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Millennium Training Modules: Systems & Procedures

Training Modules
Millennium Information Services Inc.
Outlines of each modular section of the basic training and
introduction to our systems process.
Rev 05/2013
Table Of Contents
MODULE 1Sensitivity And Etiquette………………………………………………………………………..Page 3- 7
MODULE 2Basic Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………. Page 8-9
MODULE 3Photo Basics and Uploading …………………………………………………………………. Page 10
MODULE 4Sketch Basics and Techniques ………………………………………………………………. Page 11-12
MODULE 5RCT/PL-O8 Exterior Form ……………………………………………………………………… Page 13-19
MODULE 6PL-04, PL-06, Attempt Sheet ………………………………………………………………… Page 20-24
MODULE 7360 Exterior/Manufactured Home Forms Page……………………………………...Page 25-28
MODULE 8Streets and Trips………………………………………..…………………………………………. Page 29-32
Electrical, Heating, and Plumbing (EHP)……..……………................................Page 33-34
MODULE 10Wood Burning Stoves………………………………..……………………………………..……Page 35
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Sensitivity and Etiquette
Review of session format i.e.: breaks and how to listen in and question and answer procedure
Sensitivity/Professional Appearance
1. Our clients request a “Business Casual” dress code while in the field.
– Our clients deem acceptable Items: Polo Shirts, Button-up Shirts, Sweaters,
Slacks, Khakis, Hats with no logo. Clothing brand logos are acceptable.
– Our clients deem Unacceptable Items: Jeans, Shorts, T-Shirts, Sandals, Flip-Flops.
Do not wear hats, coats, shirts or clothing of any kind with a “professional” logo
on it.
Professional Appearance/Personal
2. As independent business owners a professional appearance is more than what clothes
to wear. Be Clean!
– Always shower, shave, use deodorant, etc…
– Do not wear dirty clothes of any kind.
– Do not wear clothing items that are torn or ripped.
3. As well as appearing professional, ACT professional.
– Refrain from crude jokes, cursing, gesturing or offensive language.
– It is possible to insert your own personality into the inspection without offending
the insured
Professional Appearance/Vehicle
4. Your business should be represented well and be sure your vehicle is presentable as well
– Keep your vehicle as clean as possible
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– No large rust spots, multiple colored panels, body damage, etc…
Please refrain from driving a vehicle that is not presentable
Upon Arrival at the Home
5. When you first pull up to the property, make a point to get out of your car as soon as
possible in order to introduce yourself to the insured.
– Do not sit in your car for a period of time to organize your paperwork or to start
the inspection. Have the papers already organized so as not to linger in your
– This allows you to dispel their initial fears of “Who are you?” and “Why are you
6. ALWAYS introduce yourself before taking any photos or measurements.
7. Hello, my name is___________and I am a surveyor with Millennium Information
Services. Millennium is a vendor contracted by ( Insurance company name) to conduct
an insurance survey. I do not need to enter your home. I just need to ask you a few
questions and take some photographs and measurements of the exterior of your
home. It should take no more than 10 minutes.
The last thing a homeowner wants to see is someone taking pictures of their house without
knowing why.
8. During the Introduction and Interview, be as courteous as humanly possible.
– The Homeowners view us as a nuisance. They do not necessarily want strange
people (let alone inspectors) on their property to begin with.
9. Attempt to make the homeowners more comfortable with our being there.
– Take a “reactive” approach to each situation.
– Be able to “read” the homeowner’s mannerisms
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10. If the homeowner appears nervous, ease the tension by complimenting their house,
landscaping, siding color, etc…
11. Do not take an aggressive stance.
12. After you ring the doorbell/knock, take a step back and down if possible.
– Doing this is a psychological way of empowering the homeowner. They then feel
more in control if you allow them to have “the High Ground”
13. Do not hold the door open while you interview them.
– Doing so tells the homeowner, “I am not going to close this door until you
answer my questions!”
14. Never park your vehicle right up next to the garage.
– Always park on the street or in the drive out of the way of other vehicles.
Parking next to the garage says, “I am going to be in your way until I leave!”
15. Always treat the property as your own. You would not want someone trampling your
shrubs, trees, etc…
Always leave the property in the same condition you found it!
16. In the case of unintentionally damaging the insured’s property:
– Report the occurrence to the insured if possible
– Leave a note if the insured is not home. If they are home tell them right away.
– One way or another, they will find out about it and they will contact us to take
care of the situation. It is better if you bring to their attention right away.
– Report the occurrence to the FIM (or FQC if FIM is not available) immediately
after you report it to the insured.
17. We want you to let us know immediately of any issue of this sort so we know how to
resolve the issue as soon as possible.
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Appointment Inspections
18. High Value/Mid Value
– For Mid and High Value Cases we expect a higher level of professionalism.
Business Professional Dress Code
– Only our Elite Inspectors Will be eligible for MVR/HVR Inspections
19. Standard Value with Supplements
20. Make sure you calibrate your camera to take interior photos.
21. Make sure you review your photos before you leave the house.
– Blurry, poorly lit and Dark Photos are UNACCEPTABLE!!!
22. Use a Non-Marking measuring tool indoors.
– Laser measure is a good option.
Call Attempts Procedure
23. Make THREE calls to the Insured BEFORE the case reaches day 14.
24. If you do not make contact, Make ONE call to the Agent BEFORE the case reaches day
25. If an appointment cannot be made, Close the case out after holding the case for 5 days
open to await a response UNLESS the Order Ticket states otherwise.
26. The Call Attempt Procedure is Non-Negotiable
27. Our Clients hire Full-Time employees to monitor our Call Attempts Time Service (CATS)
28. We monitor the CATS log religiously.
29. If you are found to be Non-Compliant, you will be contacted via Email.
– Continued Non-Compliance will result in ineligibility for further Appointment
Cases and a Lighter Workload
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Phone Etiquette
30. When having to make a call to either the homeowner or the agent, always be
– Always identify yourself professionally.
“Hello, my name is _____ with Millennium Information Services.”
– At the close of the call, always thank them for their time.
“…thank you for your time Mr./Mrs. _____ and have a good day.”
Audit Process
31. We have a Full-Time Auditor whose only job is to AUDIT your cases.
– The Auditor Reviews random cases from each IC through Pictometry
– The results are reported to the FIM
Poor audit performances are then forwarded to the FQC to run a Field
Poor audits also facilitate Mandatory Field Training
Question and answer period
Break Time
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Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to the use and familiarization of WIDE, the information portal ,
best practices, mapping and printing.
Role call
Review of session format i.e.: breaks and how to listen in and question and answer procedure.
WIDE login procedure
Password change
Information portal login
Inspectors best practices-dress code, appearance, approach, insured’s privacy
Architectural styles-ranch , cape cod, colonial sample photo and diagram
Roof types –asphalt vs. architectural
Roof styles- hip, gable, gambrel, shad, mansard
Inspector manual location
Inspector notices – suggested printable list
a. Guide to the sketch keys
b. Guide to completing the PL04
c. PL08 heating and cooling
d. New photo upload instructions
e. How to Document Close out Orders
f. 360 manufactured and change link
g. Roof life Indicator
h. Speckie Spell Check
Review location of commonly used notices
i. Sketch manual
j. 360VALUE form instruction
Training calendar-help desk
Locate and describe pay details and cut offs
Flash review Inspector inventory search page
Show sample sketch button
Show SEARCH button for the purpose of a basic search
Manually enter in sample policies for a specific search
Provide overview of results page
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19. Review icons and describe
a. Electrical and heating supplement- Module #9
b. Woodstove supplement- Module #10
c. Returns- learning experience -responding using the 3 P’s=Politely, Promptly, and
d. Aged case-@ 20 days or older
e. Special instruction icons
f. Mapping icons
20. Very brief demonstration of Streets and Trips (MODULE #8)-Continuing Education
a. Download sample CSV
b. Plot cases
c. Route cases
d. Highlight efficiency
21. Describe Re-sort and DPR buttons
a. Reinforce ID + Order ticket requirement
b. Reinforce the need or benefit of having all forms available to complete in the field
c. Download FORMS
23. Open and review forms
a. Review carrier, policy number, agent name and number if provided, assign date , and
insured details.
b. Review Special instructions.
c. Demonstrate that when PRINT FORMS is used all the required forms needed to be
completed will be generated by paging through forms
Question and answer period.
Break time
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Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to the basic photo requirements and upload procedure
1. Role call
Provide the “
PHOTO - take a picture of any hazard or issue
MARK - find somewhere on the forms to make a mark
COMMENT - provide a corresponding comment with hazard + location
3. Describe the minimum ( 800x600) photo size requirements – Photo Up Load will resize
automatically any photo at a higher resolution
4. Photos are to be taken Horizontally not vertically
5. Describe the preferred camera requirements 10x optical minimum
6. Describe the proper use and benefits of a camera pole/monopod
7. Detail primary 5 photos (front, back, left, right, and address)
8. Detail unacceptable photos
a. No time and date stamp
b. No people especially children
c. No through the glass photos
9. Describe proper angles for outbuildings – single shot offset to one side and hazard photos
10. Individual Photos for Individual hazards – AT ALL TIMES
11. Detail proper zoom in and zoom out views for hazards
12. Review “Roof Life Indicator” pdf. and required photos
13. Review upload process using sample photos
14. Describe proper labeling of photos
a. If photo represents a pre-determined label use it
b. Hazard on detached structures labeled as the structure ie: outbuilding or garage then
detailed in the notes
c. Other and hazard photos must always include a 1 or 2 word note to describe them
d. Note on any photo does not replace a comment that is to be made on the comment page.
Question and answer period
Break Time
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Sketch Basics and Techniques
Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to the Basic Sketch tools and Technique
1. Role call-locate a detail sketch manual (portal + notices)
2. Introduction of basic sketching tools
a. Command tool – brief demonstration and description –Coordinates entered to draw basic
directions are u-up, d-down, l-left, r-right *see sketch manual for additional common
1. Select Command tool – draws lines (select target)
2. Select area type
3. Select add
4. Left click on graph to anchor point
5. Coordinates entered to draw basic directions are u-up, d-down, l-left, r-right *see sketch
manual for additional common commands.
6. ALWAYS Select save local
b. Drawing tool – 6 step process
1. Select drawing tool – draws lines (pick up pencil)
2. Select area type
3. Select add
4. Left click on graph to anchor point
5. Complete entire perimeter of area
a. Left click to anchor starting position
b. Draw out and describe green line means parallel or perpendicular to starting point
c. Draw out and describe light blue line means a 45 degree angle
d. Demonstrate enclosing all sections individually by not relying on any common wall
with another section
e. Demonstrate the “insert” button as short-cut to auto close a section
6. ALWAYS Select save local
c. Selection tool (moves or removes lines and selects areas)
1. Selects entire area or individual line to move
2. Selects entire area or individual line to be removed
3. Select 2 common lines to be removed by selecting common point
4. Moves labels and dimensions
5. Hides labels and dimensions by right clicking and selecting hide
6. Selects entire section for instant re-labeling
d. Image preview – shows client view-demonstrates the legibility of a sketch
e. Save local - saves a temporary copy of sketch (for your eyes only)
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f. Open local – retrieves a temporary copy of sketch
g. Remove – remove individually selected items
h. Remove all – erases whole screen
Describe SAVE AND CONTINUE - publishes the sketch and it components onto the next form
Define main vs. wing 1 vs. wing 2 for RCT-Addition 1-5 for 360
a. Known dates of construction – determine a wing/addition with an interview only
Define area types
a. Basement, slab, and crawl (5 additional for 360)
b. Difference between AFG and AMG
c. Built-in = garage at grade and living space above
d. Basement garage = living space at grade and garage below
e. Attached carport vs. detached carport = outbuilding (RCT)s
f. Decks by material used to construct them
g. Open, enclosed, and screened porches and breezeways (RCT)
Diagram dimensions only on sketch define on 360
h. RCT = NO patio 360=YES patio
i. Detached structures
Diagram sample Bi-Level
a. Demonstrate lack of awning (no vertical supports) and cantilevers
b. Demonstrate including foundationally supported features only
c. Demonstrate balcony option
d. Demonstrate lack of including fireplaces
e. Diagram rear deck and detail that steps are not to be included
Diagram and properly position and outbuilding or detached garage to right or bottom of sketch
Demonstrate proper orientation of entire sketch to be FRONT FACING DOWN
Demonstrate a foundationally supported bow window using arc technique
Describe and demonstrate proper field sketch technique-puzzle theory(Sketch Tech Power
a. Foundational footprint
b. Identification of individual components and how they combine into an entire structure
Diagram remaining sample home
a. 1 – story with included garage (use this home as saved sketch)
Question and answer period
Break Time
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Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to the PL-08 EXTERIOR form
1. Role call
2. Review Special instructions on order ticket / observe year built date
3. Confirm number of families (found on order ticket under year built) Photo any signs of multifamily dwelling such as additional meters or mailboxes.
4. Select house style – if specific is known encourage to select
a. Level 1 = ranch
b. Level 1.5 = cape cod
c. Level 2+ = colonial
Confirm year built
Observe integration of information from sketch
Define percent of cathedral ceiling if interview was conducted
Define daylight = walkout basement
9. Establish percent of finished basement
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a. No interview no details = leave it blank
b. Interview with 0% finished = leave it blank
c. Interview with any percent finished = note %
10. Finished quality – default to standard if not going in basement
11. Site access- determine site access by observation define as – Is there going to be additional
construction cost incurred to rebuild this structure based on site access observed? Anything
other than flat area/easy access needs additional photos and comments.
For Exterior walls and Roof cover- if the material is not found on the list , select the most similar and
comment in detail with additional photos to demonstrate
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12. Describe total sum of EXTERIOR WALL must equal 100% and select option or options if multiple
materials or styles exist.
13. Describe total sum of ROOF COVER must equal 100% and select option or options if multiple
materials or styles exist
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14. Describe total sum of ROOF STYLE must equal 100% and select option or options if multiple
materials or styles exist
15. Roof installation year – IF no interview no details leave blank
16. Attached Structures- The features that are shaded out will auto input from the sketch. The bold
items must be observed and captured as a count.
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17. Detached Structures- The features that are shaded out will auto input from the sketch. The bold
items must be observed and captured as a count.
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18. Specialty items- Observations need to be made and entered for each the items. Examples are
solar panels (refer to portal bulletin), specialty windows, stained glass windows, and sliding
doors in addition to the others listed. Select all that apply.
19. Bathrooms
a. No interview check box (be consistent with other observations)
b. With interview default to Builders grade and specify type not total
1. Half bath = sink and commode only
2. Three-quarter = shower no tub
3. Full = anything with a tub
20. Heating and cooling (Please refer to INSPECTOR INFORMATION PORTAL>INSPECTOR NOTICES>
a. Define three basic choices to be made by interview and observation of an external A/C unit
1. No interview /no A/C = 100% “Heat System Average Cost” (hot air rises)
2. No interview with A/C = 100 % “Heat / Central Air Average Cost” (cold air sinks)
3. Interview = Interior give details on heat type not simply fuel only
4. Do not count temporary window units
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21. Denote fire place by type not fuel and list only confirmed woodstove here
Wood stoves should only be marked on the PL-08 if they are confirmed by direct interview. If
they are suspected they will be marked on the PO-04. Photo all flues regardless of suspected or
Freestanding- stands away from the wall
Pellet stove-burns compressed wood pellets or corn
Masonry Heater Wood Burning-wood burning stove that is masonry instead of metal
22. Add initials
23. Select date of survey
24. Select save and continue
25. Demonstrate error correction of form by purposely having a mistake to trip warning
Question and answer period -Break Time
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Purpose – Introduce IC’s to Proper identification and documentation of hazards, formatting of
comments, and timely accurate attempts.
Provide the “NEED
PHOTO - take a picture of any hazard or issue
MARK - find somewhere on the forms to make a mark
COMMENT - provide a corresponding comment with hazard + location
1. Common interview question list
a. Treat all cases the same if an interview is available by asking the common questions and all
other observations can be made directly by the IC
Hello, my name is___________and I am a surveyor with Millennium Information Services.
Millennium is a vendor contracted by (Insurance company name) to conduct an insurance
survey. I do not need to enter your home. I just need to ask you a few questions and take
some photographs and measurements of the exterior of your home. It should take no more
than 10 minutes.
Interview Questions
Date of construction?
Percent of cathedral ceiling?
Percent of basement finished?
Roof installation date?
Number of bathrooms? Full , Half, and ¾
Type and specifics of heating and cooling? Is the air conditioner a High Efficiency style?
Any fireplaces/woodstoves (home or outbuildings)?
Smoke detectors? Carbon monoxide detectors? Fire extinguishers?
Dead bolt locks? (exclude for American Family 360 )
Distance to and Name of nearest fire department (confirm by link)? Obtain Name of Fire
Department for MVR and HVR?
Swimming pool, trampoline, or hot tub?
Business or commercial exposure?
Dog breed and temperament? Ask if bite history per interview?
Underground or above ground oil tank on premise?
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2. Interview
A. Select who interview was conducted with
1. Mr., Mrs., Tenant
2. Other = someone above 18 with knowledge of the home (comment
needs to be made as to who the other was)
3. No Refused = NO Interview only with exterior allowed to be completed
4. Mark Photo refusal of known hazards when insured refuses any hazard
photo to be taken
5. No not at home
B. Locate or use links to determine nearest fire station and manually input distance for all
cases rounding up to the next whole number and in addition the name for MVR and HVR
C. Observe and report on nearest locatable fire hydrant
1. If greater than 1000 feet try to locate year round water source within 1000 feet and
photo and comment type
2. If no Hydrant was located or seen please refer to the How to Locate Fire Hydrants
Document in the portal under notices
D. Describe if home is in the city limits
3. House External Conditions
Mark all items as N/A
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a. Apply ok to all items that exist and are in good condition
b. Foundation- always ok at minimum
c. Mark items either major or minor per CLIENT SPECS-request a copy of client spec for each
carrier in your area from your manager
4. Others structures
Mark all items as N/A
N/A = does not exist
a. Apply ok to all items that exist and are in good condition
b. Detached garage, shed , and outbuilding conditions-note addition of Collapsing and rusty
c. Swimming pool, trampoline, and hot tub (other item) should have an additional photo and
one of the gate if present- either locked or unlocked
5. Liability concerns
Mark all items as N/A
N/A = does not exist
Occupancy always ok at minimum - if for sale/rent include photo of real estate signage if present
a. Observe and report on business (commercial exposure)
b. Wood stove
1. Major = confirmed by interview
2. Minor = suspected
3. Separate selection used for Outbuildings Vs. Main House
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4. Always provide photo of confirmed/suspected flue
c. Observe and report condition of driveway, sidewalk, and yard –note additional yard hazards
d. Trees
1. Major = touching
2. Minor = overhanging
e. Dog breed
1. All breeds listed are major
2. Determine breed and temperament of all dogs by directly observing/photographing
them if openly present
3. If unable to observe due to refusal or no interview comment
f. Adjacent structure - always ok at minimum
g. Brush -always ok at minimum unless dense and poses a fire hazard
h. Slope\grade – always ok at minimum flat is a grade
i. Photo and comment on water and distance to residence
j. Observe and report underground & above ground oil tanks and upper level doors missing
steps and rails
1. Refer to “NEED
2. Answer top 4 questions
a. Distance from paved road -176 yards in 1/10th of a mile
3. Gated community and Historical Home question- Provide photo of plaque
4. Photo, mark, and comment on all “special conditions”
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5. Mark address changed for Insufficient address and comment appropriately as to how the
corrected address was obtained including documenting attempts IA-Correct address is …
6. Liability – Windmills, Solar Panels and Hunting Stands.
7. Property – Students Housing and Commercial Risk.
8. Surrounding Area – Landslide area, Brush/Fire Area and Distance to Exposure.
9. Estimated TLA= estimated Total Living Area when an obstruction such as a locked fence
prevented direct measurement of a portion of a home
Photo and comment the locked fence and location.
10. Complete Roof Life Indicator if case has one- refer to Portal>Notices>>Roof Life Indicator
11. Animals – Fill in the appropriate number of animals seen during inspection.
Properly format comments to include full sentences, proper grammar, no opinions except dog
If no condition exist leave comment section blank
Question and answer period
1. Complete only if special conditions arise for this particular policy
a. Supplements
b. Insufficient Addresses
c. Refusals
2. Individual attempt for each contact or action made
3. Documented on the day the attempt was made and kept current
Question and answer period
Break Time
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Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to Proper identification and documentation of the 360 Exterior and Manufactured
360 Exterior/Manufactured Home
Role call
Refer to inspector Portal >Notices Section> 360Value Form Instructions -for location of printed directions
of forms and account change link instructions
Read Special instructions
a. Stress Roof requirements (Roof life Indicator Instructions )
b. Electric meter and mast
c. Account change where Required
Demonstrate account change form exterior to manufactured
Briefly review Manufactured Form
Demonstrate photos are the same
Sketch – review and define differences
a. Main vs. Additions – Used only for known differing Constructions dates ONLY
No interview No additions
b. Demonstrate and Define additional “AREA TYPES”
1. Expanded sub-structures
Attached vs. detached carport
Describe porch , patio, deck diagram then define procedure-above/below/around
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Provide a sample Diagram using some Common Features to demonstrate differences ( USE BELOW
SKETCH OR SIMILAR TO DEMONSTRATE SOME DIFFERENCES)Garages are diagrammed in their entirety
and the living space above the total garage is then denoted-ie: GB1.25,GB1.5,GB1.75
Demonstrate foundation shape and “HIDE NON-TLA” button to see clearly
a. Define significant foundational change-3 OR MORE FEET
b. Demonstrate TLA areas are diagrammed in blue outline
Save and continue to populate 360 exterior
Year built
Structure type- if known encourage to use
a. L-1 = ranch
b. L-1.5= cape cod
c. L-2 += colonial
d. Bi-level or Tri-level = NONE OF THE ABOVE
Site access is similar to PL-08 with fewer choices-Addition construction cost to be incurred due to site
14. Structure use – stand alone stick built home is SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED
15. Overall quality – select from basic, standard, above average, or custom never use premium or unknown
for a standard exterior inspection
16. Survey date and initials
17. Describe and demo foundation shape choices
18. Site slope- default to 0-15 for most homes
19. Finished in lower level
a. No interview or none must input a “0”
b. Bi-levels default to “100%”
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c. Add percent per direct interview only
20. Primary Information: Basement Quality Adjustment Since the quality grade of the basement may differ
from the overall home quality, you can adjust the Quality Grade for the Basement. Select from None,
Upgraded, Downgraded, or Minimal Finish options.
None = Same as originally chosen for the home
Minimal Finish
Includes fire taped drywall on framed walls, painted concrete or block on the exterior foundation walls,
minimal amounts of electrical and lighting, minimally finished drywall or suspended ceilings, and low
quality floor coverings. Excludes baseboard and trim.
Upgraded Finish
When the Upgraded Quality Adjustment option is selected, the Quality Grade of the room(s) or basement
finishes is increased by one grade based on the overall Quality Grade for the home.
Note: If the overall home quality is Premium, finished items will not be upgraded.
Downgraded Finish
When the Downgraded Quality Adjustment option is selected, the Quality Grade of the room(s) or
basement finishes is decreased by one grade based on the overall Quality Grade for the home.
Note: If the overall home quality is Economy, finished items will not be downgraded.
21. Walkout basement-walks out to grade , does not step up or down to enter
22. Observe and report foundation material – demonstrate Green + to add a selection when multiple
materials or objects need to be selected
23. Roof type is to be reported separately and portioned to include all styles observed (check all that apply)
24. Old home Wood siding is a condition (not material) where a remodel has been done and the original
wood siding has been left on and new vinyl or aluminum has been installed over the top
25. Roof material-asphalt referred to as 3-tab
26. Exterior wall construction - select from choices if solid wall material such as brick or log select none as it
is included in the wall finish
27. Exterior wall finish- observe and report
28. Exterior doors- count all exterior door including service doors to garage
a. Define exterior (standard approx. 6’8”) vs. 8 ft. exterior
b. Count sliding patio doors also
29. Define UOM as Unit Of Measurement
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30. Trim details-observe and report from dropdown
31. Roof Construction Type –Default to wood framed unless other is disclosed in interview
32. Windows- observe and report all specialty windows listed in drop down only
33. Note date of construction as provided per direct interview –NO INTERVIEW NO ADDITIONS
34. Confirm any living space above diagrammed garages GB1.25,GB1.5,GB1.75
35. Demonstrate the definition process (percent) for all decks, porches, patios, balconies & breezeways
a. What is below? -Floor surface
b. What is above? -Covered with a roof structure
c. What is around? –Enclosed
Define and document hot tubs and attached in ground pools
Identify siding and roof material on detached garages
Define any detached decks, detached patios, detached screen enclosures, and portable buildings
Identify siding and foundation of sheds
Describe gazebos
Locate and document only large satellite dishes
Detail Fixed Barbeques
Define solar panels –use 125 watts per panel if no interview>PORTAL>How to Identify Solar Panels
Define wind turbines - a wind turbine is a device designed to convert kinetic energy to electricity. (only
per interview)
Define wind turbine and photovoltaic battery backups (only per interview)
Define and document detached hot tubs and in ground pools
Observe and report basketball and tennis courts- no measurements need to be made
Skip measuring driveway, sidewalk, fencing, and landscaping
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49. Define and describe fireplaces (no “details” even if interview conducted)
a. If none mark NONE and done
c. Select appropriate from drop down
d. Masonry and zero clearance (pre-fab & direct vent)
e. Wood stove only if confirmed
50. Cover PL-04 as same
51. Cover PL-06 as same with exception of roof life indicator
Question and answer period
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Purpose – Provide Basic and Advanced uses of Microsoft’s Streets and Trips to be more
productive and efficient in the field.
1. Role call
2. Introduce Streets and Trips
3. Describe the right tool for the right job
a. Simple process to downloading all cases
b. Insured’s name , number, policy age, agent name , agent number all at once
c. List supplements if ordered for WBS and E&H
d. Easy Routing and Optimization
e. Additional GPS feature is easy to use and read due to size
f. Entire inventory at a Glance
g. Ability to sort and load based on age to Increase time service requirements
h. Adds flexibility as routes can be changed in the matter of minutes instead of hours
i. Can be saved, opened, and edited and any time
j. No annual subscription or update Fees
4. Provide list of possible vendors
a. Best Buy
b. Office Max
c. Amazon.com
5. Price is about $40.00 for base program and $70.00-$80.00 for one including a GPS receiver
6. Show that directions are also located in the portal – inspector manual – pg. 20
7. Open streets and Trips and have it running in the background
8. Do an open inventory search from WIDE
9. Select all cases-notification box
10. Select download CSV
11. Select a location to save- A separate file in My Documents and save as DATE for file name is
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12. After save is complete Demonstrate 3 mapping options as described below
a. Use this method if all address seem valid and you want just a total map of cases
b. Continue to Step 13
2. BASIC-DOWNLOAD, EDIT ADDRESS, THEN MAP(Microsoft Excel or similar needed for this
a. Use this method if addresses need to be corrected prior to mapping and you want just a
total map of cases
b. Open CSV file and expand fields by selecting upper right corner box above the number 1
(highlighting entire CSV) and double click any vertical dividing line so the whole address
field can be viewed
c. Identify erroneous address and correct them by manually entering corrected
d. Save corrections
e. Continue to Step 13
similar needed for this method)
a. Use this method if addresses need to be corrected prior to mapping and/or you want to
map cases to be identified by a grouped age (a little time consuming but best method in
the long run as it allows a very detailed look at you inventory and where you need to
concentrate efforts for time service)
b. Open CSV file and expand fields by selecting upper right corner box above the number 1
(highlighting entire CSV) and double click any vertical dividing line so the whole address
field can be viewed
c. Identify erroneous address and correct them by manually entering corrected
d. Save corrections as a master file
e. Left click and drag through fields C to O to highlight them
f. Right click and select HIDE- first three fields should be POLICY, INSURED NAME, AGE
g. Determine AGE criteria to sort by (suggested 20 and up, 10 -19, and 1-9)
h. Left click on number and drag to highlight all cases to be deleted NOT in that AGE
i. Right click on highlighted cases and select delete
j. Save as DATE+ NEW, MID, or OLD
k. Select undo from edit menu back to the master file stage and repeat process for other
AGE criteria sets
l. You will now have 3 separate files to map each with separate age parameters
m. Continue to step 13
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13. Import saved .CSV files to map on Streets and Trips
a. Select “Data” button from top tool bar
b. Select Import Data Wizard
c. Browse for file containing recent CSV-Make sure it is looking for .csv files not Excel
d. On the “Choose separator character window” Select next
e. On the next window Select finish
f. If any policies did not directly map Streets and Trips will try to provide close or similar
addresses to choose from-95% accurate but not perfect
g. Repeat this for all .CSV files if more than one has been created for AGE SORT
h. After all cases have been mapped right click on “Pushpins” on left side
i. Select Properties
j. On the general tab you may change the color of the pins-suggested to do so when AGE SORT
is done to identify differing AGES- RED oldest, YELLOW middle, GREEN newest
k. Select Balloon
l. Check boxes next to features or fields you wish to be displayed while viewing an individual
m. Select ok
n. Repeat steps i.- m. for all CSV files if more than one has been created for AGE SORT
o. Right click on any one pin and select show information
p. Drag a selection box over pins in an area or all
q. Select Route planner (car shaped icon) from upper tool bar
r. Select add to route
s. Determine a starting pin and an ending pin-may add home address as a start and end and
enter it manually
t. Select Optimize route
u. Select Get directions
14. Demonstrate adding cases and deleting cases from route
15. Demonstrate deletion of a prior route and ease of rerouting a new route
16. Demonstrate the use and benefits of the GPS tools
17. Demonstrate working geographically smarter and not harder
18. SAVE Streets and Trips map for future reference
19. Suggest re-mapping at least once a week
20. Best time is when you print new cases as you can search by un-printed cases which will also be
un-mapped cases too
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21. Exporting to third party GPS systems
a. Garmin uses the same “language “ as Streets and Trips. Right click on route trail and select
“send route to GPS device”
Currently, sending locations using USB is supported only on Garmin GPS devices. You will
need to close all browsers to install the Garmin Communicator Plug-in and save your
location information before proceeding with installation.
Click here ( http://www8.garmin.com/products/communicator ) to download the free
Garmin Communicator Plug-in.
b. Tom Tom and Magellan will need to saved as a file then converted to a compatible
“language” for use on those systems .
Question and answer period
Break Time
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Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to EHP Supplement procedure
15. Role call
16. Required photos- Box on EHP form indicates required photo’s
a. Photo of Electrical Panel open.
b. Close-up of main breaker if seen
c. Photo of Furnace.
d. Photo of plumbing pipes
hot water heater including plumbing in and around the unit
Photo under one sink-kitchen (FL photo under all sinks)
Photograph supplemental heating utilities. fireplaces and wood stoves
Photograph any hazards or liabilities.
17. Complete electrical detail for each panel if more than one photo each separately
a. Electrical Panel=Document total AMPS of Main
If no main breaker clearly designated on the panel, ask the
insured. If the insured does not know then mark undeterminable.
Undeterminable should also be used for panels that cannot be
opened or viewed and the insured does not know the Main Amps.
b. Circuit breakers/fuses-indicate quantity of each breaker and if there is an amp
that does not have a box available to check –mark closest amperage and note it
under the comments section at the bottom of the EHP form.
c. Wiring- indicate the wiring, based on available view -must = 100%.
d. Any updates and if so was is it by a licensed electrician/comment.
e. Protection- smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, alarm system.
Indicate if hazards are present or not present by selecting yes or no. If you select
“yes” PHOTO, MARK, AND COMMENT on all hazards.
18. Heating
(Refer to the Hazardous Panels Bulletin in the portal)
a. Note the furnace type, fuel, age of unit, is the unit serviced annually and were
there any updates. If specific dates are unknown by insured select unknown.
b. Photo all Fireplaces or Wood Stoves. Note the type, fuel, chimney, and indicate
the ash removal container (note existence only of WBS and provide a
c. Indicate if hazards are present or not present by selecting yes or no. If you select
“yes” PHOTO, MARK, AND COMMENT on all hazards.
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d. If yes is selected for hazards-Photo, mark and comment any hazards observed for
19. Plumbing
a. Were there any updates and if so were they done by a licensed plumber? If
specific dates are unknown by insured select unknown.
b. Note the number of kitchens.
c. Note the number of hot water heaters & age of oldest heater and note hot water
heater hazards. If specific dates are unknown by insured select unknown.
d. Note the system- sewer or septic.
e. Note the pipes, are they copper, galvanized, PVC, or other (must equal 100%)?
Indicate if hazards are present or not present by selecting yes or no. . If you select
“yes” PHOTO, MARK, AND COMMENT on all hazards.
g. Comments- Add comments if there were any hazards, any updates and if there
was a breaker/fuse amp that was not available on the electrical portion.
Question and answer period.
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Wood Burning Stove Supplement (WBS)
Purpose – Introduce new IC’s to the Wood Burning Stove Supplement procedure
1. Role call
2. Required photos- Box on WBS form indicates required photos
a. All sides of the stove
b. The pipe going thru the interior wall
c. The UL label (if none please add comment)
d. Flue on the exterior wall or roof
e. PHOTO, MARK, AND COMMENT on all hazards.
Default Info
a. Type of stove
b. Construction- what is it made out of
c. Use-what is it used for
d. Fuel-what does it burn
e. Installation and date installed
f. Inspected By
g. UL Testing Label
Protection – check boxes and indicate protective material on the walls and floor
Pipe Assembly
Type of Chimney
For Masonry Chimney’s – check all boxes that apply
For All Chimneys- Is the pipe and chimney cleaned annually and by who-paid service or insured
Measurements - All measurements are done in inches unless noted otherwise
Do not refer/defer to suggested measurements under each item. Any unobtainable
measurement needs to be entered as a “0” as a default
a. Top of pipe to ceiling
b. Rear of unit to wall
c. Side of unit to closest wall
d. Bottom of unit to floor
e. Front of unit to end of floor protection
f. Side of unit to end of floor protection
g. Length of horizontal run
Question and answer period
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