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King Arthur Play Script

The Lost Kingdom
- Alice, a brave adventurer
- Sam, Alice's best friend and fellow adventurer
- King Arthur, the ruler of the lost kingdom
- Merlin, the wise wizard
- Mordred, the evil sorcerer
Act 1
Scene 1
(Alice and Sam are in their treehouse, looking
at a map)
Alice: Sam, look at this map. It shows the
location of the lost kingdom.
Sam: The lost kingdom? I've never heard of it.
Alice: That's because it was hidden from the
world for centuries. But I've been studying
ancient texts, and I think I know how to find it.
Sam: What are we waiting for? Let's go!
Scene 2
(Alice and Sam are traveling through a dense
Sam: Are you sure we're going in the right
Alice: According to the map, the lost kingdom
should be just beyond this forest.
Scene 3
(Alice and Sam arrive at the entrance to a cave)
Sam: This must be it. Are you ready?
Alice: Let's go.
Act 2
Scene 1
(Alice and Sam enter the cave and find
themselves in a large chamber)
Alice: Look at this! It's a mural depicting King
Arthur and his knights.
Sam: King Arthur? I thought he was just a
Alice: He was real, and so was his kingdom.
And according to the map, we're getting closer.
Scene 2
(Alice and Sam continue through the cave and
come across a riddle)
Alice: "I am always hungry, I must always be
fed. The finger I touch, will soon turn red." What
do you think that means?
Sam: I have no idea.
Alice: Wait, I think I remember reading about
this. It's a fire.
(Sam lights a torch, and a door opens)
Scene 3
(Alice and Sam enter a throne room and see
King Arthur sitting on his throne)
King Arthur: Welcome, travelers. What brings
you to my kingdom?
Alice: We're here to learn about the lost
King Arthur: Ah, I see. And who sent you on this
Alice: No one. We came here on our own.
King Arthur: Very well. But beware, there is a
great evil lurking in these lands.
Scene 4
(Mordred appears)
Mordred: Too late, Arthur. They're already here.
King Arthur: Mordred! What do you want?
Mordred: The same thing I've always wanted your throne.
Alice: Who is he?
King Arthur: Mordred is my nephew, and a
powerful sorcerer. He has long coveted my
throne, and will stop at nothing to take it.
Act 3
Scene 1
(Mordred uses his magic to create a wall of fire,
trapping Alice and Sam)
Alice: What are we going to do?
Sam: I don't know, but we have to find a way
out of here.
Scene 2
(Merlin appears)
Merlin: Do not fear, young ones. I am here to
Alice: Merlin! We need your help to stop
Merlin: I see. You will need these.
(Merlin hands Alice and Sam magical swords)
Merlin: With these swords, you may be able to
defeat ordred and save the kingdom.
Scene 3
(Alice and Sam face off against Mordred)
Mordred: You fools! You cannot defeat me!
Alice: We'll see about that.
(Sam and Alice engage in a fierce battle with
Mordred, using their swords and quick thinking
to outmaneuver him)
Scene 4
(After a long and grueling battle, Mordred is
Mordred: No! This cannot be!
King Arthur: Well done, young adventurers. You
have saved my kingdom.
Alice: It was our pleasure, King Arthur.
Scene 5
(King Arthur knights Alice and Sam for their
King Arthur: In recognition of your courage and
valor, I hereby dub you knights of the lost
Alice: Thank you, King Arthur. It's an honor.
Sam: Yeah, this is pretty cool.
Merlin: And with that, your quest is complete.
But remember, there are always new
adventures to be had.
(All characters exit)
End of play.
Reading Comprehension Questions:
1. What is the lost kingdom?
2. How do Alice and Sam find the lost kingdom?
3. What does the mural in the cave depict?
4. What is the riddle that Alice and Sam
encounter, and how do they solve it?
5. Who is Mordred, and what is his goal?
6. Who helps Alice and Sam defeat Mordred?
7. How do Alice and Sam defeat Mordred?
8. What does King Arthur do to honor Alice and
9. What does Merlin say to Alice and Sam at
the end of the play?
10. What do you think the future holds for Alice
and Sam as knights of the lost kingdom?
Deep Thinking Questions:
1. Why do you think Alice and Sam were willing
to risk their lives to find the lost kingdom?
2. What qualities do you think Alice and Sam
possess that made them successful in their
3. If you were in Alice and Sam's position, how
would you have approached the challenge of
defeating Mordred?
Inferen0ce Questions:
1. Based on the play, what can you infer about
the relationship between King Arthur and
2. What do you think might have happened if
Alice and Sam had not found the lost kingdom?