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English 1 Lesson Plan: Action Words

Department of Education
Region X-Northern Mindanao
Division of Iligan City
North III District
Detailed Lesson Plan in ENGLISH 1
Recognize common action words in stories listened to.
Vilma H. Arazo
School Principal III
Grade 1-Orchid
May 3, 2023
No. of learners
I. Learning Objectives
Recognizes common action words in stories listened to. EN1G-IVa-e-3.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic:
Recognizing Common Action Words Listened To
b. Materials:
Chart, PowerPoint, Flash Cards, Cut Outs, Video Song
“If you’re Happy and you know it”
c. References:
MELC, (EN1G-IVa-e-3.4)
Grade 1 Module pages 4-10 (Lesson 2-Common Action Words)
English Expressway, pages 110-112.
d. Values:
Active Participation and Cooperation, Taking Care of One՚s Health
III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity
Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Energizer
The teacher will present an action song ‘If You’re
happy and You know it’.)
Did you enjoy the action song class?
(Learner’s also sing and dance together with the
Yes, Ma’am.
Very Good!
What was the action song all about?
Very Good! Let’s give ourselves “Five Claps”.
It’s all about ‘If You’re happy and You
know it’, Ma’am.
(Learner’s clap their hands)
4. Classroom Rules
Before we begin, let us have classroom rules to
1. Sit down properly and listen.
2. Raise hand if you want to answer while your
mouth is zip.
3. Don’t answer when you’re not called.
Everybody read it again.
Children will read the classroom rules.
( The teacher let the pupil’s the pupil’s read the rules)
1. Sit down properly and listen.
2. Raise hand if you want to answer while your
mouth is zip.
3. Don’t answer when you’re not called.
5. Checking of Assignment( serves as Review )
Did I give you an assignment last meeting?
Everybody pass your assignment.
Yes, Ma’am.
(Kids will pass their assignment)
Identify whether the underlined word/ phrase is a
character, setting or event.
1. The children are playing in the park.
2. The boys are riding on the seesaw.
3. Mickey is under a tree.
4. The birds are flying in the sky.
5. Mrs. Cruz is ready.
7. Drill
Read the words correctly.
The pupils read the words
monkey bars
8. Review of the lesson
Who can come here on the board to answer our
assignment yesterday?
Call a volunteer to answer
Volunteered learner will answer the assigned
Identify if the underlined word is character, setting or
Identify if the underlined word is character,
setting or event.
1. The children are playing in the park.
2. The boys are riding on the seesaw.
3. Mickey is under a tree.
4. The birds are flying in the sky.
5. Mrs. Cruz is ready.
1. The children are playing in the park. setting
2. The boys are riding on the seesaw. event
3. Mickey is under a tree. setting
4. The birds are flying in the sky. event
5. Mrs. Cruz is ready. character
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation
I have here a mango tree. Inside of these mango
fruits are letters that you can form into a magic word.
But you can only tell the word after you answer these
Are you excited to do it?
Yes mam
(Learner’s solving skillfully)
What do you think is the word formed?
Yes, Chaela?
The word is action words, Ma’am.
Very Good! And this would be our lesson for today.
Before we are going to start, let me present to you our
lesson objective.
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to
recognize common action words in stories listened to.
Standards of Listening Story
Now I will tell you a short story.
But before telling you the story, let’s set some rules
1. Sit properly.
2. Zip Mouth.
3. Listen carefully.
A. Listening
(Unlocking of Difficulties)
Match the phrase to the given pictures. Choose the
correct answer the given strips.
Plays a ball
Flies with a kite
Swings on monkey bar
Watches over them
Ride on the seesaw
The pupils read the objective for the lesson.
Call pupils to answer
Pupils match phrase to picture.
plays a ball
Swings on a monkey bar
Watches over
flies with a kite
Ride on the seesaw
Motive Questions:
What are the children doing in the park?
The teacher tells story.
The pupils listen the story.
“Fun in the Park”
It is Saturday.
Miss Rino and her pupils are in the park.
Look at what they are doing.
Dino plays with a ball.
Leo flies with his kite.
Adel plays on a swing.
Karim swings on the monkey bars.
Vic and Ben ride on the seesaw.
Other children play a touch ball.
Miss Rino watches over them.
Did you like the story?
Yes, we did.
B. Speaking
Comprehension Check
2. What are the children doing in the park?
The title of the story is all about ‘Fun in the
The children plays in the park.
4. Who plays with a ball?
Dino plays with a ball.
5. Who rides the seesaw?
Vic and Ben ride on the seesaw.
1. What is the title of the story?
5. What is Miss Rino doing?
Miss Rino watches over them.
6. Why do you think Miss Rino watches over the
Miss Rino is watching over the children
because she wants to keep the children safe.
7. Do you think Miss Rino was reminding the children
to play safely?
8. How do you play to avoid accident?
9. What should a child like you do to avoid accident?
To avoid accident, make sure you’re always
Always listen to the elders.
C. Reading
Let us read again what the children are doing in the
1. Dino plays with a ball.
2. Leo flies with his kite.
3. Vic and Ben ride on the seesaw.
4. Miss Rino watches over them.
5. Karim swings on the monkey bar.
What have you noticed with the underlined word in
each sentence?
It’s an action words.
Very good! These are action words.
An action word is a word that shows action or
Everybody read.
An action word is a word that shows action or
D. Viewing
I will show you a video and you will tell me what
action word can you see.
Teacher shows the video and pause once in a while to
ask kids to identify the action words as shown.
The pupils will identify the action word of the
video shown..
Again, what do you call these words?
an action word
What is an action word?
An action word is a word that shows action or
E. Writing
Listen to the short stories. Recognize action words in
the story you heard. Write your answer on the blank.
1. Ben just came home from school. He is very
thirsty. He went to the kitchen and drink water
What is Ben doing in the kitchen?
Ben _______ water in the kitchen
How many glasses of water you need to drink
every day?
We need to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water
Why is it important to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water It is important to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water
everyday to keep our body healthy.
2. There are four birds. The birds fly in the sky.
What do the birds do in the sky?
The birds ___ in the sky.
3. Ana is a god dancer. She dances on stage well.
What is Ana doing on stage?
Ana _____ on stage.
Again, what do you the word that shows action or
An action words.
2. Group Activity
Class, I am going to divide you into (3) groups. You
need to select one leader to present your group output
and a secretary to write your answer. Each group is
given only 5 minutes to do the activity.
Setting of Standards
This is how you given scores:
Correct Answer – 10
Cooperation 5
Behavior 5
Group 1
Direction: Look at the pictures. Arrange the scrambled
words to show the meaning of the picture shown.
Follow the configuration box.
1. palc =
2. klaw =
3. tea =
1. clap
2. walk
3. eat
4. drink
4. knird =
5. run
5. nur =
Group 2
Direction: Read the sentence and circle the correct
action word in each sentence.
1. Cathy jumps high.
1. Cathy jumps high.
2. Paul plays basketball.
2. Paul plays basketball.
3. Browny runs fast.
3. Browny runs fast.
4. John eats nutritious foods.
4. John eats nutritious foods.
5. Rico sleeps on bed.
5. Rico sleeps on bed.
Group 3
Direction: What is the person doing in the picture?
Write in complete sentence.
1. The girl reads a book.
2. The girl prays.
3. The family eats together.
Values Integration
How did you get a very good score?
We got a very good score because we are
helping together.
What do you call these values?
We call it cooperation.
Great Job! Let us give ourselves a barangay clap.
3. Generalization
What is an action words?
Action words are words that show action or
Very Good!
4. Application
Listen to the story that I will read . Encircle the letter of
the action words from the story.
My Father
Mang Abel is my father. He is a farmer. Mang
Abel works in the farm. He plants pechay. He
waters his pechay everyday. He sells pechay in the
market. He buys food for us.
Mang Abel works in the farm.
What does Mang Abel do in the farm?
A. works
B. Sings
C. Sleeps
1. What does Mang Abel do in the farm?
A. works
B. Sings
C. Sleeps
2. He plants pechay in the farm.
What does he do with the pechay in the farm?
A. Sells the pechay
C. Plants the pechay
B. Cooks the pehay
2. What does he do with the pechay in the farm?
A. Sells the pechay
C. Plants the pechay
B. Cooks the pehay
He waters his pechay everyday.
What does he do to make his pechay grow?
A. Waters his pechay
C. Sells his pechay
B. Plants his pechay
3. What does he do to make his pechay grow?
A. Waters his pechay
C. Sells his pechay
B. Plants his pechay
4. He sells pechay in the market.
What does he do with the pechay in the market?
A. Gives the pechay
C. Sells the pechay
B. Cooks the pechay
4. What does he do with the pechay in the
A. Gives the pechay
C. Sells the pechay
B. Cooks the pechay
He buys food for us.
What does Mang Abel do with the money after the
A. Sells food
C. Cooks food
B. Buys food
D. Gets food
IV. Evaluation
Direction: Listen carefully as I read to you a short
story. Encircle the letter of the correct action word for
each question.
One Sunday Afternoon. Mr. Rino and his
children are in the park. While, the children are
playing, Mrs. Rino is reading a newspaper. What is
Mrs. Rino doing?
5. What does Mang Abel do with the money
after the pechay?
A. Sells food
C. Cooks food
B. Buys food
1. Mrs. Rino is
a. cooking
a newspaper.
b. dancing
c. reading
It is Nena’s birthday. Mother cooks favorite
food. Nena is very happy. What does mother do on
Nena’s birthday?
2. Mother
a. cooks
Nena’s favorite food.
b. dances
c. eats
It was a busy day. The children help cleaning
the house. Nilo is painting the wall. Other children dust
the table and chairs. What is Nilo doing?
3. Nilo is
a. painting
the wall.
b. reading
c. jumping
Nene saw her friend playing see-saw. “May I
join the game?” Nene asked. “Yes you may, said her
friends”. What were Nene and her friends doing?
4. They were
a. playing
b. eating
c. dancing
One day, Mateo played with his toy car.
Crack! “Oh no the door fell off”, It’s okay, Mateo,
father said, I will fix your toy car”. What will father do
to Mateo’s toy car?
5. Father will
a. brush
Mateo’s toy car.
b. eat
c. fix
V. Assignments
Paste a picture that shows action and make 2 simple
sentences about it.
Prepared by:
Mentored by:
Teacher III/ Cooperating Teacher
Observed by:
Master Teacher I
MT I / Assistant Principal
Noted by:
School Principal III