ATOMIC SPECTRA OBJECTIVES • • • Do calculations based on Planck’s constant explain how data from emission spectra provide evidence for discrete energy levels within the atom; Bohr model, the emission spectrum of hydrogen; Lyman series, Balmer series; ΔE or dE = hν. • What is electromagnetic radiation? • • Evidence for arrangement of electrons comes from atomic spectra. Atomic spectrum is formed when electromagnetic radiation(ER) is absorbed/emitted by an element. ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM EM radiation behaves like a wave • • • • The number of waves that pass through a given point is the wave’s frequency. The longer the wavelength, the shorter the frequency. Wavelength (λ) and frequency(ν) are inversely related. EM is viewed as a stream of photons. Each photon contains a certain amount of energy which is related to Planck’s eqn. • • • • • ALL types of EM radiation travel at the same speed of light, c= 3.00*10^8 m/s Wavelength and frequency can be related through Planck’s equation. Planck’s constant links the amount of energy a photon carries with the frequency of its EM wave. Planck’s equation indicates energy is directly proportional to frequency. Planck’s eqn: E=hν E- energy ν- frequency h- Planck’s constant= 6.63*10^-34Js • Since frequency and wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is related by • c= νλ ν=c/λ E=hc/λ A quantum of energy absorbed/emitted by an atom can be determined by measuring ν or λ of EM radiation absorbed/emitted. Questions • • What is the frequency of radiation that has a wavelength of 20um? What is the wavelength of radiation that has a frequency of 6.20*1012s-1? • Find the energy of a wave with frequency of 2*108 Hz • Find the energy of a wave with wavelength 3*10-12m. • Orange light has a wavelength of 620 nm. (a) What is its wavelength in metres? (b)What is its frequency? (c) Now use Plank’s Law to work out the energy of one quantum of • orange light. Calculate the energies of one photon of light of ultraviolet (λ = 2 x 10-8 m). • • The whole range of frequencies of EM radiation is called the electromagnetic spectrum. Absorption/emission of energy by an element corresponds to specific points on the EM spectrum which may be used to identify the element. Formation of a continuous spectrum • • A beam of white light is passed through a prism on to a screen, a spectrum of colours made up of all wavelengths of visible light is seen like a rainbow. This is called a continuous spectrum. Continuous spectrum Discontinuous spectrum • • If white light passes through a substance, the atoms can absorb light of certain wavelength and dark lines appear in the spectrum. A line spectrum is formed which appears as distinct lines and not bands of colours. This is called a discontinuous spectrum. Absorption spectrum • • The wavelengths of dark lines in spectrum are wavelengths of light absorbed by the atoms. This line spectrum is an absorption spectrum. the absorption of energy by an element corresponds to specific wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum and produces a unique spectrum. Emission spectrum • • If atoms are supplied with heat/electrical energy; they emit energies of certain wavelengths as the excited atoms return to stable orbit. This represents an emission spectrum. An emission spectrum is produced which shows coloured lines on a dark background. The emission of energy by an element corresponds to specific wavelengths on the electromagnetic spectrum and produces a unique spectrum. Hydrogen emission spectrum • Emission spectrum of hydrogen show that electrons in an atom can exist only in discrete levels, • According to Bohr, when energy added to electrons in ground state, they absorb quantum of energy which causes them to move to an orbit with higher energy level. • This excited electron cannot maintain this position for a long time and falls back to lower energy level. • As it falls back it emits a quantum of energy equivalent to the difference in energy levels. The greater the difference in energy levels, the higher the frequency of light emitted. Principal quantum numbers • Bohr assigned the energy levels of the electron with the letter ‘n’, value of n being 1 for the lowest level, 2 for the next level and so on. He named it the principal quantum number. Electron transition • Emission spectrum of hydrogen consists of several series of lines. These lines arise from the transition of electrons from orbit of higher quantum # to orbits of lower quantum number. Electron transition • In each series, lines become closer together as frequency increases until it becomes continuous spectrum. The convergence line corresponds to the transition from an energy level where the electron is lost from an atom and atom is ionized. • • The series of lines in visible region of the hydrogen spectrum arise from transitions from orbits with higher energy level to energy level n=2. this is called the Balmer series. Electron transitions from higher energy level to energy level n=1 result in lines in the uv region of spectrum and is called Lyman series. • • • The Paschen series arise from transitions from higher energy levels to energy level n=3. The Brackett series arise from transitions from higher energy levels to energy level n=4. The Pfund series arise from transitions from higher energy levels to energy level n=5. Questions • The line emission spectrum of hydrogen consists of a series of lines in different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. a. Describe the processes that occur in the hydrogen atom that results in the formation of an emission spectrum. b. Explain how the data from the emission spectrum provide evidence for discrete energy levels within the atom.