LEARNING PLAN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION GRADE 9 CONTENT STANDARD The Learner… Demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management to promote community fitness PERFORMANCE STANDARD The Learner… Maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community I. LEARNING COMPETENCIES At the end of this lesson, at least 85 % of students shall be able to… General: Discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor recreational activities (PE9GS-Iva-6) Specific: Define active recreation Differentiate indoor from outdoor recreational activities. Explain the importance of recreational activities in enhancing physical fitness Appreciate the value of recreational activities in oneself II. SUBJECT CONTENT Topic: Active recreation (INDOOR&OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES) References: Physical Education & Health Learner’s material and Internet Materials: Laptop, Speaker, headphone. Values Integration: Show cooperation and concern to oneself. Concept: This lesson will help you to understand how Active recreation helps you to achieve your healthy lifestyle. Teaching Method: 4 A’S (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application) Teaching Strategy: Discussion and Demonstration III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity A. Preliminary Activities Prayer Let us pray Let us put ourselves in the presence of God. Good Morning Class! (Students) Bow their head and listen to the prayer presented by the teacher. Good Morning Maam! Online Classroom Management Before we start kindly watch the Video for rules and regulations to be followed during our lesson. Yes Ma’am Checking of Attendance None Ma’am Before we proceed to our lesson for today let me read to you the Most essential learning Competencies General: Discusses the nature and background of indoor and outdoor recreational activities (PE9GS-Iva-6) Specific: Define active recreation Differentiate indoor from outdoor recreational activities. Explain the importance of recreational activities in enhancing physical fitness Appreciate the value of recreational activities in oneself Are you now excited for today’s lesson? Yes! Ma’am B. Motivation Very good! So now let’s have a short game called 4 PICS AND 1 WORD. Each level is place 4 pictures lead by one word. Your aim here is to figure out the word which all 4 picture represented. You are given10 seconds to answer each level .kindly type your answer in our comment section. LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 3 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 5 Good job Class it seems that you enjoy our activity! C. Lesson Proper What you have noticed to the words that you have identified earlier in your activity? Ma’am it is all about Sports Hobbies Very good! What else? The activity that we have Identified a while ago is what we called Recreational Activities that we do during free time Excellent! Those activities that we usually do whenever we are on our free time. And this is our lesson for today recreational activities. Okay Mr. Santos kindly Read the presentation. Recreational Activity Is an Activity that you voluntarily participate in during your free time. Recreation is important in human life why do you think so? 1. Because it give us enjoyment Okay! Very good! And there are 2 classification of Recreational Activity what are they? 2. Satisfaction in oneself 3. Makes the family members and friend’s relationship stronger 4. It can also develop skill at the same time. 5. Increases personal fitness Physically Active Passive or Inactive Physically active means? Passive or Inactive Recreational activities can be stand alone and can be compose of different sports. What are they? Requires you to exert energy and burn calories Recreational activity that does not need to exert extra effort and energy Individual/Dual Sports Team Sports Dance Okay Very good! Let’s have an Activity 1. ACTIVITY This Activity Called Ready to Learn You need to give two example Each of this You are given 3 minutes to answer this and you can put your answer in comment section. That is so awesome, Now that you are familiar with the different sports activities, now we will talk about Types of Recreational Activity which is indoor and Outdoor . Ma’am, it is a recreational activities that usually played within a house or inside the building Who have an idea about Indoor Activities? Okay! Very good How about the Outdoor activities? The activity is undertaken in a natural, rural, open space outside the confines of buildings. 2. Analysis Do you agree that these two types of recreational activities can give us a healthy Lifestyle? Yes Maam, because it involves body movements that can serve as exercise. As students, what do you think is the greatest benefits of engaging in different recreational activities? Aside from enjoyment, it can reduce the risk of having diseases. Values Integration As a student what can you do to encourage your family or friends to involve in active recreation? Invite them and tell them how enjoyable and exciting to be in recreational activities 3. Abstraction Based on our lesson for today and after knowing the benefits and importance of Active recreation what will you do now? Keep on being involved in recreational activities. So that it will improved the quality of life and it can also help moral development through Social interaction 4. Application So now to test your learning we will have another activity entitled VEN10 kindly get 1 whole sheet of paper. I have here a Venn diagram , we have indoor, outdoor and in the middle outdoor/indoor, and below are the list of the fallowing indoor and outdoor activities all you need to do is put them in their respective area. 4. Application IV. EVALUATION MATCHING TYPE TEST Directions: Multiple choice tests. Choose the letter of correct answer 1. Activities done during free time is called Recreation. What is the primary reason why one engages in recreational activity? a. Fun b. fitness c. Enjoyment d. Fundamentals 2. It refers to the recreational activities which requires less space? a. Outdoor b. Indoor c. Home d. Outside 3. Activities that are mostly done for relaxation, fun and enjoyment. a. Recreational b. Physical Activities c. Resistance training d. Dancing 4. Passive activities may consider as recreational activities a. True b. False c. Maybe d. Not 5. A long vigorous walk usually on trails or footpaths in the countryside a. Mountaineering b. Jogging c. Hiking d. camping Correct Answer: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C V. ASSIGNMENT Make a recreational Activities plan for this week. Prepared: CATHY MAE C. BLANCO APPLICANT