Uploaded by kumarraghava777

Instructions to setup CCS before dumping code

Instructions to setup CCS before dumping code:Step 1:File>new CCS Project
A new Tab opens,make necessary setting as given below:Project name>FirstProject(eg)
Target>2837xD Delfino
Connection>Texas Instruments XDS100v2 Debug Probe
Connect the USB to PC and Launchpad
Click on verify
Click on Finish
Step 2:Right Click on the Project name(FirstProject) and select Add Files
Select F2837xD_Headers_nonBIOS_cpu1
Select on Link to files then select OK
Select F2837xD_GlobalVariableDefs.c
Select on Link to files then select OK
Step 3:Right Click on the Project name(FirstProject) and select Properties
Build>C2000 Compiler>Predefined Symbols
Click on add button
Mention CPU1
Click on add button
Mention _RAM
Click on add button
Mention _FLASH
Click on Apply and Close
Step 3:Right Click on the Project name(FirstProject) and select Add Files
Select all the Files using the Shortcut key Ctrl+A
Click on Open
Select on Link to files then select OK
Step 4:Follow:-C:\ti\controlSUITE\libs\math\IQmath\v160\lib
Select IQmath.lib
Step 5:Right Click on the Project name(FirstProject) and select Properties
Build>C2000 Compiler>Include Options
Click on Browse
Click on Open
Again Click on Browse
Click on Open
Again Click on Browse
Click on Open
Finally click on Apply and Close
Step 6:Right Click on the Project name(FirstProject) and select Properties
Build>C2000 Linker>Basic Options
Under Set C system stack size>change it to 0x400
Finally click on Apply and Close
Group 1