DRAWING TITLE ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN TURBOMACHINERY SYSTEMS PROVIDER ENGINEERING CUSTOMER PROJECT NAME DRIVER Mars 100 CS EQUIPMENT CFE Tuxpan Tula C453 LOCATION Mexico REV A A1 DESCRIPTION Initial Submittal Revised submittal / Changed ASV type & removed Hot Bypass Valve per customer request APPROVED Franklin Enriquez CHECK Gus Mendez ERCC DRAWING NO. PROJECT MANAGER Fernando Lopez DESIGN DATE 7 Mar 16 25 Mar 16 3X231 - 149653 "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." COMP REV FSCM NO B0 66195 PROJECT SHORT NAME TC-CR4 REV A1 SHEET 1 OF 20 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Document Purpose & Scope ................................................................................................................................... 3 General Design Notes ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Project Specific Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 4 Information and Data Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4 Abbreviations / Definition ......................................................................................................................................... 5 References............................................................................................................................................................... 5 RECYCLE SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 ANTI-SURGE VALVE ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Anti-Surge Valve Sizing Information ........................................................................................................................ 7 Anti-Surge Valve Assembly ..................................................................................................................................... 9 Valve Schematic (Globe) .................................................................................................................................... 9 Recommended Accessories .................................................................................................................................. 10 Anti-Surge Valve Evaluation .................................................................................................................................. 11 Fast Stop Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 12 System Volumes ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Anti-Surge Valve ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Valve Performance (Reference: Solar ES2451) .............................................................................................. 13 Deceleration Rate ............................................................................................................................................. 16 Head and Flow vs Time .................................................................................................................................... 17 Anti-Surge Control System ...................................................................................................................................... 18 Anti-Surge System Software Constants ................................................................................................................ 18 Flow Measuring Element .......................................................................................................................................... 20 DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 2 OF 20 INTRODUCTION Document Purpose & Scope The purpose of this document is to define the recommended anti-surge valve(s) and related accessories, and components necessary for effective operation of the anti-surge control system to avoid surge during all phases of compressor operation. This includes valve sizing data, criteria, accessories, performance evaluation and fast stop analysis, transmitter ranges, and flow element data. This also includes the constant values that are required to program the anti-surge control system software. This document applies on all compressor packages that utilize Solar® Turbines proprietary compressor anti-surge control system. General Design Notes 1. Refer to ISA standard instrument symbols and identification (ANSI/ISA-S5.1) for symbols not identified. 2. For flow measurement using orifice plates: Meter run sizing criteria shown are for compressor packages requiring accurate performance calculations. Upstream and downstream meter-run requirements are described in AGA REPORT #3, Part 2. 3. For restricted travel or restricted trim valves, relief valve flow capacity must not exceed the maximum flow normally associated with an identical valve with full travel or trim. 4. The customer is responsible for keeping the recycle line free of debris that could impair valve capability. Periodic inspections are recommended. 5. Instrument air is preferred over natural gas for valve actuation media. If natural gas must be used, proper care needs to be taken during conduit/interconnect installation on the valve positioner to ensure that gas does not leak to the control panel (reference: Solar Service Bulletin 5.3/102). 6. Instrument air to be clean and oil-free. Refer to ISA-S7.0.01-1996, “QUALITY STANDARD FOR INSTRUMENT AIR” for detailed specifications. 7. If a temporary or permanent suction line strainer is installed between the suction flow measuring element and the compressor, the pressure drop across it must be monitored by the unit control system to ensure proper operation of the surge protection system. This may be accomplished by installing a second pressure transmitter downstream of the strainer, or delta-p transmitter across the strainer. 8. Design of the piping and the selection, and placement of instruments significantly affect the performance of an anti-surge control system. The benefits of a good piping & instrumentation design cannot be over emphasized. The cost of correcting a poor design once the equipment is in operation can be very expensive. 9. Guidelines to help ensure proper operation of the anti-surge control system are available in Solar’s Gas Compression Control Systems document (Drawing # SPGCCS). The entire document is available upon request. 10. Anti-surge control system designs are joint venture between the compressor supplier, the controls provider, and the piping contractor. It is important that communication between these parties be given the highest priority to facilitate an effective and efficient compressor controls design. 11. For effective anti-surge control system, all customer furnished data (e.g. suction pipe size, flow-meter data, suction & discharge system volumes, etc) that are used on the design must be verified and confirmed by the customer. DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 3 OF 20 Project Specific Notes 1. Fast stop analysis revealed that an additional hot bypass valve is recommended to avoid compressor surge on fast stop shutdowns however, the customer has decided not to install this valve and therefore has not been included on the Unit Control Balance of Plant design. 2. In Solar fast stop analysis, process and operating conditions are modeled based on compressor design data point, but may not be sufficient to simulate the actual field conditions. To validate Solar’s findings, it is highly recommended that a full dynamic analysis/simulation be performed by the customer. Information and Data Requirements The table below shows the required information and data to complete and finalize the Anti-Surge System design document. Item 1 2 3 4 5 Description Project Specific Process P&ID Action By EPC/Customer DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." Status Open TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 4 OF 20 Abbreviations / Definition ASV = Anti-surge Valve FSV = Fast Stop Valve HBV = Hot Bypass Valve HPC = High Pressure Compressor IPC = Intermediate Pressure Compressor LPC = Low Pressure Compressor K50 = Gas Specific Heat Ratio @ 50 deg F K300 = Gas Specific Heat Ratio @ 300 deg F PCP = Pseudo-Critical Pressure PCT = Pseudo-Critical Temperature SG = Specific Gravity Turndown = Ratio @ Constant Head of the difference between Actual Flow & Surge Line Flow, to the Actual Flow, expressed in % X = Ratio of Actual Pressure Drop to Absolute Inlet Pressure of Valve Cv = Flow Coefficient or Flow Capacity Rating of Valve Xt = Ratio of Terminal Pressure Drop to Absolute Inlet Pressure of Valve Lin = Linear Valve Characteristic Eq% = Equal Percentage Valve Characteristic Q Open = Quick Opening Valve Characteristic NGP = Gas Producer Speed NPT = Power Turbine Speed ASC = Anti-surge Control Ki = Integral Gain Kp = Proportional Gain KCL = Control Line Constant KDB = Dead Band Line Constant C’ = C-Prime or Flow Element Coefficient References The following documents were used as references for this specification. Document Title Drawing No. DRAWING TITLE Rev / Date PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 5 OF 20 RECYCLE SYSTEM 10 9 8 6 7 3 4 5 2 1 Suction Volume E E Discharge Volume D D ANTI-SURGE (FO) C C Suction to Eye B PT S V LV TE FT TE DV Suction Volume Mars 100 C453 B Discharge Volume PT V V A A 10 9 8 7 6 4 5 3 Figure 1 – Recycle System Schematic DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 6 OF 20 2 1 ANTI-SURGE VALVE Anti-Surge Valve Sizing Information The following figures provide the data and information necessary for sizing the valve. DESIGN ENGINEER: Franklin Enriquez PROJECT DEFINITION NUMBER (PD): 3X231 REV AB COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE CURVE # I-37204 VALVE MAXIMUM FLOW COEFFICIENT (Cv): 810 DATE: 25-Mar-16 COMPRESSOR CONFIGURATION: HP Body K50 K300 PCP PCT S.G. 1.306 1.235 4684.9888 199.4 0.5928 KPA K CONSTANT VALVE OUTLET PRESSURE 5410.3175 KPA MAXIMUM VALVE INLET TEMPERATURE 119 °C RECYCLE VALVE SIZING 0.60 0.50 0.40 X (∆P/P1)0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.00 5000.00 10000.00 15000.00 20000.00 25000.00 SM3/d-e3 Figure 2 – Anti-Surge Valve Sizing Graph DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 7 OF 20 DESIGN ENGINEER: Franklin Enriquez REV AB PROJECT DEFINITION NUMBER (PD): 3X231 COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE CURVE # I-37204 DATE: 25-Mar-16 KPA TBD RECYCLE LINE PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE SETTING VALVE ANSI CLASS RATING (Must match Recycle Pipe rating): 900 COMPRESSOR CONFIGURATION: HP Body 22 / 24 RECOMMENDED RECYCLE PIPE SIZE (Upstream/Downstream) INCHES GAS CHARACTERISTICS K50 1.306 K300 1.235 PCP 4684.9888 PCT 199.4 S.G. 0.5928 CONSTANT VALVE OUTLET PRESSURE SURGE PROTECTION MARGIN: KPA K 5410.3175 KPA 10% TURNDOWN THROTTLING CONDITIONS (Note relief valve setting above): N Q RPM SM3/d-e3 P1 P2 T1 D-P K1 Z1 Power KPA KPA °C KPA N Q RPM SM3/d-e3 P1 P2 T1 D-P K1 Z1 Power KPA KPA °C KPA 8,000 9080.15 7,000 7570.68 6,000 6305.49 9770.85 5410.32 97.87 4360.54 1.26 0.93 10820.86 8559.07 5410.32 85.37 3148.75 1.26 0.93 6875.70 7619.03 5410.32 74.49 2208.71 1.27 0.92 4201.42 5,700 5943.63 7378.49 5410.32 71.51 1968.17 1.27 0.92 3572.45 Figure 3 – Anti-Surge Valve Sizing Data DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 8 OF 20 Anti-Surge Valve Assembly Valve Schematic (Globe) 4 6 3 FREE FLOW 7 1 5 C2 4-20 MA CLOSED LIMIT SW. OPEN LIMIT SW. 4-20 MA S 8 AIRSET 2 Figure 4 – Anti-Surge Valve Assembly, Globe Valve - Typical DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 9 OF 20 Recommended Accessories SOLAR TURBINES REFERENCE DRAWING NUMBER CALL OUT Note 1 N/A 1 Fisher 67CFR N/A 2 Note 3 N/A 3 Fisher 289RC 1033516-1 4 Note 1 N/A 5 Needle Valve ASCO V022A1 1041929 6 Check Valve SS-CHSS-1/3 N/A 7 Headline, 360AFI70C 1043229-1 8 DESCRIPTION VENDOR P/N Electro-Pneumatic Positioner Pressure Regulator Three-Way 24 VDC Solenoid Valve Exhaust Booster Position Transmitter Coalescing Filter Table 1 - Recommended Anti-Surge Valve Accessories NOTES: 1. Electro-Pneumatic Positioner - Smart Type Positioner with 4-20mA feedback position signal and open/closed limit switches suggested. 2. Pressure Regulator, For larger actuators a larger capacity regulator may be required to achieve desired closing speeds (Fisher 64R /1041930). 3. Three-Way 24 VDC Solenoid Valve - Explosion/Flame-proof with necessary certification and protection to meet specific application requirements (BIFOLD Model FP06P, VERSA Model VSG-3321, or ASCO Series NF8327). 4. Exhaust Booster - For smaller actuators the 289RC may be too large (Cv=21). May use Humphrey QE4 or QE5. 5. Position Transmitter (required if not available with positioner in Note #1), 4-20 mA Proportional to 0-100% Close with full open and full closed relay outputs. 6. For larger actuators a needle valve with greater free flowing capacity may be required to achieve desired closing speeds. 7. Stainless steel check valve 8. High efficiency or equivalent coalescing filter DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 10 OF 20 Anti-Surge Valve Evaluation The figure below shows the valve position/travel of the recommended valve superimposed on the compressor curve. This provides the expected valve travel to recycle the compressor to avoid surge during normal operation, and helps evaluate the valve for controllability at partial recycle condition. DESIGN ENGINEER: PROJECT DEFINITION NUMBER (PD): COMPRESSOR PERFORMANCE CURVE # DATE: COMPRESSOR CONFIGURATION: VALVE MANUFACTURER: BODY TYPE BODY SIZE PORT DIAMETER TOTAL TRAVEL CAGE CHAR: MAX RATED Cv: Franklin Enriquez 3X231 I-37204 3/25/2016 HP Body Dresser 41335 304.80 mm 247.65 mm 101.60 mm LINEAR 810 Connected at Compressor Discharge REV AB ISA RECYCLE VALVE EVALUATION LINEAR CHARACTERISTIC 2.40 100% 2.20 R A T I O P 2 / P 1 50% 40% 2.00 30% 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0 5000 10000 15000 M3/hr 20000 25000 30000 Figure 5 – Anti-Surge Valve on Compressor Map DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 11 OF 20 Fast Stop Analysis The following is a model of a PLC initiated fast stop shutdown of a compressor set. The model predicts the pressures in the volumes on either side of the compressor and how these pressures compare to the compressor surge limit. The model begins (time T0 ) when the fast stop is initiated. Simultaneously signals are sent to the fuel valve to close, and to the anti-surge valve(s) to open. The model incrementally predicts the flow through the antisurge valve(s), the flows in and out the suction and discharge volumes, the flow through the compressor and the effect of these flows on pressures in the volumes. For initial condition, the simulation assumes that the compressor is operating at design pressures, temperatures and head, and 25% turndown with fully closed anti-surge valve. (Reference: PIL 216). System Volumes The following volumes were used in the shutdown analysis, and are the maximum volumes that the valve(s), shown below can handle to avoid surge during a fast stop shutdown. NOTE: The suction volume is assumed to be infinite (very large volume) when no check valve is installed at the suction line that can define the boundary of the suction volume. Suction Discharge 30000 3 m3 m3 Table 2 - Suction and Discharge Systems Volume Anti-Surge Valve The table below shows the type and fully open Cv of the anti-surge valve used in the model. The anti-surge valve is opened though the solenoid during fast stop shutdown. This valve is also used for surge protection during normal operation, and therefore sized for optimum controllability at partial recycle condition. Cv 810 Xt 0.74 Valve Port Size 9.75 inches Valve Characteristic Globe Lin Valve Body Size 12 inches Table 3 – Anti-Surge Valve CV DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 12 OF 20 Valve Performance (Reference: Solar ES2451) The valve shall meet or exceed the opening speed/time requirements from fully closed position. Opening time requirement as a result of the solenoid being de-energized as follows: Anti-Surge Valve: The valve must reach 63.2% open in 100 + 100 inches of port size (milliseconds) Fast Stop/Hot Bypass Valve: The valve must reach 63.2% open in 70 + 70 inches of port size (milliseconds) With positioner command step change from 20 to 12 mA: Anti-Surge Valve: The valve must reach 50.0% open in 300 + 100 inches of port size (milliseconds) = maximum half opening time. Example: A 4” valve, 4.375” port, must reach 50% open in less than 509 milliseconds. The valve shall not overshoot by more than 60% and have a maximum excursion not to exceed 80% open. % Overshoot = (Maximum Excursion – Final Position) / Final Position – Starting Position) X 100 Example: Valve goes to 80% travel from closed position and return to 50%. Starting Position = 0% (closed), Maximum Excursion = 80%, Final Position = 50% % Overshoot = (80-50) / (50-0) X 100 = 60% After the overshoot the valve shall return to its ultimate position (50% open) in less than 10 times its maximum half opening time. Example: A 4” valve, 4.375 port, at maximum overshoot, must return to its ultimate destination in 5.09 seconds, and at maximum recovery time, must have no more than 30% overshoot. The area beyond the ultimate destination (overshoot triangle) shall be less than 1.5. Where: Area = B X (H/2) B = Recovery Time (X2) divided by Maximum Half Opening Time H = % Overshoot (Y) If there is a second “ring” returning from the overshoot, it shall not exceed 2.5% of the total valve travel. Valve minimum resolvable position (stick & slip) shall not exceed 2% of the total travel. The valve can go over 60% overshoot given the area is less than 1.5 and travel is less than 90%. Two 20% step changes shall be performed. The overshoot, recovery time and overshoot triangle shall be calculated and included in the test results. There are no pass/fail criteria guidelines for this test. This is to gather data and record valve performance on small step changes. DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 13 OF 20 20 ma Closed 12 ma 50% travel Overshoot Area (<1.5) X1 X2 X1: Opening Time X2: Recovery time Figure 6 – Acceptable Positioning at Maximum Recovery Time 20 ma Closed 12 ma 50% travel Overshoot Area (<1.5) Y X1 X1: Opening Time Y: Overshoot travel Figure 7 – Acceptable Positioning at Maximum Overshoot DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 14 OF 20 20 m a C lo s e d O v e rs h o o t A re a ,A 2 2 0 % tra v e l 1 7 .6 m a O v e rs h o o t A re a ,A 3 X3 2 0 % tra v e l 15 m a X4 X3 X4 X 1 ,X 3 : O p e n in g T im e X 2 ,X 4 : R e c o v e r y tim e Figure 8 – Positioning at 20% Step Change and Recovery Time DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 15 OF 20 Deceleration Rate The figure below illustrates the power turbine speed (NPT), which is also the compressor speed modeled deceleration during the first two seconds of shutdown. During the first 0.3 seconds the power turbine decelerates linearly with a deceleration rate of 5% speed per second. This is the amount of time it takes the flame to go out once the fuel valve is commanded closed, and can vary between turbine models. After 0.3 seconds the power turbine is expected to decrease speed by 30% in a second with a relationship inversely proportional to time. Also shown in the figure is the valve Cv(s) used in the model with respect to time as the valve opens. 90.00% 900 80.00% 800 70.00% 700 60.00% 600 50.00% 500 40.00% 400 30.00% 300 20.00% 200 10.00% 100 0.00% Cv % NPT Compressor Deceleration 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time (sec) NPT Deceleration Curve Recycle Valve Opening Figure 9 – NPT/Compressor Deceleration DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 16 OF 20 Head and Flow vs Time The graphs below illustrate how the actual head and flow compare to the head and flow at surge condition during the first 2 seconds of a fast stop. In order to keep the units out of surge: 1) The actual head must be lower than the head at surge. 2) The actual flow must be greater than the flow at surge. HP Unit, Surge Margin 6000 Surge 5000 Actual Flow (ACFM) 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time (sec) HP Unit, Head Rise To Surge 35000 Isentropic Head (ft lbf/lbm) 30000 Surge 25000 Actual 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2.5 2 Time (sec) Figure 10 – Head and Flow vs Time DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 17 OF 20 ANTI-SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM Anti-Surge System Software Constants DATE ENGINEER CUSTOMER PROJECT PD or SALES NO. STATION NAME LOCATION DRIVER DRIVEN EQUIPMENT COMPR. PERF. MAP NO. COMMENTS 3/4/2016 Franklin Enriquez TCPL 3X231 TUXPAN Mexico Mars 100 C45-3 I-37204 Need Air Test B-Factor CONFIGURATION FLOW DESIGN HEAD Specific Gravity SPEC. HEAT RATIO (K1) CPSR P1 CPSR P2 COMPRESSOR T1 COMPRESSOR T2 CPSR Z1 CPSR Z2 CRIT. PRESSURE CRIT.TEMPERATURE PAGE 1 OF 2 Rev AH HP BODY (KPA) 172.3648356 0.5928 1.285 5410.32 9305.9 43.40 91.2 0.9150 0.9290 4684.99 199.4 (KPA) (KPA) (°C) (°C) (KPA) (K) FLOW TRANSMITTER RANGE SPECIFIC GRAVITY RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEAT (K=Cp/Cv) COMPRESSOR SUCTION PRESSURE COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE COMPRESSOR SUCTION TEMPERATURE COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE SUCTION GAS COMPRSBLTY FACTOR DISCHARGE GAS COMPRSBLTY FACTOR GAS CRITICAL PRESSURE GAS CRITICAL TEMPERATURE SOLAR'S SURGE CONTROL SYSTEM K-VALUES TABLE DESCRIPTION KT_HPC_ASC_Fast_Kp KT_HPC_ASC_Fast_Ki KT_HPC_ASC_Slow_Kp KT_HPC_ASC_Slow_Ki_Yn.Val[0] KT_HPC_ASC_Slow_Ki_Yn.Val[1] KT_HPC_ASC_KCL KT_HPC_ASC_KDB HPC_ASC_Flow_DP Hp_Suc_Press Hp_Dis_Press KT_HPC_ASC_Surge_Line_ A_Coef KT_HPC_ASC_Surge_Line_ B_Coef KT_HPC_ASC_Surge_Line_ C_Coef KT_HPC_ASC_Surge_Line_ D_Coef KT_HPC_ASC_Surge_Pulse_ROC KT_HPC_ASC_X_Max KT_HPC_ASC_Y_Max KT_HPC_ASC_Y_Min KT_HPC_ASV_Manual_Rate KT_Npt_Min_At_Idle KT_Npt_Min_At_On_Load TT4 4.00 75.00 0.40 20.00 75.00 10.0000 2.0000 692.00 See Hydros See Hydros 2.5672E-05 -4.7477E-03 7.1576E-01 7.4550E+00 334.17 1.000000 1.000 32.593 2.00 44.00 60.00 % Verify Minimum Compressor Speed! Table 4 – Surge Design Data DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 18 OF 20 DATE ENGINEER CUSTOMER PROJECT PD or SALES NO. STATION NAME CONFIGURATION DATA POINT 9500 9000 8000 7000 6000 5700 FLOW (ACFM) 4868.5 4484.0 3776.5 3148.7 2622.5 2472.0 3/4/2016 Franklin Enriquez TCPL 3X231 TUXPAN PAGE 2 OF 2 Rev AH HP BODY P2 (PSIA) 1774.8 1643.7 1421.2 1244.5 1107.4 1072.3 D ATA TAB LE FLOW H(SURGE) (MMSCFD) (INCHES H2O) 372.3941 216.59 342.9835 183.73 288.8664 130.32 240.8457 90.59 200.5964 62.84 189.0846 55.84 ANTISURGE PROTECTION IS: SUCTION FLOWMETER C' H(CONTROL) (INCHES H2O) 267.39 226.82 160.89 111.85 77.59 68.94 Disch. T (°F) 246.6 233.2 208.2 185.7 166.1 160.7 10.0 % TURNDOWN 37637.86 Flow transmitter range (for surge control): Max flow transmitter range (if needed): T2 transmitter range: P1 transmitter range: P2 transmitter range: (INCHES H2O, PSIA, SCFH) 692.00 N/A See Hydros See Hydros See Hydros (INCHES H2O) (INCHES H2O) (°F) (PSIG) (PSIG) (DAMPING = 0.0) Table 5 – Surge Design Data (Cont’d) NOTE: Above data are used for anti-surge control system software testing. Software is designed to use English units only. DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 19 OF 20 FLOW MEASURING ELEMENT DATE ENGINEER CUSTOMER PROJECT PD or SALES NO. STATION NAME LOCATION DRIVER DRIVEN EQUIPMENT COMP. PERF. MAP COMMENTS ORIFICE LOCATION Suction to Eye DESIGN HEAD MAX FLOW RANGE FLOW (m^3/hr) 3.7E-07 B Factor: Single Flow Coefficient FLOWMETER CALCULATION METHOD Specific Gravity SPEC. HEAT RATIO (K1) CPSR P1 CPSR P2 COMPRESSOR T1 COMPRESSOR T2 CPSR Z1 CPSR Z2 CRIT. PRESSURE CRIT.TEMPERATURE PAGE 1 OF 1 Rev AH 3/4/2016 Franklin Enriquez TCPL 3X231 TUXPAN Mexico Mars 100 C45-3 I-37204 Need Air Test B-Factor (KPA) (K) 0.59 1.29 5410.32 9305.86 43.40 91.20 0.9150 0.9290 4684.99 199.39 SPECIFIC GRAVITY RATIO OF SPECIFIC HEAT (K=Cp/Cv) COMPRESSOR SUCTION PRESSURE COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PRESSURE COMPRESSOR SUCTION TEMPERATURE COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE SUCTION GAS COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR DISCHARGE GAS COMPRESSIBILITY FACTOR GAS CRITICAL PRESSURE GAS CRITICAL TEMPERATURE (KPA) (KPA) 172.365 N/A FLOW TRANSMITTER RANGE FOR SURGE (DAMPING = 0.0) MAX FLOW TRANSMITTER RANGE (KPA) (KPA) (°C) (°C) DESIGN POINT 9756.98 MINIMUM FLOW 4199.95 MAXIMUM FLOW 14530.28 FLOW (SM3/hr) 517790.15 222886.16 771103.11 FLOW (KG/MIN) 6272.63 2700.10 9341.32 C' 37637.86 37637.86 37637.86 75.06 13.91 166.47 5410.32 5410.32 5410.32 (INCHES H2O, PSIA, SCFH) DELTA-P, h (KPA) PRESSURE at Flowmeter (KPA) Table 6 – Flow Measuring Element Data DRAWING TITLE PROJECT SHORT NAME ANTI-SURGE SYSTEM DESIGN "THIS COPYRIGHTED WORK AND THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS PROPRIETARY TO CATERPILLAR INC., SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED, AND/OR SUBSIDIARIES OF EITHER. WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM CATERPILLAR INC. OR SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED. ANY COPYING, DISCLOSURE, OR USE EXCEPT THAT FOR WHICH IT IS LOANED, IS PROHIBITED." TC-CR4 DRAWING NO. REV SHEET 3X231 - 149653 A1 20 OF 20