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Overhead Line Technology Course Presentation

A Presentation by Levison Harrison
( Material Prepared By Gift Banda)
Course content-Lecture 1
General Safety Precautions
Line survey
Fundamentals of Line Design
Construction of Overhead lines
Stays and stay components
Line materials & tools
• Poles
• Cross-arms
• Conductors
General Safety Precautions
• There are two general safety rules that each lines personnel must
follow before commencement of any work. These are extracted
from the safety rules book:
1. RULE E 1 (1)
Do not carry out any work (including maintenance, repairs, cleaning and
testing) on any part of High Voltage Apparatus unless such parts are:a) Dead
b) Isolated and all practicable steps taken to lock off from live conductors
c) Efficiently connected to earth at all points of disconnection of supply to such
apparatus, or between such points and the point(s) of work
d) Screened where necessary to prevent danger; and Caution and Danger Notices
e) Released for work by the issue of an Electrical Permit – to- Work
2. RULE E 17 (1)
• Before any wood pole is climbed, it shall be sounded.
• No pole with a doubtful condition, shall be climbed
without the permission of the competent person in
• No person shall climb any pole or tower unless he/she
is wearing and makes proper use of an efficient safety
belt and is under observation by a second person who
is in attendance, preferably at the base of the pole.
Line survey
• Steps involved:
There are basically two main steps involved in line survey
which are selecting the route and pegging.
1. Selecting the route
• This is the first step taken prior to line design and
• The main points between which the line is to be built will be
• The intervening territory should be laid out on a scale large
enough to show clearly all division lines, towns, roads,
streams, hills, ridges, railways and bridges.
• The line profile is drawn
Some guide lines in selecting the
a) Select the shortest route practicable
• The shortest line is naturally the cheapest, other things being equal.
b) Parallel highways as much as possible
• For easy delivery of materials for construction and maintenance
• In rural areas, locate lines a short distance from the highway in
order to avoid cutting trees. To preserve nature and prevent the
cost of cutting trees.
c) Follow section lines
• Doing this causes less damage to public property
• Right of way is purchased cheaper
d) Route in direction of possible future loads
• The line direction should be where there will be future loads provided the additional
cost is not excessive.
e) Avoid crossing hills, ridges, swamps and bottom lands
• Hills and ridges subject the line to lightning and storms.
• Swamps and bottom lands subject the line to floods.
• Furthermore, delivery of materials as well as the construction
of the line becomes difficult.
• Extra guying is often necessary in swamps (additional cost!).
f) Avoid paralleling telephone lines
• Paralleling telephone lines causes disturbances or
interferences in the telephone lines by induction and
therefore requires transposition of the power conductors
(additional cost!).
NB: whenever crossing a private land, right of away has to be
sort first before proceeding with pegging/construction works.
2. Pegging
• It is the process of marking out the route of an overhead
• The construction crew is required to do pegging of medium
and low voltage lines.
• Ranging rods are placed at the approximate distances apart
and aligned visually in the direction planned.
• The pegs are driven in at the established positions.
• The same method used for ranging rods is used to measure
angles and the positions of stays.
• For High Voltage lines, pegging is done by surveyors and
they use equipment such as theodolite or dumpy level.
Fundamentals of Line Design
1. Distribution overhead lines
• On public access roads, poles shall be placed on the side which is
most free from foreign lines and trees.
• Care being taken in cities and towns to keep the more important
streets as free as possible from primary circuits.
• The same side of the road shall be used throughout the length of
the line wherever this is feasible.
• Poles in streets should be set as close as possible to the sidelines
of the streets.
• The length of spans may be increased or reduced so as to make
poles in line with property lines or fences, or to place them in
positions satisfactory to adjoining property owners whenever this
is practicable.
• In locating poles on lot lines, either in the street or in
the alley, care must be taken not to block driveways or
the entrances to the garages. Furthermore, care
should be taken not to obstruct doorways, windows,
fire escapes, gates and runways.
• Where lines cross private property, easements shall be
obtained from property owners before any work is
• Poles should be set on the junctions of streets to
facilitate the installation of branch lines or stays.
• Poles should be located to give the longest straight line
between angle points using as much of the road as
2. Transmission overhead lines
• In locating poles or towers on transmission lines, the following
general principles should be kept in mind:a) Select high places
b) Keep spans uniform in length
c) Locate to give horizontal grade
• By locating poles or towers on high places, shorter poles or towers
can be used and still maintain the proper ground clearance at the
middle of the span.
• By avoiding ravines and low places, a better footing is usually also
• Poles should not be placed close to places where the ground
washes badly. i.e. along river banks, or edges of cuts or
Examples of Correct Routing
Line is routed along the valley and
the lower slopes of the hills or
mountains and away from the lake,
thus causing minimum interference
with natural landmarks.
Line is routed across plains but
curves between hills or
mountains, causing least
disruption of natural lines.
Right of way (Wayleave)
• When the route of the line has been selected, permission
must be obtained to run the line, or land must be
purchased. This is known as The Right Of Way or Way Leave
or Easement.
• Most low or medium voltage pole lines do not have
complete right of way, i.e. owners do not possess a
continuous strip of land, but only the area on which the
tower or pole is located.
• In the case of high voltage lines, a continuous strip of land
is often acquired.
• The reason for acquiring the right of way much wider than
the actual space necessary is to prevent tall trees from being
blown into the line and to prevent damage from forest fires.
Width of wayleave
Voltage Level
Width (m) Remark
Normal structure
Normal structure
Normal structure
H-Pole Structure
Reference: Electricity Act, 2012
Clearing the right of way
• In clearing the right of way, all stumps should be cut
• All logs and bush should be removed for a distance of at
least 25ft (7.5m) under each conductor, in order that
there may be ample room to assemble and erect poles
or towers and later to string the line conductors.
• Any under brush or piles of dead wood should be
removed. In case they are left, they may catch fire and
burn down the line or anneal the conductors and cause
them to sag abnormally.
• Permission should be obtained to cut down the tall
trees immediately adjacent to the right of way.
Construction of Overhead lines
• Factors to consider in the design of an overhead line:
a) Electrical properties
b) Mechanical properties
c) Environmental conditions
a) Electrical properties
• This is the first consideration in an overhead line design.
• The current carrying capacity of the line must be sufficient for
the required power to be transmitted without:
i. Excessive voltage drop
ii. Overheating
• The insulation must be adequate to cope with the system
b) Mechanical properties
• Consider the mechanical factors that would influence
the design:
• Conductor material and supports must be strong to
withstand the forces to which it is subjected. And both
should be sufficiently durable to give satisfactory
service over a long period of time.
• The tension in the conductors should be adjusted so
that it is well within the breaking load of the material.
• This will mean in practice that an appreciable amount
of sag must be allowed
c) Environmental conditions
• The first combination would be still air with high
temperature whilst the second one would be low
temperature with snow or ice coating.
• Still air and high temperature provides the easiest
• In still air conductor is only acted by upon its own
weight and if the temperature is high, the amount of
the resulting sag will give a low tension.
• Snow or ice coating and low temperature provides the
worst condition.
• Low temperature reduces the sag; snow or ice coating
increases weight per unit length of the conductor.
Determining size of line conductor
Factors affecting conductor size
• The size of a line conductor depends on the following
a) line voltage
b) the amount of power to be transmitted
c) the mechanical strength
• For a given amount of power, the greater the voltage the less the
current will be. The current in turn determines the size of the
• Equally important is the magnitude of the load. For a given voltage,
the larger the load, the larger the current (ohms law).
• The conductor must also have sufficient mechanical strength to
carry its own weight and any additional load due to ice or wind.
• Other factors are: length of line, power factor of load, and length of span.
Current Carrying Capacity
• The amount of current flowing in a line could be determined if the line voltage and the power to
be transmitted are known.
1Ο΄ (AC)
𝐼𝐿 =
𝐼𝐿 =
𝑉𝐿 π‘₯ cos Ο΄
• Where: 𝐼𝐿 is the line current (A)
𝑉𝐿 is the line voltage (V)
𝑆 is the apparent power (VA)
𝑃 is the real power (W)
cos Ο΄ is the power factor
3Ο΄ (AC)
𝐼𝐿 =
𝐼𝐿 =
3𝑉𝐿 π‘₯ cos Ο΄
Span, Ground Clearance And Sag
• The span is the distance between line supports; i.e. the
distance between poles or towers.
• The longer the span, the fewer will be the number of
poles or towers and the number of insulators.
• And also, the longer the span, the larger must be the
conductor in order to carry its own weight and any
additional load due to ice and wind.
• The determination of the most economical span is a
complex problem and involves balancing the increased
cost of the increased size of conductor and tower
against the saving due to the lesser number of towers
and insulators.
Ground Clearance
• In the interest of public safety, there are some
recommended minimum heights at which the
conductor shall be strung above ground.
• Ground clearance is the distance between the point
of sag of a conductor and the ground.
• The sag of a conductor is the dip of an aerial wire
between two adjacent poles or towers.
An Illustration of Span, Ground
Clearance and Sag
Minimum Heights for overhead lines
<650 V
11,000 V
33,000 V
66,000 V
132,000 V
400,000 V
Factors Affecting Sag
• The factors affecting the sag in a conductor are:
the length of the span,
the weight of the conductor,
wind load and
the temperature.
• The temperature is a very important factor, because,
when it is hot, the conductor lengthens and the dip is
increased; and when it gets cold, the conductor
contracts and tightens.
• If the conductor is strung too tight while the
temperature is high, the conductor may break when
the temperature is low.
• The changes in sag due to expansion and contraction
because of changes in temperature are therefore of
much importance in the construction of lines,
especially the stringing of wires.
• In order to avoid excessive tension of conductors
during cold weather, they must have the proper slack
or sag.
• Furthermore, in order that they may not dip below the
clearance to the ground required during the hot season
(summer time), conductors must have the proper
Profile and Span Plan
• All lines personnel/supervisors must be able to read profile spans
plans and identify symbols such as railway crossings, road
crossings, rivers etc. on the plans.
• The angle of the change of direction at the angle poles, and the
angle at which the resultant stay wire should be placed, must be
• When the line is long and straight, each 12th intermediate pole
will be changed into a section pole.
• Section poles will be used at all crossings.
• The distance between poles is dictated by the terrain over which
the line is erected.
• In mountainous areas where there are many hills, the poles will be placed
closer together than usual in order to maintain the clearance between the
conductors and the ground.
• The maximum distance between two poles of 10.8m (35ft) in
length is about 120m.
Power Linesman Tools
Pull lift
Spirit levels
Tape measures
14lbs hammer
7lbs hammer
Come along
2lb hammer
Hacksaw frames
Wire cutters
Pipe wrench
Skidding channels
Tool boxes
Plumb bob
Sag boards
The setting depth of supporting part of
the pole
Estimation of multiplication of 1/6 by the length of the pole is sometimes used to
determine the length of the support part.
Stay component and make-off
The use of stay
• Stays are used to reduce the horizontal load placed on structures by the
tension of the conductors and the earth wire.
• Abnormal tension can also be placed on structures by broken conductors
or during the stringing of the conductors.
• The size of a stay should be such that its maximum strength is at least
twice that of the maximum tension calculated for normal conditions.
• Where stays are used for abnormal tension, caused for example, by
broken conductors or adverse condition during stringing, the safety
factor may be reduced.
• It is recommended, however, that the maximum strength of the stay
should nevertheless be one and a half times that of the maximum
calculated tension for the normal conditions.
Locating of stay
• Where possible, the stay must be attached to the
structure at the point where the tension is exerted and
then extended in the opposite direction to the tension.
• In addition, the stay must be attached to the structure
in such a way that the clearance between the stay and
any live part is not less than the phase – to – earth
clearance for all design conditions.
• Where possible, stays must not be located under or
over communication lines, or in the close proximity of
telephone poles.
Location of stay wire
Insulation of stays
• Stays are usually installed at an angle of 45° or more, with
reference to the ground.
• It is therefore, possible to touch the stay while standing on
the ground several meters from the point where it is
anchored to the ground. This increases the danger of
exposure to high voltage in the case of an electrical fault to
the stay.
• To eliminate this danger, a suitable insulator must be
installed on lines. The insulator must be installed as high as
possible off the ground, and far enough from the structures
so that the stay is not electrified if a fault occurs.
• In the case of metal structures with earth conductors, the
section of the stay above the insulator must be electrically
connected to the structures or the earth conductor.
Stay wires and insulators
• The material used to make stays is usually galvanized steel.
• Different sizes of stays (stranded) are used. For Malawi network
system, the following sizes are used:
οƒ˜ 7/14 and 7/12 are used for LV and MV ohl networks
οƒ˜ 7/8 is used for HV ohl networks
• The thickness of the conductor used determines the size of stay
wire to be used.
• Double stays are used in certain structures.
οƒ˜ They are used at crossings (road or railway) and at the beginning and
end of a line.
• A double stay consists of two stay wires from the section pole to
two stays in the ground, placed at a distance of one metre.
• Stay insulators are usually spaced at 1.8m from the top of the
Types of stays
1. Line stay
• It is installed at the beginning and end of a line, and also at section
• This stay holds straight the horizontal tension of the conductors.
2. Angle stay
• It is installed where a line deviates to take a different direction.
• It holds the angular tension of the conductors which they place on the
3. Strut stay
• a shorter pole is planted in such a way that the top of the strut presses
against the main pole, as high up as possible.
• The top of the strut is bolted to the main pole.
• Strut stay is used in case there is no space for line/angle stay
Strut stay
Size of line
pole (m)
Size of strut
between the
pole and the
strut (m)
Types of stays
4. Overhead/flying stay
• It is used where a line runs close to a road.
• Another pole is used on the other side of the road, planted
at a depth determined by the length of the pole.
• The length of the pole is such that the stay wire is 7.3m
above the road surface.
• A stay is then planted behind the pole and made off at the
pole top.
• A stay wire is spanned across the road from the main pole to
a turn- buckle clamped to the pole.
• The turnbuckle is used to take up the slack which is normally
Flying stay
Types of stays
5. Transverse stays
• They are usually two, installed at the sides of an
intermediate pole where sections are far away from
each other, or where the setting of the pole is
questionable – i.e. pole depth not done to standard
size due to soil conditions.