Excel. These shortcuts may be used
for a variety of tasks, ranging from basic
worksheet navigation to formula filling and
data sorting.
Excel Basics’ Shortcuts
Before moving into Excel shortcuts, it’s a
good idea to go through the common
vocabulary for the various Excel components.
Any of the several boxes in the Excel
worksheet is referred to as a cell.
The active cell is the one that Excel is
selecting. There could only be 1
functioning cell at any given time.
The active cell, or a community of
cells, is referred to as a selection. If
the range contains more than 1 cell,
the active cell will be outlined in
white, whereas the remainder of the
selection will be grey.
A column is a collection of vertical
cells in Excel referred to by letters
ranging from A−Z. Excel can
duplicate letters the second time after
column Z. As a result, and column
AA is the next column after column
Z, preceded by column AB.
A row is a set of horizontal cells in
Excel that are referred to by integers
in ascending order from 1-n. The
value of n varies depending on the
version and Excel edition.
Inside Excel, there are many various
types of data.
Text is a type of data that is made up
of letters. Text data may also contain
numbers. On the other hand, these
quantities must be used in
combination with letters or specific to
the text.
Numbers are records that are solely
made up of numbers. Digit-type data
could not use characters, unlike texttype data, which does.
Numbers are used in combination
with a currency marker in currency
and accounting information.
Dates are bits of information that
represent a date and/or period. In
Excel, dates may be formatted in a
variety of ways.
Data of the percentage kind is a form
of numbered data that has been
translated to a %. These can be
translated back into data of the
number kind, and likewise. When one
convert’s a % to an integer, the result
is a decimal. 89%, for example,
would be converted to 0.89.
Shortcuts for the Microsoft Excel
Here are some shortcuts for your ease. For
people using windows, use the ctrl key and
for Mac users, use the command key.
Shift+F1 is for opening the “What’s
this?” frame.
Ctrl+F3 is for opening an Excel name
Shift+F3 is for opening the Excel
formula window.
Alt+Shift+F2 is for saving the recent
Shift+F5 is for bringing up the search
Shift+F6 is for moving to the
preceding lane.
Shift+F9 is for performing calculating
functions on the recent sheet.
Ctrl+F5 is for restoring window size.
Shift+F8 is for adding to the
Shift+F2 is for allowing a person to
edit the cell comment.
Ctrl+F6 is for opening the next
Ctrl+Shift+F6 is for the prior
Ctrl+F7 is for moving the window.
Alt+F2 is for saving as an option.
Ctrl+Shift+F3 is for creating names
using either column and row labels.
Ctrl+F8 is for resizing the window.
Ctrl+F9 is for minimizing the current
Ctrl+Shift+F6 is for moving to the
prior spreadsheet window.
Ctrl+F4 is for closing the recent
Ctrl+F10 is for maximizing the
presently selected window.
Ctrl+F11 is for inserting a macro
Ctrl+F12 is for opening a file.
Ctrl+Shift+F12 is for printing the
present spreadsheet.
Alt+F1 is for inserting a chart.
Alt+Shift+F1 is the macro creating
the new spreadsheet.
Alt+F4 is for exiting Excel.
Alt+F8 is for the opening dialog box
for the macro.
Alt+F11 is the macro opening visual
basic editor.
Keyboard Shortcuts
If you’ve mastered the keyboard shortcuts,
you’ll save a lot of time and be able to
maneuver like an expert. Here are a few
Ctrl + A is for will selecting all the
Shift + Space is for selecting rows of
their active cell.
Ctrl + C is for copying the selected
Ctrl + Down Arrow is for taking the
user to the last cell of their active
Ctrl + V is for pasting the copied
Shift + Space is for selecting rows of
their active cell.
Ctrl + End is for taking the user to the
last cell of their data.
Ctrl + minus sign is for giving the
user delete options.
Ctrl + Up Arrow is for taking the user
to the first cell of their active column.
Ctrl + Space is for selecting a column
of their active cell.
Ctrl + Home is for taking the user to
the first cell of their data.
here are numerous ideas and tricks which
can make things easier, and you can use
any of them to make a difficult situation
seem easy. A few of them are mentioned
Convert Rows to Columns
By selecting the cells, you would like to turn
around, going to edit, copy, choosing a new
cell, and then moving to edit, paste special.
You can transform columns to rows and vice
versa. Finally, press ok after ticking the
transpose button on the dialogue box.
Calculate Time
Put the formula =A2-A1 in a cell, where the
earlier date and A2 are later. Remember to
convert the reference cell to numeric form by
highlighting it, going to format, cells...,
choosing the number column, and clicking
number from the category list.
Enter “URL” as Text
Add an apostrophe at the URL start, such as
www.futureplan.com, to discourage Excel
from turning written websites into hyperlinks.
Calculate Cumulative Sum
Column A should contain the number to be
inserted, such as A1 to A5, and column B
should contain the formula =SUM ($A$1:
A1). Go to edit, filled, down, and choose the
cells beside ones with a number (in our case,
B1 to B5). The cumulative sum of the
numbers in columns A1 through A5 is placed
in the adjacent section.
Remove Hyperlinks
Suppose Excel already has converted the
written URL to a hyperlink. In that case, you
will undo it just by right-clicking on the
offensive address and clicking hyperlink,
delete hyperlink from the pop-up menu.
Fit Tables to the Page
Click file, page configuration, select the page
section, click the match to radio icon, and
choose 1 page wide to allow the tables
exactly to fit on the page. Click delete on the
tall box, which will now be clean.
Hide the Data
Highlight the appropriate cell and choose
format, cells..., to mask some confidential
data from view. To render the data available
again, go to the numbers tab, pick custom
from category: Chart, click doubled on the
type, input box, and enter, then undo the
Make Use of the Template
When you’re creating a fresh worksheet,
templates will save you a lot of time. Click
the workbook solutions tab from the file
menu, then select a design from the chart.
Lotus Users’ Assistant
If you’ve switched from Lotus 1 to 2 to 3 and
are having trouble with Excel, you can get
assistance tailored to your circumstance by
supporting Lotus 1 to 2 to 3 help.
Formula Browser
Select a cell and use “Paste” on the main
toolbar to paste the formula. Select the
required feature from the list box. Now press
ok after clicking the cells in which one you
like the target to execute the action.
If you always use the same list of separate
worksheets, you might consider adding it to
the AutoFill list; this can save you a lot of
time in the future. Click the custom list tab
from the tools, options..., menu after selecting
the set. Select import, then well.
Auto Calculator
If you don’t want to type in a feature to
measure a number dependent on a row or
column of numbers, just pick the numbers
and look at the status bar; you’ll see the sum
of the chosen cells there. Furthermore, when
you right-click on sum, a pop-up menu with
additional simple calculation functions will
Enter the Time
Click a cell and write =today () to enter the
present day or period () or write =now ().
Anytime you start the sheet, Excel updates
the outcome, so it’s all up to date.
Enter a Fixed Time
Click a cell and click Ctrl +; for date and Ctrl
+: for the period if you want Excel to insert
the latest time or date and adjust it at the
point. E.g., to display the last day the sheet
was updated.
Currently Active Cell
If you miss your location when browsing
through your spreadsheet, click the CTRL
backspace keys to return to the actual active
See the Bigger Image
You might like to move to full display mode
if you're operating on a big sheet: clicking on
view, full display. To switch to a regular
browser, click it again.
Automatically Fit the Text
Find the correct column and click
Format>>column>>AutoFit Selection to
make your job appear neater.
Fast Copy
It's fast to repeat the equation or figure inside
the cells above the one you're in by pressing
Ctrl + ‘.
Easy and Fast Multiple Entry
Choose the target cells, type the formula as
normal, and click Ctrl + Enter if you need to
type a formula in multiple cells at once.
Auto Selection
By keeping down Ctrl when clicking on the
individual cells, you may pick unconnected
Hide Comments
Using the insert comment feature, you may
hide details and other comments. Select a
cell, then press insert, comment, and then
enter your text. When you're finished, click
outside from the input box. When you move
your cursor over the appropriate cell, the
statement may show.
Re-Coloring the Lines
By going to tools, options, view, selecting the
color, list box, and picking a new color from
the palette, you can adjust the color of the
grid. Choosing white essentially eliminates
the grid.
Angle Your Entry
Select the toolbar with the help of rightclicking, choose a chart, and choose one of
the “Tab” icons on the current toolbar to
render Excel display text in the cell at a 45degree angle. Change the text to whatever
angle you like; if you want customized
angles, click on the cells and choose layout
cell from the pop-up screen, then choose the
Alignment tab, click on the text marker in the
orientation pane, move the text pointer.
Zoom in
By highlighting the appropriate cells,
selecting the arrows on the Zoom button on
the toolbar, and choosing a selection from the
chart, you can make Excel showing just the
field you’re working in.
Another Standard Entry Path
When you click [Return] while editing cells,
the mouse goes away. Click tools, options...,
and then edit to adjust the course. After
entering the list box, click the move selection
button and choose another course from the
drop-down menu.
Set Decimal Points
Click the edit tab from the tools, choice, and
edit tab menus. To fix the numbers of
decimal points, position a click in the Set
decimal checkbox and then use the arrow in
the places.
Sort the Columns Quickly
Selecting a column and clicking the sort
increasing or sort decreasing buttons is the
easiest way to sort it into a hierarchy.
Typing While Erasing Entries
If you type the formula incorrectly, click Esc
to clear the contents of the cell.
See Formulas
Through going to tools, options..., choosing
the display tab, and ticking the formulas
check button, you can see all of the formulas
at once.
Switch Off 0s
By choosing tools, options..., the Display tab,
or unticking the 0-values tick box, you will
prevent 0s from filling up your sheets.
Customize the Dates
The Customized cell format allows you to
change the layout of a period in a cell. To do
so, type a date in such a cell, select format,
cells, standard in the category, window, type,
input box, and M repeatedly until the correct
format appears in the sample field.
Column Copy Quickly
By clicking doubled on a cell’s handle, you
might fill out cells in such a column. Excel
can duplicate the tapped cell in any of the
cells below it, stopping until it approaches a
cell without blanks on both sides.
Merge Cell Contents
Click on cell C1 and type =A1&B1 to
combine the data of cells B1 and A1. Since
the product is a text string rather than a sum,
combining 10 and 7 yields 107 rather than 17.
Dynamic Formatting
Excel may be configured to warn you of
important figures in the cell by changing the
text’s size and color when a certain
requirement is met. Select a cell (for
example, the cell containing your bank
balance total) and choose type, conditional
formatting. In the pop-up dialogue, choose
the conditions (E.g., “Cell value < 0”) and
press the format icon. Now, in the color list
box, choose a new color and press ok. To
end, click ok once more. Whenever your
chosen figure goes below zero, Excel can
now represent it in the new color.
Cell’s Border Connector
By selecting a group of similar cells and
clicking format cells, choosing the border
section, and clicking the outline icon, you
may create a border around them, for
example, all the totals.
Entries Should Be Shrunk to Fit
Their Cells
Using shrink to suit choice in excel, you will
compel spreadsheets to access the entire text.
tab>>Check the shrink to matchbox. The
more texts you get, the smaller the cell would
be, but this isn't realistic for tiny cells with a
ton of material.
Create Hyperlinks
Enter a name for the connection in a cell and
press Ctrl + K to position connections in cells
that allow you to launch other documents
with a single click. Select file... from the
drop-down menu. Go to the file you want to
connect to and choose it. Double-click it and
then choose ok. Excel can now switch to the
file anytime you select in that cell.
ne may also create the table in Excel
using currently existing data, so they
don't need to create data visualization. A
data collection may be formatted as a table in
2 ways:
One is to do it manually: One can manually
insert data and format it as a table by adding
column and row names in this case.
One can also use Excel's format as a table
preset function to enter raw data (with no
column and row names).
To display data as the table, click and move
the pointer over the cells that contain the data
set, then choose the home tab and then select
format as the table from the drop-down menu
on the toolbar.
Choose a new table style from the drop-down
menu. (One will also see a pivot tables
A dialogue box appears, allowing one to
specify which elements of the chosen set
should be included in the formatted table. To
continue, press the blue ok icon.
Formatting Tables
An Excel table can be formatted in a variety
of ways. Table styles of light, medium, and
dark colors are pre-installed. Other table
styles and options are mentioned below.
In the following steps, you'll apply certain
1. Open your file and find the Excel ME
2. Press the further button in the table style
group of the table tool design tab.
Table Styles
1. Choose table styles medium 7 from the
table style gallery medium section.
2. Choose banded rows from the table style
options group on the ribbon.
3. The line with contrasting colors vanishes.
The table data has become more difficult
to read.
4. Experiment with any of the other table
style options. When you’re done, check
the banded rows, header row, and filter
Adding Data in Tables
Over time, you may need to add new data to
an Excel table or update a table with new
information. You can add data to the table.
The data will be entered into a table in a
blank section. The simplest method is to
insert data in the first blank row underneath
the table’s last row. The data in the table will
then be sorted to rearrange it. You can put the
blank row in the center of the table and fill it
with data if you want to include data in a
certain location in the center.
Simple Sorting
A table’s contents can be ordered
alphabetically, numerically, or in a variety of
other ways. Sorting allows you to order data
in a table with one or more columns. The
table below shows the various sort orders
required for each column of data.
Table Sort Options
Sort Order Text
SmallestAlphabetical Largest
(A to Z)
Descending Alphabetical
(Z to A)
Sorting the Column
Select the filter by clicking on it. To
sort the list, click the arrow to the
right of the header.
To order your data by that column,
choose either AZ or ZA from the
drop-down menu.
Multi-Level Sorting
To interpret data effectively, you may need to
filter a table by more than a single column
once at a time.
If you had been looking at many different
loan categories from several separate bank
offices, for instance, you’d need to filter by
loan form and by the bank officer’s name to
see the various classes of loans.
If you have a list of students’ grades
throughout their high school careers, you
would need to sort them first by student name
and then by grade level (freshman,
sophomore, junior, and senior) so each
student’s grades appear in sequential order.
Custom Sorting
To sort or filter a table by columns that are
not pre-installed, you have to include the
names of other columns in the sort or filter
conditions. For example, you could sort a
table by the lowest grades by including the
grades in the second column. As shown,
you’d select the lowest grades as the second
column in the sorting condition.
What Does “Name” Mean in Excel?
frequently an Alphanumeric form
A name,
that corresponds to a single cell, several
cells, a constant that means or represents
a formula, is known as a defined name or a
name. A named set, or specified range, is
created when you give a group of cells a
name. A name can apply to one cell or
several related cells. The properties of a
defined name can be used to organize areas of
a spreadsheet, prolong formulas, allocate
meaning to numbers, and simplify the use of
formulas. To create a named range, place the
cursor in the name cell.
Defining Any Name for a Formula
You can name an Excel formula in a similar
way, such as one that returns a count of nonempty cells in column A, except for the
header row (- 1):
Sheet5! =COUNTA (Sheet 5! $A: $A) -1
Do not use a sheet name in references if your
formula applies to certain cells, which are
usually on the current sheet; Excel does that
automatically. If you refer to a range or cell
on another worksheet, precede the cell/range
comparison with the sheet name and an
exclamation mark.
Now, in any cell, type an equal sign and the
name of the formula to find out how many
items are in column A on sheet 5, except the
column header: = Count of Items
Naming Columns in Excel
You can easily name a column and row if
your data is organized in tabular format:
1. The whole table, including the
column and row headers, should be
2. Click the create from selection key in
the formula tab to define the name
Ctrl+Shift+F3 keyboard shortcut.
3. The Create names from the selection
dialog window will appear in either
case. Press ok after selecting the
header of either a row or a column, or
Naming Rules in Excel
There are some rules to remember while
creating a name in Excel:
The length of the Excel name must be
less than 255 characters.
Spaces and many punctuation
characters cannot be used in Excel
A letter, backslash (\) or underscore
(_), must be the first character in the
name. Errors will occur if the name
starts with something else.
When using names in Excel, the case
is unimportant. “Apples,” “apples,”
and “APPLES,” for example, will all
be viewed as identical names.
Ranges cannot be named in the same
way as cell references. That is, a
range cannot be given the names
Besides the letters “r,” “c,” and “C,” you
could name any range with a single letter,
such as “a,”/”b,”/”D,” and so on (Such
characters are utilized as shortcuts to select a
column or row for a recently selected cell
while you type these in the name box).
Naming Scope in Excel
In the Excel name, scope refers to the level or
location in which the name is known. This
may be one of the following:
A specific worksheet is one level of
a local worksheet.
The global workbook level is called
a workbook.
Level Names in Worksheet
Inside the worksheet in which it is situated,
worksheet-level names are known. If you
build a named range with sheet 1 as its scope,
it will only be recognized in sheet 1.
To use the worksheet-level names in another
worksheet, first prefix each worksheet name
with an exclamation point(!), for example:
Sheet 1! items list!
For referencing worksheet-level names in
other workbooks, enclose the workbook
names in square brackets:
Sheet 1! items list
There may be spaces in a workbook or sheet
name, but they must be marked as a single
quotation mark:
[2017 Sales.xlsx]
Sheet 1’! items list'
Level Names in a Workbook
Workbook-level names are known in the
workbook and may be referred to by names
from a sheet in the same workbook.
If you're going to use the workbook-level
names in another workbook, start with the
workbook name (as shown in the example)
and then an exclamation mark:
Book 1.xlsx! items list
Advantages of Utilizing Names in
Throughout this guide, you've mostly focused
on addressing various aspects of building and
utilizing named ranges in Excel. Still, you
might be curious about what makes Excel
names so unique that they're worth the time
and effort. Listed below are the top five
benefits of utilizing defined names in Excel.
1. Excel Names Make Formulas
Simpler to Create and Read
You might not have to write complicated
references or go back and forth on your sheet
selecting ranges. Start entering a name you
intend to use in a formula, and Excel can
provide you with a collection of possible
Double-click your desired name, and Excel
can automatically insert it into the formula.
2. Excel Names Allow You to Create
Resilient Formulas
You can construct a “Dynamic” algorithm
that automatically uses new details in
equations without manually editing any
corresponding data by utilizing dynamic
labeled ranges.
3. Excel Names Make Formulas
Simpler to Re-Use
It’s a lot simpler to transfer formula to
another sheet or transfer the formula to a new
workbook when you use Excel names.
Generate the same name in the destination
workbook and copy/paste your formula:
You’ll be up and running in no time.
Tip: Rather than copying a formula cell, copy
the formula as text in the formula bar to
prevent Excel from generating new names for
this formula.
4. Named Ranges Make Navigation
Click on the name of a designated range in
the name box to access it easily. If a
designated range is located on another
document, Excel can immediately navigate to
this sheet.
Note that, in Excel, complex named ranges
don’t appear in the name box. Open the Excel
name manager (Ctrl+F3) to see the dynamic
ranges. It displays the full information of all
the names in the workbook, plus their scope
and references.
5. Named Ranges Allow Dynamic
Drop-Down Lists to Be Created
Create a complex named range first; the data
validation lists then depend on that to create
an expandable and updatable drop-down
Tips and Tricks for Named Ranges
Here are a couple more ideas that might be
useful in your job now that you know some
fundamentals about making or using names in
How You Can Get the List of the
Names in the Workbook
Follow these steps to obtain a much more
meaningful list of your names in a new
Choose the topmost cell in the range
in which the names will appear.
Tap used in the formula and then
paste names, in the formula tab
define name group. Alternatively,
simply click the F3 key.
Select pastelist from the paste names
dialog box.
Starting in the chosen cell, both
Excel names and references will be
inserted into the current worksheet.
Absolute Excel Name vs Relative
Excel Name
Excel names are locked to individual cells by
design and act as absolute references.
Fortunately, a named range may be made
relative to an active cell’s location when the
term is specified. Whenever a formula is
transferred or replicated to another cell,
relative names act similarly to relative
It’s difficult to think of a justification why
anyone might want to create a relative named
range unless it’s for a single cell. Let’s create
a relative name for a cell one column to the
left of the current cell in the same row as an
Select Cell B1.
To open the Excel name manager, press
Ctrl+F3 and then select new.
Type your desired name in the name window,
such as ‘item left.’
Type = A1 in the ‘Refers to’ box.
Select ok.
Let's see what happens when you utilize the
‘left item’ name in the formula like this:
= SUMIF (items list, item left, sales)
$A$2: $A$10 is represented by the items list,
and $B$2: $B$10 is represented by sales.
In the table below, $2: $B$10 is the
Since ‘item left’ is a relative term, the
relationship changes depending on the
relative location of the row and column
where the formula is being copied. When a
user enters a formula in cell E2 and copies
that down the column, this calculates the
gross sales of each commodity individually.
How You Can Apply Names to
Existing Formulas
Excel will not immediately adjust your
references to a proper name if you've
specified a range already included in the
formulas. Instead of manually changing
references with addresses, you can make.
Excel does this for you. Here is how to do
You can upgrade one or more
formula cells by selecting them.
Press define name apply names in
formulas tab define name group.
Select the name you would like to
apply in the Apply Names dialog
box, then press ok. Excel compares
a selection of the current names to
the references in the formulas, but
names are automatically chosen.
In addition, there are two other choices
(both of which are chosen by default):
Keep the box checked when you
want Excel to add only the names of
the same relation type: Ignore
relative/absolute, relative references
should be replaced with relative
terms, and absolute references
should be replaced with the absolute
Excel can rename all the cell
references, which are defined as the
intersection of any named row and
named column if this option is
chosen. Click the options button for
more choices.
Excel Names Shortcuts
The most commonly used Excel tools can be
accessed in a variety of ways, including the
ribbon, the right-click menu, and keyboard
shortcuts. Named ranges in Excel are no
different. Here are three Excel shortcuts for
working with names:
To access the Excel name manager,
press Ctrl+F3.
To build a named range from a set,
press Ctrl+Shift+F3.
Press F3 to see lists of all the names
in the workbook.
Excel Name
Once you insert and remove cells in an
established named set, Microsoft Excel does
its best to keep the specified names consistent
and accurate by automatically changing the
range references. If you build the named
range from cells A1: A10 and then insert a
new row somewhere between rows 1 and 10,
this same range reference becomes A1: A11.
Similarly, deleting every cell from A1 to A10
would cause the named range to shrink.
If you remove any of the cells in a named
range, the name becomes invalid, and the
name manager shows a #REF! Error. In a
formula with a reference to that name, a
similar error will appear: A #NAME?
An error appears when a formula applies to a
name that does not occur (due to a typo or
deletion). In any event, open Excel name
manager and double-check the names you’ve
identified are still correct (this is the fastest
method for filtering names with errors).
In Excel, that’s how you make and use
part explains how you can print your
T his
Excel worksheet and how to adjust
certain critical print settings.
Printing a Worksheet
Follow the steps below to print your Excel
1. Choose the print from File tab.
2. Next, at the bottom of the browser, press
‘Next page’ and ‘Previous page’ to see a
list of other items that will be printed.
3. Press the large print icon to print your
What Do You Want to Print?
You can print the latest list instead of the
whole worksheet.
1. First, choose the cell set you intend to
2. Select print selection from the settings
3. Press the large print icon to print your
Note that you can either print your active
sheets (select them first by holding CTRL
and clicking on the sheet tabs) or the whole
workbook. To print a range of pages of a
workbook, use the boxes beside pages (see
the first image). 2−2 just prints the second
page, for instance.
Making Multiple Copies
Follow the instructions below to print several
1. Use the arrows beside the copy box to
choose several copies.
2. You can switch between collated and
uncollated if one copy has several pages.
Collated, for instance, prints the whole of
the first copy, and the whole of the second
copy, and so on when printing six copies.
Uncollated prints have six copies of page
one, six copies of page two, and so forth.
You can choose between portrait orientation
(which has more rows and fewer columns)
and landscape orientation (which has more
rows and fewer columns).
Page Margins
Follow the steps below to adjust your page
From the margins, drop-down chart,
choose one of the pre-defined margins
(normal, broad, or narrow).
2. Alternatively, at the lowest corner of the
window, press the 'Show margins' button.
You can now manually adjust the page
margins by dragging the row.
You can fit the sheet onto a single page if you
wish to fit a lot of detail on one page. Follow
the instructions below to do this.
From the Scaling drop-down menu, choose
'Fit sheet on one page.'
You can also reduce the size of your printout
to one page tall or one page wide. To
manually input the scaling percentages, or
match the printed copy to the width and size
of a certain page, go to the custom scaling
option. Bear in mind that Excel will never
alert you if the printout becomes unreadable.
Printing Your Work
The “Quick print” provides the user ability to
print the current file fast and effortlessly. One
way to trigger this control is to pick the print
file (which shows the backstage view display
pane) and press the print button. The CTRL
keyboard shortcut will have the same impact
as the [Print] file. Using CTRL to display the
backstage view, the emphasis is on the print
button, and you can only click enter to print.
If you like the concept of printing with one
click, take a few moments to insert a new
button into your quick access toolbar. Click
the down-pointing arrow on the right-hand
side of your quick access toolbar, and then
pick the quick print from the dropdown
column. Excel attaches the button on fast
print to the easy access toolbar.
Simply click the fast print button will print
the latest worksheet, using the same print
settings on the currently selected printer. If a
user changes the print settings in the template
file, then new settings will be used for
printing; otherwise, the default settings for
the print will be used by MS excel.
Prints the current worksheet (or all
chosen worksheets) plus any maps or
items inserted.
Prints one copy.
Prints in portrait mode.
Prints the full working worksheet.
It doesn’t scale the printed output.
Utilizes text-size paper with borders
of 0.75 inches for top and bottom and
margins of 0.70 inches from left and
right margins (for the U.S. version).
Prints without headers and footers.
Doesn’t print comments attached to a
Prints without cell gridlines.
Prints down and then over with wider
worksheets that cover several pages.
When printing a worksheet, Excel only prints
the active area of your worksheet. In other
words, it isn’t going to print all 17 billion
cells, just those with data present in them.
This option will print any object which is
hidden in excel including smart art or any
other object.
EXCEL 2022
Version History
1985, the spreadsheet application was
I nreleased
solely for Macintosh, with a
Microsoft version coming in 1987. A brief
introduction about versions of MS excels
except for the latest one below summarizes
all the many aspects of different versions of
Excel, beginning with the first version in
1985 and ending with the most recent version
in 2021. So here we are, with the release of
the many versions of Microsoft Excel for
Windows, which you may come across.
Version 1: Released in 1985. This version of
Excel was initially offered solely for
Macintosh computers. Many Excel users are
unaware of this, and it may seem weird.
Microsoft had earlier attempted to produce a
spreadsheet application called Multiplan in
1982, but it was unsuccessful. Until 2016,
Excel versions for various operating systems
were known by distinct names.
Excel 2: Released in 1987. To correlate to the
Mac version, the initial MS Excel edition for
Windows was designated “2.” It was a port of
the Mac “Excel 2” and contained a run-time
version for Windows.
Excel 3: Released in 1990. Toolbars,
outlining, drawing capabilities, 3D charts,
add-in support, and many more additional
innovations and features were included in this
next edition.
Excel 4: Released in 1992. Version 4 was the
first “Famous” version of Excel. Many
usability enhancements were implemented,
including AutoFill, which was originally
offered in this version.
Excel 5: Released in 1993. Excel 5 was a
significant update. It had multi-worksheet
workbooks as well as Macros and VBA
support. Excel became more susceptible to
macro virus assaults as a result of these new
features, which remained to be a concern
until the 2007 edition.
Excel 95: Released in 1995. It was the first
main 32-bit version of Excel, and it was
known as Excel 95. Excel 5 featured a 32-bit
version as well, although it was not
extensively utilized owing to distribution
issues. Excel 95 is pretty comparable to Excel
5 in terms of features. You might also be
asking why Excel 6 isn't available. Beginning
with Excel 7, all MS Office apps have been
using the same version number, so the
version numbering has been modified.
Excel 97: Released in 1997. This version
included a new VBA developer interface,
data validation, User Forms, and much more.
Do you remember Clippie, the obnoxious
Office Assistant? He was also a member of
this version.
Excel 2000: Released in 1999. HTML as a
local file format, a “Self-repair” capability, an
upgraded clipboard, modeless user forms, and
pivot charts are among the new features.
Excel 2002: Released in 2001. This was the
first time Excel was included in Office XP.
The vast list of new features didn't contribute
much to the ordinary user's experience. The
new capability that enabled you to restore
your work if Excel crashes were among the
most important innovations. This version also
had a helpful feature called product activation
protection), which limits the usage of the
program to one computer at a time. Before
determining whether or not to update, you
had to think about the consequences.
Microsoft Office Excel 2003: Released in
2003. Improved XML support, a new “List
range” tool, smart tag upgrades, and updated
statistical functions were among the new
features in this version. The majority of
consumers did not consider the data upgrade
Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Released in
modifications in this Windows edition. The
ribbon interface was introduced, as well as a
change in the file format type from .xls to the
now-familiar .xlsx and .xlsm. This
modification improved Excel's security
(referred to the difficulties with macro viruses
in prior versions) and allowed for additional
row data storage (over one million). The
charting features have also been considerably
Microsoft Office Excel 2010: Released in
2010. Sparkline graphics, an updated solver,
pivot table slicers, and a 64-bit version were
among the new additional features in this MS
Excel version.
Microsoft Excel 2013: Released in 2013.
Over 50 new functions were included in this
edition, as well as a single-document
interface suggested pivot tables and charts
and additional charting improvements.
Microsoft Excel 2016: Released in 2016.
Although they were separate versions of the
program, Excel for Windows and Mac was
known as the same thing after this version
came out. If you had a subscription to Office
365, you get unique Excel internet updates
that may drastically improve your user
experience. Older versions and those
purchased from a store are consequently at a
disadvantage. Histograms (to illustrate the
frequency in data), power pivot (which
allowed for the input of greater levels of data
and included its language), and Pareto charts
(to display data trends) were some of the new
features in this edition.
Microsoft Excel 2019: Released in 2019.
This version had all of the capabilities found
in earlier versions of Excel, as well as some
new ones. The new charts, which provide a
unique twist to data presentation, are one of
the most noticeable new additions. Funnel
charts and map charts are two examples of
modern data presentation charts that make
your data seem tidy; they both were added in
this version. In addition, the option of using
3D images in your workbooks was
If you have an older version of MS Excel, it
will probably work with newer files if you
use the compatibility mode. Keep in mind
that prior versions have many fewer features
that are understandable if you've been paying
attention to the changing features in the
preceding versions. Some of them may not be
functional with the newer operating systems,
but it's a good idea to try out several versions
and look at how the same file appears in each.
Easier Worksheet Navigation
Many consumers spend more time typing in
data and less time navigating and arranging it.
A large number of people who use Excel
don't particularly like switching back and
forth between the ribbon and the view menu.
The new keyboard shortcuts can help you
navigate and switch between cells and sheets
much faster. For example, the old shortcut for
switching to the next cell on the same sheet is
Alt+arrow right. If you want to go to the prior
cell, you use Alt+arrowleft instead. The new
shortcut for this action is Ctrl+arrowleft and
Ctrl+arrowright, respectively. Additionally,
there's a new shortcut to switch between two
Ctrl+arrowleft and Ctrl+arrowright. You can
learn more about the new shortcuts and other
new features on the Microsoft Office support
page. It is a good idea to take the time to
learn about the changes and how you can use
them. It could potentially save you a lot of
time in the long run.
Text to Columns
In Excel 2022, you can use the text to
columns feature. You can use it to combine
data from different cells. For example, if you
want to combine the price of two products,
you can convert the product names into the
text, and you can use this text in the list of
columns. If you want to list the price of 50
products, then you can create 50 columns.
You have to use the “Text to columns” option
from the data ribbon. This option is the last
one in the group of options that is dropped
down when you click “Text to columns.” You
can then use labels or titles to differentiate the
text in the columns.
Cells located near each other (and in the same
row) can be combined into one cell by
selecting them. This action is called merging
cells. You can merge cells by using the
options on the home tab or by using the
shortcut key Alt+E+M. When you merge
cells, the contents of the cell on the upper left
are moved into the cell that has been on the
lower right on row.
Bulk Unhide Tabs
You can automate the task of the hidden cell.
You can bulk select each of the hidden or
shown cells to hide--one cell at a time. This
procedure will move the highlighted cells to
the end of the selected range. Alternatively,
you can choose the option “Use autoformat as
font” from the home tab. Then you can select
the font that you want to use. When you
select this option, all the hidden or shown
cells are treated as if they were text.
Therefore, they move to the end of the
selected range. Many users are using Excel’s
advanced modeling tools. If you are using
advanced modeling tools, you can quickly
change how your simulations look by
switching among predefined themes. The
themes are prearranged color schemes, and
they provide a variety of options that can be
used to change your simulations. You can
also apply combinations of styles that are
grouped together. If you like the current
theme but want to change your models, all
you need to do is click the drop-down list to
make the changes.
Zoom In/Out In
You can use a new graphic feature in Excel
2022. You can zoom in/zoom out in a view. It
is a great feature when you need to see a
close-up of a workbook in a large one. The
zoom feature can be done using the options
on the view tab. There is a drop-down list that
includes the “Zoom in” and “Zoom out”
options. Both options result in a two-step
process. The zoom option will zoom in or out
according to the resolution settings in
“Tools/Page setup.” The Zoom option will
show the following window. There are boxes
to indicate where you want to zoom in or out.
You have to enter the number in the boxes to
tell your program how to zoom in or out.
Multiple Range Selection
There are many ways of selecting multiple
data. You can make notes on multiple data on
the same worksheet. The easiest thing to do is
select all the data and press CTRL+A. You
can also make a selection by using a rectangle
or a list of checkboxes to select multiple data.
If you want to select multiple data, you can
use a selection tool. Several selection tools
now come with different characteristics. The
type that you choose depends on the feature
or function that you want to select. Some
tools allow you to enter text in the cells,
while others only allow you to select data. It
is also possible to create different twodimensional ranges with multiple selection
options. The option will allow you to select
ranges that run in different directions.
Some formatting options will allow you to
apply multiple formats to the same cell. You
can then quickly see how the formats are
applied. For instance, you can use data bars in
your charts when you need them when using
the conditional formatting option.
Duplicate Conditional Formatting
It is important to have a familiar view of a
spreadsheet that is a viable instructional tool.
It is an excellent idea to use a conditional
formatting rule, but sometimes it is a good
idea to have two different rules in a
spreadsheet. This makes it possible to use the
condition in a different context. Press
CTRL+D to add a duplicate rule. You can
create a rule or copy an existing one by using
the duplicate conditional formatting rule
dialog box. You can then edit the rule by
using the dialog box that appears after you
choose the “Edit” button.
Regional Settings
In Excel 2022, you can choose different
options for international items, regional
features, and other features. For example, you
can choose whether you want your data to
appear as an infinity symbol. Other common
changes include the decimal and thousands of
separators and the date and time format.
Always choose the option that you will be
using for your work.
Simplified Ribbon
The simplified dialog boxes and the number
of options that come up when you click the
“Ribbon” button that is located on the home
tab has been reduced. This makes it possible
to quickly see most of your options.
Copy the Build Number Form the
About Dialog
If you want to clone the version of Excel that
is installed on the computer to another pc on
your network, you can use the same admin
password, but you will not be able to get the
same version of Excel. You can use the new
option on the File tab. It is the option “Copy
the build number from the about dialog.” This
option will copy the build number for the
whole of Excel. This operation gives you the
choice to copy the build number for the rest
of the Excel version. F5 button to refresh the
currently open window.
You can now use buttons on the top to refresh
the currently open window. The button that
looks like this is below the split pane. It is the
button that you see when you click the
Windows icon (when using the right pane).
You can also use the F5 button on the view
tab. When you use this button, it will refresh
the selected view. You can then accept the
changes by clicking the “Ok” button.
is extensively used for a variety
M SofExcel
reasons, including the ease with
which data can be information can be
inserted and withdrawn and saved with no
effort. A few fundamental and essential
advantages of using Microsoft Excel 2022 are
listed below:
1. Best Way to Store Data
MS Excel is extensively used to save and
analyze data since there is no restriction to
the quantity of data that can be recorded in a
spreadsheet. Filtering data in Excel is simple.
This is extremely helpful, especially when
you are working on one of your most
important projects. Just make sure that the
information with the software is updated
2. You Can Perform Calculations
With the help of shortcuts, MS Excel gives
you the option to perform quick calculations.
You can save all your data to different sheets
and create tables, charts, and graphs after
performing calculations. Using formulas is
the easiest way to make modifications to your
data, depending on your requirements.
3. All the Tools for Data Analysis
MS Excel has all the tools for data analysis,
including the capability to analyze averages,
sums, ranks, and combinations. It is essential
to know how to use functions in the right
way. And the best way to use them is to go
through the tutorials. MS Excel is one of the
leading data analysis programs, also
providing the option of charts, graphs, and
tables for an easy-to-understand analysis of
data. For instance, you can comment on your
customers by attaching different colored tags
to their data so that it can be easily identified.
Whenever you want to do so, just change the
background color of your chart, and it will be
done quite easily without any difficulty.
4. Easy to Data Visualizations with
Excel has a variety of tools to help you create
a wealth of different kinds of charts. You can
create a chart from a single number or a chart
from a lengthy list of data. This tool is mainly
useful when you have a huge dataset of
information that can be sorted from A to Z.
One of the most popular charts is the Pareto
chart. It is also known as the 80/20 chart or
the Gantt chart. You can get a very clear view
of the data just by exploring this tool.
5. You Can Print Reports Easily
You can run reports easily to verify the
number of pages that you can print at once.
There are different ways to print them,
depending on your usage. If you want to print
reports for easy identification, you can print
data to a different printer manually or
manually opt for the fax-based software.
6. So Many Free Templates to Use
There are many different templates available
to use, but you can also create customized
templates for your usage. You can take the
help of the built-in template to help you out
with your task.
7. You Can Code to Automate
It's the most efficient way to make good use
of your time. There are two different methods
to code automatically in MS Excel. One is
through macros, and the other is through
Visual Basic coding.
8. Transform and Clean Data
To make better use of your data, you can
transform each sheet in the entire spreadsheet
into a new sheet in a different format that is
appropriate to one way or a few ways per
sheet. It is a very essential and efficient way
to save a lot of time. Once all data is
converted in a format that can be easily
managed, you can quickly clean the data so
that you can get a clear idea of the data.
9. Store Data with Millions of Rows
It is a very important feature in Excel that has
been upgraded to a larger capacity in the
2021 edition. In the 2021 edition, users can
store data in a spreadsheet that can be up to 2
billion rows, which is a massive improvement
when compared to the 2013 edition, when the
usable data was restricted to 16,000 rows.
This feature enables you to store massive
amounts of data for future use.
10. You Can Work with Excel Online
+ Mobile App
You can easily work with a static copy of MS
Excel on your smartphone, tablet, and
desktop. It’s an amazing feature of MS Excel,
and it is quite useful if you want to work on
the go.
hank you for reading this book. Microsoft
Excel is database software for recording,
manipulating, and storing numeric data.
In Excel, the ribbon is used to access
different commands. The options dialog
window allows you to configure a variety of
features, such as the ribbon, formulas,
proofing and saving.
Optimistically, after reading this book, you
should have realized that this guide is
excellent for beginning your journey with
Excel and start making your workbooks. This
guide includes various methods and
techniques to deal with Excel and start
guiding other individuals who are beginners
and new to MS Excel.
Excel’s main advantage is that it allows for
speedy data input. MS Excel features a ribbon
interface, which is a collection of instructions
that may be used to do particular tasks, as
opposed to other data entering and analysis
techniques. The ribbon is divided into tabs,
each of which has several command groups
and keys that go with it. You may quickly
choose instructions and perform operations
by tapping the appropriate tab.
A brief introduction to MS Excel, its
interface, MS Excel cheat sheet, cell
referencing in Excel, and Excel tips, tricks
with techniques, and practices: After reading
all these topics, you will likely be going to
make your or someone’s life an easy place. It
will probably improve your skills and dealing
with Excel problems and even guiding other
people in everyday life. This book contains
almost all the aspects of MS Excel 2022 and
enables you to become a skilled Excel
MS Excel is a simple software program, and
understanding the tenets will help learners
and experts get forward with their
professions. Beginners would be more
alarmed with easy functionality such as
columns, rows, and tables and might be less
knowledgeable about the program’s enhanced
features. To operate the program in day-today workplace jobs, you should have a clear
knowledge of the application and its
The key advantage of MS Excel is that it
presents quick data entry. As related to other
data entry and analysis techniques, Excel has
got a ribbon interface, which is a sequence of
commands that could be used to perform
particular tasks. The ribbon is made up of
numerous tabs. Each one contains many
commands groups and their related keys. By
selecting the appropriate tab, you could easily
pick commands and carry out operations.
Generally, MS Excel facilitates you to
manipulate, examine, and understand data,
which will assist you in making healthier
decisions and saving resources. MS Excel
offers you the resources you ought to
accomplish most of the tasks, whether you
are using it for business or to manage private
databases and expenditures. It is a valuable
platform for creating customized templatebased worksheets for commercial use, data
analysis, and multimedia data management.
Mastering these basic Excel skills is what you
need to do to make your life easier—and
maybe impress those in your workplace.
However, remember that no matter how
familiar you are with this helpful instrument,
there is always something fresh to learn.
Whatever you do, keep developing your
Excel skills; it will not only help you keep
track of your earnings, but it can also lead to
a better potential job opportunity.
To conclude, wisdom is often said to be
strong, and there's no easier way to motivate
yourself than by honing your talents and the
worth of your business with expertise and
Study collections