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The Ed Coan
Beginner Lifting Routine
A Linear Progression Approach
(I used something similar 1993–99)
Ed Coan squatting over 1000lb, look at the straight shins!
This is where I picked up my form.
There are few people that I would trust to write out a template for a beginner to
become a great lifter. One of those people is Ed Coan. He has been a mentor of
mine for the past 20 years, he has seen my ups, seen my downs, and helped out
anytime I have reached out to him. Although our training methods are different,
(progressive overload instead of conjugate training) he has developed, and seen
more great lifters than probably anyone I know.
I had used this similar system for much of my developing career in my teens and
early 20s, and made great progress (as you can see in the history part of the
book). With that being said a small portion of this book is dedicated to Ed Coans
expertise, and his approach to the development of the beginner
Ed Coan’s Advice:
The best advice I have ever received is:
Keep it simple!!!!!!
Keep it simple really means to stick to the basics and go from there. You can’t
advance in anything unless you learn from the bottom up. You can’t take a test
at the end of the year unless you read the first few chapters of the book!
I have always been a believer in doing what works with subtle changes to
work weak areas that show, as you get stronger. Doing it this way, keeps you
on track and it’s easier to learn your body and develop a more customized
training program!
This is a basic 12-week program.
The difference between beginner and advanced are the changes in…
Specialized exercises
Specialized exercises fix your weaker points and the intelligence that you acquire
along the way in learning your own body. Advanced lifters need more volume in
special exercises, while beginner lifters need more volume in the basic exercises
(with perfect form).
1) The advanced lifter can actually strain
2) The advanced lifter already has good form
These two reasons (and many others) are why advanced lifters need less reps,
more intensity, but also less work in the classical lifts. This workout is for the
The first few years that you lift, and acquire technique
are crucial to your development both currently and in the future.
Make sure you see a good coach, and/or lifter,
that can get your form perfect before lifting.
Copyright © 2020 Wenning Srength LLC
The Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Week 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Week 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Week 3 (high volume peak) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Week 4 (deload) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Week 5 (8-RM loading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Week 6 (8-RM loading) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Week 7 (8-RM loading MAX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Week 8 (8-RM loading MAX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Week 9 (5-RM load) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Week 10 (3-RM load) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Week 11 (2-RM load modified ROM) deloading accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Week 12 DELOAD, new PR end of week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
The Program
The first 4 weeks help conditioning with higher reps to develop a technique that
starts to form.
This will be Two top sets of 10 and 8 reps for two weeks each.
Ed Coan doing bent over rows as a specialized exercise.
It’s kind of like being the first driver down the street after a snowfall. The grooves
are not set yet so you’ll be all over the place. After the groove (technique) gets
better, it’s only then that you’re ready for the next three weeks.
This will be sets of 5 reps for 2–4 sets. I loved 5 rep sets. I got very strong and
grew rapidly on these weeks.
Now that you started feeling more weight and form is better, you’ll be ready to
start peaking or setting yourself up to max at the end of this training cycle.
Now, we really get to feel some weight and see what the result could become.
The next 4 weeks are for the peak.
Two weeks of 3 and two weeks of two reps. After this, you’re ready for your test!
Let’s see what you got in week 12.
During this training cycle, take small jumps between weeks of the same reps. On
weeks that you lower the reps, take a slightly larger jump in weight. Try to never
miss a weight, always go a little on the lighter side and focus on form.
I usually write down my training cycle about 1,000x to make sure it can be
completed with ever missing a set or rep.
This ensures the result is almost guaranteed!! I always kept auxiliary exercises
very simple and used them to work weaker points and get bigger stronger
muscles in those weaker areas.
I was very fortunate, many years ago, to get a call from a young Matt Wenning.
I loved being able to answer his questions. Matt has found his own way and
developed into an incredible Strength and Conditioning Expert. I learn from his
knowledge now!!!
Ed Coan, 2015
Ed Coan
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover,
and build progress on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Monday Lower
Week 1
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warmups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 10 reps
(somewhere around 7–7.5RPE), take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Reverse hypers 3x 10 3-3 tempo
Glute ham raises 3x10
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbbell bench press, using a light weight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width
Work up to a difficult (7 to 7.5 RPE) 10 rm using 8-10 sets in a progressive fashion
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press
Take 50% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure
using a slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the eyes
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lateral DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 3x10
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, as well as
lat tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift.
Deadlift Tip
Eddie and I both agreed that properly learning how to pull sumo first not only
makes you more flexible, and helps the squat, but also is a key component to
getting stronger at conventional stance if you so choose down the road, become
a master at sumo deadlifts before conventional stance is learned at a max effort
level (it will still be in training)
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 10RM (save some in the tank because you
have to go heavier next week so around 7-7.5 RPE)
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 25–45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 40-60lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recover
Week 2
Monday Lower
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners are hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warm-ups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 10
reps, take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion (add 10–20lb from
last week or 3–5%)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Reverse hypers 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Glute ham raises 3x12
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbbell bench press using a light weight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width.
Work up to a difficult 10 rm using 8–10 sets in a progressive fashion add 10–20lb
from last wk or 3–5%.
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press (index finger on smooth)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the eyes
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lateral DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 3x10
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 10RM add 10–20lb from the last week or
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 25–45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 10lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 40–60lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Week 3
Monday Lower
(high volume peak)
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warmups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 10
reps, take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion (add 10-20lb from
last week or 3–5%)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Reverse hypers 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Glute ham raises 3x12
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbell bench press using a light weight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width
Work up to a difficult 10 rm using 8-10 sets in a progressive fashion add 10–20lb
from last wk or 3–5%
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press (thumbed on the smooth)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns
3x failure with a weight that 10–12 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the eyes
3x failure with a weight that 1–-12 reps is achievable
Rear delt (laying on reverse incline) DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 4x12
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift.
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 10RM add 10-20lb from the last week or
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 25–45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 10lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 40–60lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Week 4
Monday Lower
2 sets of 20 leg curls
2 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
2x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warmups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 8 reps,
take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion (go 60lb lighter than last wk)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar.
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Reverse hypers 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Glute ham raises 3x12
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbell bench press using a light weight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width
Work up to a difficult 8 rm using 8–10 sets in a progressive fashion take off 60lb
from last wk
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns behind the head
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the eyes
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lateral DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 4x15
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 8RM take off 80lb from last week
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 25lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 legs only
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 40–60lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Week 5
Monday Lower
(8-RM loading)
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warmups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 8 reps,
take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion work up to about 80% of
your perceived max (save some in the tank)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Good mornings 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Decline situps 3x12 holding weight
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbell bench press using a lightweight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width.
Work up to a difficult 8 rm using 8-10 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to
80% of perceived max, save some in tank)
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns using rope behind the head
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the chest
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Rear delt rows
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb from
the previous weeks)
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 4x20 use moderate weight
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 8RM work up to 80% of perceived exertion,
save some in the tank
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 25lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 legs only
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 60–80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Week 6
Monday Lower
(8-RM loading)
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline sit-ups
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warm-ups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 8 reps,
take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion work up to about 87% of
your perceived exertion (save some in the tank)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Good mornings 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Decline situps 3x12 holding weight
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key).
4x25 dumbell bench press using a lightweight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width
Work up to a difficult 8 rm using 8–10 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to
87% of perceived exertion, save some in tank)
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns using rope
3x failure with a weight that 15-20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the chest
3x failure with a weight that 15-20 reps is achievable
Lateral DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb from the
previous weeks)
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 4x20 use moderate weight
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 8RM work up to 87% of perceived exertion,
save some in the tank
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 35lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 5lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 60–80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Week 7
Monday Lower
(8-RM loading MAX)
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warm-ups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 8 reps,
take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion work up to about 95% of
your perceived exertion (save some in the tank)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Good mornings 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Decline situps 3x12 holding weight
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbbell bench press using a light weight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width
Work up to a difficult 8 rm using 8–10 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to
95% of perceived exertion, give everything you have)
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns using rope
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the chest
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lateral DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb from the
previous weeks)
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 4x20 use moderate weight
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 8RM work up to 95% of perceived exertion
give close to all you have
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 5lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 60–80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 1–4
Conditioning meso cycle
3 day per week cycle
This 3-day per week beginner cycle allows one to recover, and build progress
on each day, a beginner will need ample recovery
Week 8
Monday Lower
(8-RM loading MAX)
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
Most weak points in beginners is hamstring activation, abdominal and lower
back strength, so warm-ups slowly build these areas up, and help with form on
the large lifts of the day
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 8 reps,
take 8 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion work up to about 95% of
your perceived exertion (save some in the tank)
It is important that form is perfect! This means that focusing on technique is far
more important than the weight on the bar
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
Good mornings 3x 12 3-3 tempo
Decline situps 3x12 holding weight
As we can see there is much less accessory work and all the emphasis is placed
on the main movements.
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
Because the bench is smaller muscle groups used, higher volume needs to be
used in the warmups and specialized exercises (but with perfect form always
being the key)
4x25 dumbbell bench press using a lightweight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that is just slightly past shoulder width.
Work up to a difficult 8 rm using 8–10 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to
95% of perceived exertion, give everything you have)
Remember to not miss any sets or weight; the volume is key to your progress,
your building on this slightly next week so keep some in the tank
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns using rope
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the chest
3x failure with a weight that 15–20 reps is achievable
Lateral DB raises
3x45sec with a weight that burns but not impossible
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb from the
previous weeks)
Leg raises 3x20
Lat pulldowns 4x20 use moderate weight
This warm-up builds general leg size, hip flexor flexibility and strength, and lat
tightness for the deadlift, all of which are major weak points for that lift
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 8RM work up to 95% of perceived exertion
give close to all you have
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 5lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 60–80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 9–12 peaking phase
3 day per week cycle
Week 9
Monday Lower
(5-RM load)
3 sets of 20 leg curls
3 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
3x15 decline situps
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 5 reps,
take 7 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion work up to about 84% of
your perceived exertion (save some in the tank)
(this should be close to a perceived opener, with a tad in the tank)
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
RDL (light weight with comp stance) 3x8 progressive
Decline situps 3x12 holding weight
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
4x25 dumbbell bench press using a lightweight
lat pulldown 4x20
tricep pushdowns 3x20
Bench Press
Using a grip that feels the strongest
Work up to a difficult 5 rm using 8 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to 85%
of perceived exertion, give everything you have)
Remember to pause each rep from here on out to perfect and adjust to pausing
on bench
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo
Tricep pushdowns using rope
3x failure with a weight that 10–12 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the chest
3x failure with a weight that 10–12 reps is achievable
Notice the accessories volume drops but intensity rises
Cable face pulls (keeping posture and shoulders healthy is key in this phase)
4xfailure with 70–100lb
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb from the
previous weeks)
Band hamstring crunches 4x20
Hamstring curls (light) 4x20
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 5RM work up to 85%
Should be close to an opener with some in the tank
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 5lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 60–80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 9–12 peaking phase
3 day per week cycle
Week 10
Monday Lower
(3-RM load)
4 sets of 20 leg curls
4 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
4x15 decline sit-ups
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 3 reps,
take 5–7 sets to accomplish this in a progressive fashion work up to about 88%
of your perceived exertion (save some in the tank)
(this should be an actual opener to assess form and give us an idea of whats
achievable in 2 weeks)
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
GHR 2 x fail (or nordic curl)
Band crunch 2x1min with heavy band or cable
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
4x25 dumbbell bench press using a lightweight hammer grip
lat pulldown 4x20 3 sec eccentric tempo
tricep pushdowns 3x20 3-3 tempo
Bench Press
Using a grip that feels the strongest
Work up to a difficult 3 rm using 8 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to 88%
of perceived exertion, give everything you have)
Remember to pause each rep from here on out to perfect and adjust to pausing
on bench, this should be the actual opener to give us an idea of whats achievable
in a few weeks
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 55% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 3 sets until failure using a
slow tempo 5 sec eccentric / but strong upward
Tricep pushdowns using wide grip
3x failure with a weight that 8–10 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the eye
3x failure with a weight that 8–10 reps is achievable
Notice the accessories volume drops but intensity rises
Cable face pulls (keeping posture and shoulders healthy is key in this phase)
4xfailure with 70–100lb
There is a little more accessory work on the upper body day as those muscles
get used less than legs on a consistent basis
Friday Lower
Leg press deadlift stance 4x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb from
the previous weeks)
Band hamstring crunches 4x20
Hamstring curls (light) 4x20
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8–10 sets to a moderate 3RM work up to 88%
Should be close to an opener with some in the tank
45deg back extensions 3x45sec with 45lb plate
straight leg situps 3x20 add 5lb
hamstring curls 3x45sec with 60-80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 9–12 peaking phase
3 day per week cycle
Week 11
(2-RM load modified ROM) deloading accessories
Monday Lower
2 sets of 20 leg curls
2 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
2x15 decline sit-ups
After form has been perfected with a bar only work up to a difficult set of 2
reps, take 5–7 sets and squat to a box 1in above parallel up to about 92% of your
perceived exertion (save some in the tank)
(notice the higher box to let the hips heal)
After squats use 2 main weak point specialized exercises
GHR 1 x fail (or nordic curl)
Band crunch 1x1min with heavy band or cable
Wednesday Upper
(Bench Press)
2x25 dumbell bench press using a lightweight hammer grip
lat pulldown 2x20 3 sec eccentric tempo
tricep pushdowns 2x20 3-3 tempo
Bench Press
Using a grip that feels the strongest
Work up to a difficult 2 rm using 6 sets in a progressive fashion (work up to 92%
of perceived exertion, give everything you have)
Remember to pause each rep from here on out to perfect and adjust to pausing
on bench, this should be a tad under what your position is next week for a new PR
Narrow grip bench press (using fat bar, or cambered bar)
Take 65% of what you used in your 10 rm and do 2 sets until failure using a
slow tempo 3 sec eccentric /3 sec pause/ but strong upward
Tricep pushdowns using wide grip
3x failure with a weight that 8–10 reps is achievable
Lat pulldowns to the eye
2x failure with a weight that 8–10 reps is achievable
Cable face pulls (keeping posture and shoulders healthy is key in this phase)
2xfailure with 70–100lb
Friday Lower
Single Leg press deadlift stance 2x25 ultra deep to stretch (go up 30–50lb
from the previous weeks)
Band hamstring crunches 2x20
Hamstring curls (light) 2x20
Sumo Deadlifts
Work up in 8 sets to a moderate 2 RM work up to 92% and plates off 2in mats
Should be close to an opener with some in the tank
45deg back extensions 1x45sec with 45lb plate
straight leg situps 1x20 add 5lb
hamstring curls 1x45sec with 60–80lb
Ed Coan Workout Routine
Progressive Overload
Layout weeks 9–12 peaking phase
3 day per week cycle
Week 12 DELOAD
new PR end of week
Monday Lower
(Squats-Bench Deadlift)
1 sets of 20 leg curls
1 sets of 20 45deg back extensions
1x15 decline sit-ups
Warm up to 50% for 3 sets of 5 reps practicing walkout, setup and perfection of
1x25 dumbell bench press using a lightweight hammer grip
lat pulldown 1x20 3 sec eccentric tempo
tricep pushdowns 1x20 3-3 tempo
Bench Press
Work up to 50% for 3 sets of 5 reps
Remember to pause each rep from here on out to perfect and adjust to pausing
on bench
none or just 135 for a few sets of 5
Tuesday off and light stretching (nap if possible)
Wed off and light stretching (nap if possible)
Thursday repeat Monday to keep feel of the lifts
Friday OFF
Saturday Set new PRs in each lift (treat as a Mach meet or do an actual powerlifting
I followed a similar layout for the first 5 years of competition and hit some
impressive numbers as a teenager, unfortunately I had to switch program
design and thought processes as overuse injuries and burnout was starting to
occur. Elbow, shoulder and lower back pain were constant due to the exact
same pressure on my body consistently.