Received: 31 October 2019 Revised: 2 May 2020 Accepted: 5 May 2020 DOI: 10.1002/qre.2673 RESEARCH ARTICLE A hidden Markov model to detect regime changes in cryptoasset markets Paolo Giudici1 Iman Abu Hashish2 1 Department of Economics and Management, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy 2 Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy Correspondence Paolo Giudici, Department of Economics, University of Pavia, Via S. Felice 5, 27100 Pavia, Italy. Email: Funding information European Union's research and innovation program “FIN-TECH: A Financial supervision and Technology compliance training programme”, Grant/Award Number: 825215 (Topic: ICT-35-2018 and Type of action: CSA).; European Union's Horizon 2020, Grant/Award Number: 825215 1 Abstract The objective of this work is to understand the dynamics of cryptocurrency prices. Specifically, how prices switch between different regimes, going from “bull” to “stable” and “bear” times. For this purpose, we propose a hidden Markov model that aims at explaining the evolution of Bitcoin prices through different, unobserved states. The implementation of the proposed model includes a likelihood ratio test that allows to compare models with different states and with different covariance structures. Our empirical findings show that the time movements of Bitcoin prices across different exchange markets are well-described by the proposed model. In particular, a parsimonious model with a diagonal covariance matrix leads to better predictions, compared with a model with a full covariance matrix. K E Y WO R D S Bitcoin exchange markets, Bitcoin prices, hidden Markov models, likelihood ratio tests BAC KG RO U N D In the recent years, Financial Technology (FinTech) has been the center of attention due to its innovative solutions to improve financial services (see, for instance, Schueffel1 ). Such solutions are mainly driven by three technologies, big data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain technologies (see, for instance, Giudici2 ) and are affecting the nature of the financial industry by creating new services that enable a wider level of inclusion to financial activities. In particular, cryptocurrencies can be considered the main application of Blockchain technologies, and their popularity has been growing significantly, along with their volatility, making it crucial to understand the dynamics of their prices. The research on cryptocurrencies has been constantly growing, since Bitcoin was introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto.3 Corbet et al4 conducted a thorough systematic review of the research literature and reported that price dynamics is one of the most popular research areas, together with market efficiency and cryptocurrency structure. Crypto price dynamics was first investigated, from a theoretical viewpoint, by Dwyer5 who argued that the existence of a quantity limit, along with the use of peer-to-peer networks, can create an economic equilibrium in which cryptocurrencies have a positive value. Trying to empirically understand the drivers of price dynamics, Bouoiyour et al6 applied a technique called empirical mode decomposition to assess Bitcoin prices formation and argued that, although Bitcoin is considered a speculative asset, it is extremely driven by long-term fundamentals. However, Corbet et al7 studied the relationships between three cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ripple, and their links with traditional financial assets, using a variance decomposition approach, and showed that the studied cryptocurrencies are strongly interconnected with each other and relatively isolated from other financial assets. This result was confirmed by Ciaian et al,8 who applied autoregressive distributed lag Qual Reliab Engng Int. 2020;1–9. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 1 2 GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH models to daily data of Bitcoin and other 16 cryptocurrencies and reported that the studied currencies are indeed interdependent among each other. They also found that the relationship is significantly stronger in the short-run rather than in the long-run, consistently with the findings of Bouoiyour et al.6 Further arguments in favor of the endogenous nature of price dynamics have been provided by Blau,9 who studied the dynamics of Bitcoin prices using GARCH models and found that price volatility does not depend on speculative trading, and by Polasik et al,10 who provided a regression analysis of the investment characteristics of Bitcoin and found that Bitcoin returns are mainly driven by endogenous causes, such as the sentiments on cryptocurrencies, or the total number of transactions. Finally, along a similar line, Viglione11 found a positive relation in a cross-country correlation between the level of technology and Bitcoin prices. Recently, Giudici and Abu-Hashish12 proposed a vector autoregressive (VAR) model to understand the endogenous nature of Bitcoin price dynamics and found that is largely driven by differences between the market exchanges in which Bitcoins are traded. The present work develops this line of research employing, rather than a VAR model, a hidden Markov model (HMM). While a VAR model directly models the dependency between the observed market exchange prices, an HMM models the same dependency through the dynamics of its latent causes, attributed to time switches between different market regimes. In other words, to take into account the multivariate nature of cryptocurrency prices, we propose an HMM that explains the time evolution of Bitcoin prices through the evolution of hidden unobserved states, which can be referred to different equilibria of the crypto economy, consistently with the research of Dwyer.5 Doing so, we may be able to fully explain the observed dependency between exchange prices that we previously found.12 This will be the case when, conditionally on the latent state, Bitcoin exchange prices become independent (described by a diagonal covariance matrix) rather than still interdependent (described by a full covariance matrix). Our contribution to the literature is twofold. On one hand, as previously discussed, we contribute to the cryptocurrency econometrics literature aimed at understanding the causes of Bitcoin price dynamics. On the other hand, we contribute to the computational statistics literature, providing the implementation of an easy-to-use likelihood ratio test useful to compare alternative HMM models. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we explain our proposed model and the data that will be used to experiment it. In Section 3, the main empirical findings derived from the application of the model to the data are presented. Finally, Section 4 contains some final remarks. 2 HIDDEN MARKOV C RY PTO MODELS We propose to study price dynamics in cryptocurrency markets by means of HMMs. A (discrete) HMM assumes that each observation Yt , for t = 1, … , T is generated by a stochastic process whose state Z is a discrete random variable, hidden to the observer. The probability of observing Yt at any given time t can be described by a statistical distribution, conditional on Zt , usually known up to a parameter ð. It also assumes that the time transition between subsequent states (Z1 , … , ZT ) follows a Markov chain, typically of first order. More formally, the previous assumptions mean that the joint distribution of the observed time series Y1:T and of the corresponding hidden states, Z1:T , can be factorized as follows: P(Y1âķT , Z1âķT ) = T ∏ P(Yt |Zt )P(Zt |Zt−1 ), (2.1) t=1 in which P(Z1 |Z0 ) = P(Z1 ) is the (unconditional) distribution of the initial state. To further specify the probability distribution in ( 2.1), we need to define the conditional distributions P(Yt |Zt ) that link the observed variables with the hidden states, the K × K state transition matrix which defines the conditional probabilities P(Zt |Zt−1 ), and the probability distribution for the initial state P(Z1 ). HMMs are usually assumed to be time invariant, which implies that the conditional distributions and the state transition matrices do not depend on t. In our context, each observation Yt is a vector of market prices Yti , (i = 1, … , I; t = 1, … , T), one for each of the I considered cryptocurrency exchanges. We assume that, at any given time point t, the vector Yt follows an HMM, specified by the joint probability distribution in ( 2.1). We also assume, given the multivariate nature of Yt , that each conditional distribution P(Yt |Zt ) is a multivariate Gaussian, with a zero mean vector and an unknown variance-covariance matrix ðīz , which depends on the state Z = z and GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH Exchange market Bitfinex Bitstamp Bittrex Coinbase Gemini itBit Kraken Market share 13% 1% 1% 13% 0.3% 1% 10% 3 TABLE 1 Exchange markets by market share which will be estimated using the available data, along with the transition matrix of the hidden states. The initial state will be instead considered as a given constant value. To apply the proposed model to the available data, we need to implement two computational algorithms: one to estimate the unknown parameters, and one to compare and test different model structures. The estimation of the unknown parameters will be based on known methods. To estimate the variance covariance matrix, we will use the Maximum Likelihood Forward-Backward algorithm, and to estimate the transition matrix, we will use the Expectation Maximization Baum-Welch algorithm.13 Differently, to compare alternative model structures, such as models with differing number of states, or models with different variance-covariance matrices, we need to construct a new algorithm. To achieve this aim, we specifically implement in the Matlab software the likelihood ratio test statistics proposed by Giudici et al,14 which allows to compare a diagonal covariance matrix model with a full covariance matrix model, for different number of states. More precisely, we implemented the likelihood ratio (LR) statistics given by the following: ðn = 2(Ln (ðĖn − Ln (ðĖ0 )), where ð n and ð 0 are the maximum likelihood estimators under each of the considered models. Once the value of the LR test is computed, the P value is calculated using the chi-square cumulative distribution function, with degrees of freedom (d.f.) that vary depending on the considered model comparison. The calculation of the LR statistics, and of the related P value, allows us to establish which model to select. It is of interest, however, also to evaluate how accurate are the predictions obtained with the selected model. To perform this task, we can employ our model to obtain forecasts on a (training) sample of data and, then, compare the forecasts with the actual observations, on the remaining (test) set of data. More formally, we implement the following procedure. Once the estimated values of the unknown parameters under the selected model are obtained, we can insert them in equation (2.1) and accordingly calculate the conditional probability of (Zt+1 ) given the series (Y1:T ), for each state Z. The state which receives the highest conditional probability is the predicted state. Finally, the forecasts are obtained associating to the predicted state the mean of the exchange prices, under that state. To illustrate our proposed model, we consider, without loss of generality, the most important cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, whose price in US dollars is observed. With no further loss of generality, and to reduce volatility issues, we consider daily prices, obtained at the end of each day. Our first aim is to assess whether Bitcoin prices in different exchange markets are correlated with each other, thus exhibiting “endogenous” price variations. To understand this question, we have chosen a set of representative exchanges, for which price data is available, in a sufficiently long period of time. Specifically, we select seven of the most known exchanges: Bitfinex, Bitstamp, Bittrex, Coinbase, Gemini, ItBit, and Kraken. The exchanges are reported in Table 1, along with their corresponding market shares, retrieved on November 21, 2018.15 From Table 1, note that the selected exchange markets represent about 40% of the total daily volume trades. For each exchange market, we have collected daily closing data for a time period that goes from December 12, 2015, to October 25, 2018. Data were obtained using the CryptoCompare API by implementing a Python script. This gives rise to a database of 1,029 observations on seven variables. We remark that, differently from Giudici and Abu-Hashish,12 we do not consider the HitBtc exchange market, as data is not available for the latest period of time. This is without loss of generality, especially as HitBtc is a rather small market. Figure 1 illustrates how Bitcoin prices evolved over the considered period of time, where each line in the figure corresponds to the Bitcoin price evolution of one of the considered market exchanges. 4 GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH FIGURE 1 Bitcoin prices evolution over the considered period of time [Colour figure can be viewed at] TABLE 2 Summary statistics for Bitcoin prices Price per exchange Bitfinex Bitstamp Bittrex Coinbase Gemini ItBit Kraken Mean 3,857.53 3,859.71 3,853.65 3,871.30 3,866.98 3,863.09 3,859.56 St. Dev. 4,025.72 4,035.09 4,023.48 4,059.16 4,050.82 4,045.71 4,031.61 Min 367.01 367.64 365.00 367.00 368.70 360.40 368.00 Max 19,210.00 19,187.78 19,261.10 19,650.00 19,499.99 19,357.97 19,356.90 Looking at Figure 1, it is obvious that Bitcoin prices in different exchange markets are highly correlated, but not perfectly aligned. Moreover, at a first glance, prices went through different “equlibria” states: they were almost “stable” at the start of the considered period of time until the beginning of 2017, when the well-known rise took place and the prices climbed from a minimum of about 430 USD per Bitcoin to a maximum of almost 20,000 USD. This was followed by a fluctuation in prices in 2018, a period of high volatility. Table 2 shows a number of summary statistics for Bitcoin prices, complementary to Figure 1. Table 2 confirms the divergence of Bitcoin prices within different exchange markets, not only in volatility and extreme values but also in their mean, contrarily to the economic law of “one asset, one price.” Our hypothesis is that these differences can be explained by endogenous relationships between market exchange prices, in turn explained by different latent states of the crypto economy. From Table 2, note also that the standard deviation of the prices for the largest market (Coinbase) is the highest. In the next section, we apply our proposed model to empirically verify, on the available data, the validity of our hypotheses. 3 EMPIRICAL FINDINGS We considered three alternative types of hidden structures characterized, respectively, by two, three, and four hidden states, conventionally labeled with (1, 2, 3, 4). We also considered two different types of variance-covariance matrices: a full matrix and a more parsimonious diagonal matrix. Thus, we have a total of 3 × 2 alternative models. We will present, unless otherwise specified, the results for a model with three states, both with a full and a diagonal matrix. Figure 2 presents the time evolution of the three estimated hidden states, considering a full covariance matrix, and the Bitstamp exchange market. The white line corresponds to periods in which the estimated hidden state is equal to zero, the light purple line to periods in which the estimated hidden state is equal to one, and the dark purple line to periods in which the estimated hidden state is equal to two. From Figure 2, note that one hidden state is concentrated in the initial time period, when Bitcoin was relatively new and rarely increasing, while the other two states alternate, between lower and higher prices, in the more recent time period. GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH 5 FIGURE 2 Time evolution of Bitstamp prices colored by estimated hidden states with a full covariance matrix [Colour figure can be viewed at] FIGURE 3 Time evolution of Bitstamp prices colored by the estimated hidden states with a diagonal covariance matrix [Colour figure can be viewed at] We remark that a full covariance matrix involves a model specification that assumes that, conditionally on the hidden state, all exchanges are correlated with each other. This assumption may be too strong, as we expect that, the general sentiment towards the bitcoin (for example, “bullish” or “bearish”), expressed by the hidden state, can explain most of the pairwise correlations between the exchange prices, which thus become insignificant. For this reason, we consider a more parsimonious model, characterized by a diagonal covariance matrix. This model implies that, conditionally on the hidden state, the Bitcoin price of any market exchange is independent on the price of the others, at any time point. In other words, the dynamics of the prices is fully explained by the dynamics of the hidden states, whereas the differences between market exchanges are not significant. Figure 3 presents the time evolution of the three estimated hidden states, considering a diagonal covariance matrix, and the Bitstamp exchange market. Note that the first hidden state is still concentrated in the initial time period. However, differently from what happens with a full covariance matrix, the second hidden state seems mostly concentrated in the second period (a period in which the Bitcoin price was steadily rising), with the third state more spread, but concentrated in the latest period. Comparing the two previous graphs, it seems that, conditionally on having three states, a model with a diagonal covariance matrix gives a better description of the “regime switches” implied by the data. To confirm this result, from a more formal statistical viewpoint, we now calculate the chi-squared likelihood ratio test statistics to compare a diagonal covariance matrix model with a full covariance matrix model, for three different number of states (2, 3, or 4). Following what shown in Giudici et al,14 the degrees of freedom of the test can be obtained as the difference between the size of the parameter spaces under comparison. Recalling that we have 7 variables, when we compare two models with different variance-covariance structure (full or diagonal) and the same number of states, the Chi squared has thus, respectively, 14+14= 28 d.f. (two states), 14+14+14=42 d.f. (three states), and 14+14+14+14=56 d.f.(four states). 6 GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH TABLE 3 Likelihood ratio test—full versus diagonal covariance Number of states 2 3 4 Likelihood ratio 51493.81 56931.07 50226.37 P value 3.12e − 51 2.34e − 54 7.12e − 49 TABLE 4 Likelihood ratio test—diagonal covariance Number of states 3 vs. 2 3 vs. 4 Likelihood ratio 154.38 8440.61 P value 4.87e − 30 1.13e − 41 TABLE 5 Predictive performance (in terms of root mean squared errors) of hidden Markov models with two, three, or four states and, respectively, a full or a diagonal variance covariance matrix Exchange 2 Bitfinex Bitstamp Bittrex Coinbase Gemini itBit Kraken 3 Full 2,498.78 2,491.52 2,598.19 2,467.18 2,478.71 2,424.51 2,503.19 Diagonal 2,802.85 2,798.33 2,792.86 2,800.36 2,793.26 2,821.31 2,792.50 4 Full 4,034.64 4,026.76 4,143.27 3,999.86 4,009.07 3,950.93 4,039.40 Diagonal 1,738.24 1,741.53 1,739.66 1,738.68 1,738.76 1,737.39 1,736.89 Full 4,898.90 4,889.83 5,013.77 4,861.94 4,871.61 4,809.42 4,903.52 Diagonal 708.67 741.29 740.42 733.07 734.05 739.42 737.94 Instead, when we compare two diagonal (full) models differing by one extra state, the chi-square distribution has 7 (21) d.f.. Table 3 presents the likelihood ratio test for the two considered covariance structures. Table 3 clearly shows that a more parsimonious diagonal matrix model is always preferred to a full covariance matrix model, for any number of states. This strongly supports our research hypotheses that market price and correlation dynamics are fully explained by the dynamics of the unobserved, latent states. To further assess which states configuration is more supported by the available data, we can compare, for a diagonal covariance structure, models with different number of states. Table 4 shows the results. From Table 4, note that the model with three states has a likelihood that is significantly higher than that of a simpler model (two states), and than that of a more complex model (four states). Thus, the model which receives the highest empirical likelihood from the observed data, and should therefore be selected, is a model with three hidden states. From an economic viewpoint, this implies that the relatively young history of Bitcoin prices can be explained using three alternative states of “bear,” “stable,” and “bull” markets. Regardless of how it is constructed, any statistical model should be evaluated not only in terms of its likelihood, for the data at hand, but also in terms of its predictive performance. To this aim, we now assess the predictive performance of our proposed Hidden Markov model to understand if, besides being a good explainable model, it is also able to well predict Bitcoin prices. To this aim, we build our model with 80% of the data using the remaining 20% of the data as a test set. With the obtained model, we predict the Bitcoin prices for the days in the test set, employing 1-day ahead rolling predictions, and compare the predictions with the actual prices. Table 5 contains, for each exchange price, the root-mean-squared errors (RMSE) of the predictions, for two, three, or four state models, respectively, using a full or diagonal variance covariance matrix. Table 5 shows that the predictive performance of the proposed models is, overall, similar with RMSE of similar magnitudes. However, looking in detail, differences emerge. When a full covariance matrix is considered, the Bittrex exchange (one of the least traded) is the most difficult to predict, and the itBit, along with the Coinbase exchange (one of the most traded) is the least difficult to predict. When a diagonal covariance matrix is considered, errors are again similar, with Bitstamp, the most traded, the most difficult to predict. This is consistent with the fact that highest volume exchanges are more volatile and, therefore, more difficult to predict. Table 5 also shows that the RMSE of the eight Bitcoin price predictions, under a diagonal covariance matrix, are always lower than those obtained with a full matrix. A diagonal variance-covariance structure is therefore preferable, in line with the likelihood ratio test results. To further investigate the previous results, we could compare, from a predictive viewpoint, a diagonal and a full covariance matrix model, conditionally on a number of states equal to 4 (higher than before) and equal to 2 (lower than before). Our results show that for the four states model, the predictive performance is significantly higher (lower RMSE) for a diagonal covariance matrix, compared with a full one, in line with the results obtained with a three model states. Instead, GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH Exchange Bitfinex Bitstamp Bittrex Coinbase Gemini ItBit Kraken RMSE VAR full 2,930.08 6,391.32 2,385.40 2,443.09 3,118.26 2,590.79 2,328.68 7 RMSE VAR diagonal 2,932.76 6,937.22 2,384.34 2,442.40 3,118.30 2,593.70 2,327.65 RMSE VAR equal 2,634.43 4,007.66 2,553.75 2,573.80 2,946.33 2,972.04 2,541.80 RMSE neural 2,256.44 2,056.24 2,242.83 2,183.24 2,050.66 2,283.33 2,028.67 TABLE 6 Predictive performance of vector autoregressive models with, respectively, a full, diagonal or equal variance covariance matrix, and a neural network with one hidden layer and three nodes Abbreviations: RMSE, tablenotes; VAR, vector autoregressive. for the two states model, the full matrix model shows a slightly better performance. This is consistent with the fact that the model with two states is very parsimonious and, therefore, the need to have a full covariance matrix emerges, as the number of hidden states is too low to explain price dynamics. To assess the merits of the proposed model, we should also compare it with possible competitors, either among more classic econometric models or among machine learning models. Table 6 shows the RMSE of four different models: a VAR model with a full variance-covariance matrix, a VAR model with a diagonal matrix, an “intermediate” VAR model with a full variance-covariance matrix made up of equal correlations, and, finally, a neural network model, with one hidden layer made up of three hidden nodes. Comparing Table 6 with Table 5, note that our proposed hidden model, with a diagonal covariance matrix, is preferable over VAR and neural network models, for all considered exchanges. However, a less parsimonious hidden model, with a full covariance matrix, is worse than both VAR and neural models. This is consistent with the previously found results. Note also that the neural network model, the one that more closely resembles hidden Markov models, is the second best performing model. Note also that choosing an equal correlation structure does not help reducing the RMSE of a full covariance matrix, in a substantial way. 4 CO NCLUDING REMARKS In this paper, we have proposed a model that explains the observed time dynamics of Bitcoin prices, in different market exchanges, by means of the latent time dynamics of a number of latent states, using an HMM that can model the regime switches between different price vectors. The model is quite general and can be extended to compare any number of exchange markets and any number of hidden states, thanks to the employed likelihood ratio test strategy. It also shows a good predictive performance, when applied to predict Bitcoin prices in an out-of-sample exercise. We believe that our model could be extended to the simultaneous analysis of different cryptoassets, rather than different exchanges, although the latter case is bound to be affected by a varying traded volume size. Another interesting extension could be to apply the model to intra-day data, although this may involve a large price volatility, due to low liquidity effects. Further directions of research may involve to overcome the limitations of the multivariate Gaussian assumption adopted here. It is well known that Bitcoin price data are heavy tailed, and indeed our data confirm this assumption, according to the Shapiro-Wilk test statistics. Our model can thus be seen as a first approximation, to be improved within a nonparametric context,16,17 or in a Bayesian context.18 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank their colleagues at the FinTech lab of the University of Pavia for conducting useful discussions. They also acknowledge useful discussion and suggestions from two anonymous referees. The research in the paper has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program “FIN-TECH: A Financial supervision and Technology compliance training programme” under the grant agreement No. 825215 (Topic: ICT-35-2018, Type of action: CSA). ORCID Paolo Giudici 8 GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Schueffel P. Taming the beast: a scientific definition of fintech. Available at SSRN 3097312; 2016. Giudici P. Fintech risk management: a research challenge for artificial intelligence in finance. Front Artif Intell. 2018. Nakamoto S. Bitcoin: a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Available at; 2008. Corbet S, Lucey B, Urquhart A, Yarovaya L. Cryptocurrencies as a financial asset: a systematic analysis. Int Rev Financ Anal. 2018;62:182-199. Dwyer GP. The economics of Bitcoin and similar private digital currencies. J Financ Stab. 2015;17:81-91. Bouoiyour J, Selmi R, Tiwari AK, Olayeni OR. 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Academic supervisor of about 180 master's students and of 15 PhD students, currently working in the financial industry, in IT/consulting companies or as academic researchers. Author of several scientific publications (83 in Scopus, with 1,190 total citations and an h-index of 20). The main contributions to research are on the following: multivariate graphical models; network models for financial stability; correlation networks for financial technologies; operational risk management models; Bayesian data analysis; and model diagnostics, predictive accuracy, and explainability. Coordinator of 11 funded scientific projects, among which the European Horizon 2020 project “FIN-TECH: Financial supervision and Technological compliance” (2019-2020) and the European VI programme project on “Multi industry semantic based business intelligence” (2006-2010). Chief Editor of “Artificial Intelligence in Finance,” Frontiers. Associate Editor of “Digital Finance,” Springer and of “Risks,” MDPI. Researcher with CEPS on the monitoring of COVID-19 contagion. Research fellow at the Bank for International Settlements, Basel. Research fellow at the University College London center for Blockchain technologies. Expert at the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). Expert at the Italian ministry of development for the National AI strategy. Member of the scientific committee of the Association of Italian Financial Risk Managers, AssoFintech, the Cryptovalues association. Member of the following: Italian Statistical Society(SIS), Italian Econometric Society (SIDE), European Big Data Value Association (BDVA), European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS), and International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA). Principal investigator of research, training, and consulting projects for the following: the Italian Banking Association, Intesa SanPaolo, Unicredit, UBI, BancoBpm, MPS, BPS, Creval, Accenture, KPMG, SAS, Mediaset, and Sky. Iman Abu Hashish received her PhD degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Pavia, Italy, in February 2020. She specializes in applied data science approaches with a particular interest in the domain of Financial Technology (FinTech). She is a review editor in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence journal in the section of Artificial Intelligence in Finance. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, domain-specific data science applications, machine GIUDICI AND ABU HASHISH learning, and deep learning. Dr Abu Hashish has several national and international publications in highly recognized journals and IEEE conference proceedings. How to cite this article: Giudici P, Abu Hashish I. A Hidden Markov Model to Detect Regime Changes in Cryptoasset Markets. Qual Reliab Engng Int. 2020;1-9. 9