Uploaded by Hazel Wong

service learning proposal writing

service learning - proposal
date: 30 sep 2022 (fri)
time: 1130-1300
唔好被⼈扣分就可以⾼分 !!
proposal template
1. objectives and expected outcomes
2. baseline study → background, situation in hk, difficulties of selected theme,
cause of difficulties, any govt policies/ngo support, policy implementation
3. identified needs/concerns from baseline study result → how to identify needs,
why needs are important, relationship between baseline result & identified
4. implementation details → date, time, duration (min. 3 hours), category of service,
scale, relationship between the implementation and the identified need,
contingency plan
5. budget (max. of $1500 subsidies)
6. consideration → risk, foreseeable obstacles & precautions
最初⽬的唔係要了解non-local,但係係過程中了解多左non-local嘅情況 [ by product ]
要表明service learning ⽬的,了解 =/= 關懷,出發點唔⼀樣
唔係ies!!! 利⽤已有嘅強項去做⼀啲野
personal objectives
service learning - proposal writing
dont need to focus on the target group, can define your own personal goal that u
want to achieve from the service learning
→ helps us to stand out from other groups
→ what u want to learn / expect to gain from the experience
baseline vs needs
eg. the problems that the elderly might face
→ health ; if u go flag selling, how can it help alleviate the said problem??
⇒ said problem and solutions/ways to help have to be direct
⇒ implementation and identified needs: 互相對應+呼應
how to do baseline
basic understanding & knowledge on the issue
need to be thorough, specific to illustrate the experience on how u gain the
understanding + first-hand experience → extra + impression marks !!!
baseline vs service type/activity
think about whether the service can tackle the problem identified
indirect: find organisations to help u to deliver the service
direct: visit the elderly’s homes
define the objective of the activity !!!
define target group → whether it fulfils the objective ; relationship between the
ideas → action
會選擇派傳單?⇒ 做返啲⾃⼰平時都會接受/做開嘅
things to consider: budget, effectiveness, accessibility ( eg.
service learning - proposal writing
remember to think + connect with your own daily life habits
division of labour !!! → affect the results and the performance of the showcase
at most 6 pages only !!!
budget: use a table for data presentation [transport x claimed] → has to be related to
the service itself → can claim farn
promotional methods need to be as specific as possible
service learning - proposal writing