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RPL Kit: Building & Construction Skills Assessment

Step 4: Demonstration and
Observation Kit
Certificate IV in building and construction
RPL Process – Flow Chart Diagram
RPL Process – Main Steps
Guidelines to complete RPL Process with ITIA:
Rules of evidence
Instructions to use Demonstrations and Observations Kit:
Purpose of using Demonstrations and Observations Kit
Instructions to use Demonstrations and Observations Kit
Important to think about privacy and confidentiality!
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RPL Process – Flow Chart Diagram
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RPL Process – Main Steps
Congratulations, the first step is generally the hardest and you have taken that by considering the
opportunity to have your skills, knowledge and experience assessed through our Recognition of Prior
Learning (RPL) process in order for you to gain full or partial completion of a qualification in your
area of expertise. The main steps of RPL process are depicted below:
Guidelines to complete RPL Process with ITIA:
The Steps
Step 1: The Application process and RPL Application Form
Preliminary discussion with your trainer/assessor and RTO regarding the RPL process, fees
and exploration of suitable courses.
Step 2: Completing the RPL Self-Assessment Information Kit
Self-evaluation of applicant’s skills, knowledge and experience to your chosen vocational
Step 3: RPL Competency Conversation Kit
This is also known as 'professional conversation' or 'learning conversation').
The purpose of the competency conversation is to gain a detailed insight into the applicant's
relevant skills, knowledge and experience.
Step 4: RPL Demonstration and Observation Kit
A list of projects and tasks are provided to applicant to perform to demonstrate their
relevant skills, knowledge and experience.
Step 5: Third-Party Evidence Kit
Confirmation and authentication step where the information provided in step 3 and 4 will be
used as a basis for verification with your supervisor (past and/or present).
Step 6: Finalisation of RPL Process
This involves all the processes the assessor and Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
undertake to finalise the RPL assessment process for the candidate. This includes actions
such as determining final assessment outcomes, providing candidates with feedback and
options, completing RTO-required documentation, and awarding candidates with the
qualification or a Statement of Attainment.
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Rules of evidence
Please be advised that the evidence you provide will be assessed against the following
rules of evidence.
The evidence has a relationship to the unit competency
The evidence relates to the four dimensions of competency
The evidence addresses key competencies / employability skills
The evidence addresses the full range of performance criteria
The evidence demonstrates competency over a period of time
The evidence shows competency in different contexts
The evidence demonstrates that the candidate can apply the competency to current work
The evidence is the candidate’s own work
The documents – qualifications, references and licences - presented by the candidate are
Instructions to use Demonstrations and Observations Kit:
Assessor can use this kit to assess competencies through a practical demonstration of the
candidate’s skills. It contains practical tasks/scenarios on the outcomes required to determine
competency and a place to record your observation. The notes you take are important evidence for
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Purpose of using Demonstrations and Observations Kit
A list of common questions, tasks, projects and assessment activities are provided in this kit.
Trainer/Assessor can use this demonstrations and observations kit when they are unsure if student
has required skills, experience and knowledge to perform a specific task, project or assessment
Trainers and assessors are not required to use all questions, tasks, projects and assessment activities
from this demonstrations and observations kit. If trainer/assessor substantiates that the student has
all-ready demonstrated their competency through Step 2- RPL Self-assessment information kit or
Step 3 - RPL Competency conversation kit, then they can skip any/all relevant activities mentioned in
this kit.
Instructions to use this demonstrations and observations kit are provided below.
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Instructions to use Demonstrations and Observations Kit
Each unit will have a number of tasks. These will help the candidate gather the right types of
evidence for each unit.
Tasks might include:
Candidate showing their assessor how they do a specific workplace task (often they will
need to answer verbal questions from their assessor to show their understanding and
knowledge required of the task, or to talk about their past experiences doing a specific
Gathering samples of workplace documents (candidate work with regularly) or they have
developed as part of their job role
Feedback from clients or other colleagues
Completing a short report to show their understanding of a complex or industry-specific
Making sure their third party person has completed a report on their ability to do specific
tasks (this might be required where the activity is of a confidential nature).
These items will make up candidate’s evidence portfolio for the qualification or units they are
applying for.
They will need to submit their portfolio of evidence to their assessor.
Important to think about privacy and confidentiality!
It is important to think about the types of documents candidate is submitting as part of their
evidence portfolio. Is there anything in their portfolio that could identify a person or that is
confidential to their workplace?
Would their supervisor or employer be happy that they have added that document to their
portfolio? Have they asked them for permission to make a copy or take the document out of their
Think about the following (depending on their job and industry area):
client/patient files
human resources documentation
financial documentation
legal documentation
documents that include names, addresses, phone numbers and taxation information.
Many of the units in this tool will identify where a task might involve the use of confidential of
sensitive information. In this case, their third party person will need to write a short report in the
RPL Third Party Tool that indicates their ability to do this task/work to competent level.
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Outcomes of the demonstration and observation interview for Unit 6— CPCCBC4010 - Apply structural principles to residential and
commercial constructions
Assessor’s name
The candidate has not yet
demonstrated competence,
more evidence of knowledge
and/or skills is required
Assessor’s signature
The candidate has
demonstrated competence to
the standard expected in the
workplace (and the rules of
evidence are met)
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Demonstration and observation recording tool for Unit 7— CPCCBC4012 - Read and interpret plans and specifications
Unit of competency:
● CPCCBC4012 - Read and interpret plans and specifications
● The full text of the units can be viewed at www.training.gov.au
Candidate’s name
Date completed
Project Activities and Assessments
Task: Demonstrate how to read and interpret plans and specifications for a residential build.
Assessor Information
Assessors will need to provide candidates with one set of construction drawings, site plans and specifications for a building project.
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Assessor Guide
Candidates must be able demonstrate their ability to interpret the plans and specifications by answering the following questions
Using the plans and specs, complete the following.
Candidate’s name
Date completed
Project Activities and Assessments
Task: The candidate is required to facilitate the identification of hazards and potential hazards, lead the assessment of associated risks, select and implement
suitable risk controls, and evaluate the overall effectiveness of the l WHS risk management process.
Assessor Information
Assessors will need to provide candidates with a WHS risk assessment project
Assessor Guide
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The candidate’s response should include evidence that the candidate is able to:
Facilitate identification of WHS risk management requirements by:
Leading the stakeholder consultation with a representation of the stakeholders
Using negotiation skills to agree on any changes to the scope statement or Risk Management Policy and Procedures
Identifying organisation-specific factors that will impact on hazard identification, risk assessment and risk controls
Completing a workplace inspection
Developing a workplace inspection report
Assess WHS risks by:
Leading hazard identification process according to organisational policies and procedures
Identifying and document risk factors as they apply to identified hazards according to organisational policies and procedures
Control WHS risks by:
Identifying organisational risk control policies and procedures appropriate to identified hazards
Selecting suitable risk controls according to assessed level of risk, organisational WHS hazard and risk control policies and procedures, and WHS
Planning to implement selected risk controls
Implementing selected risk controls
Document and communicate selected risk controls to required personnel
Evaluating effectiveness of WHS risk management process
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Establish nature and scope of evaluation process and key performance indicators
Reviewing effectiveness of implemented risk management process according to organisation’s WHSMS and legislative requirements
Modifying risk management process as required in response to evaluation
Documenting risk management process according to WHSIS requirements
Communicating evaluation findings to stakeholders
Outcomes of the demonstration and observation interview for Unit 19— BSBWHS513 – Lead WHS risk management
Assessor’s name
The candidate has not yet
demonstrated competence,
more evidence of knowledge
and/or skills is required
Assessor’s signature
The candidate has
demonstrated competence to
the standard expected in the
workplace (and the rules of
evidence are met)
Additional notes to be completed by RPL Assessor:
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Gathered Evidence meet
RPL / RCC - Granted
RPL / RCC – Declined
(Fill if applicable)
(Fill if applicable)
☐ Rules of evidence
☐ Evidence reviewed
☐ Evidence reviewed
☐ Feedback provided to the
☐ Principles of Assessment
☐ Letter issued and filed
☐ Letter issued and filed
☐ Learner is aware of reappeal
☐ Training package requirements ☐ Further evidence are not
Assessor’s Name:
Assessor’s Signature:
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☐ Further evidence are required
Information to learners
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