analogangle By Ron Mancini Designing a zener-diode regulator I C references are popular with circuit designers be- change: Because of the IZ shift, the zener-operating point changes cause they are accurate and exhibit low drift. Some of when VREF varies by ⫾50 mV. Also, keep in mind that the maximum my future columns will cover the three types of IC ref- wideband semiconductor noise that the dc voltage contains is 20 erences: buried zener, bandgap, and XFET. You develop the V. The final voltage-reference reference-design procedure with a zener diode; the zener’s change is 110+37.5+50=197.5 mV. Some people say that this simplicity illustrates the design 9.075V; a tolerance of 30V⫾10% analysis is not the most procedure, and its problems make 5%; a temperature rigorous, and they are you appreciate IC references. The coefficient of 2 mV/⬚C; right, but it gives you an circuit specifications are VCC= and a zener impedance idea of what using a RBIAS 30V⫾10%, 8.445울VREF울9.555, of 20⍀ at IZ=7.5 mA, zener reference involves. ⌬VREF울200 mV, 100 k⍀울RLOAD울 where IZ is the zenerIf VCC had been as low as VREF 200 k⍀, and 0⬚C울TA울80⬚C. test current. The refer12V, a zener diode would IN4148 Select a 1N757 9.1V zener for ence-voltage range is fail to meet specificathe first try. Note that the maxi- 8.62울VREF울9.53. A tions. The load-resistmum temperature coefficient is 6 quick calculation of the ance variation does not mV/⬚C, and the zener-voltage tol- temperature-coefficient affect design calculaerance is ⫾5%. The calculated ref- error yields a maxitions, because RLOAD is large. A smaller, 2-k⍀ erence voltage equals the maxi- mum voltage change of Figure 1 load resistance with a mum specification, VREF=(1.05) ⌬VREF1=110 mV. So far, (9.1)=9.555V, but the tempera- so good, but you need This zener-regulator variation of 1 k⍀ causes ture-induced drift is ⌬VREF= to do further calcula- circuit includes a tem- a great change in IZ, (80⫺25)(6 mV)=0.330V, thus tions to get the com- perature-compensation necessitating a zenerdiode. exceeding the maximum-drift plete picture. diode buffer. If the zener voltage specification. diode is part of an IC, Calculate RBIAS as Connect a signal diode in series RBIAS=(VCC⫺VREF)/IZ=(30⫺9)/7.5= then you can trim RBIAS with a with a 1N756 8.2V zener so that 2885⍀; select RBIAS=2800⍀⫾2%. laser, and adding a buffer is trivial. the diode’s negative-temperature (The temperature-compensated This buried-zener-voltage-refercoefficient cancels part of the zener’s positive-temperature coef- THE ZENER’S SIMPLICITY ILLUSTRATES THE DESIGN ficient (Figure 1). The diode’s temperature coefficient ranges from PROCEDURE, AND ITS PROBLEMS MAKE YOU ⫺2.1 to ⫺2.3 mV/⬚C, and the 8.2V APPRECIATE IC REFERENCES. zener’s temperature coefficient is 5.4 mV/⬚C, so the combination’s zener includes the diode in Figure ence method seems like a better maximum temperature coefficient 1.) Because of power-supply and way to build a voltage reference.왏 is 3.3 mV/⬚C. This scenario yields resistor tolerances, the change in IZ ⌬VREF=181.5 mV, which meets ranges from [(30)(0.9)⫺9.53⫺ Reference specifications, but the minimum 0.11]/2.8(1.02)=6.07 mA to 1. Motorola zener-diode manual, reference voltage, VREF=(0.95)(8.2)+ [(30)(1.1)⫺8.62⫺0.05]/2.8(0.98) Motorola Inc, 1980. 0.5=8.29V, is less than the specified =8.86 mA. The load-resistance limit of 8.445V. change causes about 90 A of Talk to us This analysis is incomplete change in IZ, which is insignificant. Post comments via TalkBack at the because additional zener charac- This change in the temperature- online version of this article at teristics, such as zener impedance compensated-zener current corre- and bias current, affect ⌬VREF. sponds to a zener-impedance Now’s the time to give up on a change of approximately ⫾5⍀ Ron Mancini is staff scientist pure zener diode and go to a tem- (Reference 1), but ⌬VREF changes at Texas Instruments. You can perature-compensated zener. The only about ⫾37.5 mV. You should reach him at 1-352-569-9401, 1N935 has a zener voltage of also consider the zener-voltage 24 edn | August 5, 2004