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McGill Calculus I Course Outline - MATH 140

McGill University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
MATH 140
Armel Kelome
Tel: 514-398-2379
Office: BURN 1129
e-mail: through Webct only
Office-hours: MW 10:00-11:00 or by appointment.
Teaching Assistants:
Aissiou Tayeb
e-mail: aissiou@math.mcgill.ca
Panayotov, I.
email: ivop@math.mcgill.ca
Prerequisites: High School Calculus. A working knowledge of elementary algebra,
trigonometry and functions will be assumed.
Textbook: Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, by J. Stewart, Sixth
Edition, Brooks/Cole (2008), ISBN 0-495-01166-5
The following is also strongly recommended: ”Student Solutions Manual for Stewart’s
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals (6e)”, by D. Anderson, J. A. Cole, D.
Drucker. Brooks/Cole (2008), ISBN 0-495-42966-X
0. A Preview of Calculus: This material may be read by the student and will not be
covered in class.
1. Functions and Models: In 1.1, two of the four ways to define a function are not useful
in general: a table of values can be used to define a function only if its domain is finite,
and the value of the function is prescribed for every point in the domain; it is normally
not acceptable to define a function by a graph, unless the nature of the graph can be
described without any ambiguity. 1.2 may not be discussed in the lectures, but you
should read it - in particular the definitions of various kinds of functions - as this
terminology may be used from time to time. Omit 1.4.
2. Limits and Derivatives: 2.4 will be discussed in the lectures, but will not be
examination material; read it! The subsection of 2.6 called Precise Definitions should also
be read, but will not be examination material.
3. Differentiation Rules: Omit 3.3; but you are encouraged to read the parts of 3.3 that
pertain to your own fields of interest..
4. Applications of Differentiation: In 4.5 you may skip the discussion of slant asymptotes.
Omit 4.6, 4.8, 4.9.
Assignments: There will be about seven WebWork assignments labeled A1 , A2 , ..., A7 .
The WebWork webpage is http://msr05.math.mcgill.ca/webwork/m140w09. It is your
responsibility to be aware of each assignment due date and to complete it by the specified
date. You will only be allowed a finite number of attempts on each assignment. However,
for each assignment An , a companion assignment Pn with unlimited number of attempt is
supplied in order to prepare you for the completion of An . Please note that, even though
you can submit the companion assignments, their mark will not count towards your
assignment mark. Only marks from A1 , A2 , ..., An count towards your assignment mark.
Assignment P0 is designed to familiarize you with the WebWork system. Assignments A1
and A2 are based on precalculus material; their primary purpose is to help you decide
whether you are ready for MATH 140.
Quizzes There will be four quizzes, each lasting approximately 20 minutes. They will be
held during tutorial sessions. It is therefore your responsibility not only to register for a
tutorial section, but also to take the quizzes in the tutorial section to which you register.
Requests for regrading a quiz should be submitted to the designated TA no later than a
week from the date the quiz has been returned. The quiz dates will be posted on Webct.
Mark scheme: The final grade for the course is a letter grade based on the formula
0.15 ∗ a + 0.20 ∗ q + 0.65 ∗ f
where a, q, and f are percentage marks for the assignments, quizzes and final examination
respectively. Note that there is no 100% final option in this course.
Academic integrity: McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore all
students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and
other academic offenses under the code of student conduct and disciplinary procedures
(see www.mcgill.ca/integrity for more information).
L’université McGill attache une haute importance a l’honneteté academique. Il imcombe
par consequent à tous les étudiants de comprendre ce que l’on entend par tricherie,
plagiat et autres infractions academiques, ainsi que les consequences que peuvent avoir de
telles actions selon le code de conduite de l’étudiant et des procedures disciplinaires (pour
de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter le site http://www.mcgill.ca/integrity)
Assignment Plagiarism: Assignments must be done individually. You may not copy
another person’s work. Furthermore, you must not give a copy of your work to another
Supplemental work: No supplemental will be allowed for this course. No additional
work will be given in order to upgrade a final mark.
Calculators and Machine Scoring: No Calculators will be allowed during the quizzes
and final examination. Note also that there will be no machine scoring.
January, 2009.